Brave Palestinian Women’s Role in “Al-Aqsa Flood” Featured

By Osama Al-Hatemi December 24, 2023 3137


Perhaps there may not seem to be any apparent role for Gazan women in the military operations carried out by the resistance against the occupation. Most of these operations are planned and executed by men without the direct involvement of women. The nature of the security situation necessitates that those engaged in resistance operations undergo extremely challenging training, hide in specialized locations, and spend undetermined periods of time away from their homes—challenges that may be difficult for Gazan women of various backgrounds to handle. However, this does not mean that Palestinian women have no role in resistance operations, as that would be an injustice to their role and sacrifices.

The role of Palestinian women in supporting the “Al-Aqsa Flood” can be highlighted on two levels. The first level is in the phase of preparation, as there is no doubt that the preparation of resistance cadre involves more than just military aspects such as training in weapon usage, participating in maneuvers, or acquiring the ability to conceal themselves. It also involves educational and psychological preparation.

The Palestinian women have played and continue to play a significant role in this educational and psychological preparation. It is well known that the majority of resistance members are young people whose ages do not exceed thirty. They were born and raised during what is known as the “Madrid conference” (1991) and “Oslo Accords” (1993) and have lived through the 17-year blockade imposed on Gaza, as well as experiencing the wars launched by the occupation on the Gaza Strip in 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2021.

Nevertheless, these young individuals did not grow up learning how to submit, yield, surrender, or accept the status quo. Since their early childhood, they have absorbed the meanings of resilience, resistance, love of homeland, readiness for sacrifice, and selflessness.

Even before all of this, they were raised with a commitment to prayer, a dedication to memorizing the Quran, and a connection to Al-Aqsa Mosque, even if they couldn't see it. as they were prohibited by the occupation to visit and pray there. These are all behaviors and values instilled by Palestinian mothers in the hearts of their children who, as they grew up, became youths breaking free from constraints, joining the resistance, responding to the call of Al-Aqsa and their homeland, to fight for it and liberate it, or getting martyred while trying.

Mothers, especially Palestinian mothers, could have let their tender feelings infiltrate the souls of the resistance and its elements, weakening their determination and fostering a desire for a peaceful, selfish life at the expense of the cause, compromising its principles. However, they did not; instead, with perseverance and awareness, they provided an immense, unlimited energy that powered the members of the resistance to approach heroism fearlessly, creating one act of bravery after another in battles for dignity. This will not stop until all of Palestine is liberated.

Results and Implications

The second level of the role of Palestinian women in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” relates to the aftermath of the operation. Palestinian resistance has grown accustomed to expecting a reaction from the occupation following each military operation, requiring psychological preparedness from the public in Gaza to deal with the aftermath. This preparation is a crucial part of the resistance's capabilities and the success of its operations.

The role of Gazan women in this stage manifested in their abilities to endure and stand firm, taking various forms that should serve as a shining example for women worldwide. It adds a new page to their history of struggle, proving to everyone that their selection by Allah to be at the forefront of the struggle was not in vain.

From a religious perspective, it is rare to find a Gazan woman in despair or lacking confidence in the resistance. This is evident in the countless videos circulated by activists on social media. As soon as a Palestinian woman learns about the martyrdom of her son, husband, brother, father, or any relative, her voice rises in praise to Allah, affirming satisfaction with His will. This behavior mirrors that of the mujahideen, who, through such conduct, maintain a spirit of devotion and a desire to continue.

Even amid all the destruction, sabotage, and continuous bombardment by the occupation, Gazan women have not abandoned their religious practices or their commitment to wearing the hijab. Even when subjected to bombardment, they remain steadfast in their adherence to their hijab, whether they survive or become martyrs.

Precious Sacrifices

Regarding sacrifices, the discussion seems endless. Palestinian women have become a primary target for the occupation, a fact confirmed by the spokesman of the “Al-Quds Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, who stated, “The “Israeli” occupation failed to confront the resistance; thus, it vented its anger on women and children.” This is supported by the numbers, with over 70% of the victims of Zionist attacks being women and children.

Looking at what international organizations and bodies have documented regarding the plight of Palestinian women in Gaza, reports from the United Nations and the General Union of Palestinian Women reveal that around 700,000 women and young girls were displaced as a result of the aggression. They sought refuge in “UNRWA” schools, streets, and tents under challenging health and humanitarian conditions.

Naturally, Zionist attacks have increased the number of widows in the Gaza Strip. According to some estimates, the aggression has added over 1,000 widowed women who are now forced to support their families after the deaths of their husbands. This adds to the aggravated suffering borne solely by the women of Gaza.

The tragedy of pregnant women in Gaza is an exposé of the world's hypocritical conscience. At a time when any pregnant woman should receive healthcare, around 50,000 pregnant Gazan women are deprived of the minimum requirements for human life. Approximately 5,000 of them are expected to give birth in weeks, with some being forced to deliver their babies in the streets and tents, with the complete lack of necessary safe and sanitary conditions for childbirth.

Finally, this is just a glimpse of a painful reality with images and scenes that are no longer hidden but seen and known by everyone. However, silence has become the prevailing response, only to be challenged by the resilience of the steadfast Palestinian women in proud Gaza.


Last modified on Sunday, 24 December 2023 08:42