Hamas: Israel's Claims about Al-Shifa Complex are Ridiculous and Scandalous

By Gamal Khattab November 16, 2023 5858


Hamas Responds

 Hamas said that Israel's story about finding weapons and military stuff in the Shifa Medical Complex is just a silly and scandalous act. One of the members of Hamas, Izzat al-Rishq, talked about it.

Israel's Farce

Al-Rishq said that they already knew Israel would do something like this. They did the same thing before at Rantisi Hospital, and it turned out to be a lie. Now, they're doing it again with this Shifa Complex. Al-Rishq thinks it's all just a big joke.

What Really Happened?

According to Al-Rishq, about 20 hours after the complex was taken over by Israel, they went in to look for control rooms and prisoners. But guess what? They didn't find anything! Al-Rishq says that Israel brought some weapons, clothes, and tools and put them in the hospital to make it look bad. He assures they're just telling lies that no one would believe.

Calling for Verification

Hamas has been asking for a committee from the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the Red Cross to come and see for themselves what Israel is saying. They want these important organizations to prove that Israel is lying.

Israeli Army's Announcement

So, the Israeli Army said something interesting. They announced that there were "no indications" of Israeli prisoners in Al-Shifa Hospital. But wait a minute! The army had been saying for weeks that there were prisoners there. Something doesn't add up!

Israeli Bombing and Siege

For days, Al-Shifa Hospital and other hospitals in the Gaza Strip have been under attack by Israel. They say there are Palestinian militants hiding there, but Hamas and Palestinian officials deny it.  

Source: Anadolu Agency