Masonic Zionist Plot (2) Satanism of Conspiracy and its Strong Hate towards Islam

By Dr. Mustafa Hassanein Nassar September 09, 2024 4321

In the previous article, we discussed the nature of the conspiracy, its key players, goals, and methods used to achieve it. In this article, we continue what we started, focusing on three main points:


First: Why Do We Assert the Evil Nature of the Conspiracy?

Initially, I believed that the aim of this conspiracy, executed by the Freemasons and Zionists, was merely to ensure total control over the resources and economies of our unfortunate planet and, more importantly, to maintain their control over the human mind, manipulating and directing it according to their vile purposes. In other words, to lead people like slaves with ease. However, by observing significant global events and major movements, particularly across the Islamic world, it became clear beyond a doubt that, in addition to the aforementioned objectives, the ultimate goal is far more horrific. After extensive monitoring, contemplation, connecting the dots, and interpreting events, I realized that the foundation of these evils, conspiracies, and catastrophic disasters is the devil's challenge to Allah. He aims to mislead as many of the sons of Adam as possible, leading them to worship him instead of Allah, thus fulfilling his challenge to Allah and dragging them with him to hell in the Hereafter.

The evidence supporting this conclusion is abundant. If we acknowledge that a significant portion of wars, conflicts, disasters, and the installation of corrupt tyrants, along with distracting humanity with sex, drugs, and sports competitions, can be categorized as efforts by human devils and their emperors to monopolize the world's resources, thus necessitating control over minds and directing them as they wish, then this has indeed been achieved long ago without a significant effort. If we accept all this, then how do we explain the moral and ethical degeneration, the absurdities they insistently promote and impose, often with pressures so extreme that they nearly strip their perpetrators of humanity? Consider these questions, for example:

  • Why do they relentlessly and insistently promote incest, gender changes from male to female and vice versa, support homosexuality, and strive to normalize it in minds and laws? Moreover, why has homosexuality been imposed on various global platforms—political, sports, cultural, scientific, and artistic—so much so that anyone expressing an opposing opinion, as something against sound human nature and values, even if it's just a matter of personal conviction without religious backing, faces persecution, even in the heart of Western freedom of speech, which tolerates blasphemy and the spread of obscenity, including child and animal sex, publicly for those who desire it, with not a single opposing voice?
  • Why do they tirelessly promote atheism, support and propagate disdain for divine laws on a broad scale, and dare to insult the divine? In this context, consider the satanic disaster that occurred at the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Paris a few weeks ago. Is all this essential for controlling the already dominated world, where they had already significantly weakened its religiosity?
  • Why have there been recent mentions in public writings and cinematic works about the victimhood of Satan, his virtues, and extraordinary abilities? Why do calls for his worship from time to time appear worldwide? Does the worship of Satan fall within the necessities of controlling the world's resources and wealth?

The matter is clear, and the truth is evident. This is indeed their ultimate goal, which I concluded after a long journey of observation, tracking events and writings, connecting and analyzing them, arriving at this conclusion primarily from the Book of Allah, especially what Allah told us about the cursed Satan, his wicked goals, and deceitful methods. Here are some examples: “And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah.” (An-Nisa: 119), “By your might, I will surely mislead them all.” (Saad: 82), “[Iblees] said, 'My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all. Except, among them, Your chosen servants.'” (Al-Hijr: 39-40), “[Satan] said, 'Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path.'” (Al-A’raf: 16)


Second: Why is Islam Their Greatest Enemy?

Given their goals, aims, and methods, as mentioned, it was inevitable that they would clash with Islam. It had to be their primary and greatest enemy because it is the only remaining force on this planet capable of confronting this diabolical project. Islam has a comprehensive, deep, strong, and balanced ethical, moral, and legislative system linked to the heavens in the hearts of its followers, which gives Islam an immense ability to penetrate minds and hearts and to mobilize and gather people in all forms. The result is that Islam is the only major obstacle preventing the satanic project from reaching its ultimate goal.

Thus, the clash occurred early, loudly, and terrifyingly. Their efforts focus primarily on influential Muslim countries or those with potential influence. These countries' societies can form nuclei around which Muslims, especially the quality Muslims, if I may say so, can rally. Much of this conflict targets individuals who are or have the potential to become influential symbols, whether they are local figures limited to their communities or cross-border figures, such as pious Muslim scholars and prominent Muslim thinkers, to the point of purging them one by one from around the world.

An illustrative example of this context is what is happening in Gaza. The victory achieved by our mujahideen in Gaza is not primarily about their heroics on the battlefield. It lies in its symbolism as a painful blow to the satanic Freemasonry, which thought it had nearly eradicated the essence of Islam and its true faithful spirit after significant gains and resounding victories in this field. For example, successfully removing the term “jihad” from the living contemporary Muslim lexicon, turning it into a heinous accusation, so much so that our fighters in Gaza themselves—while I respect and perhaps understand their behavior—do not publicly call themselves “mujahideen” nor label their heroic acts as “jihad,” but always refer to “resistance” and “resistors.”

Suddenly, the satanic Freemasonry was awakened to an Islamic jihad war, reviving the faithful consciousness in Muslims' hearts and recalling deep-rooted events, concepts, and meanings from the Islamic historical archive—concepts of doctrinal Islamic jihad based on selling one's soul, family, and anything they have in a trade with Allah. The concept of the small, poorly equipped, and scarcely supported faithful group defeating a vast, well-equipped, and well-supported infidel aggressor. This evoked in us the Battle of Badr and subsequent heroic faith-based jihad battles.

This is what caused the satanic Freemasonry's rabid frenzy, mobilizing all its arms and claws, represented by the world's largest and strongest armies, the largest economies, and the most widespread media, determined to subjugate Gaza and its mujahideen at any cost. For if Gaza emerges from the war standing, despite the immense destruction inflicted on it and its people, it becomes a beacon, a herald, awakening strong faith and infinite belief in Muslims' hearts. The most dangerous aspect is that it connects Muslims and their current reality to the jihad of their legendary ancestors, removing weakness from their hearts and potentially encouraging Muslim peoples to break free from all forms of oppression, wherever it may be. In short, it is a pivotal point in the battle between satanic Freemasonry and Islam and its followers.


Third: Where does the Conspiracy Stand Today? What is its Expected Fate?

Despite their significant successes on this satanic path, and although the majority of humanity has astonishingly submitted to them, including a vast percentage of us, I do not concede to their ultimate victory. Despite their meticulous satanic conspiracies, I base my confidence and reassurance on the existence and overpowering capability of Allah the Almighty, whose decrees will inevitably prevail. Allah will support His religion, whether He uses us if we change ourselves or replaces us with others. Hence, the crucial question arises: Will we change so that Allah alters our condition?



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