The Palestinian Cause as Viewed by Hassan al-Banna

By Dr. Youssef As-Sand November 28, 2024 4536



Sheikh Hassan al-Banna presented a comprehensive proposal for Islam that covers various aspects of life; social, economic, and political. This made his movement interactive with the concerns and issues of Muslims. Al-Banna considered the Islamic nation as one country and the nation of Islam as one nation. He mentioned that any land on which "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" is part of our country, with its sanctity and holiness. Because Palestine was one of the most sensitive Islamic issues at that time - and still is - Al-Banna gave it the utmost attention and care.


According to Al-Banna, Muslims are the most loyal to their countries, but the difference between Muslims and other advocates of nationalism is that the foundation of Muslim nationality is the Islamic creed. Therefore, Al-Banna emphasized that Palestine is a homeland for every Muslim because it is from the land of Islam, the cradle of prophets, and the location of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.


In Al-Banna's understanding, Palestine is an Islamic waqf (endowment) for all generations of Muslims in their past, present, and future until the Day of Judgment. It is not permissible for anyone to give up or relinquish any part of it, no matter how small. It is not just the property of Palestinians or Arabs, but the property of all Muslims. Therefore, Muslims everywhere should contribute practically by providing money and blood to defend it. Palestine is a piece of the general Islamic body and a valuable cornerstone of the Islamic entity.


That's why Al-Banna saw the necessity of jihad to liberate Palestine and support its people. He mentioned in a message to the British ambassador in Cairo that the Muslim Brotherhood would sacrifice their lives and money to ensure that every inch of Palestine remains Islamic and Arab until Allah inherits the earth and those on it.


Al-Banna addressed the people of Palestine, saying: "O Palestinians, even if the only result of your revolution is to reveal the darkness of humiliation, lift the veil of surrender from the Islamic souls, and guide the Islamic peoples to the joy, beauty, splendor, and profit found in the art of death, you would still be among the winners."


Al-Banna linked the inability to liberate Palestine with the weakness and backwardness of Muslims in their religion. In other words, the liberation process is linked to the revival of the nation. He mentioned that the issue of Palestine remains unresolved not because Muslims are incapable, but because they do not want to. They do not want to because they do not feel, and this is because they are pretentious Muslims.

Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood recognized the danger of the Zionist project on the renaissance of Egypt, the Arab world, and the Islamic renaissance in general. The presence of the Zionist entity would obstruct the project of unity and pose a political, economic, military, and social threat to the region.


Banna also discussed the economic threat of Zionism and the consequences of Jewish attempts to market their products in Arab countries, which would lead to economic ruin and financial instability.


Furthermore, in Banna's opinion, the establishment of the Zionist state would also pose a social threat that would endanger Arab countries with disintegration, as Zionism would work to spread atheism and pornography.


Banna paid the price for his love for Palestine, his sincere commitment to support and liberate it. Similarly, the Muslim Brotherhood paid the price for their efforts and struggles in Palestine. Banna was martyred, and the Brotherhood was subjected to oppression and persecution.


Banna gained in martyrdom, never losing as he gained witness. He was a man of principles and decisions when resolve was necessary.


History will write that Imam Banna was one of the outstanding figures of his time who gave a lot to Palestine intellectually, politically, journalistically, charitably, and jihadically. He was one of the foremost who widened the scope of interest in the Palestinian cause and made it the focus of Muslims' attention.


May Allah have mercy on Banna, who admired a single verse in a poem by Tarafa bin al-Abd:


"When people say, 'who is the bravest?' I was not lazy or hesitant!"


The high ambition of the martyred Imam Hassan al-Banna, may Allah have mercy on him, was immense! Today, we are in need of such global interest in the Palestinian cause, support for it, and making it the most important issue for Muslims.


We also need a clear vision for the Palestinian cause: jihad, advocacy, and support. We ask Allah for decisive victory and swift liberation of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine. We also ask Him to strengthen the steadfast and support the fighters, and to defeat the criminal Zionists and shake them. Victory is coming, by the permission of the Almighty Allah, and Allah is the Greatest and all praise is due to Him.

Last modified on Thursday, 28 November 2024 11:45