Israel betrays itself and kills its own children (1 - 2)

By Dr. Helmy El-Feki February 26, 2025 138

History has not known a traitor like "Israel," nor has time seen a murderer like this criminal entity. The world has not witnessed a betrayer of friends, allies, and kin like the Zionists. A brief glance at their dark history reveals that their betrayals are evident in countless events, and the days groan under their weight. Both the noble and the vile are astonished by the horror of it.

The children of Zion have betrayed their covenant with God, Glory be to Him, and with the prophets, peace be upon them. They have betrayed their pacts with humans, not only betraying their enemies—which is pure evil—but also their friends and allies. We find it astonishing that they have betrayed themselves, their families, and their children; they have killed themselves and their offspring and set the lowest examples of betrayal in all of history.

First: Betraying the covenant with God Almighty:

God Almighty took a covenant from the Jews not to shed their blood, not to kill themselves, and not to expel themselves from their homes. Yet, they violated the covenant with their Creator as He Almighty said: (And ˹remember˺ when We took your covenant that you would neither shed each other’s blood nor expel each other from their homes, you gave your pledge and bore witness.(84) But here you are, killing each other and expelling some of your people from their homes, aiding one another in sin and aggression; and when those ˹expelled˺ come to you as captives, you still ransom them—though expelling them was unlawful for you.1 Do you believe in some of the Scripture and reject the rest? Is there any reward for those who do so among you other than disgrace in this worldly life and being subjected to the harshest punishment on the Day of Judgment? For Allah is never unaware of what you do.(85) ) (Al-Baqarah)

Before Islam, the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir formed an alliance with the Khazraj tribe, while the Jews of Banu Qurayza allied with the Aws tribe. Each group of Jews would participate in wars alongside their allies from either the Aws or the Khazraj, killing themselves for the sake of their enemy, thus violating the covenant and agreement that God Almighty had taken from them not to kill one another. They set an example of treachery in doing so.

Secondly: Betrayal of the Covenant with the Prophets:

Whoever betrays his covenant with God, he has no covenant in this existence. This is the nature of the Jews; they betrayed their covenant with their Lord and killed themselves for the benefit of their enemy. Therefore, every betrayal became insignificant to them after that. They betrayed their covenant with the prophets, even with the Seal of the Prophets, our master Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah, the Exalted, said: (who, whenever you [Prophet] make a treaty with them, break it, for they have no fear of God.(  ( Al-Anfal:56)  And He said, exalted be He (Why is it that every time they make a covenant, a group of them casts it aside? In fact, most of them do not believe.) (Al-Baqarah:100)

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) arrived in Medina as an immigrant, he established the Constitution of Medina, which is the first constitution known to humanity. It laid down the principle of citizenship for the first time in human history. In Article (17), it stated: "And whoever follows us from the Jews, he has victory and support, without being wronged or having others supported against him." Another article in the document states: "And the Jews of Banu Awf and their allies and themselves are a nation of believers; for the Jews is their religion, and for the believers is their religion, except for the one who is unjust and sinful; for he will not harm anyone except himself and his household.

Less than a year had passed since the signing of the treaty when the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa betrayed it. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) responded with justice, firmness, and tolerance in dealing with those who violated treaties. He punished only the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa and did not punish their cousins, the Jews of Banu Nadir or Banu Qurayza, and expelled Banu Qaynuqa from the city. The Jews did not learn their lesson, as just one year after the incident with Banu Qaynuqa, the Banu Nadir broke their pact with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), followed by the Banu Qurayza also violating the covenant.

Third: The violation of covenants by the religion of the Jews:

Fulfilling promises is a virtue that is obligatory in every time and place, a value required in all religions, and one of the noble morals that humanity as a whole has agreed must be adhered to. No one has contradicted this except the Jews because they believe in violating their promises to their Creator and Deity. They consider lying and breaking promises to be Torah mandates, Talmudic commands, and religious rituals. The Talmud states: "A Jew is permitted to take a false oath, especially in dealings with other nations," and also: "A Jew must utter twenty false oaths and not expose any of his brethren to any harm.

For these orders that they believe to be religious, they have excelled in breaking oaths, and have been skilled at breaking promises. They have betrayed friends and foes alike, killed family and children, and their crimes reached an all-time high as they killed reformers and prophets. Through their nefarious actions, they created the dirtiest and ugliest page in all of human history.

Israel's betrayal of America

America is the primary sponsor of the criminal entity, and it is its largest supporter. If it were to abandon it, it would fall overnight. This is why the criminal entity should preserve this favor for America. However, on the contrary, they have betrayed America dozens of times, and among these betrayals are:

In 1985, the spy Jonathan Pollard, an employee of the U.S. Navy, was arrested after providing a treasure trove of intelligence information to "Israel." He was sentenced to death, but after strenuous efforts from the criminal entity, the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Following mediations, intercessions, and pressures from "Israel," he was released in 2015 after spending 30 years in prison.


In a report by "Sky News Arabia" published on September 13, 2019, titled "The Spy War: Chapters of the Secret Struggle Between America and Israel," the report revealed some scenes of betrayal from the criminal entity towards America. In 2017, authorities in Washington discovered spying devices called "Tsing Ray" that were installed in important locations in the capital. These devices mimic the signals of cellular towers to intercept calls and text messages, and Americans believe that the criminal entity is responsible for planting these devices.


The report confirms that the intelligence apparatus of the criminal entity is the second largest and most active intelligence agency in Washington after Russia.


The report reveals that the criminal entity in the 1960s stole nuclear secrets from America, followed by the theft of enriched uranium. The report also mentioned that "Israel" spies on America and attempts to steal its secrets and invade its privacy even before its establishment in 1948.


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