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One is astonished to learn, for instance, that the number of pornographic websites on the internet has reached millions, accounting for 12% of the total number of websites, each of which received approximately 91 billion visits in 2018. Additionally, the number of pornographic channels has exceeded 13,000.
Naturally, this wretched immoral state has raised global collective awareness that the world of values and ethics is undergoing a well-organized and meticulous conspiracy aimed at undermining and destroying these morals to achieve other objectives.
It did not take long for the world to realize that behind this miserable reality lies Zionism and its organizations. It is a racist political movement seeking to establish a state for Jews in Palestine and subsequently dominate the entire world through this state, using every means at its disposal, both legitimate and illegitimate, which means completely disregarding any ethical instructions or guidelines.
What has become entrenched in global consciousness is not slander but rather a careful examination of the behavior of Zionist organizations. Their immoral conduct has been a hallmark, characterized by a racist outlook toward others, seeing them as "gentiles," which justifies bypassing every moral value in dealing with others. There is no objection to killing them, stealing from them, and inciting them to corruption as long as it achieves the end goal. This has been glaringly apparent in many of the actions of these organizations since their inception.
Perhaps what was stated in Protocol Nine of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" reflects their plan to destroy morals, recruit agents, and continually promote the idea that the traditions of the Christian church, Islamic teachings, and any ethical values are against progress.
Among the contents of the protocol is the directive: "You must pay special attention to applying our principles to the morality of the nation you are surrounded by and in which you operate. You should not expect success in applying our principles in all their aspects until the nation is re-educated by our ideas. However, if you act correctly in applying our principles, you will discover that—before ten years have passed—the most cohesive morals will change, and we will also add another nation to the ranks of those nations that have previously submitted to us."
It also alludes to the deceptive intellectual theories directed at gentile nations, saying: "We have deceived the rising generation of gentiles and made it corrupt and rotten by what we have taught it of principles and theories that we know to be utterly false…"
Regardless of the accuracy of these protocols, the practical behavior of Zionists has been a literal application of what they contain. It suffices to mention the statement from Zionist film producer Al Goldstein, who, when asked about the predominance of Jews in the pornography industry, said: "The only reason Jews participate in the pornography industry is that we hate Jesus Christ!"
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The role of Zionists in destroying morality has attracted the attention of many researchers, prompting them to gather numerous pieces of evidence on this matter. Zionists have been the creators of the pornography industry, maintaining dominance over it since Gloria Leonard, a Jewish person, invented telephone sex and later chaired the publication of the pornographic magazine "High Society," which further escalated Zionist influence in the pornographic industry. Notably, the Zionist Rubin Steirman stands out as the most famous producer in America, owning an empire that includes nearly 200 pornographic magazine stores.
As still images transformed into motion pictures, it was the Zionists, according to Zionist director Mike Koles, who were the first to introduce video technology to the industry and established companies for producing DVDs, while most pornographic actors were Zionists.
In light of the above, it is not surprising to speak of the Zionist occupation state as a hub of moral corruption. Dr. Abdul Wahab Al-Messiri explained this by stating: "The Zionist society is morally dissolute," adding that "Tel Aviv" has become a city somewhat akin to Amsterdam in terms of the spread of drugs and sexual deviancy, and each year it hosts a parade for homosexuals.
What Al-Messiri stated was further clarified by the Zionist researcher and politician Amnon Rubinstein in his book "Returning to the Zionist Dream," where he mentioned that Zionist society has become one of the most dissolute societies in the world, with every type of sexual deviance practiced within it. The Knesset passed a law in 1988 decriminalizing homosexuality, and in 1991, the entity hosted the third international conference for homosexuals. It is also no longer a secret that prostitution in the entity has become a source of national income to revitalize the central bank, generating an annual return of 4 billion dollars!