Dr. Adel Hindi to “Al-Mujtama”: We Need New Platforms to Inspire Our Youth!

By Shayma Ahmad October 23, 2024 380

In a turbulent world besieged by the storms of war, the challenges of artificial intelligence, and the impacts of globalization on ethics, our Islamic Ummah feels an urgent need to prepare with all its strength towards a genuine civilizational project. This project must be based on its steadfast foundations and the strong rope of Allah, which is the Islamic religion, along with a major effort of ijtihad to keep pace with the current times. In this context, Islamic preaching platforms play an important role in the movement to renew religious discourse. This raises the question: What challenges do Islamic platforms face in fulfilling their mission in a changing era?

“Al-Mujtama” met with Dr. Adel Abdullah Hindi, Professor of Islamic Preaching and a member of the Technical Office of the Al-Azhar Global Academy for Training Preachers and Researchers, in this interview.


There are still those who view the issue of renewing religious discourse with suspicion. What is your opinion on this?

– Allah has blessed this Ummah with the message of Islam, which accommodates all times and places and all people with complete flexibility through the rulings of this religion. We know that the rulings of the religion include those that are fixed and definitive, not subject to renewal because they are related to divine revelation. Any doubt in these rulings is an attempt to undermine the true religion. There are also rulings open to ijtihad and opinion, related to new incidents, where analogy, interests, and considerations of public welfare are employed to derive appropriate rulings that ensure the benefit of people without clashing with Sharia.

Renewal is a religious duty and a practical necessity because Islam commands the human mind to reflect, contemplate, and discover the new; it does not accept stagnation or staying within the comfort zone, especially in this era of technology, which has become like water and air for people.


How can we eliminate the separation that sometimes appears between Islamic platforms and the reality of people's lives?

– The Minbar/platform is a means to spread correct religious awareness among the masses. I admit that some preachers err by treating the platform as a mere job without engaging in preaching from their very spirit and feelings. As a result, their sermons come out bland and fail to reach the hearts and minds of the listeners. On the other hand, we see preachers who feel the responsibility of the platform, on which the Prophet (peace be upon him, stood, realizing that it is a tool for change and reform for the better. Their sermons truly address the concerns of Muslims and touch on issues of defending the oppressed. With these preachers, we do not feel a sense of separation because they have a mission.


How do the platforms contribute to the civilizational advancement of the Ummah and counter Western colonialism?

– Our Ummah must think creatively about creating new platforms and removing restrictions with an impactful contemporary discourse for major goals: enhancing Islamic identity and pride in the religion of Allah, with emphasis on the inadmissibility of aggression against others, and raising awareness of the dangers of colonialism practiced by aggressive countries on our Arab and Islamic world.

To achieve this, we must motivate the ambitions of young people and creative individuals to achieve scientific and intellectual progress that contributes to the civilization of our Ummah, and disseminate bright examples from Islamic history and our contemporary life to evoke the value of defending the Ummah.


Can Islamic platforms contribute to countering the phenomenon of “false secular enlightenment?”

– First, the efforts of Islamic platforms must be united; I am not only referring to mosque Minbar but also Islamic media platforms and those on social media. We should not blame the mosque while the media – newspapers and programs – are drifting in other valleys, while we see that those who spread falsehood work in groups, supported by major states and institutions.

To counter the false “enlightenment,” we must critique secular ideas through the platforms in a civilized scientific manner, focusing on religious and Azharite education, training young leaders on a balanced, moderate creed, proper jurisprudential worship, non-fanatical sectarianism, and a behavioral and spiritual upbringing that values identity, highlighting the outcomes of those who chose to deprive themselves and their Ummah of religion.


Is the issue of moderate discourse, free from jurisprudential extremism and Sufi excess, still a troubling dilemma?

– There are, of course, challenges facing moderate Islamic platforms like Al-Azhar. However, the real reform movement is still diligently working on developing educational curricula and correcting misconceptions that cause the spread of jurisprudential extremism and Sufi negligence among some people. A Muslim who understands the wisdom of disagreement will have a peaceful soul and heart inclined to worship their Lord without being preoccupied with disputed matters. Moreover, if they understood the reality of Sufism, they would live in their behavior, ethics, and values as if they were part of the generation that witnessed the inception of the call and its high approach.


Why do you emphasize the importance of preaching through technological platforms, not just the mosque?

– Indeed, without contemporary technology, the influence of preaching in people's daily lives would vanish. We would miss specific segments that find it difficult to attend mosque lessons, remaining prisoners to traditional discourse. The social role of preachers in solving people's problems would also be lost. Without modern communication, it is impossible to achieve global Islamic discourse or enable Muslim communities in Western societies to face their challenges.

I have participated in teaching the subject of “Modern Means of Preaching” at Al-Azhar, recognizing that social media and using it professionally are necessities for every Muslim, and learning everything related to artificial intelligence. These applications save time, effort, money, and energy. If our societies divorce modern technology and leave it to the West, the West will marry it permanently and become its master while we become their followers.


How can our platforms effectively promote values of success?

– We always need to produce attractive content such as video clips, articles, and infographics that explain Islamic values related to order, respect for time, and work. We need to use good role models as practical and moral means, create applications that help organize time and promote the values of work and success.

To achieve this, we must instill the importance of rational use of technology, avoiding wasting our lives in watching, playing games, and following celebrity news. We need to connect young people with the value of seeking knowledge and acquiring skills, emphasizing that Islam does not conflict with civilizational progress but rather rewards its follower in this world and the Hereafter. The Companions and followers sought knowledge in the far reaches of the world. We also need to confirm the importance of integrating with the world “without dissolving into it.”


How can platforms protect young people from the danger of recruitment by violent organizations?

– First and foremost, dismantling extremist thought. Therefore, I call for the production of balanced digital content that responds to misconceptions in simple scientific language, organizing awareness workshops that explain the difference between the correct understanding of Islam and distorted interpretations, and using social media for major campaigns to address misconceptions or respond to inquiries in an instant and friendly manner. At Al-Azhar University, we have the first unit for intellectual awareness of this kind.

Our duty, in addition to the above, is to develop applications that make it easier for young people to access reliable and trustworthy religious sources, providing simplified explanations of ayahs and hadiths, and hosting renowned scholars to clarify the correct concepts.

It doesn't stop there; it is also important to direct the energies of young people away from extremism into social volunteer projects, and to promote interactive games and short films that reinforce Islamic values in an engaging way, highlighting the disastrous effects of extremism. Lastly, offering electronic forums to discuss extremist misconceptions in a safe and open environment.


Have our global preaching institutions succeeded in correcting the distorted perceptions of Islam?

– The movement of global preaching institutions is extremely slow, not corresponding with the scale of challenges, nor keeping up with modern developments. Perhaps the major obstacle observed by researchers is the lack of cooperation and collaboration between these institutions, which would save efforts and lifetimes.

Therefore, what is hoped for in the movement of global institutions is to launch worldwide awareness campaigns to correct misconceptions, whether those promoted by extremist groups or those spread by Western right-wing groups, reinforcing what is known as “Islamophobia.” We need to broadcast interviews with prominent preachers, organize international forums that bring together Islamic thought leaders with researchers from other cultures to promote the message of tolerance, and provide applications, books, and films in multiple languages about religious concepts without distortion.

There is also significant importance in interacting with Muslim communities in the West to enable them to explain the true Islam, with immediate responses to crises, especially during terrorist attacks or the rise of extremist ideas attributed to Islam.



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