Dr. Muhammad Al-Sha’ar, a professor of linguistics and Islamic sciences at numerous Arab and European universities, holds a significant position in Europe. He serves as the director of the Finnish Institute of Arabic Language and Islamic Sciences, the imam of the Islamic Association in Finland, and a founding member of the European Council of Imams. This adds importance to our discussion with him, particularly when addressing many issues that concern Muslim youth in the West and the challenges faced by Arab youth in the diaspora.
“Al-Mujtama” raised several questions with him in this interview.
It is known that Europe is a Safe Haven Socially, Politically, and Economically, Is It a Safe Haven Religiously?
Freedom of religion and the practice of religious rituals are still guaranteed in Europe to this day.
What may seem like inconveniences, such as the issues of halal slaughter and circumcision, are simply pre-existing conditions and laws that preceded our arrival. The Muslim community must strive to change these conditions through societal pressure and political participation, through which laws can be enacted that align or nearly align with Islamic Sharia.
To What Extent Do Muslim Youth Assimilate into the Western Culture, Given That Christianity Is a Fundamental Part of Western Culture?
It is true that European civilization is largely based on Christianity; however, today it is more of a culture than a religion.
Historically, in the context of the conflict between the state and the church, or the worldly and the religious, the church lost its spiritual influence over segments of society, and religion became secondary in the European's life. This is manifested in an attitude of indifference towards religion. Europeans are generally not inclined to engage in discussions about religion, any religion, and this can even extend to a complete denial of religion, evident in atheism in its known sense.
The danger here is that a Muslim youth who grows up in this environment, studies in its schools, and absorbs its lifestyle may unconsciously adopt this attitude towards religion - that of indifference. This is not atheism in the sense of denying the existence of God, but it can lead to atheism if the gap between him and his Lord widens and the religious obligations become too burdensome.
Thus, in Europe, we do not suffer from the atheism of Muslim youth, but from their indifference to religion.
This indifference among the children of Muslims exists in varying degrees and is most evident in non-committed families.
There Is Now Noticeable Reverse Migration from Europe to Muslim Countries. What Are the Reasons for This?
Yes, this is true. For the first time in the history of migration to Europe from Muslim countries, there is significant reverse migration. Muslims are returning to their countries or migrating to another Muslim country. This is due to the attempt to impose the European value system - if you will - on the Muslim community, and some of these values are completely contrary to Islam, such as homosexuality and gender reassignment. Thus, some Muslims have chosen to flee with their religion and children to places where they can preserve their children's faith, even if the living conditions there are less comfortable and more restricted.
Are There Western Islamic Figures Who Can Serve as Role Models for Youth in the West?
Allah the Almighty says, “Certainly were there in Joseph and his brothers signs for those who ask.” (Yusuf: 7), and for those who do not ask, the ayah is not a sign but rather passes by them unnoticed.
Unfortunately, the question of role models is not even raised among the youth, because they have adopted the habits and lifestyle of European society, which looks no further than to earn a living from a job or profession. So, what is the need for a role model?
If the basic necessities of life are available - and they are - there is no need for aspiration and ambition, unless it is, for example, a football player who becomes a role model for the youth, not for his religion, but for material gain and fame.
Paradoxically, most of those in prominent positions in Europe are Muslims who received their education in their home countries, while the second and third generations of Muslims in Europe hold ordinary jobs.
Which Poses a Greater Challenge to Youth in the West: Religious Extremism or Atheism?
We have said that atheism does not pose a problem in the community, but indifference does. This can be addressed by intensifying awareness programs for the youth and creating an attractive environment for them.
However, the problem of religious extremism is deeper because it represents a conflict of identities and prevailing tendencies. He is neither fully European nor fully Arab, for example; he lives physically in Europe but mentally in a country influenced by its scholars and fatwas.
The feeling of marginalization and oppression drives him to social media to seek his identity, where he may find someone enticing him that if he joins them, follows their call, and adheres to their path, he will have a sound doctrine that places him above all other Muslims.
Imagine a young man born in Europe finding it easier to go to Syria to fight, for example, than to attend a lecture at a nearby mosque. He sees isolating himself from Muslims with those who share his views and path as a way to preserve his faith.
The Plague of the East Is Sectarian and Sectarian Bigotry. Does This Plague Accompany Migrants, or Has the Western Reality Overcome It?
Generally, in Europe, the law prevails, and therefore bigotry, if it exists, does not grow, and if it does grow, it will not go beyond peaceful expression, which is allowed so that people do not resort to backdoors.
Is There Unemployment Among Muslim Youth in the West, as Is the Case in the East, or Are Opportunities More Abundant There?
Unemployment exists among Muslim youth as it does among other youth. However, most countries provide what is called “unemployment benefits” to those who cannot find work. The state guarantees a minimum level of social care, providing housing, food, drink, and medicine.
To What Extent Are Arab Migrant Youth Interested in Political Work in the West? Is There an Open Field for Their Participation?
The field for political participation is wide open, even encouraged and welcomed. European countries see it as a healthy sign in society.
However, Muslim youth tend not to participate for several reasons, including indifference, and also an aversion to anything related to politics inherited from their original environment, in addition to some fatwas coming from countries with no politics or elections that rule elections as forbidden because they involve legislating by something other than what Allah has revealed.
Is It Easy for Youth to Form Muslim Families in the West?
Yes and no. Marrying Muslim girls is fraught with complications, while marrying a European girl is essentially free from complications, especially financial ones. However, cultural background differences usually result in conflicts and disputes.
It is noted that, in light of the changes that have occurred in European values and attempts to impose them on citizens, including Muslims, there is an increasing reluctance among youth to marry. Some prefer not to have children if they do marry, fearing they will not be able to preserve their children in the face of the overwhelming power of the state. When the state provides comprehensive care for the child, it sees itself as having the right to guide and raise him, and the parents are only to take care of him.
Hence, there has been much debate recently in Sweden about children being taken by the care institution if there is evidence of child abuse.
A Final Word for Muslim Youth in the West?
O Muslim youth, wherever you are, you carry the banner of Islam and act on behalf of Muslims, so strive to preserve both. Preserve them by being the doctor who heals, the engineer who builds, the scientist who discovers and invents. At that time, people will look at you with admiration, not disdain, with reverence, not belittlement.