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 A serious issue happening in Israel! The Israeli government is keeping the bodies of dead children who have passed away recently. Let's dive in and learn more!

The Story of Ruqaya Abu Dohuk

  Ruqaya Abu Dohuk, a 4-year-old girl who tragically lost her life. She was shot by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Jerusalem. Instead of returning her body to her family, the soldiers kept it and performed an autopsy without permission. They didn't even explain why they did it. After 10 days of waiting, Ruqaya's family finally received her body and laid her to rest.

Israel's Policy of Detaining Bodies

Unfortunately, Ruqaya is not the only child whose body has been held by Israel. In fact, there are 25 children in total who have been kept in refrigerators and cemeteries for many years. This policy of detaining bodies has been going on since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967.

The Story of Khaled Hamidat

Another heartbreaking story is that of Khaled Hamidat, a 16-year-old boy who was killed by Israeli bullets. His body was also detained, leaving his family in a difficult situation. The soldiers even prevented medical teams from helping Khaled when he was still alive. It's a truly tragic situation for his family.

Reasons for Detaining Bodies

You might be wondering why Israel is doing this. Well, there are a few reasons. One is to punish Palestinians and create fear among them. Israel also wants to hide any evidence that might raise questions about how these children were killed. Additionally, by detaining the bodies, Israel makes it harder for Palestinians to seek justice and demand investigations into these deaths.

The Year of Child Extermination

According to Defense for Children International, 2023 was a devastating year for Palestinian children. They called it the "year of genocide" because Israel killed thousands of children in Gaza and the West Bank. They also mentioned that many children were arrested and detained by Israel during that year.

It's truly heartbreaking to hear about these children who lost their lives and the pain their families have to endure. We hope that one day, all children will be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of where they come from. 

Source: Al Jazeera


Texas Unilateral Fortification

The Texas border, which stretches over 1,200 miles, has become a point of contention between the state and the federal government. Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has made border security a top priority, expressing concerns about illegal immigration and drug trafficking. He has taken swift and uncompromising actions, such as empowering the Texas National Guard to apprehend migrants and allocating funds for border wall construction. While these actions have gained support from conservatives, they have also faced criticism for potentially violating the constitution and human rights.

Federal Pushback and Legal Battles

The federal government has challenged Texas's unilateral actions on multiple fronts. The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Governor Abbott's executive order, arguing that it infringes on federal authority. The Biden administration has emphasized de-escalation and humanitarian concerns, creating a divide between the two camps. These legal battles, currently in progress, have the potential to escalate tensions and hinder cooperative efforts.

Flashpoints of Friction

Specific points along the border have the potential for direct clashes between state and federal authorities. One flashpoint is the apprehension and detainment of migrants. Texas aims to return them to Mexico, while the federal government seeks to process them through the asylum system. This conflicting approach could lead to standoffs between state troopers and federal agents. Another point of friction is the construction of the border wall. Texas's efforts contradict the Biden administration's plan to dismantle previous wall projects, potentially resulting in physical confrontations between construction crews and federal officials.

The Escalation Ladder

Several factors could contribute to a wider escalation of the conflict. An influx of migrants, caused by natural disasters or political instability in Central America, could strain resources and lead to blame-shifting. Heated political rhetoric could further inflame tensions, making compromise more challenging. Unforeseen incidents, like altercations between state troopers and migrants, could escalate into larger confrontations, testing the commitment to non-violent resolutions.

Assessing the Odds of a Clash

While a direct clash between Texas and Washington is possible, several factors reduce the immediate risk. The legal system, although slow, could provide a cooling-off period and a framework for de-escalation. Public opinion, despite being divided, leans towards a moderate approach, potentially pressuring both sides to seek compromise. Additionally, the economic interdependence between Texas and the federal government gives both parties an incentive to avoid a complete breakdown in cooperation.

  A Precarious Balancing Act

The standoff between Texas and Washington over border protection is a delicate situation. While the possibility of a direct clash exists, the legal system, public opinion, and economic realities act as buffers against immediate escalation. However, the underlying ideological differences and the volatile nature of the border itself pose a constant risk of flare-ups. Moving forward requires both sides to prioritize reason, compromise, and a genuine commitment to finding practical and humane solutions for border security.

Sources: American Press


Algeria recently expressed concern over the termination of the peace and reconciliation agreement between the Malian government and the Azawad movements. The Algerian Foreign Ministry warned that this decision could lead to a civil war in Mali and pose a threat to regional security.

Reasons Behind the Decision

The Malian government justified their emergency action by citing changes in the positions of some signatory groups and what they perceived as hostile actions from Algeria. However, the Algerian Foreign Ministry dismissed these reasons as untrue and unrealistic.

Excess Power

Experts believe that the Malian military leadership's decision stems from their belief that they have enough power to control the north without sharing it with other groups, as outlined in the agreement. This surplus of power has led them to disregard the principle of power-sharing.

Delaying Implementation

Furthermore, the Malian government has been postponing coordination sessions to implement the provisions of the National Peace and Reconciliation Agreement. This indicates their lack of commitment to the agreement and their intention to assert their authority without adhering to its terms.

Possible Scenarios

Experts predict that the termination of the agreement could lead to fighting between the central government and the Azawad groups. This would create a security burden along Algeria's southern border, affecting not only military aspects but also social, economic, and immigration issues. Additionally, terrorist groups in the Sahel region may take advantage of the instability.

Algeria's Options

Algeria is unlikely to accept the termination of the agreement and will likely work with international parties, such as the United Nations and the African Union, to pressure Mali to reconsider. The Algerian government may also consider economic measures to deter the Malian government from antagonizing them further.

However, if the situation escalates, Mali's new partners, such as Russia and Turkey, may have to choose between Algeria and Mali. Analysts believe that Russia's support for the military junta harms the interests of the region and disregards the concerns of traditional partners like Algeria.

The termination of the peace and reconciliation agreement in Mali has raised concerns about the potential for a civil war and regional instability. Algeria, as a key mediator and sponsor of the agreement, will likely work with international partners to pressure Mali to reconsider. The situation remains tense, and the future of Mali's stability and relations with Algeria and other countries hangs in the balance.

Eye on the West

Attack on the Base

News to report: three American soldiers were killed and many others were injured in a drone attack on a base in Jordan. The attack happened at Tower 22 of the defense network, which is near the border with Syria.

Who is Behind the Attack?

The United States believes that Iranian-backed armed groups were responsible for the attack. They have vowed to respond to this terrible act of violence.

Details of the Attack

The attack targeted a logistical support base and resulted in the deaths of three soldiers. Thirty-four others were injured, and eight of them had to be taken to receive advanced medical care.

What People are Saying?

There are different reports about who carried out the attack. Some sources say it was a drone attack from Syria, while others claim responsibility for the attack. It's a very tense situation.

Biden's Response

President Joe Biden has spoken out about the attack. He believes that Iranian-backed extremist groups operating in Syria and Iraq were behind it. He promises to hold those responsible accountable.

Other Reactions

Lawmakers in Congress are calling for action against these attacks on American forces. Some even want to strike targets inside Iran. It's a serious situation that needs to be addressed.

Jordan's Response

Jordan has described the attack as a terrorist attack. They say it targeted an advanced location on the border with Syria. The Jordanian government is determined to confront terrorism and protect their country's security.

Escalation of Attacks

Unfortunately, attacks on American forces in the region have been increasing. The US Department of Defense has reported 151 attacks in Iraq and Syria since last October. It's a concerning trend.

Source: Agencies


New Massacres

On the 113th day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the occupation committed 18 new massacres, resulting in the deaths of over 170 people. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that in the past 24 hours, 174 people were killed and 310 were injured. This brings the total number of casualties since the start of the aggression to 26,257 deaths and 64,797 injuries.

Violent Clashes

Violent clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation forces took place northwest of Gaza City. The clashes were accompanied by Israeli artillery shelling in the area.

New Video

Al Jazeera released new footage of the battles between the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and the Israeli army in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip. The video showed fighters from the Al-Qassam Brigades targeting Israeli army vehicles and a captured Israeli drone.

A Message to the Families of Prisoners

The Al-Qassam Brigades sent a message to the families of Israeli prisoners, warning them that if the war on Gaza continues, they should expect news of the killing of all the prisoners in Israeli raids.

Occupation Losses

The Al-Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli troop carrier with a missile in the southern Gaza Strip. The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, also announced that they bombed the supply line and movement of Israeli army vehicles in the central Gaza Strip.


Britain and Finland suspended future funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Hamas denounced UNRWA's termination of contracts for some employees based on Israeli allegations. The United States, Canada, Italy, and Australia also temporarily suspended their funding to the UN agency.

West Bank Arrests

The Israeli occupation forces arrested 20 citizens in the West Bank, including former prisoners. The Israeli army carried out new incursions in Qalqilya, Nablus, Jericho, and Ramallah.

British Plan

The British government proposed a five-point plan to end the war between Hamas and Israel. The plan calls for stopping hostilities, releasing hostages, negotiating a permanent ceasefire, defining a political horizon for establishing a Palestinian state, and forming a competent government to manage the West Bank and Gaza. The plan also includes a proposal for Hamas leaders to leave Gaza for another country.

Lebanon Front

The Israeli army targeted the town of Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon, while Hezbollah targeted the Zabdin barracks in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Hezbollah also targeted gatherings of Israeli soldiers near the border with southern Lebanon.

The Red Sea

American and British raids targeted the Ras Issa area in Hodeidah Governorate, western Yemen. The US Central Command destroyed an anti-ship missile that the Houthis were preparing to launch in the Red Sea, posing a threat to commercial ships and US Navy ships in the region.

Source: Aljazeera

New Massacres and Resistance Operations

On the 111th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, the Israeli army committed new massacres against civilians, resulting in the deaths of many people. The resistance factions also announced new operations against the occupation forces, killing and injuring Israeli soldiers.

Anticipation for International Court Ruling

There is anticipation for the ruling that is expected to be issued by the International Court of Justice in the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel, accusing it of committing genocide in Gaza. Palestinians hope for a fair ruling, while Israel expects the court to reject the lawsuit.

Number of Casualties

The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that the toll of the Israeli aggression had risen to more than 25,900 deaths and 64,110 injuries since October last year. The Israeli occupation committed 21 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

American Efforts for Prisoner Exchange

The White House stated that Washington is trying to renew the prisoner exchange deal between Hamas and Israel. President Joe Biden emphasized the need for Israel to minimize humanitarian losses in Gaza and avoid targeting UN facilities.

Resistance Achievements

Abu Ubaida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, announced that their fighters successfully eliminated Israeli soldiers and destroyed military vehicles and equipment. They also blew up houses and tunnels used by the occupation forces.

New American Arms Shipment

A new shipment of American weapons, including fighters and helicopters, arrived in Israel.

Sanctions against Houthi Officials

Britain and the United States imposed sanctions on four Houthi officials in Yemen for organizing attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Publication of Netanyahu's Statements

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statements against Qatar were published, causing controversy and denouncement from Qatar and the Association of Prisoners' Families.

Massacre in Gaza City

Hamas denounced the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces against civilians in Gaza City, calling it a horrific war crime. The movement urged the United Nations to take action and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Israel's Threat to Lebanon

Israel renewed its threat to launch a military strike against Lebanon if Hezbollah does not withdraw from the border with northern Israel.

Awaited International Court Decision

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is discussing possible scenarios with ministers and advisors in preparation for the expected decision by the International Court of Justice regarding the case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

Warnings of Unrest in the West Bank

Israeli security officials warned of a potential "third intifada" in the West Bank due to the decision to prevent Palestinians from entering Israel for work.


Continued Resistance

During the 110th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, Palestinian resistance groups continued their operations against the occupation forces. They focused on fighting in Khan Yunis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice announced that it will soon issue a decision on a lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel.

Al-Qassam Brigades

The military wing of Hamas, called the Al-Qassam Brigades, reported that they detonated a booby-trapped house in Khan Yunis. This action killed and injured a group of soldiers who were hiding inside. The Al-Qassam Brigades also clashed with a support force that arrived at the scene, resulting in the death of more than 10 soldiers.

Al-Quds Brigades

The military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, known as the Al-Quds Brigades, announced that they targeted an Israeli tank in Khan Yunis. This operation was carried out in collaboration with the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Injuries and Casualties

The Israeli army reported that 21 soldiers were injured in the Gaza battles over the past 24 hours. This brings the total number of injured soldiers since the start of the aggression on Gaza to 2,710. Among them, 1,250 are officers and soldiers who were injured during the ground attack, with 406 currently undergoing treatment and 40 in serious condition.

On the other hand, medical sources stated that 30 people were killed and 50 were wounded in Khan Yunis since Wednesday morning.

Attack on UNRWA Shelter

In Khan Yunis, an Israeli bombing targeted a shelter center run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). This center housed thousands of displaced people. The attack resulted in the death of 14 people and the injury of many others. The buildings caught fire, trapping people inside. The occupation forces prevented safe access to the area, making the situation even more dangerous.

Developments in the West Bank

In the occupied West Bank, the Israeli forces continued to raid several cities and arrest Palestinians. The Hamas movement called on Qatar and Egypt to intervene and secure the release of a prisoner who was previously released in a deal but was re-arrested by the occupation forces. Hamas held the Zionist occupation responsible for the consequences of this re-arrest.

In occupied Jerusalem, settlers, protected by the Israeli occupation police, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. They carried out provocative tours and performed religious rituals.

The Lawsuit Against Israel

The International Court of Justice announced that it will issue a decision on Friday regarding the possibility of imposing emergency measures against Israel. This decision comes after South Africa accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. The court will not address the main question of whether Israel is committing genocide but will only consider the possibility of taking urgent measures until the case is fully examined, which usually takes years.

Controversial Statement

Despite the ongoing lawsuit, the Israeli Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, made a controversial statement. He called for dropping a nuclear weapon on the Gaza Strip. This statement has caused outrage, especially since South Africa included a previous statement by Eliyahu in their lawsuit, considering it an invitation to commit genocide crimes in Gaza.

Source: Agencies


Mikko Hypponen: The Cybersecurity Expert

Mikko Hypponen is a 54-year-old expert in battling malware. He has been fighting against dangerous computer programs for decades and has even tracked down their creators. Mikko has won numerous awards and honors for his work and is considered one of the greatest thinkers in the field. He currently works as the chief researcher at "WithSecure," the largest cybersecurity company in the world.

The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence

Mikko believes that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change everything. He thinks it will be even bigger than the Internet. While he sees the positive impact AI can have on the world, he also worries about the cyber threats that come with it.

The 5 Serious Concerns for 2024

  1. Deepfake

Deepfakes are videos or audio clips created using AI that can make people appear to say or do things they never did. While the technology is not perfect yet, it has been used for malicious purposes. Mikko warns that the number of deepfake attempts has increased significantly, and people need to be cautious. He suggests using distinct words or passwords to verify if someone is real or fake during video calls.

  1. Deep Web Scams

Deep web scams are different from deepfakes but can still be dangerous. These scams use automation to target a large number of people. They can be found in various fields, including investment scams, stealing electronic accounts, and even romance scams. Mikko warns that if scammers start using AI to spread their lies and fabricate evidence, the number of victims could increase dramatically.

  1. Large Language Model Malware (LLMS)

Mikko's research team has discovered malicious software that uses AI to rewrite programming codes. These worms are difficult to detect and can be used for fraud or spreading violence. While some AI platforms can detect them, there is a risk that fraudsters can use them offline, making it harder to track and stop them.


  1. Day Zero Attack

A day zero attack is when cyber attackers exploit vulnerabilities in software before developers can fix them. AI can be used both to detect these vulnerabilities early and to create new ones. Mikko warns that this type of attack is still in its early stages but could become more widespread in the future.

  1. Automated Malware

With the rise of automation in cyber-attacks, cybersecurity companies like WithSecure are facing new challenges. Mikko believes that the future of cybersecurity will depend on who can develop and use AI the best. He predicts that fully automated malware will become the number one cyber threat in the world in 2024.



  Operation Al-Maghazi carried out by Al-Qassam Brigades was pretty complex. Military expert, Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi thinks that it might have led to the deaths of around 100 Israeli soldiers. 

The Attack

So, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced that they bombed a house where Israeli soldiers were hiding. This caused the ammunition inside the house to explode. They also destroyed a tank called Merkava and set off a minefield where another group of soldiers was present. They even attacked the rescue team that tried to help the soldiers. It was a triple process!

How the Operation Was Carried Out

According to Major General Al-Duwairi, this kind of operation needs more than one group to work together. He believes that the Al-Qassam Brigades started by destroying the tank to get the attention of the soldiers and create confusion. Then, they blew up the house a little later. It was all part of their plan to cause chaos among the Israeli soldiers.

The Number of Casualties

Now, let's talk about the number of people who might have died in this operation. Israel announced that 21 soldiers were killed, but they didn't mention any wounded soldiers. In traditional battles, for every person who dies, there are usually three people who get injured. So, according to Major General Al-Duwairi, if we do the math, there might be around 100 soldiers who lost their lives in this operation. That's a lot!

Advanced Security Sense

Major General Al-Duwairi also mentioned that this operation shows how advanced the Al-Qassam Brigades' security sense is. They were able to plan and execute this complex attack, which is pretty impressive.

So, that's the scoop on Operation Al-Maghazi. It was a complex military operation carried out by Al-Qassam Brigades. According to Major General Al-Duwairi, around 100 Israeli soldiers might have lost their lives in this attack. It just goes to show how advanced  Al-Qassam Brigades are in terms of their security skills. 

Source: Al Jazeera




Senegal is getting ready for its twelfth presidential elections. It's a big deal because they'll be choosing their fifth president. 

The Candidates

The Constitutional Council has announced a list of 20 candidates who will be running for president. However, some familiar faces are missing.

The current president, Macky Sall, hasn't participated in any presidential elections in over sixty years. And guess what? The outgoing president has nominated his prime minister, Amadou Bah, who is currently in prison. Another opposition politician, Sonko, has been expelled due to legal issues and unrest. Even Karim Wade, the son of a former president, wasn't included because he has dual French and Senegalese nationality.

The Campaign

The electoral campaign will kick off on February 4th. Many experts believe that the results will be decided in the first half of the campaign as there are a lot of candidates running, the ruling party is not very strong, and the opposition is not united.


The Candidates in the Spotlight

Amadou Bah

Amadou Bah, a 62-year-old candidate from the Alliance for the Republic Party, is a close associate of the current president, Macky Sall. He has a lot of experience in government and the private sector. Bah also has good relationships with Sufi orders, which are important religious groups in Senegal. Many people see him as an extension of President Macky Sall.

Idrissa Seck

Idrissa Seck, a 64-year-old former prime minister and head of the Roumi party, is considered one of the older candidates. He has a lot of experience working in government and the private sector. However, after joining the ruling regime bloc, Seck lost the trust of many voters. This led them to turn to opposition leader Othman Sonko instead.

Bassero Diomai Faye

Opposition candidate Bassero Diomai Faye is a 42-year-old law graduate and financial auditor. He has become a target for the opposition bloc.

Faye has gained support from young Senegalese people who want a change from the older generation. His imprisonment in the past has gained sympathy from educated elites who support freedom of opinion and expression. The popularity of his party, Pastev, has been growing since 2019, and they achieved third place in the last presidential elections. However, Faye faces challenges like a lack of business and political experience.

It's an exciting time for the country as they choose their fifth president. Keep an eye on the candidates and the campaign to see what happens next. The results will have a big impact on Senegal's future, especially with the recent gas discoveries. Political stability is crucial for the country's progress.


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