The Sanhedrin
The Torah mentions that God instructed Moses (peace be upon him) to establish a council of seventy elders from the elders of the Children of Israel, called the "Sanhedrin." It consisted of their rabbis, led by the high priest. The Sanhedrin remained in existence until it disbanded in 70 CE, after the destruction of Solomon's Temple and the dispersion of the Jews across the earth. However, secret organizations emerged to oversee Jewish affairs and operate covertly.
Napoleon's Attempt to Revive the Sanhedrin
In 1807, Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to revive the old Sanhedrin by forming a body that included rabbis and laypeople to unite the Jews under his banner, aiming to use them to achieve his colonial projects in the East. However, his hidden ambitions thwarted this attempt.
The Kehilla
Eventually, the "Kehilla" took over the leadership of the Jews—meaning "the Supreme Court" in Hebrew. It includes prominent Jews from the fields of religion, thought, finance, and politics. The Kehilla oversees all Jewish activities carried out by various organizations in the modern era, collecting data and information from them, coordinating, monitoring, and exploiting them. The Kehilla is currently known as the World Jewish Congress, which works to encompass Jews worldwide and fulfill the Torah's promise of Jewish dominance over the world's peoples, considering them God's chosen people.
Unified Secret Jewish Organizations
Rabbi Drakhma acknowledges the regularity of various secret Jewish organizations under one banner and a unified goal, regardless of their activities and wherever they operate. He states in his book "Harmony": "All secret societies are marked by one characteristic, as they all operate under our leadership".
Public Jewish Organizations
After Jews gained citizenship rights in the 13th-18th and 9th centuries CE, they quickly established open Jewish associations in several countries. For example, the Lovers of Zion Society was established in Odessa in 1882 CE, the Enlightenment Movement "Haskalah" in Germany, founded by Moses Mendelssohn, the Jewish Colonization Association founded by Baron Edmond de Hirsch, the Austrian Kadimah Society led by Nathan Birnbaum, and the Austrian Zion Society led by Theodor Herzl.
The First World Zionist Congress
Through Herzl's efforts, the first World Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland, on August 29, 1897, bringing together prominent Jews from around the world to unify their efforts and strive to achieve their aspirations. Given the success of this congress from a Zionist perspective, it was decided to hold it periodically. The World Zionist Organization was established in Germany to implement the congress's decision. This organization is the highest authority overseeing Zionist activities in various forms and tools, directing, funding, and monitoring them to support "Israel," considering it the central focus and primary goal of these activities.
The World Jewish Congress
Alongside this organization, the World Jewish Congress represents the supreme body that oversees the Jewish diaspora, preparing them for global control and working to establish a global Jewish government.
The Jewish Agency
The Zionist Organization carried out its mission until 1929 CE when the Jewish Agency was established in Palestine, replacing it. When the State of "Israel" was declared in 1948 CE, the Jewish government was formed from the members of the Jewish Agency's executive committee.
Other Public Jewish Organizations
Other public Jewish organizations include the B'nai B'rith Organization, which promotes Zionist advocacy and collects donations for "Israel," the Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization based in New York with a branch in Jerusalem, focusing on medical affairs and fundraising for Zionist activities, and the World Zionist Women's Organization, known as "WIZO," with branches worldwide. The National Council of Jewish Youth "Israel" has been recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization for Jewish youth, extending its activities to the Americas and "Israel." The Israel Labor Union (Histadrut) and the Israel Bonds Organization in New York also fund Zionist projects.
- Exodus 24.
- "Jewish Psychological Treasures" by Al-Zoubi, p. 158.
Source of the article: "Methods of Intellectual Invasion of the Islamic World."