Al-Aqsa Flood a Pre-Liberation Phase

By Mahmoud Saqr October 07, 2024 101

Three stages govern the relationship between the occupying usurper and the occupied peoples:

First: The stage of complete control by the occupier and total submission by the occupied peoples.
Second: The resistance of the occupied peoples against their usurpers.
Third: Liberation from occupation.

After the occupier tightens its grip and achieves full control, it no longer feels the need for the costs of using force and tries to appear courteous and kind. It continues this way as long as the people remain submissive. But with the first signs of resistance from the people, the occupier reveals its fangs and claws, and as resistance continues, the violence of the occupier and its crimes intensify until the costs of resistance become too great to bear, forcing the occupier to withdraw.

We take guidance from history with a vivid example: after the British occupation began with bombardment, killing, and destruction and achieved the control it sought, it ceased using force. This lasted for a quarter-century until the first notable act of resistance, the Denshawai incident. Here, the occupier's true face appeared, showing its fangs and claws, dragging the resisters and their families to public executions and floggings to make an example of them. The prosecution’s representative, Ibrahim El-Helbawy, appointed by the occupation government, pointed the finger at the Denshawai villagers, delivering a statement that perfectly encapsulates our point. Taken from the trial records, he addressed the first defendant, who was 75 years old, saying: "Hassan Mahfouz has stirred up the dormant sedition, disturbing the entire nation, for we have lived for 25 years in loyalty, integrity, and safety with the occupiers. He has wronged us and every Egyptian. Consider my voice as the voice of every wise and reasonable Egyptian who knows the future of his nation and country."

This incident, which exposed the ugly face of the occupier and its collaborators, marked the beginning of the resistance phase, which lasted for 50 years until the British withdrawal.

If you replace Egypt's name with Algeria, Vietnam, or any other country that has gone through similar circumstances, you will find the same three stages in their entirety.

If you replace the name Hassan Mahfouz with any resistance movement, you will find the same rhetoric as if they are reading from the same script.

The stages mentioned above are almost a fixed historical pattern, rising to the level of historical laws. Any reader of history can trace this historical law from the east to the west of the earth.

The bloody scene we witness today in our Ummah is the appropriate scene for the stage we are living in. We lived through times of back-and-forth, advance and retreat, with the usurping occupier planted by the West in the heart of our Ummah until the regular armies and states were neutralized from the conflict. The scene seemed calm, as if the peoples had accepted the occupation. Then we moved from the stage of submission to the stage of recognition and normalization. As normalization was on the verge of being achieved, and as the occupier thought that the resistance had accepted being part of the authority, the Al-Aqsa Flood occurred on October 7, 2023, a blow that pained, surprised, and entered the occupier's own space, tarnishing its reputation, turning the scales, and placing the usurping occupier, for the first time, in a state of existential crisis.

The usurping enemy continued to reveal the features of the stage we are living in by showing its true face. It revealed that its limits of criminality would expand to include what it called the Middle East, as its Prime Minister mentioned on the UN platform, and he repeated it under the euphoria of success in his cowardly assassination series. He proved once again the impossibility of coexistence with this criminal gang, no matter how much support and legitimacy it receives from its criminal partners. There is no life for this Ummah, no hope for its security, safety, rise, or stability as long as this cancerous entity exists.

The issue is not just the issue of Palestine; it is the issue of the entire Ummah. It is not only a matter of religion, sanctities, dignity, and honor but also a matter of life and death.

History will remember that what the resistance achieved on October 7, 2023, was the first existential threat to the usurping entity and the first real nail hammered into its coffin, marking the true beginning of the rounds of the historical phase preceding full liberation.


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