The Occupation's Sinister Agenda to Judaize Jerusalem Featured

By Dr. Samir Saeed April 01, 2024 3150

As part of a long-term strategic plan, the occupation state exploited all tools, means, and mechanisms, allocating semi-open budgets for the Judaization of Jerusalem and the assault on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, employing the three authorities: legislative, judicial, and executive, along with utilizing media propaganda as well. Judaization reached its peak in 2023, posing the greatest danger to Jerusalem and Islamic sanctities, with the Al-Aqsa Mosque at the forefront.

The Zionist plan also targeted the Jerusalemites for forced displacement, continuing the systematic massacre of demolishing homes and confiscating lands, along with mass arrests, arbitrary punishments, and extreme taxes. The ultimate goal was to determine the demography of the city of Jerusalem.


Judaization Measures and Tools in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa:

The occupation consistently renews and modifies its methods of Judaization, which have been going on for decades. However, it remains committed to establishing dangerous and influential Judaization foundations, including:


Firstly, Jewish Holidays:

They are divided into two categories: holidays mentioned in the Torah, including the three pilgrimage festivals (Passover, Weeks, and Booths), the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and holidays added after the return from Babylon, including “Purim” and the anniversary of the destruction of the “Temple.”

Jewish activities during these holidays include three main elements: joy, manifested in celebratory feasts; the addition of prayers and supplications to the “Amidah” prayer; and special ceremonial rituals.

It was evident to everyone that the Jewish holidays in September and October 2023 were among the longest holiday periods, ending on October 8, and were targeted by the “Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7.

The holidays began on September 16 and lasted until October 8, 2023, coinciding with the Hebrew New Year. On September 26–27, 2023, Zionist intruders repeatedly blew the “Shofar” horn in an attempt to usurp authority and oversee the Al-Aqsa Mosque for the benefit of the occupying entity.


Secondly, Al-Aqsa Mosque raids by settlers and extremists:

In 2022, the number of intruders reached approximately 54,201, including 17,509 during 11 Jewish holidays, while the remaining, totaling 35,692 settlers, were across the rest of the year.

The incursions increased by 42% compared to 2021, which had 38,150 settlers, and there was a 106% increase from 2020, where 18,526 extremists raided Al-Aqsa, according to statistics from the Wadi Hilweh Information Center.


Thirdly, Torah Rituals:

Newly introduced Zionist worship rituals in Al-Aqsa Mosque are practiced by extremist Zionists during incursions, including:

  • “Atonement” (Kaparot) rituals where they wave chickens over their heads to cleanse themselves of sins.
  • Entering with offerings of vegetables as a prelude to animal sacrifices and the slaughter of the red heifer.
  • Erecting a candelabra for the “Festival of Lights” in the Al-Buraq Square (the Wailing Wall).
  • Infiltrating Al-Aqsa while dressed in “repentance attire” on the “Destruction of the Temple” anniversary.
  • The “Epic Prostration” ritual is performed on all holidays.


Fourthly and Fifthly, Time and Place Division:

On January 1, 2023, a letter was submitted by a group of extremists to the extremist minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, outlining their demands:

  • Increase the hours of incursions.
  • Allow incursions from all gates.
  • Increase the number of intruders per group.
  • Permit incursions to stay for long periods without the presence of occupation police.
  • Establish a religious school inside “Al-Aqsa.”
  • Allocate an area of the mosque for Jews throughout the year as part of the spatial division.
  • Change the rules of engagement for occupation police during Jewish prayers.
  • Allow all religious objects into the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Sixthly, Spiritual Establishment of the Temple in 2023:

This is to be achieved through two paths:

  • Transferring all Torah rituals practiced in various synagogues worldwide to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, considering it the alleged “Temple.”
  • Reviving the specialized Torah rituals and sacrificial worship of the Temple, as previously described.


Seventhly, Occupation Courts as Tools of Judaization:

Among their most significant methods are:

  1. Granting legitimacy to Judaization activities and incursions. For example, the Magistrate's Court canceled an order to expel settlers from Al-Aqsa after they appealed to the judiciary following a police expulsion decision.
  2. Imposing penalties on Jerusalemites, including fines, obstructing building permits, expulsion or arrest orders, and house arrest.
  3. A dangerous precedent was set when the Israeli Ministry of Justice announced the start of registering ownership of lands close to the walls of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Israeli “Tabu,” specifically in the area of the Umayyad Palaces, categorized as lands belonging to the Islamic Waqf. These lands are in a highly sensitive location.
  4. Assaulting the Bab al-Rahma Islamic Cemetery, where extremists deliberately invaded it after the Magistrate's Court allowed the blowing of the horn within it. Upon this decision, dozens of extremists rushed to the cemetery, blew the horn, and presented plant sacrifices for the Sukkot Feast.
  5. Issuing court orders to confiscate cemetery lands and prohibit burial within, the same violations that previously took place before paving the way for establishing a Torah-themed park.
  6. Administrative detentions: During 2022, Israeli courts issued around 85 administrative detention orders compared to 36 issued in 2021, marking a 136% increase.
  7. Expulsion from Al-Aqsa: According to a report issued by the Jerusalem International Foundation, from January 1, 2022, to January 1, 2023, approximately 696 individuals were expelled from Al-Aqsa Mosque, including Muslim worshippers, Waqf employees, and Jerusalemites.
  8. Appointment of Israeli police guards at the entrances of the mosque: An average of six officers stationed around the clock were tasked with stopping most worshippers from entering, denying some, and stealing the identities of others.
  9. Construction of a suspension bridge in Wadi al-Rababa: In November 2022, the occupation’s municipality in Jerusalem began constructing a suspension bridge linking the southern side of Wadi al-Rababa to the northern side of Mount Zion, southwest of the Jerusalem walls. The bridge's cost amounts to 20 million shekels (approximately $5.6 million). Additionally, Israeli authorities officially announced the bridge's opening in late July 2023, making it the longest suspension bridge in Jerusalem.

The bridge is part of the Holy Basin project, facilitating settlers' access from West Jerusalem to Mount Zion adjacent to the Maghrabi Gate and encircling the Silwan area to prevent its expansion.

  1. Ongoing Demolition: In 2022, Israeli bulldozers targeted the properties of Jerusalemites for demolition throughout the year, recording 176 demolition cases, including 69 cases of forced self-demolition.




Jerusalem affairs Researcher

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