The West Bank is experiencing one of the bloodiest periods in its modern history, as Israeli occupation violations escalate unprecedentedly, leaving behind a tragic reality that affects all aspects of Palestinian life. The repression is no longer limited to moments of direct confrontation; instead, it has become a forced way of life imposed by the occupation on Palestinians day and night, attempting to break their will and subdue them by force.
Incursions, arrests, and field executions.
Almost every night, the occupying forces storm the cities and camps of the West Bank, where violent raids on homes are repeated, accompanied by heavy gunfire and the use of sound bombs and gas. The goal is not only to arrest the wanted individuals but also to intimidate the civilian population and turn their lives into a daily hell.
Arbitrary arrests affect everyone, from children to the elderly, and are often carried out without clear charges. Thousands of Palestinian prisoners remain behind bars in "Israeli" prisons under the term "administrative detention," which is a procedure that allows for the detention of Palestinians without filing charges or conducting a trial.
In recent months, field executions have escalated under flimsy security pretexts, where shooting at Palestinians upon suspicion has become commonplace. Many young people have been executed in cold blood, without any attempt to arrest or neutralize them, which confirms that the occupation relies on a systematic policy aimed at terrorizing the population and entrenching a state of perpetual fear.
Military barriers and the suffocation of daily life
Israeli military checkpoints are spread throughout the West Bank, where the main roads have turned into permanent checkpoints that obstruct the movement of Palestinians and isolate cities and villages from one another. This systematic siege makes access to hospitals, schools, and even workplaces a daily and unending struggle.
In addition to the barriers, the occupying authorities carry out repeated closures of Palestinian cities, especially after any resistance operation. The complete closure of the main roads and the prevention of entry and exit reflects the policy of collective punishment practiced by the occupation, in blatant violation of all international laws.
Colonialism and Land Theft
The crimes of the occupation do not only include killing and arresting, but also extend to attempts to Judaize the West Bank through frantic settlement expansion. In recent years, "Israel" has approved thousands of new settlement units, while Palestinian farmers are subjected to attacks by settlers backed by the "Israeli" army, which include burning crops, destroying olive trees, and preventing them from accessing their lands.
In the midst of this grim scene, Palestinians in the West Bank live a daily struggle to remain on their land, refusing to succumb to the occupation's plans aimed at forcibly expelling them.
Read also: Forced displacement... How does the occupation reshape Palestinian camps in the northern West Bank?
Popular resistance and the steadfastness of the Palestinians
Despite the brutal oppression faced by Palestinians in the West Bank, their will has not been broken; rather, it has grown stronger in the face of occupation. Palestinians have excelled in developing methods of popular resistance, which have become a constant source of pressure on the occupation and its settlers.
In dozens of villages and areas threatened with confiscation, weekly marches are organized against the separation wall and settlement. These marches, which started years ago, have become a symbol of Palestinian resilience, as young, unarmed individuals confront heavily armed occupying soldiers, using stones and their bodies as human shields to defend their land.
In addition, popular guard committees have emerged, especially in villages targeted by settlers, where residents organize night shifts to protect their properties from repeated attacks, insisting that settlement will not pass without resistance.
Read also: Palestinian Struggle Amidst Global Shifts
The escalation of resistance operations.
The resistance did not stop at the level of popular protests; rather, its intensity has escalated in recent months, with the emergence of a new generation of Palestinian fighters who have decided to take the initiative in confronting the occupation. Shooting operations against settlers and occupation soldiers have become more organized, as the fighters carried out qualitative operations in the heart of the West Bank, from Jenin to Nablus and Hebron.
This escalation confirms that the Palestinian people have not lost their struggle compass; rather, they have become more determined to confront the occupation by all available means, even in light of Israel's military superiority.
In the face of all these crimes and violations, the international community stands as a mere spectator, content with statements of condemnation that neither advance nor delay, even though international law clearly classifies settlement as a war crime. Despite the fact that the "Israeli" occupation commits serious violations of human rights, the world merely expresses "deep concern" without any actual action to hold "Israel" accountable.
Double standers!
International bias is manifested in the unconditional support that "Israel" receives from some major powers, particularly the United States, which frequently uses its veto to thwart any resolution condemning the occupation in the Security Council. This political and military support gives "Israel" the green light to continue its crimes without fear of any international penalties.
At the Arab level, the Palestinian issue remains present in the hearts of the people, who do not hesitate to express their support through demonstrations and solidarity events. However, at the official level, positions vary, as some countries engage in normalization agreements with "Israel," which constitutes a stab in the back of the Palestinian people.
Despite that, Palestinians recognize that their main battle is not in the corridors of politics, but on the ground, where they have historically proven that their steadfastness is stronger than any international decisions that are not translated into actions.
Despite the fire that burns on the banks and the oppression exercised by 'Israel,' the Palestinian people prove day by day that their will cannot be broken.
The Palestinians are not only defending themselves, but they are also defending a fundamental human right, and a homeland that was forcibly stolen from them. They know that no matter how long the occupation lasts, its fate is to vanish. The West Bank remains a thorn in the throat of the occupation, and the Palestinian, with their legendary steadfastness, is a symbol of the struggle that will not end until freedom is achieved.