Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 287th day, with the   occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes in the Gaza Strip through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.  

A drone targets the Zionist entity and the International Court issues a decision regarding the legitimacy of the occupation in occupied Palestine. 28 martyrs since dawn today. The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, where a number of citizens were martyred and injured last night and this Friday morning, due to the targeting of the occupation's aircraft and artillery in various areas of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian News Agency reported the martyrdom of 8 citizens in an occupation bombardment targeting a house in the Nusseirat camp in the center of the Gaza Strip, including children.

The occupation aircraft also targeted another house in the Nusseirat camp, resulting in the martyrdom of 9 citizens and the injury of others with different wounds.

The agency added that 6 citizens were martyred in an occupation aircraft bombardment on a house in the Bureij camp in central Gaza.

Two citizens were martyred in an occupation aircraft bombardment targeting a school housing displaced people in the city of Gaza, and the artillery shelled the southern Tlal Hwa neighborhood southwest of the city.

The source stated that the occupation aircraft targeted a house south of Khan Yunis, resulting in the martyrdom of three citizens, including a child and a woman.

The most prominent resistance operations The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces advancing on multiple axes in Gaza.

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas," announced today, Friday, targeting the occupation forces stationed in the “Netzarim” axis with a number of 114mm “Rojum” missiles.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, announced that in cooperation with the Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades, they targeted the "Reem" military site with a number of missiles.

Targeting “Tel Aviv"

The Houthis target "Tel Aviv" The Houthi group announced that they targeted "Tel Aviv" with an unmanned aircraft that radars could not detect, Friday morning, while the Zionist entity threatened to respond to the attack that resulted in a death and injuries, according to "Al-Jazeera Net."

Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said that the group's Air Force targeted "Tel Aviv" with a new type of drone called "Jaffa." Saree added that the new drone is capable of bypassing interception systems and cannot be detected by radar.

International Justice

"International Justice": "Israel" must end its presence in Palestinian territories The International Court of Justice confirmed on Friday that the presence of the "Israeli" occupation is illegal in Palestinian territories.

The court said in the advisory opinion issued today, regarding the legal ramifications of "Israeli" practices and their impact on the occupied territories, according to the Palestinian News Agency: Israel must stop the occupation and end its illegitimate presence in the occupied Palestinian territories as soon as possible.

The court's opinion stated that Israel must immediately halt any new settlement activity and remove all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories.

The advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice also included that Israel must compensate for the material and moral losses of individuals in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The court emphasized the duty of countries not to recognize the illegitimate presence of settlers and the occupation state in the occupied Palestinian territories, and not to provide any assistance that would help Israel maintain the current situation in the occupied territories.

The advisory opinion also included a confirmation of the duty of international organizations, including the United Nations, not to recognize the legitimacy of the current situation and the illegitimate presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The International Court of Justice stated that the United Nations, the General Assembly, and the Security Council must consider additional measures to put an end to the illegitimate presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Attacking the International Court of Justice

The Prime Minister of the occupation government Benjamin Netanyahu, and the extremist ministers in his government Tzachi Hanegbi and Itamar Ben-Gvir, attacked the International Court of Justice after issuing its advisory opinion on the legal implications of the "Israeli" occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967, according to "Quds Press" agency.

Netanyahu said in a statement today, Friday "Our people are not occupiers of their land or their ancestors' heritage, and any false decision in The Hague will not distort this historical fact."

Finance Minister Hanegbi said on the "X" platform: "The response to the International Court of Justice in The Hague is to impose sovereignty now on the West Bank," meaning annexing the occupied Palestinian territories and expanding settlements.

Israel National Security Minister Ben-Gvir said, "The decision of the International Court of Justice proves that it is anti-Semitic and we will not accept its preaching."

90%   of Gazans Displaced…  "Al-Qassam" Mourns one of their Leaders in Lebanon.

The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 286th day, with the   occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes in the Gaza Strip through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Most prominent developments:

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported the martyrdom of 7 people, including two children, in an airstrike by the occupation forces targeting a house in the vicinity of Palestine Square in the center of Gaza City.

Additionally, 5 others were martyred and a number were injured as a result of the occupation's shelling of Deir al-Balah and Al-Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that 6 citizens were martyred and several others were injured following an airstrike by the occupation targeting a house in the town of Al-Zawayda. Additionally, a citizen was martyred and 15 others were injured due to the occupation targeting Abdullah Azam Mosque in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

3 massacres in one day

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 54 martyrs and 95 injuries admitted to hospitals within the past 24 hours.

The ministry confirmed, in its daily update, that the toll of the aggression has risen to 83,848 martyrs and 89,459 injuries since October 7th of last year.

90% Displacement in Gaza since the start of the aggression

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) stated that 90% of the people in the Gaza Strip have been displaced since the start of the aggression in October 2023, many of them being children.

UNICEF added in a post on "Ex" platform on Wednesday that the places where people are forced to flee to lack basic necessities and security.

Major resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces on several fronts in Gaza, as "Al-Quds Brigades" announced on Thursday the targeting of the settlements of "Mefalsim" and "Nir Am" near Gaza with a missile barrage.

Assassination of a leader of "Al-Qassam" in Lebanon

Occupation forces assassinated a leader of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, in Lebanon by targeting his car in the Bekaa region today, Thursday.

The Al-Qassam Brigades said in a statement: “With the utmost pride, dignity, and confidence in the near victory of Allah, the Al-Shahid Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades mourns to the sons of our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation a knight of its faithful leaders. We mourn al Mujahid, the Commander Mohammad Hamed Jabara (Abu Mahmoud) from the town of Qaroun in West Bekaa.

They added that he was martyred in the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" today, Thursday morning, following an assassination operation carried out by the deceitful Zionist aircraft in the Western Bekaa of Lebanon.

Ben Gvir infiltrates "Al-Aqsa" for the second time since the aggression

According to Quds Press Agency, the so-called extremist right-wing Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, infiltrated the Al-Aqsa Mosque this Thursday morning and made statements threatening the Hamas movement, stating his opposition to the prisoner exchange deal which he described as a "surrender deal."

This is the second infiltration of the extremist minister into the mosque since the start of the aggression on Gaza on October 7, 2023, and the fifth since his appointment as Minister of National Security at the end of 2022.

"Hamas": Ben Gvir's infiltration of "Al-Aqsa" is a dangerous escalation

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) strongly condemned the infiltration of the terrorist extremist Ben Gvir into the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque this morning.

The movement said in a press statement today, Thursday: We consider this step as a dangerous escalation and provocation, part of the efforts of the extremist Zionist government to Judaize the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which our steadfast people will not allow in the face of the occupation's crimes and violations of its land and sanctities.

 Hamas called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the League of Arab States to take serious action to stop these systematic violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first qibla for Muslims. Hamas also demanded that urgent steps be taken to force the criminal occupation to stop the crime of Judaizing Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and all of occupied Palestine.

Kuwait in a Week

July 18, 2024


New reserves equivalent to country’s entire production for three years

  CEO of Kuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC) Sheikh Nawaf Al-Saud Al-Sabah announced on Sunday a huge discovery of light oil and natural gas at the maritime Noukhatha oilfield, east of Failaka Island. Sheikh Saud said the total deposits of light oil and gas in the field are estimated at 3.2 billion oil-equivalent barrels, which is equal to three years of Kuwait’s production.

The initial estimated area of the newly discovered oil well is around 96 sq km, KPC said in its statement. It added that the preliminary estimates of the hydrocarbon reserves present at the well were estimated at approximately 2.1 billion barrels of light oil and 5.1 trillion standard cubic feet of gas, which correspond to 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

The field was discovered and developed by Kuwait Oil Co (KOC), the exploration and production arm of KPC. The launch of the current marine exploration project was based on two-dimensional seismic surveys of the area, along with geophysical and geological studies to understand the earth’s layers and compositions, identify and secure the best drilling sites, and prepare for logistical operations, KOC said in a statement. KOC revealed the marine area represents about one-third of Kuwait’s

total land area and covers more than 6,000 sq km. The first phase includes drilling six exploratory wells for oil and gas, with subsequent stages to be determined based on the drilling results.

KOC underscored the importance of the offshore exploration project as a national endeavor with the goal of enhancing Kuwait’s hydrocarbon reserves sustainability and meeting global demand, aiming to elevate Kuwait’s status as a reliable global oil and gas producer and place it prominently on the regional map of leading offshore operators adhering to international standards.

Additionally, the project contributes to developing new technical skills in drilling and offshore production, creating varied employment opportunities for national talents, KOC pointed out. Based on initial test results, a developmental plan will be established to commence actual production from the field at the earliest opportunity, boosting KOC’s production capacity and laying another cornerstone for achieving its 2040 strategy, it indicated.

Al-Najat Charity assists 22,000

  Al-Najat charity declared on Wednesday that 22,000 people have benefited from the philanthropic program “Absherou Belkhair” since it kicked off in 2017. Mohammad Al-Khaldi, the director of aid at the society, said in remarks to KUNA that citizens, illegal residents, and people of various foreign communities have benefited from the program, noting the cost of the charities for low-income families has reached KD 6 million ($19.6 million).

He indicated that families in very much need, widows, orphans, limited-income people, patients, the divorced, and the neglected were the priorities, adding that the number of families that benefited from the project reached 3,717. — KUNA

WFP representative affirms Kuwait’s humanitarian role

  The World Food Program (WFP) representative to the GCC Abdel-Majeed Yahia on Wednesday confirmed Kuwait’s pioneering role in the field of humanitarian work with its national, regional and global dimensions. Yahya said in a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) after his meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS), Anwar Al-Hasawi that Kuwait is making massive efforts in the areas of supporting the WFP’s activities.

Kuwait’s major role in this field is attested by various individuals, bodies and organizations, he said, praising the influential role of humanitarian contributions and the efforts of the KRCS at all international levels, especially those affected by natural or man-made disasters. For his part, Al-Hasawi stressed in a similar statement to KUNA the importance of strengthening cooperation and relations with the WFP.

He stated that the relationship establishes a framework to determine the necessary mechanisms to advance the process of bilateral work with the WFP in a step towards serving humanity in many countries and regions that need assistance.

During the meeting, both sides discussed joint work in the future and how to coordinate humanitarian projects for the benefit of local communities in need, especially in the Gaza Strip and countries affected by natural or man-made disasters. He pointed out that KRCS seeks to expand and strengthen humanitarian cooperation and partnership with regional and international bodies and organizations in order to achieve its goals. — KUNA

Kuwait reiterates call for reforming UN Security Council, entire system

FM draws attention to the formidable challenges

  Kuwait’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya delivered a speech to the UN Security Council session on “multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order” on Tuesday. He highlighted the need of the international community recommitting itself to the principles and goals of the UN Charter, saying it is the cornerstone of multilateral cooperation in the face of mounting challenges.

Kuwait reiterates the call for reforming the UN Security Council and the entire UN system and backs the efforts aiming to make the UN more effective, impartial, transparent, representative and credible, he stressed.

Al-Yahya drew attention to the formidable challenges facing the international community, including food insecurity, shortage of energy, climate change, poverty and conflicts which pose threats to international peace and security. He underscored the roles of major countries in creating fairer and more balanced partnerships with developing countries through technology transfer and development assistance in keeping with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 Agenda. — KUNA


Namaa Charity has dug 3 artesian wells and distributed 1300 food baskets in Chad.

Namaa Charity, in association with the Social Reform Society, recently conducted a humanitarian trip to Chad with the aim of providing support and relief to the poor and needy communities in the country. The trip was led by Namaa Charity's Relief Director, Khaled Mubarak Al-Shammari, who distributed over 1300 food baskets and dug 3 artesian wells, each serving a complete village, contributing significantly to improving the lives of the local residents.

Al-Shammari stated in a press release, "The first step of this trip was to distribute food baskets to needy families. These baskets included basic food items to meet the daily needs of the families and improve their nutrition. The number of distributed baskets exceeded 1300, reflecting the great efforts made by Namaa Charity in supporting poor communities. This food support was not just about providing food items, but also a message of hope and solidarity with the needy in Chad."

In addition to distributing food baskets, Namaa Charity dug 3 artesian wells in different areas of Chad, each serving a complete village, providing a sustainable source of clean water for the villagers, which was vital as they were previously forced to travel long distances to access water, posing a heavy burden on their daily lives.

Al-Shammari emphasized that water is essential to life, and providing it sustainably has a significant impact on the lives of local residents in Chad. Prior to the digging of these wells, villagers were suffering from a lack of clean water, affecting their health and daily lives. Now, thanks to the efforts of Namaa Charity, they can easily access water, greatly improving their quality of life and health.

  Real example of effective and impactful charitable work

Al-Shammari explained that the trip to Chad serves as a real example of effective and impactful charitable work. In addition to providing basic needs such as food and water, these efforts have helped strengthen the spirit of hope and solidarity among the beneficiaries, enabling children, women, and men in these villages to focus on education, work, and the development of their communities.

He concluded by saying, "Namaa Charity's trip to Chad reflects the organization's commitment to providing support and assistance to the needy around the world. Through distributing food baskets and digging artesian wells, Namaa Charity has set an example to be followed in effective and sustainable humanitarian work, aiming to achieve a lasting positive impact in the lives of the beneficiaries, promoting the spirit of human solidarity."

The Kuwait Goodness Society has implemented the "Sacrifices" project in partnership with the General Secretariat of Endowments.

The director of the Kuwait Goodness Society, Othman Yaqoub Al-Thuwaini, stated: The Kuwait Goodness Society has implemented the "Sacrifices" project for this year for families within Kuwait in cooperation and support from the General Secretariat of Endowments for the benefit of 126 families for the year 1445 AH / 2024 AD.

Al-Thuwaini mentioned that the sacrifice is a constant Islamic ritual based on the Qur'an, Sunnah, and consensus, praising the important role played by the General Secretariat of Endowments in supporting the charitable and humanitarian projects carried out by the society. He noted that this support greatly contributes to supporting poor and needy families, relieving the burdens on the shoulders of families in need, in addition to bringing joy and happiness to families and individuals during the blessed days, affirming the society's determination to expand cooperation with the General Secretariat of Endowments to implement charitable and developmental projects supporting Kuwaiti families.

Kuwait contributes to alleviating the crisis in Sudan.

Since April 2023, Sudan has been suffering from a severe humanitarian crisis as a result of the ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the "Rapid Support Forces". This conflict has led to the death of thousands and the displacement of millions, making Sudan face one of the largest displacement crises in the world. The following are the main points related to the crisis:

- Internal displacement and external refuge: More than 6.9 million people have been displaced within Sudan, while around 1.45 million have fled to neighboring countries. Half of these displaced are children, making Sudan face the largest child displacement crisis in the world.

- Food crisis: 17.7 million people suffer from severe food shortages, with 4.9 million of them at risk of famine. This situation has led to the spread of malnutrition, especially among children.

- Diseases: The spread of infectious diseases such as cholera and measles, with thousands of cases and deaths recorded. The healthcare system suffers from a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies, leading to the closure of 70% of healthcare facilities.

Efforts of Namaa Charitable Organization:

Namah Charitable Organization, affiliated with the Social Reform Society, is one of the leading Kuwaiti organizations making humanitarian efforts to support Sudan. Namah Charitable Organization has distinguished itself through several humanitarian initiatives to alleviate the suffering of Sudanese affected by the conflict.

Relief campaign in Chad:

In light of the difficult humanitarian conditions faced by Sudanese refugees in Chad, Namah Charitable Organization conducted a comprehensive relief campaign to meet their needs. This campaign included:

- Medical convoy: Sending a medical convoy with various specialties such as ophthalmology and internal medicine, providing health services to more than 6000 beneficiaries, contributing to improving the health conditions of the refugees.

- Food Aid: Distribution of 400 food baskets containing essential food items. In addition, 1000 meals were distributed to needy families, especially children suffering from malnutrition.

- Humanitarian Initiatives: Enhancing cooperation with local and international partners to effectively provide aid. This cooperation has helped in facing urgent challenges and protecting the lives of hundreds of hungry individuals and children greatly affected by malnutrition.

Sudan Relief Campaign Launch

NAMA Charity has launched comprehensive relief campaigns to meet the needs of internally displaced persons in Sudan. Some of these efforts include:

- Cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: NAMA Charity signed an agreement to provide multi-purpose cash assistance to displaced persons in Sudan, covering basic expenses such as debt repayment, rent, food, and healthcare.

- Response to health needs: Distribution of winter seeds and vaccines to support local farmers, helping to enhance food security in affected areas. Additionally, providing nutrition screenings and treatment for acutely malnourished children.

Visit of Kuwaiti Delegation to Chad

As part of relief efforts, a delegation from NAMA Charity visited Chad twice to provide direct support to Sudanese refugees there. The visits included:

- Direct support: Distribution of food aid and relief items directly to needy families, including providing shelter and basic living necessities.

- Situation assessment: Comprehensive assessment of the humanitarian situation in Sudanese camps in Chad, helping to identify urgent needs and provide aid effectively.

- International cooperation: Strengthening cooperation with international and local humanitarian organizations to ensure sustainable and effective aid delivery. These visits have helped improve the coordination of relief efforts and provide the necessary support to refugees.

NAMA Charity's efforts demonstrate Kuwait's commitment to providing humanitarian support to Sudan, especially amid the current humanitarian crisis. Through relief campaigns and delegation visits to Chad, NAMA Charity has been able to provide vital support to Sudanese refugees and displaced persons, alleviating their suffering and improving their living conditions.

The Israeli aggressive war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 285th day with the continued commitment of the Zionist occupation forces to commit genocide in the Gaza Strip, through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

The following are the highlights of the developments:

The Israeli occupation continues its ground, air, and sea aggression against the Gaza Strip for the 284th consecutive day, committing a new massacre in front of the Al-Qahira School in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, resulting in 11 martyrs and 15 wounded so far.

In addition, 5 citizens were martyred and a number of others were injured as a result of the Israeli occupation shelling the Nusseirat camp in central Gaza and the city of Rafah.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported the martyrdom of 5 people and the injury of others as a result of an Israeli airstrike targeting a house in the town of Abasan east of Khan Yunis.

In a related context, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) stated that the occupation targeted at least 8 schools during the past ten days, six of which belong to the agency.

4 massacres in 24 hours

The Ministry of Health announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 81 martyrs and 198 injuries reaching hospitals in the past 24 hours.

The ministry stated that some victims are still under the rubble and on the roads where paramedics and civil defense teams cannot reach them.

The death toll of the aggression has risen to 38,794 martyrs and 89,364 injuries since October 7th last year.

Highlights of Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces that have infiltrated several axes in Gaza, with the Al-Qassam Brigades announcing the targeting of an Israeli "Merkava" tank with a "Yasin 105" shell near the Al-Mashrou' intersection east of Rafah city in the south of the Strip.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also released footage of a complex ambush carried out by its fighters against the occupation forces near Al-Amin Muhammad roundabout in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood south of Gaza City.

In the same context, the Al-Qassam Brigades stated that its fighters managed to carry out a shooting operation targeting a vehicle of Zionist settlers near the village of Ramim east of Tulkarem yesterday, injuring 3 of them to varying degrees, as a retaliation for the martyrs' blood and in response to the Zionist massacres in the Gaza Strip and the crimes of the occupation in the occupied West Bank.

The Al-Quds Brigades also showcased footage of its fighters sniping one of the enemy soldiers during the Israeli incursion into the Shuja'iya neighborhood east of Gaza City.

Gallant: Netanyahu Increases Difficulties

The "Yedioth Ahronoth" newspaper quoted Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as saying: The conditions for reaching an agreement with Hamas are ripe, but Netanyahu is increasing the difficulties.

Gallant added: If a prisoner exchange deal is not reached within two weeks, then it means the fate of the abductees will be decided.

He pointed out that Netanyahu is increasing the difficulty of reaching an agreement so as not to lose coalition members Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

"Hamas" Rejects a Report by Human Rights Watch Adopting the Occupation's Narrative

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirmed its rejection of the lies and biased content included in the report by "Human Rights Watch" towards the occupation, criticizing the lack of professionalism and credibility, and demanded its withdrawal and apology.

The movement explained in a press statement, published on its website today, Wednesday, that the report by "Human Rights Watch" adopted the entire "Israeli" narrative, deviating from scientific research methodology and neutral legal position, becoming more like an "Israeli" propaganda document.

The movement pointed out that the report started with a dramatic and affecting style about an "Israeli" person who was injured in the events of the seventh of October, and ended with a discussion about a woman who was mentally affected by the events, without addressing what our people in Gaza have suffered from in terms of killings, destruction, starvation, and unimaginable suffering, perpetuating the idea of racist discrimination between humans.

The Genocide Harvest

The government media office in Gaza published an update on the most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the "Israeli" occupation on the Gaza Strip for the 285th day, as follows:

- (3408) massacres committed by the occupation army.

- (48794) martyrs and missing persons.

- (10000) missing individuals.

- (38794) martyrs who arrived at hospitals.

- (16172) child martyrs.

- (34) martyrs due to famine.

- (10798) female martyrs.

- (500) martyrs from medical crews.

- (79) martyrs from civil defense.

- (160) martyr journalists.

- (7) mass graves established by the occupation inside hospitals.

- (520) martyrs recovered from 7 mass graves inside hospitals.

- (89364) wounded and injured.

- (70%) of the victims are children and women.

- (162) shelters targeted by the "Israeli" occupation.

- (17000) children living without one or both parents.

- (3500) children at risk of death due to malnutrition and food shortages.

- (12000) wounded in need of treatment abroad.

- (10000) cancer patients facing death and in need of treatment.

- (3000) patients with various diseases requiring treatment abroad.

- (1737524) individuals infected with infectious diseases due to displacement.

- (71338) cases of viral hepatitis infections due to displacement.

- (60000) pregnant women at risk due to lack of healthcare.

- (350000) chronic patients at risk due to the ban on importing medications.

- (5000) detainees from the Gaza Strip during the genocidal war.

- (310) cases of health personnel arrests.

- (36) cases of journalists' arrests whose names are known.

- (2) million internally displaced persons in the Gaza Strip.

- (197) government offices destroyed by the occupation.

- (115) schools and universities completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (330) schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (107) scholars, university professors, and researchers executed by the occupation.

- (610) mosques completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (211) mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (3) churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.

- (150000) residential units completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (80000) residential units rendered uninhabitable by the occupation.

- (200000) residential units partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (81000) tons of explosives dropped by the occupation on the Gaza Strip.

- (34) Hospitals put out of service by the occupation.

- (68) Health centers put out of service by the occupation.

- (162) healthcare institutions targeted by the occupation.

- (131) ambulances targeted by the occupation.

- (206) archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.

- (3030) kilometers of electricity networks destroyed by the occupation.

- (33) billion Dollars in direct initial losses of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli aggressive war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 284th     day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Highlights of the Developments:

Massacres in Khan Younis and Nusairat

The Zionist occupation army continues its ground, air, and sea aggression on Gaza for the 284th consecutive day. Today, Tuesday, the occupation army committed two brutal massacres: the first in the Al-Razi school in Nusairat (central Gaza) claimed the lives of 23 martyrs and left 73 injured, and the second in the Al-Attar area in Muwasi, Khan Younis (southern Gaza) resulted in 17 martyrs and 26 injured.

49 martyrs in 24 hours

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed two massacres against families in Gaza, resulting in 49 martyrs and 69 injuries in the past 24 hours. The ministry confirmed that the death toll of the aggression has reached 38,713 martyrs and 89,166 injuries since October 7th.

9241 students martyred since the beginning of the aggression

The Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education stated that 9241 students have been martyred and 15,182 injured since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza and the West Bank on October 7th. The Ministry also reported that 9138 students have been martyred in Gaza and 14,671 injured, while 103 students have been martyred in the West Bank and 505 others injured, in addition to 357 arrests.

Occupation holds bodies of 1500 martyrs

Hebrew media revealed that the occupation army is holding the bodies of 1500 Palestinian martyrs at the Sederot detention center in the occupied Palestinian territories since October 7th. According to the soldier quoted by the newspaper "Haaretz," the martyrs' bodies are stored in refrigerators, cataloged by numbers not names.

Highlights of resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces in several areas of Gaza, with the Al-Quds Brigades striking Sderot and settlements around Gaza with a missile barrage. The Brigades also announced the sniping of an Israeli soldier in the Natsarim axis south of Gaza City.

Occupation admits shortage of tanks

For the first time since its aggression on Gaza, the occupation army admitted to a shortage of tanks due to many being damaged by the Palestinian resistance. The newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth" reported that the Israeli army has lost many tanks during the battles and due to a lack of trainers, the army has postponed the integration of female recruits into armored formations. "Haaretz" also noted that the current number of tanks in the Israeli army does not meet military needs.

Lieberman: Our soldiers suffer from nightmares

Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that Israeli soldiers suffer from nightmares while the economy collapses and diplomacy deteriorates. In an article on the Hebrew website "Walla," Lieberman criticized the Israeli leadership, stating that nothing has changed since the deadly attack by Hamas on Israel and its people nine months ago.


The Israeli aggressive war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 283rd day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Ongoing massacres... and 80 martyrs within 24 hours. The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported that Israeli warplanes targeted a group of civilians in Mansoura Street in the Shujaiya neighborhood, resulting in the martyrdom of three civilians and the injury of others.

The Palestinian news agency reported that Red Crescent paramedics recovered the bodies of 5 martyrs, including 3 children, as a result of Israeli warplanes targeting a house in the Maghazi camp in central Gaza. This happened simultaneously with the Israeli artillery firing shells at the al-Maghraqa area and the outskirts of the northern Nuseirat camp, as well as firing from helicopters in the northwest of the city of Zahra.

The Ministry of Health announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in Gaza, resulting in 80 martyrs and 216 injuries being taken to hospitals in the past 24 hours. The ministry confirmed that the death toll from the horrific massacre by the occupation against displaced people in the Abu Areban school in the Nuseirat camp yesterday has risen to 22 martyrs and 102 wounded.

The death toll from the aggression has reached 38,664 martyrs and 88,097 injuries since October 7 last year.

"UNRWA": 15 years to remove war debris. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stated on Monday that Gaza needs 15 years to remove 40 million tons of war debris. The UN agency added that the removal of war debris in Gaza requires an effort involving more than 100 trucks with a budget exceeding 500 million dollars.

Key resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront Israeli forces in several areas of Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced the detonation of a missile from Israeli remnants at two "Merkava" tanks surrounded by a number of occupation soldiers, causing casualties near the 17th roundabout in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood south of Gaza City.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, stated that the resistance fighters targeted a group of Israeli occupation soldiers inside a residential apartment building at the Awad Allah intersection in the Yibna camp south of Rafah with a TPG shell, resulting in casualties.

The Al-Quds Brigades also shelled Israeli soldiers and vehicles using 60 caliber mortar shells near the Awad Allah intersection in the Yibna camp south of Rafah and confirmed the landing of helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded.

The Al-Quds Brigades also targeted Israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells on the supply line in the "Netzarim" axis.

Government Media Office: America supplied the occupation with banned weapons. The government media office in Gaza stated that the American administration under Joe Biden's presidency caused a great humanitarian tragedy and significant damage to our Palestinian people by engaging in genocide and supplying the occupation with internationally banned weapons, resulting in the deaths of more than 38,500 people and injuring more than 88,800 others.

He added in a statement today, Monday, that the occupation used these weapons in committing thousands of heinous massacres against civilians and displaced people, with most of the victims being children and women. The statement pointed out that the American administration facilitated the way for the "Israeli" occupation to carry out the genocide crime using its internationally banned weapons. The occupation bombed the tents of displaced people made of nylon and fabric without the American administration expressing its stance towards these massacres and atrocities. It mentioned that the occupation destroyed more than 75% of the housing sector, hospitals, schools, churches, in addition to deliberately killing journalists, doctors, scientists, researchers, elites, school students, university students, and all Palestinian society groups with these weapons.

They confirmed that the American administration has been a fundamental supporter and partner in the genocide crime, agreeing to it by using the veto power in the Security Council more than once. It said: The American administration has provided the occupation "Israel" with all kinds of banned weapons, including missiles and bombs weighing 200 pounds of explosives without any accountability.

Furthermore, it mentioned that the weapons provided by the American administration to the occupation "Israel" included three types of bunker-buster bombs, American GBU-28 bombs, GPS-guided bombs to destroy infrastructure, internationally banned white phosphorous bombs, dumb or unguided bombs, and smart "JDAM" bombs.

Eilat Port declares bankruptcy

The website "WorldCargo" which covers global shipping news, reported the bankruptcy of Eilat Port due to the lack of commercial activity, as a result of the attacks by the Houthis on Zionist ships linked to the occupation in the Red Sea, according to "Al-Shorouk" website. The CEO of the port, Gedoun Gilbert, told the Knesset Economic Committee last Sunday that the port has not witnessed any activity or revenues for eight months.

The site noted that the port was significantly affected by the Houthi attacks, which had a major impact on the occupation's trade movement. The operations of the Houthis in the Red Sea led to an 85% decrease in shipping movement, prompting the port to request financial aid from the occupation government.

Australian University announces a review of its military investments supporting the occupation

The Australian National University announced its intention to review its investment portfolio after months of pro-Palestine protests on its campus in the Australian capital, Canberra, according to Al Jazeera Net. Students at the university protested in April against the university's investments in arms companies involved in the occupation's war on Gaza. They stated that they would not leave the protest site until the university cuts ties with those companies, as well as demanding the termination of existing partnerships with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


The Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 282nd day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in the Gaza Strip through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Continuing massacres... occupation forces bombard a school for displaced people in the Nuseirat camp.

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as its warplanes bombed the Abu Urbaan School belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), which houses a large number of displaced people in the Nuseirat camp. This resulted in the martyrdom of at least 15 citizens and the injury of dozens, most of whom are children and women.

The Gaza Government Media Office stated that the occupation army committed a terrible massacre against the displaced people in the Abu Urbaan School in the Nuseirat camp, resulting in the martyrdom of 15 and the injury of 80.

The office added that this massacre is part of the ongoing genocide being committed by the occupation army against the Palestinian people for the tenth consecutive month.

The office pointed out that these massacres come amidst the occupation's destruction of the healthcare system, burning hospitals and putting them out of service. This is in addition to the immense pressure on medical teams and the remaining surgical operating rooms, shortage of health and medical supplies, closure of crossings preventing the travel of the wounded and patients, as well as the lack of fuel, all in the midst of the catastrophic humanitarian and health conditions.

The Gaza office strongly condemned the occupation's commission of this terrible massacre and massacres against civilians, as well as the alignment of the American administration with the occupation in the crime of genocide.

The Gaza office held the Israeli occupation and the American administration fully responsible for continuing these massacres against the displaced people and civilians.

It called on the international community, the United Nations, and various international organizations and all free countries in the world to pressure the Israeli occupation and the American administration to stop the genocide and stop the flow of blood in the Gaza Strip.

141 martyrs in one day.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the martyrdom of 141 and 400 injuries in the past 24 hours.

The ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression has risen to 38,584 martyrs and 88,881 injuries since October 7th.

Resistance operations continue

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces advancing on multiple fronts in Gaza, as the Al-Qassam Brigades announced today the detection of a special Zionist force infiltrating disguised inside a relief truck.

Al-Qassam added that when the force reached the project intersection east of Rafah and entered a house, our fighters engaged directly with them from zero distance with light weapons and individual shells, resulting in all members being either killed or injured.

Resistance factions: Palestinian Authority equates between the victim and the perpetrator

The Palestinian resistance factions condemned statements issued in the name of the Palestinian Authority presidency that absolve the occupation of its crimes and equate between the victim and the perpetrator, providing justification for the occupation army and its crimes against the Palestinian people, and holding the resistance responsible for these massacres.

In a statement,  Hamas  clarified that the statements of the Palestinian Authority come at a time when Palestinian blood is flowing due to the horrific massacres committed by the Nazi occupation army against our people. The Massacres that happened in the outskirts of Khan Younis, in the White Mosque in the Beach Camp, and other areas of the Gaza Strip, where hundreds have been killed.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine considered the statements of the Authority to be offensive and justifying the occupation's brutal crimes, providing it with a free service to evade responsibility by portraying that a segment of Palestinians support its justifications.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine pointed out that there is a wide popular and national solidarity with the resistance, requiring all national forces, including Fatah movement and the Authority leadership, to commit to the national consensus position and stand firmly alongside the resistance.

Haniya: Occupation's allegations about targeting Al-Deif are false

Deputy Head of Hamas Movement in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya, refuted the allegations of the occupation's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about targeting Commander Mohammed Al-Deif.

Al-Hayya, in an interview with Al Jazeera, affirmed that what Netanyahu said about not knowing about the fate of the targeting of the leader Mohammed Al-Deif, and the leader Raafat Salama as he claimed, is a clear indication of the failure of this false targeting and an attempt by the criminal army to market its crimes against our people.

He stated : "Netanyahu's allegations are false, and Netanyahu wished to announce a fake victory in his pathetic conference, adding: Mohammed Al-Deif hears you now and mocks your empty false statements."

Hamas denies halting negotiations

A member of Hamas Political Bureau, Azat al-Rashq, affirmed that the report published by the French news agency and circulated by some media outlets about a decision within Hamas to halt negotiations in response to the massacre in the outskirts of Khan Younis is not true.

Al-Rashq explained today, Sunday, that this Nazi escalation against our people by Netanyahu and his Nazi government, one of its goals is to block any agreement to stop aggression against our people, which has become clear to everyone.


The French newspaper "Le Monde" published a report emphasizing the negative effects caused by Israeli occupation on higher education in Gaza, whereas all 12 universities in the region have been destroyed or seriously damaged.

The newspaper" reported how the Israeli occupation forces had destroyed all the institutions of higher education within the Palestinian territory killing three university presidents, some 100 deans, and university professors killed by Israeli force.

According to Bisan Al-Qulagh, gaining admission to a university in Gaza, for example, was hailed as a "gateway to independence" for Palestinians. She remembers how ecstatic she was, receiving the call with the news of her acceptance into the Clinical Pharmacy program in September 2021. Now, her university is nothing but a heap of rubble: the Israeli army bombed and eradicated it in December 2023, two months after the war on Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army has, since destroyed or damaged, making strikes and shelling, 12 universities in Gaza. It is such that, almost 75% of the educational infrastructure regions stand to be affected, included in the above-listed educational establishments, the United Nations notes.

"Gaza used to be very beautiful. My university, not far from the sea, was very wonderful. Before October 7th, Gaza was that place," said Bisan, a 20-year-old student of Gaza. In Sharjah, which is in the United Arab Emirates, her father works. She said that while a bachelor's degree takes three years in this Gulf emirate, and more so in her case, "100,000 dirhams (25,000 euros)" would be lost and concluded, "We didn't have [the resources]," and this would probably explain why she was beside herself on obtaining a seat at one the universities in Gaza.

"I no longer know what to do with my life"

At eighteen years of age, she left the house of her parents and went on to live with her grandparents in the city of Gaza, residing very near to the university campus. Bisan had got accustomed to sharing videos of herself with friends through her Instagram, either at the university, in the classroom with friends, or even in the laboratory breathing in chemistry.

She had landed in Abu Dhabi at the end of February and was evacuated with her mother and sisters. "The two years I spent at the University of Palestine were the best thing that ever happened in my life. Today, I don't have a clue what my future will turn out to be. What would happen to two years of my studies that have no value anymore? Have they all gone to waste?" she asked.

Killing Over 95 Deans and Professors

Hence, the war in Gaza has changed the relationships between Israeli secular and religious. The Israeli strikes in Gaza were declared by the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory, which published that these have destroyed the higher education infrastructures. Furthermore, It was calculated to be more than 200 million euros. It has killed at least three university presidents since October 7th, over 95 deans and professors, and forced around 88,000 students to suspend studies, joined by 555 other students deprived of travel abroad due to the violations.

Al-Isra University

In the first days of the invasion, the Israeli occupying forces converted some facilities in Gaza into barracks or prison cells before destroying them. The Al-Isra University, destroyed on the 17th of this month during bombardment, belongs to this group, images of which were shared on social networks. The management of the center affirms that, before the detonation, troops took ancient artifacts from the national museum installed in one of the wings of the institution.

This is what October 7th did. What if that hadn't happened, too? Also, its main campus is located in Gaza City, and one of its branch campuses is in the Maghazi area; all three of these facilities were bombed in three successive air strikes on October 11th, 4th, and 21st of November 2023. Before October 7th, Karam Jad Allah had just turned 22 and was a student majoring in French and English literature at Al-Azhar University. He intended to apply for a Master's degree in Law to a university in Brussels.

"We had top-level professors," said the young man, now a refugee in Rafah, where he distributes food for a charitable organization in the area. "Millions of dollars were invested in recent buildings in my university. There were a lot of trees. We used to have top-line professors. Sometimes after losing something, you come to realize how valuable it was."

 Differently, Zuheer Khaleel - the founder and first president of the Palestine University who fled from the sector to Egypt in November thanks to his British citizenship, repeats: "This senseless bloody war. " it is noteworthy to mention that Zaheer is a civil engineering doctor from a British university who went in 1989 to give his lectures in Gaza. He had seen many other wars shake the coastal region, but the scale of the current war greatly worried him about the future.

Khaleel told University World News: "What is happening in Gaza is a war on education. We built the academic infrastructure with our sweat, blood, and thanks to donations. It took us a long time to prepare the labs at our university since the equipment had to pass through Israeli customs. We have not completed our work to repair the damage from the previous war, in 2014. How long shall it take this time to rebuild everything?"

Among the most prestigious universities in the sector, the newspaper notes, was the Islamic University in Gaza, where, 68 years old, and a teacher in English literature, worked Akram Habib. The professor, who left for Turkey, says, "We created an elite in Gaza. My former students became ambassadors, lawyers, engineers, police officers, and teachers. And today, many of them have been killed."

Can the Israeli assassination campaign against Hamas have unexpected outcomes? The newspaper noted that "the college was a stronghold of pro-Hamas activities as the place where most of the executive directors of the movement studied, was bombed on October 11th, 2023." Habib responds to this, saying, "The Israelis say Hamas founded it, which is not true. But if this is true then why were other universities targeted in that manner? Why do we see Israeli soldiers photographed in front of its destroyed facilities? We can only think that this war has only one goal: to turn Gaza into an uninhabitable area."



Operation "Storm of Al-Aqsa" entered its 281st day, with the Israeli occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in the Gaza Strip, through dozens of airstrikes, artillery bombardment, and bloody massacres against civilians.

A horrific massacre in the Moasi area of Khan Yunis

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, where it committed a horrific massacre against displaced persons in the Moasi area of Khan Yunis in the southern part of the Strip. More than 71 martyrs and more than 289 wounded, including serious cases, were reported by the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

The Palestinian Media Center reported that the occupation army targeted a residential building with six missiles on the main road between the Nas Intersection and Al-Aqsa University roundabout in the Moasi area of Khan Yunis. The occupation had previously designated it as a safe area before launching fiery belts and shelling the tents of the displaced persons and civil defense teams that arrived to rescue them.

Sources said that the civil defense teams went to rescue the displaced persons in the Moasi massacre in Khan Yunis and were targeted, resulting in the deaths and injuries of many of them.

The Gaza government media office said that the Israeli army committed a major massacre by shelling the camps of the displaced persons in Khan Yunis (southern Gaza Strip), which resulted in over 100 martyrs and wounded, including members and officers of the civil defense, in preliminary toll.

The office added that government and relief teams are still pulling out dozens of martyrs and wounded from the site of the bombing and targeting. This massacre comes at a time when there are no hospitals capable of receiving this large number of martyrs and wounded, and coinciding with the destruction of the health system in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation forces also committed a second massacre by targeting a mosque near the White Mosque in the Beach refugee camp in Gaza City, resulting in the death of at least 20 citizens and injuring dozens, according to the Palestinian Media Center.

"Hamas": The Moasi massacre is a continuation of Nazi genocide

The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" affirmed that the Moasi massacre in Khan Yunis is a continuation of the Nazi genocide against our people, pointing out that the American administration is a direct partner in this crime.

In a statement today, Hamas condemned in the strongest terms the horrific Moasi massacre in Khan Yunis, constituting a dangerous escalation in the series of unprecedented crimes and massacres in the history of wars, committed in the Gaza Strip by the new Nazis.

Hamas stated that this heinous massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army targeted the Moasi area west of Khan Yunis, an area classified by the occupation army as "safe zones." The citizens were called to move to it, where the occupation's aircraft, artillery, and drones intensively and continuously targeted the tents of the displaced persons with various types of weapons, resulting in hundreds of martyrs and wounded among innocent civilians.

 Hamas added that the Mawasi massacre in Khan Yunis; Which targeted an area crowded with more than eighty thousand displaced people. A clear confirmation from the Zionist government that it is continuing its war of extermination against our Palestinian people. A war of extermination through the repeated and systematic targeting of defenseless civilians, in tents, displacement centers and residential neighborhoods, and committing the most heinous crimes against them, ignoring calls to stop targeting innocent civilians, or paying attention to any of the laws of war that require their protection.

Hamas emphasized that this disregard for the law and international treaties, and the widespread violations against innocent civilians, would not have continued without the support provided by the American administration to the extremist Zionist government and its terrorist army. They cover up their crimes, provide them with all means of political and military support, and handicap the international justice from fulfilling its role towards these crimes, making it a full partner in them.

"Hamas": Occupation claims of targeting leaders are false

The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" stated that the occupation's claims of targeting leaders are false.

The movement clarified in a press statement that this is not the first time the occupation claims to have targeted Palestinian leaders, only for their lies to be exposed later.

It stressed that these false claims are only to cover up the size of the horrific massacre.

Highlights of Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces on multiple fronts in Gaza, where the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced today that it ambushed a convoy of Israeli vehicles and destroyed 3 "Merkava" tanks with "Yasin 105" shells near Abu Thar Al-Ghafari Mosque east of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also managed to detonate a minefield in an Israeli engineering force, causing casualties in the Shoka neighborhood east of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Al-Qassam Brigades further reported targeting a Zionist bulldozer of the "D9" type with a "Yasin 105" shell, causing it to catch fire near the cemetery east of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the Al-Qassam fighters targeted a Zionist jeep of the "Hummer" type with an RPG shell, engaging in clashes with a number of occupation soldiers nearby and inflicting casualties near the Council of Ministers in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.

The Al-Quds Brigades also announced shelling with mortar shells a position of enemy soldiers and vehicles in the "Netzareem" axis south of Tel al-Hawa in western Gaza City.


The Israeli criminal war on Gaza entered its 280th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in the Gaza Strip, through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Recovery of the bodies of 60 martyrs from Gaza City

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as reported by the Palestinian news agency that ambulance crews have recovered the bodies of around 60 martyrs from the neighborhoods of Tel al-Hawa, as well as the southern Sands and Industry areas in Gaza City, following a partial withdrawal of occupation forces after a ground invasion about a week ago.

Medical sources at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital reported that 56 bodies were recovered from Tel al-Hawa and the Industry area by 10 o'clock in the morning.

Ambulance crews also recovered the bodies of 5 martyrs from inside the Friends of the Patient Hospital west of Gaza City.

Eyewitnesses reported difficult and tragic scenes of dozens of martyrs' bodies strewn on the ground and under the rubble of destroyed homes in Tel al-Hawa and the Industry area, in addition to the widespread destruction of infrastructure and the setting of fires in many homes by the occupation forces before withdrawing.

Occupation destroys 35% of buildings in Shujaiya

The Gaza municipality revealed on Friday that the occupation army destroyed 35% of buildings and residential facilities in the Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City completely.

The municipality stated in a statement: The Israeli army deliberately targeted vital facilities and infrastructure to make Gaza an uninhabitable city, having destroyed 35% of buildings and residential facilities in Shujaiya neighborhood alone completely.

"Hamas": The occupation's atrocities in Tel al-Hawa are war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirmed that the fascistic crimes of the occupation in Tel al-Hawa, such as executing the elderly and children in their homes, are heinous violations and despicable behaviors that require urgent international accountability.

The movement stated in a press release on Friday that the atrocities revealed following the withdrawal of the terrorist occupation army from Tel al-Hawa in southwest Gaza City, after days of intense shelling and targeting of all aspects of life, are war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.

It added that the occupation army set fire to residential buildings before leaving Tel al-Hawa, prevented the civil defense from accessing the buildings that were set on fire with families inside, and recovered the bodies of entire families killed in Tel al-Hawa due to the Israeli shelling, confirming that the occupation army committed brutal massacres and atrocities that shame humanity.

 Hamas pointed out that the shocking scenes of cold-blooded executions of innocent elderly Palestinians inside their homes violate all human values. Among those who were executed by Israeli soldiers were three elderly women from the Al-Ghalaiani family, in addition to cases of executing isolated civilians including children. Hamas emphasized that this fascist Zionist army and its criminal leaders, who kill children, women, and elders, follow despicable and cowardly behavior.

Hamas further stated that these heinous crimes are happening in front of the eyes and ears of the United Nations, the international community, and its institutions, including the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, which must take urgent action to stop the genocide war waged by the occupation against our people. In this war, endless violations of all values, traditions, laws, and international treaties are practiced, without the Zionist terrorists' government facing any real deterrent step to end these atrocities.

Key Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces on multiple fronts in Gaza, where the military wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, announced today, Friday, the shelling of enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with mortar shells.

The Al-Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli "Merkava" tank and an Israeli military carrier with two "Yasin 105" shells in the Al-Tanour neighborhood and George Street in the eastern city of Rafah in the southern sector.

They also reported that their fighters were able to destroy two Israeli "Merkava 4" tanks with a missile and an explosive device near the Al-Amin Muhammad Mosque in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in the western city of Gaza after returning from the front lines.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, targeted Israeli occupation forces near the "Kerem Abu Salem" military site east of Rafah with mortar shells and rockets (107).

They also targeted Israeli occupation soldiers and vehicles along the supply line on the "Netzarim" axis with a barrage of mortar shells.

They announced that they targeted Israeli occupation soldiers stationed at the Rafah crossing gate and its surroundings with a barrage of mortar shells.

Liberman: "Israel" is facing existential threats

Leader of the "Yisrael Beiteinu" party Avigdor Liberman said that if the current ruling coalition and Knesset continue until 2026, "Israel" will not exist.

Liberman was quoted by the Hebrew newspaper "Maariv" on Friday as saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has led "Israel" to destruction and does not know how to manage anything.

The leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party added that Netanyahu is now only seeking to ensure his stay in power for as long as possible.

He further stated that "Israel" is facing existential threats and is undergoing a multidimensional crisis, politically, economically, and security-wise, the biggest since its establishment.

Olmert: "Israel" will be prosecuted

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned on Friday that "Tel Aviv" will eventually be prosecuted and arrest warrants will be issued against its political and military leaders for the crimes committed against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

He said in an article published in the Hebrew newspaper "Haaretz" that "Israel" will not have any defense when accused of committing crimes against Palestinians in the West Bank, according to Anadolu Agency.

Erdogan: Partnership between NATO and "Israel" cannot continue

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan affirmed that the partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the "Israeli" administration cannot continue, and that initiatives of cooperation between the alliance and Tel Aviv will not receive Ankara's approval.

This came during a press conference on Thursday evening following his participation in the "NATO-Ukraine Council" session held on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, DC, according to Anadolu.

Erdogan stated: "It is not possible for the partnership between NATO and the 'Israeli' administration, which violates the fundamental values of our alliance, to continue."

He explained that the Benjamin Netanyahu government, with its expansionist and reckless policies, not only endangers the security of its citizens but also the security of the entire region.