Dangerous Secret Zionist Organizations
Among the dangerous secret Zionist organizations that have been discovered are Freemasonry, Bahaism, the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Cross Club, the Prosperous, and Rotary Clubs. We will focus on Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is one of the oldest Jewish organizations that Jews have spread wherever they settled around the world. These lodges serve as meeting places where they discuss and exchange opinions and information. The close connection between Freemasonry and Zionism is evident, as the Protocols of Zion—the Zionist constitution—were issued with the signatures of three hundred senior Freemasons holding the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry.
Origins of Freemasonry
The origin of Freemasonry remains shrouded in mystery, but its history, as circulated among Freemasons, indicates its religious roots in Judaism. They claim that King Solomon, peace be upon him, was the Grand Master of the Jerusalem Lodge. A manuscript dating back to the fifteenth century suggests that Freemasonry entered England through Jews in Egypt and Jerusalem.
Freemasonry Symbols
Freemasonry, or the Society of Free Builders, is a global social organization. Its visible activities are characterized by the motto: justice, brotherhood, and freedom. Its goal is human cooperation among its members to the widest extent. Many of its symbols and emblems are derived from the construction industry and its tools. The compass and square are the general symbols of Freemasonry. The Grand Master's emblem includes the compass, arc, and the image of a radiant eye within a triangle. The emblem of the First Grand Warden is the builder's scale, the emblem of the Grand Warden is the plumb line, and the emblem of the Grand Engineer is the compass.
The Great Architect of the Universe
God Almighty is referred to as the "Great Architect of the Universe." Each Masonic organization is called a lodge, where members gather. The Grand Lodge comprises a group of lodges, and lodges established in a group of countries follow a general lodge called the East. Freemasonry consists of three hierarchical levels:
- The First Level: Symbolic Freemasonry This level is open to all races and religions. Its members are divided into three categories: initiates or brothers, then masters, and then Grand Masters who head the lodges. The Masonic ranks in this symbolic level consist of 33 degrees, ascending to the rank of Grand Master.
- The Second Level: Royal Freemasonry Also known as the Royal Arch, members in this level are called companions, and the head of the lodge is known as the Grand Companion. Initially, all members were Jews, but later, Grand Masters of the symbolic lodges were allowed to join, provided they did not exceed the rank of companion, the lowest rank in this level.
- The Third Level: Universal Freemasonry This level consists of the heads of the Royal Arch lodges. It is a single lodge, all of whose members are Jews. Its headquarters and its head, known as the Grand Rabbi, are unknown. However, it is widely believed that Universal Freemasonry is managed by the American lodge, composed of Roman Zionist Jews.
Degrees and Symbols
Each degree of Freemasonry has its own symbols, emblems, specific greetings, and defined secrets that expand as the member ascends to a higher degree. These vary according to the levels of the lodges, and no degree is allowed to access the secrets and teachings of a higher degree.
Initiation and Tests
A new member is only accepted into the lowest degrees of Freemasonry after being recommended by two members and proving their worthiness through secret investigations that inspire confidence in them. They must also pass a rigorous psychological test conducted in a dark, terrifying room, where they spend a long time in a coffin among skulls and skeletons. They are then accepted in a dedication ceremony with strange rituals witnessed by all lodge members.
Ascending the Ranks
A Freemason does not ascend to a higher degree until they undergo severe tests and trials that prove their worthiness for promotion and receiving the secrets of the new degree. These tests vary in precision and severity according to the degree to which the member is dedicated, becoming more severe as the degree rises. The purpose is to ensure the member's ability to endure various forms of torture and harm to keep their secrets.
Humanitarian and Social Activities
Freemasonry has used its humanitarian and social activities as a cover for its true purposes—serving Zionism. It claims to work for charity and social cooperation and denies involvement in religious or political matters. A Freemason always receives various forms of assistance and support they may need, whether in their homeland or other countries. They are welcomed and served by their fellow Freemasons worldwide, who recognize them through agreed-upon signals and passwords. Promoters of Freemasonry even claim that a Masonic employee will receive special attention from Masonic superiors, making Freemasonry a valuable qualification for promotion and surpassing peers. If a Freemason commits a crime and is tried before a Masonic judge, acquittal is guaranteed as soon as they show the Masonic signal. This also applies to merchants and businessmen.
Oath and Allegiance
It is known that a Freemason swears upon joining the Masonic fraternity before the respected president—the successor of King Solomon—to take their fellow Masons as allies in all matters and to entrust them with their honor. They also pledge to adopt Masonic nationalism as their lifelong motto.
Role in Establishing a Global Jewish State
The third protocol of the Protocols of Zion revealed the serious role of Masonic lodges in establishing the global Jewish state to which the inhabitants of the world will submit and obey its authority. It states that Masonic lodges worldwide unknowingly serve as a mask that conceals our true goals. The way this power will be used in our plan, even in our headquarters, remains unknown to the world at large.
Allowing non-Jews to Join
The eleventh protocol detailed the goals of Zionism, including allowing non-Jews to join global Masonic lodges. It states: "What reason led us to invent our policy and establish it among non-Jews? We have ingrained it in their minds without letting them understand its hidden meaning. What is the secret that led us to take this path? It is that we are a scattered race, and we cannot achieve our goal by direct means but only by indirect means. This is the real reason for organizing 'Freemasonry,' which these non-Jewish swine have not delved into understanding or doubting its objectives. We lead them to our countless lodges, which appear to be Masonic only to throw dust in the eyes of their companions."
Role in Serving Zionism
The protocols contain many texts explaining the role of Masonic lodges in serving Zionism. For example, the Fifteenth Protocol states: "Non-Jews join Masonic lodges driven by mere curiosity or hoping to gain the benefits they provide. Some join to discuss their foolish ideas before an audience. Non-Jews crave the emotions that success and applause bring, and we distribute them generously. Therefore, we let them achieve their success and benefit from men who are filled with vanity and who accept our ideas, are confident in their infallibility, and believe they alone can think independently."
Supporters of the Zionist Movement
Thus, Freemasons have been the greatest supporters of the Zionist movement in various countries, working tirelessly to achieve its political and colonial goals. For example, Winston Churchill supported the British government's endorsement of Zionist ambitions in Palestine. Harry Truman, the President of the United States, was a Grand Freemason, as confirmed by the Chicago Avenger magazine in its issue dated July 13, 1955. He was the one who rushed to recognize the State of Israel at the moment of its ill-fated birth.
Revolutionary Movements and Seditions
The violent revolutionary movements and destructive seditions that erupted in various countries in modern times are attributed to subversive Masonic activity, such as the French Revolution in the late eighteenth century, the Ottoman coup in 1908, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, and others.
- "How to Establish the National Grand Lodge of Syria and Lebanon," by Hussein Al-Laz and Ahmed Mukhtar Najat, p. 28.
- "The Masonic Society: Its Facts and Secrets," by Dr. Ahmed Ghaloush, former president of the Grand Masonic Lodge in Alexandria, holder of the 32nd degree, p. 4.
- , p. 8.
- For more details, refer to the following books:
- "Secrets of Freemasonry" by General Jawad Rifaat Atlakhan.
- "Freemasonry in the Open" by Dr. Ali Al-Zoghbi.
- The valuable book recently published: "Zionism Between Religion and Politics" by Professor Abdul Samie Al-Harawi, which we relied on for this research.
Source of the article: "Methods of Intellectual Invasion of the Islamic World."