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The fate of world Zionism and the Arab boycott.

By Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad March 24, 2025 153

If there is one thing that Arabs and Zionists agree upon, and that is agreed upon by those who write in favor of the Arab cause and those who write in favor of Zionism, it is the truth that appears at first glance and then becomes confirmed after a hundred looks: Israel cannot endure to exist under an Arab boycott. If the Arabs boycott it and persist in that boycott, there is no power on earth that can support it against them, and the Arabs have no need for weapons to fend off its danger more effective than this weapon. The evident truths that Zionists dare to deny are many and cannot be counted, except for this truth which does not allow for evasion or fallacy; they concede it and declare it, and along with them, there are those who examine the Palestine issue dispassionately, and those who do not utter a word on this issue except to serve Israel or further the cause of Zionism.

The magazine "The Near East" published in its fall issue of 1954 a detailed study titled: "The Distorted Economy of Israel." It mentioned the obstacles that distort or tear this economy apart, stating:

First: Cutting off Arab trade, including the closure of the Suez Canal, deprives it of a cheap source of raw materials and an easy market for disposing of manufactured goods.
Second: Its necessity to maintain an active army and to implement compulsory conscription, which costs it half of the regular budget resources.

And thirdly: the oil pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, which not only limits the operation of the refinery to just five percent of its capacity, but also forces Israel to pay in foreign currency for the oil, which amounted in 1953 to about forty-five million riyals. Had it not been for the boycott, it could have purchased it with its national currency.

A military expert wrote in the Daily Telegraph, General H.G. Martin, stating, "Israel is compelled to always be ready with its dry gunpowder," a phrase intended to mean readiness for immediate disarmament without delay. Its borders extend to six hundred miles, but it doesn't have a deep territory, as it narrows to less than seven miles and expands to no more than twenty. This is why it struggles with the burdens of universal conscription, imposing military service on both men and women from an early age, starting with youth groups at the age of fourteen. Its agricultural system itself is based on this military necessity.

In a conversation that took place between a representative of Newsweek in May 1954, Israeli ministers stated the losses they anticipated from the Arab boycott. They said that they were compelled to import oil from Venezuela in America, and the loss of oil alone costs them a lot. The newspaper went on to say, "The Arab boycott could expose Israel to a new disaster." The reality confronting Zionism regarding the Arab boycott is more severe and evident to them and others than they can conceal or deceive themselves about.

The original flaw in Israel is that it is a contradictory entity that relies on opposites for its existence. It opposes the Arabs, invades their lands, and exploits their resources... and then it seeks their assistance, which they provide themselves to enable it to invade and exploit.

The audacity of them and their supporters can reach the point that they declare both things at the same time. Among the most astonishing things we've read, or rather what has been narrated over time, is that one of them stated, "Israel is a piercing dagger in the side of the Islamic world," then goes on to say, "The hope is that Israel will live among the Arabs as neighbors and friends.

And who are the enemies here other than the Arab nations? And who is required to prove this spear in their side other than the Arab nations? And who is it that accepts this oblivion in the mind of this Zionist and his ilk other than the Arab nations?

The oversight of the Arab nations and their betrayal of themselves is necessary for Israel's comfort. Did the Arab nations overlook themselves by choice or despite themselves? And why would they betray their cause and sell their present and future if it is necessary for Israel's comfort and to lighten the burdens on Israel?

The Arab nations are being asked to fail, by their own choice, to resist Israel in the arena of transactions, and they are being asked to look at a dagger in the hand of Zion and to open their hearts to it, or to take it from their hands to plunge it into those empty hearts.

global Zionism.

All these wonders that do not cross the mind unless seen with the eyes and heard with the ears are, in reality, the wonders of this distorted, contradictory creature called Israel. Its existence depends on opposites, and there can be no existence for a being based on opposites. It is the enemy of the Arabs, and its fate is in the hands of the Arabs, and they have no choice in the matter because they are faced with the option of either boycotting this enemy or reviving it through the means by which it has no life, which is the exploitation of Arab lands and the settling of itself on the condition of remaining forever captive to that exploitation. It is not enough to lift the siege for Israel's survival; rather, every Arab nation must remain dependent on industry to buy from Israel and not from its own industry. They must remain cheap in raw materials so that Israel can take from them at the low price it offers. We can almost say that if the Arabs desired this, they would not be able to. Thus, the inevitable fate of Zionism in Israel is revealed, a fate that hinges on the impossible.


Read also: Successful Boycott targets Israel and its Supporters Worldwide 






Taken from the book : "Global Zionism."