The major Zionist organizations around the world: Roots, branches, and goals (2 - 2)

By Dr. Mostafa Hassanein Nassar February 21, 2025 249

In the first part of this article, we talked about the roots of the Zionist movements, focusing on the most important ones in the United States. Here, we continue what we started there.

Zionism in Europe

The relationship between the Zionist movement in its various forms, branches, and activities on one hand, and the major Western powers in Europe on the other hand, is an organic and close relationship that has never weakened or severed its ties, from the early days of the Zionist movement until today. It was from the womb of these powers that the main Zionist movement was born; it arose on their lands and grew up in their embrace until it reached maturity. The annual Zionist conference held by the organization each year in various countries around the world has almost exclusively taken place in European countries, starting from the first founding conference where the organization was established in the Swiss city of Basel in 1897, up to the establishment of their criminal entity on the beloved land of Palestine in 1984.

Accordingly, we do not need to say that all global Zionist organizations have a prominent and active presence in these countries, including the Zionist organizations that emerged outside of Europe in later stages, such as those formed in the United States, as well as the illegitimate Zionist entity, which we highlighted as the most important in the previous article.

Russian Zionism.

Although the Western powers in Europe in general are the primary stronghold of Zionism, as mentioned earlier, we will focus on Russian Zionism in some detail for the reasons that will be mentioned next.

To begin with, I remind you that the presence of Jews in Russia is ancient, dating back to the 9th century AD. Jews participated in the dialectical dialogue or debate that took place between representatives of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths in the presence of the ruler of Kyiv in the year 986 AD. As a result of this, the Prince of Kyiv converted to Orthodox Christianity and made it the official religion of his country.

The relations between the Jews and their surrounding Russian environment were not always harmonious for several reasons, including the differences in the two religions, the support of the Tatars for the Jews after their invasion of Russia at a later stage, and thus the Russians' fear of the Jews, especially since they congregated in isolated areas of their own, as was their custom in various countries around the world (the ghetto).

The fears of the Russians regarding the infiltration of Jews and their suspicious activities in their country gradually increased, to the extent that Ivan the Terrible decided to expel them from the country. The situation of the Jews and their relationship with the Russians under the Tsarist regime fluctuated up and down until the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, when the Bolsheviks granted the Jews all the political rights available to others, treating them equally with others in various fields.

Given the long history of Jews in Russia and their large numbers on its territory throughout this history, as well as the fact that their presence in Russian lands has witnessed significant and numerous events that had wide repercussions, due to all of this and more, Zionism has had a strong presence in Russia during most periods since the establishment of the Zionist movement up to the present day.

However, "Russian Zionism" occupied a prominent position in the main Zionist organization shortly after its formation. There is no clearer evidence of this than the presence of more than 200 Russian Zionist delegates at the fourth conference of the organization held in London in 1900. All major global Zionist organizations made a strong effort to be present and active on Russian land.

The main Zionist organizations within the illegitimate entity.

Since the establishment of what is called "Israel" was one of the most important goals of global Zionism, and not the only goal, its founding was not an end in itself. Instead, its implantation in the heart of our region was fundamentally aimed at achieving major criminal objectives. This means that this satanic entity is one of the most important branches of the Zionist movement. Zionism has taken its influential institutions as its arms, among the most significant of which are the army of the Zionist entity, its intelligence agency (Mossad), and the General Federation of Labor Unions within the usurped entity (Histadrut).

Third: The goals of Zionist organizations and their role in supporting the usurping entity:

Since the establishment of the first Zionist organization and the subsequent organizations that branched out from it, the declared goal has been to create a homeland for the Jews, then to protect it and provide various forms of support after its establishment, which has indeed happened and is still happening. They then took it upon themselves to care for all Jews around the world.

These are their declared goals, and this is how they presented themselves to the world through their literature.(1) This is also echoed in Western literature.(2) Although the declared goal of forcibly seizing the Palestinian state and displacing its people, while committing the most heinous human crimes against them, is horrific, the leaked information about them, along with their movements and atrocities on the ground globally and particularly in the Arab and Islamic arenas, has definitively revealed other hidden objectives. Most importantly, it also exposes the connection of their diabolical hidden goals to broader networks, chief among them being global Freemasonry.

In this context, we must not forget the unholy alliance between the Zionists and their entity, and the major Western powers, which is based on a collusion against our nation. This is an undeniable truth recognized by many, including Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, who states in this context: "What remains of the comprehensive basic Zionist framework is a functional state supported by the West, which ensures its survival, and it serves the West and mobilizes the Jews of the world for its cause." He further states in another instance: "Zionism was and continues to be a part of economic, political, and civilizational history, and Western imperialism is the primary mechanism for transforming Zionism from merely an idea into a settlement state. (3)

It is worth noting that in addition to the main Zionist organizations mentioned in this article in its two parts, there are quite a few other Zionist organizations, among the most important of which are, for example and not limited to: the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), B'nai B'rith, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, the Jewish National Fund, and others, keeping in mind that the majority of these organizations are spread throughout various parts of the world.

Finally, Jews are not the only component of Zionist organizations. There are Zionists from various religions and ideologies around the world, starting with a broad sector of atheists, passing through "Christian Zionism," and ending, with all sorrow and regret, with Arab and Muslim Zionists. This is a matter that cannot be addressed with hasty and superficial treatment, and perhaps we will dedicate an independent discussion to it in the coming days, God willing and with His strength.


  • For example: The Hebrew Encyclopedia, published by the Encyclopedia Publishing Company, Volume 28, entry "Zionism."
  • For example, see: Stearns, Peter N.: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, Oxford University Press 2008, “Zionism”.

Also see: Mattar, Philip: Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, Macmillan Reference USA, 2nd edition 2004, 'Zionism'

  • Abdel Wahab El-Messiri: Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, Dar al-Shorouk - Egypt, first edition in 1999, volume six, pages 17, 25.


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