5 Important Reasons to Support Muslim Minorities in the West Featured



Our noble religion always urges us to become an integrated nation, interconnected by harmony and cooperation in facing life and its challenges, as well as the plots of enemies towards this religion. Hence, every single verse and hadith that stipulates or gives example for such meanings, also includes the mutual effort to support Muslim minorities particularly in Western lands where they stand against grave challenges threatening them instantaneously, darkening their very existence. The following are some reasons that compel us to come to the aid of our brothers from Muslim minorities in Western countries:

  1. The Bond of Brotherhood in Faith:

These are the strongest bonds of faith among the children of the Islamic Ummah. Looking thus, we must shift the perception of minorities from being a marginal secondary issue to one of factors that should be of primary concern to Muslim countries and peoples.

  1. Following the Example Set by the Prophet:

The model of the Muslim state during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) gave much attention to Muslim minorities during periods of peace and war. Examples of this include the Prophet sending ambassadors like Musab ibn Umair to Medina, Muadh ibn Jabal, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, and Khalid ibn al-Walid to Yemen, among other companions to various regions.

  1. A Necessity to Improve the Image of Islam in the West:

Muslims in Western countries could be a model for advocates of goodness and reform, holding forth a shining representation of Islam, making them an example of Muslims who take pride in their faith. However, for this to happen, they need needful care and support.

  1. Building a Bridge of Communication between the Islamic Maternal World and the Western World:

Muslim minorities today are living at the focal intersection where conflict has developed among both Islamic and Western sides; thus, it is they who are the most qualified and able to comprehend both parties and represent the relationship lost between them.

  1. The Preservation of the Identity of the Muslim Ummah:

Without a shadow of a doubt, the communities of Muslim minorities in Europe represent an important part of the identity of this Ummah. Thus, guarding such communities against Westernization, disintegration, and enforced integration will hold for them as a safeguarding measure for the major core of the identity of the Islamic Ummah. Freedom of thought and work for minority communities shall give them the privilege to maintain their traditional settings and cultural identity, which is very essential to preserve the identity of an important part of the Islamic world.