Masonic Zionist Plot (1) How Masonic and Zionist Forces are Only Targeting Islam Featured

By Dr. Mustafa Hassanein Nassar August 22, 2024 618


In the midst of the enormous disasters and the calamities that have befallen the Muslim Ummah, and amid the raging fires that have been burning in its heart for many decades, with their intensity increasing in recent years, and since the diagnosis of the affliction and the description of its symptoms are not hidden from anyone, given that it is a reality scorching our minds and souls every day, even every moment, this article comes attempting to trace the roots of the adversity, explore its depths, and uncover its backgrounds and hidden aspects.


The Source of the Affliction and the Roots of the Crisis

The wretched and misguided reality of humanity in general and the painful reality of our Islamic Ummah in particular has long been suggesting that there is a grand conspiracy that has been, and continues to be, plotted against all of humanity, and at its heart, against Islam and its followers. However, this conspiracy has now reached, or nearly reached, its most malevolent, expansive, and oppressive stages. It is built on a massive accumulation over the course of human history, which has weakened the human spirit, tainted it, exhausted its conscience, burdened its mind, and distorted its innate nature, except for a small minority. Moreover, the key players in this conspiracy have exploited contemporary technological advancements and have dominated its various means with immense capabilities for reaching, delivering, publishing, and disseminating information, as well as for controlling, directing, mobilizing, and rallying. This has led their malicious leaders to firmly believe that the hour of the decisive blow is near.

All evidence—to be presented in the coming lines—confirms that despite the global nature of the conspiracy in terms of its targets, its primary focus, especially in its contemporary phase, is directed at Islam and its adherents. To be clear and explicit, what is meant here is specifically Sunni Islam, for fundamental reasons that we believe are well known to every perceptive and attentive follower.


Key Figures in the Conspiracy

It is not surprising that Satan is the head and primary leader of the conspiracy, followed by Freemasonry, which represents the intellect that inspires principles and goals, plans, and executes. Then comes Zionism, the protégé of Freemasonry and one of its most malevolent and cunning components. Although the Jewish component—the influential criminal subset, not all Jews, of course—is the foundation of Zionism, Zionist thought has transcended everything. It has even exploited—and continues to exploit—Judaism and relatively Christianity for mobilization purposes, both in terms of quantity and quality, within the overarching Freemasonic framework that follows Satan and paves the way for the appearance of the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal.

This satanic approach is not associated with any particular religion; it is not a form of extreme religious thought, for instance. Rather, it is antagonistic to all divine laws, even if it may appear otherwise for the sake of concealment and ease of infiltration. It is purely satanic thought.


The Aims and Objectives

The aim of this conspiracy is to implement the Shaitan’s challenge: “By your might, I will surely mislead them all.” (Saad: 82) The Shaitan is fighting against Allah on His own land and does not wish to go to hell alone; he wants to take as many of Adam's children with him as possible.

The objectives set to achieve this aim are as follows:

  1. Eradicating the Concept of Divinity and Religions: Starting by diluting these concepts and weakening their sanctity in the minds of the majority of humanity. The primary means to this end is to target minds and souls that have been previously prepared by the means mentioned later to engage with and follow this satanic thought. This aims to portray divinity as merely a concept invented or imagined by the weary human mind and religions as nothing more than myths created within this framework. Some clever individuals have then exploited these religions for control, fame, prestige, and leadership.

To achieve this goal, the key figures in the conspiracy have employed all available means. Their diabolical imagination even led them to exploit the concept of “freedom” and the passion of people for it, especially Western societies, due to their strength and their role as a model for most of the other nations. They aimed to undermine the sanctity of divinity and religion starting from this very concept of freedom—its poisoned, expanded meaning—leading to the current state we observe and hear about: the destabilization of the idea of religion and divinity at its core in the minds and souls of most people, including a large segment of the people of the book who have become atheists.

2- Corrupting Human Nature Generally and Stripping it of Any Value or Acceptable Model: Even if it is a moral standard in the soul. They have succeeded in this to a large extent, resulting in generations that are unashamed to walk completely naked—now in some areas like nudist beaches and soon in the streets according to their plans. These generations see no problem in having sexual relationships with their own mothers and sisters, with animals, and even raping children, along with many more of these hideous vices. Generations that seek only pleasure and material desires in all their forms, and even taking them as their gods.


Means and Mechanisms

Their main means to achieve their objectives are to control the world and its resources and to dominate humanity in spirit, mind, and nature, driving the children of Adam as a herd of blind, ignorant slaves detached from the truth. This is accomplished by drowning them in sex, drugs, and various pleasures and distractions, including those that seem innocent, such as football competitions and the like. This approach is most evident in their dealings with Western societies and those influenced by them around the world.

Meanwhile, there are other societies that have been subdued by internal brute forces that control them. These forces have opened all doors and windows to their people—sometimes out of ignorance of the true intentions, and other times deliberately and knowingly—allowing a relentless flood from both inside and outside. This flood is filled with delusions aimed at corrupting their emotions, flattening their awareness, distorting their history, and altering its truths. It also disrupts their collective consciousness, along with deceptive doubts that strike at the core of their religion. This is achieved by defaming their devout scholars, doubting their heritage, while simultaneously promoting alien, harmful ideologies, philosophies, and intellectual trends. These are presented under appealing and glossy titles, yet their essence is saturated with disconnection from identity and roots, such as existentialism, secularism, modernism, feminism, etc.—which are, in essence, excellently satanic systems.

Moreover, the Freemasons have deliberately sown discord and created conflicts among many of these countries, as well as stirred ethnic, sectarian, and even linguistic strife within single countries. They have also impoverished these people despite their rich resources, keeping them preoccupied with the pursuit of basic sustenance, which conceals overwhelming inclinations towards pleasures and consumption that have been planted in their consciousness despite the poverty of the majority. They also distract them with various forms of diversion, just like others. This is the approach that Freemasons follow with oppressed nations, particularly in the East, and especially with our Arab and Islamic nations, with very few exceptions.

Regarding our Arab and Islamic communities specifically, it is regrettable that those assigned to carry out these vile satanic tasks in practice on the ground are actually individuals from these very communities. They present themselves and are presented by the media in our countries as intellectual and cultural elites, though they are nothing more than distortions and agents whose minds, consciences, and faith have been tainted by the Freemasons. Most of them are inherently inclined to this role due to their worldly, self-serving inclinations and their obsessive desire for fame, wealth, and influence at any cost, even if it means betraying their own religion and people. These agents—whether they are aware of their true nature or not—have been performing their satanic tasks perfectly for decades and continue to do so.

After their methods and tools have succeeded in achieving a significant portion of their objectives across various fields and corners of the world, thanks to their control over international politics, the global economy, and media outlets with their powerful claws and accumulated expertise over centuries, these devils face substantial resistance only from Sunni Islam and its adherents. This is particularly true for Muslims who adhere to their faith, realize its essence, principles, and objectives correctly, and are aware of the major events and the true nature of this satanic conspiracy.

As for the reasons that lead us to affirm that this is indeed a satanic conspiracy in terms of its aims and objectives, rather than merely a human course adopted by some major powers and influential global entities to control the destinies of people, or most of them, and ensure their continued dominance, wealth, and superiority, as well as why Islam and its adherents are the only significant obstacle to this satanic project, along with the success of this project till this day and its potential future outcomes, etc. This is what we will address in the second part of this article, in Allah’s will.



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Last modified on Monday, 09 September 2024 08:56