Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


The genocide war waged by Israel on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 271st day, with Israeli occupation forces continuing to commit mass massacres in Gaza through dozens of air raids, artillery shelling, and mass killing of civilians.

The most prominent developments include:

- Shelling of Al-Shujaiya, Al-Maghazi, and Rafah neighborhoods

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, where medical sources announced the martyrdom of 26 people since dawn today as a result of ongoing Zionist bombardment on the Gaza Strip.

According to the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA), Al-Shujaiya neighborhood witnessed violent explosions, artillery shelling, and gunfire from military vehicles and drones "Koada Kaptor" and "Apache" helicopters.

Sources reported the retrieval of 7 martyrs from under the rubble after the occupation's planes targeted a house in the vicinity of Sheikh Radwan pool in northern Gaza City. Additionally, the bodies of 9 martyrs were retrieved from inside Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood and the Hashashin area northwest of Rafah city.

Four citizens were martyred and 17 others were injured after multiple attacks by the occupation on residents east of Gaza City when they attempted to return to their homes, following initial reports which turned out to be false about the withdrawal of occupation forces from Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

The center reported that the occupation deliberately moved its vehicles to deceive residents and push them to return to the area in order to target and kill them.

- Martyrdoms in Al-Maghazi Camp

In the center of the strip, 3 martyrs were killed in the occupation's shelling of a vehicle, and two citizens were martyred in the targeting of a group of civilians by the occupation's planes.

- 28 Martyrs in 3 Massacres

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the admission of 28 martyrs and 125 injuries to hospitals within the past 24 hours.

The ministry confirmed in its daily statement an increase in the toll of the aggression to 37,953 martyrs and 87,266 injuries since October 7th last year.

- Resistance operations continue

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront Zionist forces infiltrating several axes in Gaza. Al-Qassam Brigades announced on Wednesday the targeting of two Israeli "Merkava" tanks with "Yasin 105" shells in the western camp of Tal Al-Sultan west of Rafah city.

Additionally, they shelled the Israeli forces infiltrating Al-Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City with mortar shells.

The brigades also reported that their fighters were able to attack the headquarters of the Israeli forces in Al-Shujaiya neighborhood with appropriate weapons, leading to the killing and injuring of several individuals at the site, noting the landing of a helicopter to evacuate them.

They also mentioned that they killed 14 Israeli soldiers after they took refuge in a house in Al-Shujaiya neighborhood using a TBG shell.

Furthermore, the Al-Quds Brigades announced the targeting of an Israeli military bulldozer of type (D9) with an RPG shell at the "Halal Market" intersection in Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.

They stated that they shelled the Israeli enemy's formations located on Al-Mantar hill east of Al-Shujaiya neighborhood with regular and heavy mortar shells.

They also announced the destruction of an Israeli "Merkava" tank with a disruptive charge around the municipal stadium in central Rafah city.

- Zionist squad leaders: Fatigue among soldiers after 9 months of war

Leaders of 4 Zionist military squads in Gaza warned that fatigue is starting to show among soldiers as the war has continued since October 7th last year.

The Hebrew Broadcasting Authority quoted team leaders as speaking about the increasing state of boredom and criticism among the fighters and leaders of the "Israeli" reserve forces operating in Gaza, due to what they consider "inequality in bearing the burdens of military service with the Haredim and insufficient wages", warning that this has a "negative impact" on the performance of the "army" in the field of combat, according to the "Quds Press" agency.

The occupation forces leaders explained to Netanyahu that "destroying tunnels and infrastructure" belonging to Hamas will take "a long time".

The Hebrew source also pointed out that the four leaders met the Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier this week, and emphasized the need to take into account that a state of fatigue is beginning to show on the soldiers after nine months of war.

Harvest of the Genocide War

The government media office published an update on the most important statistics of the genocide war being waged by the occupation on the Gaza Strip.

The update issued until day 270 of the genocide war included the following:

- (3359) massacres committed by the occupation army.

- (47925) martyrs and missing.

- (10000) missing.

- (37925) martyrs among those who reached hospitals.

- (15919) child martyrs.

- (34) died as a result of famine.

- (10569) female martyrs.

- (500) martyrs from medical teams.

- (75) martyrs from civil defense.

- (153) journalist martyrs.

- (7) mass graves established by the occupation inside hospitals.

- (520) martyrs recovered from 7 mass graves inside hospitals.

- (156) shelters targeted by the "Israeli" occupation.

- (87141) wounded and injured.

- (70%) of the victims are children and women.

- (17000) children living without one or both parents.

- (3500) children at risk of death due to malnutrition and food shortages.

- (12000) wounded in need of treatment abroad.

- (10000) cancer patients facing death and in need of treatment.

- (3000) patients with various diseases in need of treatment abroad.

- (1660492) infectious diseases cases due to displacement.

- (71338) cases of viral hepatitis infections due to displacement.

- (60000) pregnant women at risk due to lack of healthcare.

- (350000) chronic patients at risk due to the ban on importing medications.

- (5000) detainees from the Gaza Strip during the genocide war.

- (310) cases of arrests of healthcare providers.

- (23) cases of arrests of known journalists.

- (2) million displaced in the Gaza Strip.

- (195) government buildings destroyed by the occupation.

- (113) schools and universities completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (323) schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (608) mosques completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (209) mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (3) churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.

- (150000) housing units completely destroyed by the occupation.

- (80000) housing units rendered uninhabitable by the occupation.

- (200000) housing units partially destroyed by the occupation.

- (80000) tons of explosives thrown by the occupation on the Gaza Strip.

- (34) Hospitals put out of service by the occupation.

- (64) Health centers put out of service by the occupation.

- (161) health facilities targeted by the occupation.

- (131) ambulances targeted by the occupation.

- (206) archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.

- (33) billion Dollars the direct initial losses of the genocide war on the Gaza Strip.

The genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 270th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and various murders in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.    

Highlights of the Developments:

- 17 Martyrs since Dawn today

The occupation forces continue their aggression on Gaza, as reported by the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) that 17 citizens were martyred and others were injured as a result of the continuous shelling of the occupation on different areas in the sector since early Tuesday morning. Ten citizens were martyred in the bombing of a market near the Shama'a Mosque in the Zaytoun neighborhood in southeast Gaza City, as reported by the agency. The occupation targeted the citizens while they were fetching water around the mosque. The occupation aircraft carried out a series of raids on different areas in the sector, with the raids focusing on the city of Rafah and Khan Younis province, which is witnessing a large displacement movement towards the center and west, after the occupation army warned the citizens to evacuate.

- 3 Massacres in 24 Hours

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the sector, resulting in 25 martyrs and 81 injuries being taken to hospitals during the past 24 hours. The ministry confirmed in its daily update an increase in the toll of the aggression to 37,925 martyrs and 87,141 injuries since October 7th last year.

- 250,000 People Displaced Again in Khan Younis

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) expected on Tuesday that 250,000 Palestinians would be forced to once again flee from Khan Younis, despite the lack of a safe place in the Gaza Strip.

- 8,672 Student Martyrs in Gaza and the West Bank

The Palestinian Ministry of Education announced that 8,672 students were martyred and 14,583 others were injured since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza and the West Bank on October 7th last year. It also mentioned that 497 teachers and administrators were martyred and 3,402 were injured in Gaza and the West Bank, while more than 109 were arrested in the West Bank.

- Highlights of Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces on several fronts in Gaza, as the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the targeting of two Merkava 4 tanks with Yassin 105 shells in the western camp area of Rafah city, noting the landing of occupation helicopters to evacuate soldiers.

The text describes clashes between Palestinian groups and Israeli forces in the Shuja'iya neighborhood in the eastern city of Gaza. The text mentions that members of Hamas were able to engage in combat with Israeli forces, resulting in casualties among the Israeli soldiers. It also includes scenes of a fighter from the Alshuja'eya Brigade sniper targeting an Israeli soldier, with a banner behind him saying: "We will remain on the mountain of archers, and behind us the voice of the prophet repeats, do not retreat."

Additionally, the text mentions that the Al-Quds Brigades announced that they have targeted Israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Shuja'iya neighborhood, resulting in casualties. They also managed to detonate an explosive device near the Al-Salam Mosque in the Shuja'iya neighborhood, targeting an Israeli military vehicle.

The text further reports the killing of an officer and a soldier, as well as the injury of 11 others in a resistance attack on the Netzarim axis in Gaza. Israeli media outlets have reported a complex and difficult situation in Gaza, with the Israeli military forces falling into a resistance ambush in the Netzarim axis.

Moreover, the New York Times reported that senior Israeli generals are seeking a ceasefire in Gaza, even if it means keeping Hamas in power for the time being. They believe that a ceasefire would be the best way to secure the release of approximately 120 Israelis who are still held captive in Gaza after almost 9 months of continuous war in the besieged territory. The officials fear an endless war that could gradually deplete their resources.


The genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 269th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and various murders in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians. 

 23 Martyrs Within 24 Hours

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed two massacres against families in the Strip, including 23 martyrs and 91 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 37,900 martyrs and 87,060 injuries since the seventh of last October.

The occupation releases the director of Al-Shifa Complex

The Palestinian Information Center reported that the occupation forces released 50 detainees this morning, including Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiya, director of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, is from East Al-Qarara, east of Khan Yunis.

Abu Salmiya confirmed after his release that the prisoners were going through tragic conditions due to insults and lack of food and drink.

He added that hundreds of medical personnel were targeted by the occupation, and that a number of prisoners were martyred under torture.

Abu Salamiya emphasized that the people of Gaza will rebuild the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and the whole Gaza Strip.

The “Israeli” Broadcasting Corporation said: The release of the director of the Shifa Complex, Muhammad Abu Salamiya, along with others who were arrested during the war in Gaza, came because the prisons were full, according to what was reported by “Al Jazeera.”

Anger and exchange of Zionist accusations after the release of Abu Salamiya

Zionist leaders criticized the occupation forces’ release of the director of the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, Dr. Muhammad Abu Salamiya, and officials considered it “security negligence,” calling on Netanyahu to resign, according to what was reported by the “Al Jazeera Net” website.

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said that it is time for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prevent Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar from practicing what he described as “an independent policy opposing the government’s position.”

The Zionist Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karai, commented on the release of the director of the Palestinian Shifa Medical Complex, Muhammad Abu Salamiya, saying: “Israel” needs a new security leadership.

Former Minister of the Zionist War Council, Benny Gantz, also criticized the release of Abu Salamiya, saying: This government does not deserve to manage the war and must resign, and whoever made the decision to release Abu Salamiya must be fired immediately.

He added: Netanyahu cannot continue to manage the war in this way, and the time has come to set an election date.

Meanwhile, Al Jazeera reported on the Hebrew Channel 12 that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was angry because he and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant learned from the media of the release of the director of the Shifa Medical Complex, Muhammad Abu Salamiya.

The Hebrew Channel 7 quoted the office of Defense Minister Yoav Galant as saying: He was not aware of the decision to release the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Muhammad Abu Salamiya.

Galant's office said: The procedures for imprisoning what he described as “security prisoners” and releasing them are subject to the Shin Bet and the Prison Service and not to the approval of the Minister of Defense, after criticism as a result of the release of the director of the Shifa Complex, Muhammad Abu Salamiya.

The Zionist Internal Security Agency (Shin Bet) stated that the release of the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Muhammad Abu Salamiya, was due to overcrowding in prisons, adding that he had warned against this for a long time.

In turn, the Occupation Prisons Service said: The decision to release Abu Salamiya was issued by the army and the Shin Bet and was not made due to overcrowding in the prisons.

Meanwhile, the Hebrew Channel 12 quoted a security source as saying: Those responsible for Abu Salamiya’s release are the Prisoners and Intelligence Divisions of the Prisons Service, which are under the authority of the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, according to the “Al Jazeera Net” website.

“Hamas” demands the protection for prisoners

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed that the condition in which the prisoners who were released by the fascist occupation army appeared today, and the signs of weakness and physical and psychological exhaustion, the clear signs of torture, and the horrific testimonies they gave about the tragic conditions in which the abductees from the Gaza Strip are experiencing... Gaza inside the occupation detention centers, including doctors, the elderly, the sick, and the wounded; They are exposed to the most horrific practices and crimes, including torture, starvation, and insults. It confirms the criminal behavior of the fascist occupation government, which defies all humanitarian laws, and commits described war crimes daily, without finding any deterrent.

The movement stressed in a press statement today, Monday, that the ongoing crimes against defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip have exceeded all limits. And added that what prisoners in the occupation’s prisons and detainees in its terrorist army’s detention centers are exposed to; It is carried out by a decision of the occupation government as part of its fascist policy to target and exterminate our Palestinian people. All these brutal atrocities are carried out with the full cover of the American administration, which is complicit in flagrant violations of international laws, taking place in full view of the entire world.

The movement called on the international community, the United Nations and its institutions to work immediately to stop this massacre carried out by the Nazi occupation government, and the necessity of protecting prisoners, detainees, and civilians in conflict areas.

The International Committee of the Red Cross called for the need to take action and reveal the fate of thousands of Palestinian detainees who were kidnapped by the occupation army from the Gaza Strip and forcibly disappeared in inhumane conditions.

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades” managed, on Monday, to lure a Zionist force into a booby-trapped house that was used in the recent sniping operation east of the city of Rafah, killing and wounding members of the force.

Al-Qassam announced that it had targeted two Zionist “Merkvah 4” tanks with two “Shawaz” bombs in the Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City. It was also able to snipe a Zionist soldier inside a house in the Shuja’iya neighborhood, and targeted a Zionist force holed up inside one of the neighborhood’s houses with a “TBG” shell. And the force members were killed or wounded.

She said: After their return from the battle lines, our mujahideen reported the bombing of a “Merkvah 4” tank with two guerrilla action bombs south of Al-Tayaran Street in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in the city of Rafah.

For its part, the “Jerusalem Brigades” announced the bombing of the settlements “Kissufim,” “Third Eye,” “Nirim,” “Sufa,” and “Hulit” with concentrated missile bursts.

The brigades also bombarded with a barrage of regular mortar shells the Zionist occupation soldiers and vehicles penetrating the Al-Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

Gallant: The army needs 10,000 additional soldiers

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant revealed on Monday that the occupation army needs 10,000 additional soldiers immediately. Army Radio quoted Gallant as telling the parliamentary Foreign Affairs and Security Committee: “We need 10,000 soldiers immediately.” Gallant said: “We can recruit 4,800 religious Jews,” according to what Anatolia Agency reported.



The criminal war waged by Israel against the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 268th day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Bombing Shujaiya Neighborhood... and Burning Mosque in Rafah

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported that 7 citizens were martyred and others were injured, today, Sunday, in an occupation bombing that targeted a house west of Rafah, and another in the Al-Daraj neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

The Palestinian News Agency reported that 4 other citizens were martyred in occupation artillery shelling on the Al-Waha area in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, and in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City.

The Palestinian Information Center reported that the occupation forces continued their incursion into the Shujaiya neighborhood for the fourth day, amid aerial and artillery bombardment and committing horrific massacres.

He added that dozens of families are still trapped in their homes without food or water, amid talk of dozens of martyrs and the presence of injured people bleeding without treatment.

Palestinian media also reported that the occupation army burned Al-Awda Mosque, which is one of the most famous mosques in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

43 Martyrs Today

The Ministry of Health announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 43 martyrs and 111 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed, in a press statement, that the toll of the aggression had risen to 37,877 martyrs and 86,969 injuries since the seventh of last October.

“Gaza Health” Warns

The Ministry of Health in Gaza warned that the remaining hospitals, health centers and oxygen stations would stop working within 48 hours as a result of the exhaustion of fuel needed as a result of the ongoing Zionist aggression.

The Ministry appealed to all concerned, international and humanitarian institutions to intervene quickly to bring in the necessary fuel, in addition to the electric generators and spare parts needed for maintenance.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades” announced, today, Sunday, the targeting of a “Chesaret” troop carrier and a “D9” military bulldozer with “Al-Yassin 105” shells south of the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City. .

It added that it targeted two "Merkvah" tanks with "Al-Yassin 105" shells in the Shuja'iya neighborhood in Gaza City, noting that it bombed the occupation army's command rooms in the Netzarim axis with short-range 114 mm "Rajum" missiles.

For its part, the Al-Quds Brigades announced the bombing of the Nahal Oz military site with Type 107 missiles.

New Rafah Crossing

Al Jazeera reported on the Hebrew Channel 12 that the occupation army is expanding the buffer zone along 14 kilometers of the Philadelphia axis to destroy tunnels and preserve what it described as its “achievements” in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera added that the Rafah crossing is expected to be built in a new location near Kerem Shalom, where the borders meet.

They stated that there will be a joint role for the Israelis, Egyptians, Palestinians and Americans in managing the new Rafah crossing.

Ben Gvir Calls for Killing the POWs!

The extremist Israeli Minister of National Security Affairs, Itamar Ben Gvir, called for the execution of detainees in occupation prisons by shooting them in the head!

Ben Gvir said, in a video clip, according to the “Palestinian News Agency”: that Palestinian detainees should be killed by being shot in the head, and he demanded that the law on executing detainees be passed in the Knesset for the third reading, pledging to provide a little food to keep them alive until the law is enacted!


The genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 267th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and various murders in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians. 

 At Least 30 Martyrs since Dawn  

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as medical sources reported that 31 Palestinians were killed as a result of the continued “Israeli” bombing of various areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn today.

For his part, Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported that the bodies of 13 martyrs had been recovered as a result of the continued “Israeli” bombing of the city of Rafah since this morning.

3 Massacres within 24 Hours

The Ministry of Health announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 40 martyrs and 224 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed in a statement that the toll of the aggression had risen to 37,834 martyrs and 86,858 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced today, Saturday, that it had destroyed the enemy forces penetrating the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with several shots of 120 mm mortar shells, resulting in direct casualties among their ranks. Pointing to the landing of the occupation helicopter to evacuate the dead and wounded.

Al-Qassam said: In a pre-prepared ambush, Al-Qassam Mujahideen detonated an anti-personnel device with a Zionist force penetrating the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, killing and wounding its members. The Mujahideen monitored the helicopter landing to evacuate them.

It announced the targeting of a “D9” military bulldozer with a “Shawaz” device behind the Abdullah bin Omar Mosque, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

She added that the “Al-Qassam” mujahideen and “Al-Quds Brigades” were able to target two Zionist troop carriers and a “D9” military bulldozer with “Al-Yassin 105” and “RPG” shells near the Al-Shu’an Junction, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

It indicated that its mujahideen continued to confront the Zionist forces penetrating the Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, within pre-prepared complex ambushes, causing deaths and injuries among their ranks, and more than one plane landed to evacuate them.

The “Jerusalem Brigades” announced the bombardment with regular mortar shells of a gathering of Zionist enemy vehicles and soldiers penetrating the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

The brigades said: They bombed, with 60-caliber regular mortar shells, the enemy’s command center for incursions into the Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

It announced the detonation of two ground devices in a number of Zionist enemy vehicles near the Issa site in Tal al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City.

It added that it targeted a Zionist military vehicle of the “Numir” type with a “Tandum” shell on the land of Qandil in the Shuja’iya neighbourhood, confirming that its crew was killed and wounded and that it caught fire, noting that a Zionist helicopter had landed to evacuate the dead and wounded from the place.

The brigades also confirmed the destruction of a Zionist military vehicle by detonating a high-explosive ground device near the Al-Hidaya Mosque in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.

Zionist Leader: Eliminating “Hamas” is Impossible

The commander of the “Israeli” 12th Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Hevri El-Baz, said: The dismantling of the military capabilities of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, will take at least another two years, according to the “Al Jazeera Net” website.

He added that the task of eliminating the Qassam Brigades is not easy, and it requires time and great military pressure.

He also confirmed that Hamas is waging a guerrilla war in Rafah made up of independent groups, which makes the task of dealing with it more difficult.

He also stated that anyone who believes that the sirens will stop within the next year is throwing sand in the eyes of the “Israelis.”

Two-thirds of Israelis support Netanyahu's retirement

An opinion poll conducted by a Hebrew channel showed that about two-thirds of Israelis support Benjamin Netanyahu’s retirement from political life and that he not run for a new term as prime minister, according to the Anadolu Agency.

According to the poll conducted by the private Hebrew channel 12, the results of which were published on Friday, 66 percent believe that Netanyahu, who is 74 years old, should retire and not run for a seventh term.

While 27 percent of respondents believe that he should run for a new term and continue his political career, and 7 percent do not know, according to the Hebrew channel.

Demonstrations around the World

The Palestinian News Agency reported that many cities and world capitals witnessed demonstrations today, Saturday, denouncing the continued “Israeli” aggression against the Gaza Strip.

The agency said: Thousands participated in demonstrations organized in the Swedish city of Malmo, Manchester and Birmingham in Britain, the capital London, Esbjerg and Esbjerg in Denmark, and the capital Copenhagen, in support of the Palestinian people, and to demand a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Participants in the demonstrations raised Palestinian flags and banners denouncing the crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people.

The participants called for an end to double standards, and the need to prosecute the occupation for its massacres against the Palestinian people, especially children, and condemned the genocide in the Gaza Strip.



The genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 266th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and various murders in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians. 

Bombing the tents of displaced people

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as medical sources reported that 11 citizens were martyred, and more than 40 others were injured, by fire from the occupation forces that targeted the tents of displaced people in the Al-Mawasi area, west of Rafah, in the south of the Strip, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa).

An occupation drone bombed various sites near the municipality of Al-Shouka, east of Rafah, killing two citizens and wounding others.

Two citizens were martyred and others were injured as a result of the occupation forces firing bullets at a group of citizens on Al-Rashid Al-Sahili Street, west of the Nuseirat Camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that two martyrs and a number of wounded arrived at Al-Ahly Arab Hospital “Al-Mamadani” in Gaza City, after Israeli warplanes bombed citizens’ homes in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of the city.

Depriving 625,000 children of school in Gaza

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced today, Friday, that more than 625,000 children were deprived of school for more than 8 months as a result of the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The agency said through its account on the “X” platform: More than 625,000 children in Gaza have been out of school for more than 8 months, including 300,000 who were students in UNRWA schools before the aggression.

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced today, Friday, the targeting of a Zionist “Merkvah 4” tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

It added that it targeted a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” missile in the Brazil neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, noting that it bombed the occupation forces stationed in the “Netzarim” axis with a “Rajum” missile barrage.

It said: It destroyed a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating Baghdad Street in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells.

“Al-Qassam” also targeted a Zionist “Merkvah” tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell near the Japanese Garden junction, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also broadcast scenes of Zionist sergeant Eyal Shines sniping in the vicinity of the Shubaili Mosque, east of the city of Rafah.

The “Jerusalem Brigades” announced that its mujahideen blew up a Zionist military vehicle this morning with a ground device, noting that they engaged in fierce clashes from zero distance with the foot occupation forces, discovering among their ranks dead and wounded in Tallet al-Mintar and its environs, east of Shuja’iya.

She said: It bombed with a barrage of mortar shells the Zionist occupation soldiers and vehicles penetrating into the Al-Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, adding that it destroyed a Zionist military vehicle by detonating a ground bomb that was previously planted on Baghdad Street, surrounding the Al-Tuwansi cemetery.

The “Al-Quds Brigades” also announced its control of a Zionist “drone” reconnaissance aircraft while it was carrying out intelligence missions in the skies east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

It indicated that it bombed with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells the Zionist occupation soldiers and vehicles penetrating the land of Qandil in the Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

The brigades targeted a Zionist military vehicle with a “tandom” shell in the vicinity of Al-Huda Mosque in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

“Hamas”: Settlement expansion aims to control the West Bank

 Hamas confirmed that approving the expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank, legitimizing five new settlements, and applying the laws of occupation in areas administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority; It is a practical declaration from the fascist occupation government to proceed with the plans of the extremist Smotrich to control the West Bank.

The movement explained in a press statement today, Friday, that these fascist measures require a unified Palestinian position to reject and confront them, and to confront the policies of the Zionist extremist government, which is escalating its aggression against our Palestinian people, through killing, extermination, land theft, and violation of sanctities.

The movement also stressed that the United Nations and the international community must take practical steps that go beyond condemnation, to work to stop these measures, which represent a dangerous attempt to liquidate the cause of our people, and attack their right to their land and self-determination.

They confirmed that all the plans of the fascist occupation government, to control the West Bank, displace our people and liquidate our cause; It will fail and collide with the rock of Palestinian will and the rising tide of resistance in the cities, villages and camps of the West Bank.

The movement called on the Palestinian people throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem to continue and escalate the clash with the criminal enemy, until it breaks its will and sweeps it from our land and our sanctities.

Continuing protests to bring down Netanyahu

Leaders of the protest movements against Netanyahu's government said that they had drawn up a comprehensive plan to continue the movement in order to change the current government and head to early elections.

The protest plan includes declaring a broad strike that includes economic facilities and organizing a march in the city of Tel Aviv and more than 80 additional locations, according to what the Al Jazeera Net website reported from the Hebrew Channel 12.

Yesterday, Thursday, thousands demonstrated in front of the residence of occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and in front of his home in the city of Caesarea (north), to demand the conclusion of a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian factions.


 The criminal war on Gaza has entered its 265th day, as the occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Artillery and air bombardment on Al-Shuja'iya neighborhood

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported that a number of citizens, most of them children and women, were martyred, and others were injured, in the bombing by the occupation drones, around the Tunisian cemetery, east of the Shuja’iya neighborhood.

Medical sources reported that a number of martyrs died and others were injured, without ambulance crews being able to reach them, due to the intense and continuous bombing by occupation aircraft, in the Shujaiya neighborhood, which is witnessing a major incursion amid artillery and air bombardment, according to the “Palestinian News Agency.”

Al Jazeera quoted Civil Defense spokesman Major Mahmoud Basal as saying: The violent “Israeli” bombing forced tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians to flee their homes.

They added that there were a number of martyrs and wounded in Shujaiya that our crews could not reach, due to the intensity of the bombing and the lack of fuel.

3 massacres within 24 hours

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Strip, including 47 martyrs and 52 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed, in its daily update, that the toll of the aggression had risen to 37,765 martyrs and 86,429 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Prominent resistance operations

 The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Israeli forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Thursday, the “Al-Qassam Brigades” announced the targeting of the enemy’s command room in the “Netzarim” axis with short-range “Rajum” missiles of 114 mm caliber, and confirmed that its fighters were able to snipe a Zionist soldier in the vicinity of the Shubaili Mosque, east of the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.

It added that it targeted a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” missile and it caught fire in the Saudi neighborhood west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, noting that helicopters landed at the location of the target to evacuate the dead and wounded.

The Al-Quds Brigades announced that it had detonated a ground bomb in a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.

 Israeli sniper killed in Jenin

The occupation army announced the killing of an officer and the injury of 16 soldiers in the Jenin camp in the West Bank, including one soldier seriously injured and three moderately injured.

The army added, in a statement, that the officer worked as a sniper squad leader in the Kfir Brigade, and was killed during the detonation of an explosive device with a military vehicle in Jenin, according to Al Jazeera Net.

Lieberman: We lost the war in Gaza

Leader of the Yisrael Beytenu party, Avigdor Lieberman, said: Defense Minister Yoav Galant's management of the war is a failure, and he bears responsibility directly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, adding: We are losing the war in Gaza, and Israeli deterrence has declined to zero.

Lieberman added: In the absence of a clear plan for the war, frustration exists among the soldiers and officers in Rafah, stressing that the occupation government is unable to make a decision and unable to achieve victory in the south and the north.

Haredi demonstrations against the conscription law

Al Jazeera reported that dozens of Haredi Jews blocked a street connecting the cities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in protest against the compulsory conscription law.

The brutal war on Gaza has entered its 264th day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

15 martyrs recovered in Beit Lahia

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as civil defense crews recovered at dawn today, Wednesday, 15 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of a Zionist bombing that targeted a house in Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip.

The sources reported that a number of martyrs died, and others were injured, as a result of the occupation army firing shells towards various neighborhoods in Gaza City.

The occupation artillery targeted the eastern area of ​​the Bureij camp, and agricultural land west of the Nuseirat camp, in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The occupation army artillery also fired dozens of shells towards the northeastern areas of the city of Khan Yunis.

The occupation army blew up residential buildings in the vicinity of the Zorob Roundabout area, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, coinciding with violent artillery shelling in the center and west of the city, according to the Palestinian News Agency.

4 massacres within 24 hours

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 60 martyrs and 140 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The toll of the aggression rose to 37,718 martyrs and 86,377 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Suspicious communications  

The government media office in Gaza warned the Palestinian people of suspicious communications in which the occupation is said to be calling on families to return to their homes in the north.

The office said in a statement: Some activists circulated on social media an issue related to communications. They said: The “Israeli” occupation made CDs with some families, allegedly allowing them to return to their homes in the Gaza and North governorates through the military checkpoint that the occupation army is erecting on Al-Rashid/Al-Bahr Street. In the evening hours.

They pointed out that crimes committed by the occupation had previously been repeated against many of our people, who had tried on similar occasions to return to the Gaza and North governorates. The occupation army opened fire on them, causing many martyrs and wounded among their ranks.

The occupation starves the prisoners

The Hebrew newspaper "Haaretz" reported on Wednesday that Palestinian prisoners inside the occupation prisons lost weight significantly as a result of the starvation policy practiced by the "Israeli" security apparatus against them.

The newspaper quoted security sources as saying: The Israeli Prison Service is hiding information about the amount of food provided to prisoners since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

“Hamas” calls for the occupation to be held accountable for crimes of torture

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed that crimes of brutal torture are a consistent policy pursued by the fascist occupation against our people who are prisoners, detainees, and detainees, in flagrant violation and clear disregard for all international conventions, laws, customs, and divine laws.

In a press statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, she pointed out that prisoners, detainees and detainees have been subjected to the Nazi occupation army since the beginning of this aggression and genocidal war more than eight months ago. The most horrific types of brutal revenge, including starvation, humiliation, and abuse, deliberate medical neglect, deprivation of food and medicine, breaking of limbs, slow killing, and field executions, until the number of martyrs under torture in its prisons reached about 60 prisoners and detainees, including about 40 kidnapped people from the Gaza Strip.

The movement called for the United Nations and all countries, governments, and human rights and humanitarian institutions in the world to do their duty to pressure the occupation to allow families to visit the prisoners, detainees, and detainees in the occupation’s prisons and detention centers, and for human rights and humanitarian organizations to enter to determine their humanitarian conditions.

It also called for all human rights and humanitarian institutions to take action to file cases in international courts against the criminals of torture and other violations committed against our Palestinian people, and to prevent their impunity.

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced today, Wednesday, the targeting of a Zionist Merkava tank after monitoring the movement of enemy vehicles for several days on Al-Bahr Street, south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood.

It added that it destroyed the occupation forces penetrating south of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, with mortar shells.

Calls to cancel Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Prominent “Israeli” figures, through an article in the American newspaper The New York Times, called on Congress to withdraw the invitation extended to   Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver a speech before him on July 24, stressing that he does not represent them, according to the “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” website.

The authors of the article stressed that Netanyahu has failed, to date, to come up with a plan to end the war in Gaza, and has been unable to secure the freedom of dozens of detainees.

Kuwait in a Week

June 27, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kuwaiti citizens are refusing to support companies that back "Israel" according to Arab Barometer surveys

Kuwaitis are refusing to support companies that back "Israel" according to Arab Barometer surveys.

Ever since the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip on October 7th, Kuwait's support for the suffering region has been remarkable. Kuwaitis of all backgrounds have expressed solidarity with Gaza through protests, relief efforts, and aid donations, including support from non-Gaza-focused humanitarian groups. This article will mainly focus on campaigns and boycotts against companies that support Israel, which were some of the most significant actions.

In October 2023, the boycott campaign started, encouraging people to avoid Kuwaiti companies like Starbucks and McDonald's, which have backed Israel in its conflict. One of the most significant campaigns was titled "Have You Killed a Palestinian Today?".

Since that time, the call to boycott has led to significant discussions in Kuwaiti society, with people on both sides. Advocates believe that the boycott is required due to humanitarian, religious, and Arab responsibilities towards Gaza.

However, critics see this demand as pandering to popular opinion, influenced by certain media figures and politicians to bolster what they perceive as extremist ideologies in Kuwait. They assert that it may harm the Kuwaiti economy, leading to an unfriendly atmosphere for investment. The focused companies are national businesses authorized by the appropriate agencies, solely carrying the name of their overseas partners. Therefore, refusing to support them would be like harming oneself, affecting the country's economy. Furthermore, certain critics have highlighted the lack of structure and coordination in the boycott declarations, leading to inadequate information for the Kuwaiti population regarding the specific entities to boycott.

This happened at the same time as the initial stage of the "Arab Barometer" survey, which was carried out in Kuwait for the third time in February and March 2024. The study involved Princeton University, Harvard University, Kuwait University's Center for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, and the Peace Center, surveying 1,210 Kuwaitis from households of both genders in all six provinces of Kuwait.

I was privileged to take part in this survey, the biggest of its kind, that seeks to gather the opinions of citizens in Arab countries on political, economic, and social matters. Before the fieldwork started, a few researchers proposed including questions about the Gaza war to understand the perspectives of Kuwaitis.

One question required respondents to pick from a list of methods for demonstrating solidarity with Gaza, with the option to choose multiple answers. The findings showed that a large 83.6% preferred boycotting companies that support Israel. Afterward came the statistics for "keeping up with war updates" at 64.8%, "contributing funds to support Gaza" at 62.6%, "showing unity via social media" at 44.1%, and "joining public solidarity gatherings" at 21.5%.

Due to a lack of financial data, the full extent of losses suffered by brands in Kuwait from the boycott campaign cannot be accurately measured. However, a Bloomberg report from January mentioned that the campaign, which targeted Starbucks, has increased sales for local coffee shops.

The results from before show the extent of the solidarity of the Kuwaiti people with Gaza in its time of crisis, and are also a result of voluntary decision-making. The freedom atmosphere in Kuwait has allowed its people to be free in their decisions.

Al-Mabarrah Islamic Charity: 82 families benefited from the sacrifices inside Kuwait

Al-Mabarrah Islamic Charity in Kuwait has successfully distributed sacrifices to 82 needy families during the blessed ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, with a total of 45 animals distributed. The project aims to promote solidarity, compassion, and interconnectedness among Muslims within the community. Chairman Mansour Al-Loughani highlighted the organization's efforts in providing food baskets, water distribution, and support for people with disabilities and the sick. The charity has launched a campaign to "Cool their summer" during extreme temperatures and encourages continued support from the community through donations on their website or hotline. Al-Loughani expressed gratitude to the people of Kuwait for their generosity and called for ongoing support to ensure the success and sustainability of their projects. He also offered prayers for the well-being and protection of Kuwait under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.

A strategic partnership between Namaa Charity and the Endowments Secretariat to implement health projects

Namaa Charity, in partnership with the Endowments Secretariat, has launched health projects to treat patients with MS and rheumatoid arthritis. The funding comes from the Endowment Fund for Health Development and aims to create a disease-free society in Kuwait. The initiative will benefit 104 patients, with a focus on providing expensive medications to those in need. The project also aims to alleviate the financial burden on patients, especially for chronic diseases.

This partnership is part of Namaa Charity's efforts to support those unable to afford treatment costs and provide hope to vulnerable patients. The organization collaborates with the private sector to ensure patients receive necessary medications. Additionally, Namaa Charity works with various institutions to deliver humanitarian services and assist those in need. They emphasize the importance of social solidarity and removing obstacles faced by patients.

The strategic partnership between Namaa Charity and the Endowments Secretariat includes various humanitarian projects in Kuwait, such as educational and seasonal initiatives. By strengthening community partnerships, Namaa Charity aims to provide quality services to all members of society and garner support for those in need. Coordination between donors and implementers is essential for the success of joint charitable projects.

The Charitable Organization distributes prosthetic devices to 200 beneficiaries with motor, hearing and visual disabilities

The Charitable Organization, in collaboration with the volunteer team "The Will for People with Disabilities" and with the support of the General Secretariat of Endowments, distributed prosthetic and medical devices to 200 beneficiaries with motor, hearing, and visual disabilities under the "Fazaa for People with Disabilities" project. The Director General of the organization, Badr Saud Al-Sumait, emphasized the importance of this program in supporting individuals with disabilities to communicate with society and live normal lives. He expressed gratitude for the support of the General Secretariat of Endowments and highlighted their long-standing partnership in implementing charitable projects. Al-Sumait stressed the organization's commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities to become self-reliant and integrate into society.

Additionally, Al-Sumait commended the Al-Irada Volunteer Team for their efforts in organizing the program and benefiting a large number of individuals with disabilities and their families. He mentioned the various volunteer teams operating under the organization and their contributions to providing aid to those in need. The Charitable Organization has successful experiences supporting programs for people with special needs, in partnership with relevant authorities and initiatives.

Al-Sumait emphasized the organization's belief in the important role of individuals with disabilities in societal development and their commitment to supporting programs that enhance their status, empower them, and help them achieve their goals. Through partnerships and collaborative efforts, the organization aims to address humanitarian challenges and work towards a more inclusive society for all individuals.

The Authority aims to strengthen societal construction and fabric through valuable initiatives to develop capabilities of people with special needs and deserving societal groups. This is not out of mercy but their right to unleash their energies, integrate into life, and become active members of society. Cooperation is strategic with the Charitable Organization to support specific projects for people with disabilities, regardless of their location. An initiative to provide compensatory devices to groups with disabilities was proposed by the Authority and studied by the Secretariat, found to be beneficial. Quality support projects are encouraged to facilitate the lives of these groups and provide moral support. Previous and future support projects for these groups are part of the continuous efforts to serve and support them. The Irada Volunteer Team, in collaboration with the Endowment Secretariat, produced a film on prayer and ablution for the deaf, which was well-received and translated into multiple languages. The ceremony of distributing prosthetic devices involved various individuals, including the acting Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of Endowments, the Director of the Endowment Funds Department, the Head of the Will Team for People with Disabilities, team members, and people with special needs and their families.

The Israeli occupation forces continue to commit the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip, for the 263rd consecutive day, by launching dozens of air strikes and artillery shelling, while committing massacres against civilians, amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation as a result of the siege and the displacement of more than 95% of the population.

Our correspondents reported that the occupation aircraft and artillery continued their raids and violent bombardment - today, Tuesday - in various parts of the Gaza Strip, targeting homes, displaced persons’ gatherings, and streets, killing dozens of martyrs and wounded.

The occupation forces continue their ground invasion of large neighborhoods in Rafah, amid aerial and artillery bombardment and committing horrific massacres, while the circle of famine expands in the northern Gaza Strip with the continued prevention of the entry of aid and the depletion of goods from the markets.

Two citizens, a father and his son, were martyred, and a third was missing. As a result of an Israeli artillery shelling east of the Eastern Cemetery in northern Gaza, while collecting firewood on a donkey carriage. The martyrs are: Hashem Ismail Radwan. And his son Ismail.

8 martyrs arrived this morning at Nasser Medical Complex as a result of brutal Israeli bombing on Rafah and Khan Yunis.

Three martyrs died in the occupation bombing of a tent for displaced people west of the city of Rafah.

The girl, Sondos Khaled Musleh, was martyred and her mother was injured as a result of the Israeli warships’ bombing of a displaced persons’ tent in the Mawasi area of ​​the city of Rafah.

Two martyrs were killed in the occupation bombing of a house in the center of Khan Yunis

3 Massacres

The Israeli occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 32 martyrs and 139 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours.

The toll of the aggression had risen to 37,658 martyrs and 86,237 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Officials said: There are still a number of victims under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.

Prominent and Notable casualties

  • A citizen was martyred in the occupation bombing of Al-Jazeera Club, which houses displaced people in Gaza City.
  • Two martyrs were killed when occupation aircraft bombed a car in the Yarmouk area of ​​Gaza City
  • This morning, two martyrs arrived at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis as a result of the occupation’s bombing of Rafah.
  • The occupation aircraft launched a raid around the city of Asdaa, which houses displaced people west of Khan Yunis.
  • The occupation forces committed a massacre in the Beach Camp, west of Gaza City, after bombing a house over the heads of its residents, resulting in at least 9 martyrs, while a number of martyrs are still under the rubble.
  • Among the martyrs as a result of the occupation bombing were Nahed Haniyeh Abu Ghazi in the Beach Camp: Zahr Abdel Salam Haniyeh (Umm Nahed), Nahed Ghazi Haniyeh (Abu Ghazi), his wife Iman Ahmed Haniyeh (Umm Ghazi), and his son (imam of the Western Mosque), Muhammad Nahed Haniyeh Abu Hamza, Ismail Nahed Haniyeh, Moamen Nahed Haniyeh, Zahr Nahed Haniyeh, Shahd Nahed Haniyeh, and Amal Nahed Haniyeh
  • Three people were martyred and others were injured when the occupation aircraft bombed - on Tuesday morning - a group of civilians at the Palmira Junction on Al Wahda Street.
  • A young man was killed after the occupation targeted him while selling coffee in Gaza
  • Local sources reported that among the martyrs was the sister of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in addition to a number of women and children.
  • Occupation aircraft fire towards the southwestern areas of Gaza City.
  • The Civil Defense in Gaza Governorate announced that its crews dealt with three targets (Abdul Fattah Hamoud School in the Al-Darraj area, Asmaa School in Al-Shati camp, and a house for the Al-Zamili family in Al-Shujaiya neighborhood), where the crews recovered 13 martyrs and a number of wounded.
  • The occupation aircraft bombed a house next to Ali Mosque near the Green Market in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
  • The Civil Defense recovered two martyred women and a number of injuries as a result of the occupation targeting the home of the Al-Zamili family in the Al-Shuja’iya area, east of Gaza City.
  • Artillery shelling coincided with violent clashes in the Al-Mawasi area, west of the city of Rafah.
  • More than 10 martyrs, the remains of children and women from the Abu Saada family and the Al-Fayoumi family, arrived from the Abdel Fattah Hamoud School in the Daraj area in central Gaza City to the Baptist Hospital after a massacre committed by the occupation forces.
  • Hundreds of residents were forced to evacuate their homes in the Austrian neighborhood in Khan Yunis as a result of the occupation's threats to bomb them.
  • The occupation aircraft launched a raid targeting the center of Rafah, coinciding with shooting from occupation vehicles in the axis of the incursion.