Situation in Gaza is Tragic: 18,000 Thousands of Martyrs and Hospitals Under Siege Featured

By Gamal Khattab December 12, 2023 3051


Increasing Number of Martyrs and Wounded

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip has reported that the number of people who have lost their lives since the beginning of the Israeli war has reached a devastating 18,205. Additionally, the number of wounded individuals has risen to 49,645. In just the past few hours, 208 people have tragically lost their lives, and many more are still trapped under the rubble.

Occupation Forces Committing Horrific Acts

During a press conference, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, revealed that the occupation forces have committed 19 horrific massacres and acts of genocide in residential areas and shelters. These areas were falsely claimed to be safe by the occupying forces.

Kamal Adwan Hospital Under Siege

Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, located in the northern Gaza Strip, is currently under siege by the occupation forces. Hospital director Ahmed Al-Kahlot has described the situation as very difficult, with Israeli drones bombing anyone who tries to enter or leave the hospital. The hospital is currently treating 65 patients, including 12 children in intensive care, 6 premature babies, and 3,000 displaced individuals.

Schools Stormed and Displaced People Arrested

The occupation forces have also stormed several schools that were providing shelter to displaced people in the Fallujah area of the northern Gaza Strip. Women and children were expelled from these schools, and the men were arrested. The sound of bullets and Israeli bombing created a state of fear among the women and children.

Fear of Epidemics and Infectious Diseases

The Ministry of Health in Gaza has expressed concern about the lives of hundreds of thousands of displaced people due to the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases in overcrowded shelters, schools, and hospitals. The situation is dire, with tens of thousands of displaced individuals seeking refuge in these facilities.

Killing Journalists

During the Israeli war, 86 journalists have been tragically killed by Israeli bombs. The government media office in the Gaza Strip has released the names of these journalists, with the most recent being Muhammad Abu Samra. The government media office has condemned Israel's actions, stating that the assassination of Palestinian journalists is an attempt to distort the Palestinian narrative and hide the truth.


Source: agencies