Prominent Updates on the 127th Day of the Ongoing Israeli Aggression on Gaza Featured

By Gamal Khattab February 11, 2024 1730


Day 127: More Martyrs and Massacres

On the 127th day of the war on the Gaza Strip, the number of people who lost their lives rose to over 28,000. The occupation forces also committed 16 massacres in this area. The attacks on Rafah, a city in Gaza, became more intense. Many people from around the world are warning that if Israel invades Rafah, it could lead to a huge humanitarian disaster.

Attacks on Rafah

The Israeli forces are intensifying their attacks on Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip. Many people are worried that if Israel invades Rafah, it will lead to a massive humanitarian catastrophe.

International Support for Gaza

Several European countries have witnessed demonstrations in support of Gaza, demanding an immediate end to the aggression against it. People from all over the world are standing up for the people of Gaza.

Massacres and Casualties

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported that since October 7, 2023, there have been 28,640 casualties and 67,611 injuries due to the Israeli aggression. In the past 24 hours alone, there have been 117 deaths and 152 injuries.

Tragic Loss of Hind Rajab

A 6-year-old girl named Hind Rajab and five members of her family were found dead after being surrounded by Israeli tanks. They were killed in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood. This is a heartbreaking loss.

Israeli Raids on Rafah

Israel launched several raids on Rafah, resulting in the deaths of 42 people. Among the casualties were two Palestinian police officers and high-ranking officials. The situation in Rafah is extremely dangerous.

Warnings of a Humanitarian Catastrophe

There are growing concerns about a massive humanitarian catastrophe if Israel invades Rafah. Countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Germany, and Canada have all expressed their concerns and warned against such an operation.

Resistance Operations

The military wings of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Movement have targeted Israeli tanks and soldiers. They are fighting back against the Israeli aggression.

Incursions into the West Bank

The Israeli occupation forces have stormed several towns in the West Bank, causing distress and fear among the residents. The situation in the West Bank is also tense.

Lebanon Front

Israel launched a series of raids on Lebanon, targeting a Hamas official. However, he survived the assassination attempt. Lebanese Hezbollah has also claimed to have taken control of an Israeli drone.

International Discussions

The Iranian Foreign Minister has discussed the situation with Hezbollah and Palestinian faction leaders. They are closely monitoring the developments in the Israeli war on Gaza.  

Raids in Yemen

The Ansar Allah group, also known as the Houthis, reported that the United States and Britain launched three raids on the Al-Saleef district in western Yemen. They also announced that 17 of their officers were killed in raids by the United States and Britain, but they did not say where or when it happened. The US Central Command said that they attacked two pilot boats and five cruise missiles in the Red Sea.

Demonstrations in Support of Gaza

People in many European capitals and cities are holding demonstrations and marches to show their rejection of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip. They are demanding an immediate end to the war. In Berlin, Germany, there were three massive demonstrations with the participation of human rights organizations and people from other cities. In the Swedish city of Malmo, dozens of demonstrators protested against the continued Israeli aggression. The French capital, Paris, also saw a massive demonstration calling for an end to the war. In the British capital, London, there were pro-Palestine events in 34 cities, including over 40 demonstrations. In Istanbul, Turkey, dozens of doctors and health workers marched in solidarity with Gaza and to protest the Israeli attacks.

Downgrading Israel's Credit Rating

Moodys, a credit rating agency, lowered Israel's credit rating to A2 with a negative outlook. They expect Israel's debt burden to increase compared to what was expected before the war. Moodys justified this downgrade by pointing to the war with Hamas and the political risks it brings to Israel. They also mentioned the ongoing conflict with Hezbollah, which could have a major negative impact on the Israeli economy.