The Holy Quran, as an eternal miracle, was not revealed by the Lord of the heavens and the earth without purpose for His believing servants. It was revealed to ensure the well-being of their worldly and eternal lives. The divine guidance and Quranic reform are not limited to aspects of purification and worship alone, as some might think. Instead, they extend far beyond to include aspects of psychological reform for the individual Muslim and social reform for the Muslim community. Here, we highlight the benefits that both individuals and society lose when they distance themselves from the Quranic methodology and guidance:
1. Loss in Social and Cultural Life: By turning away from the Quran, both individuals and society have suffered a tremendous loss in social and cultural life. This is evident in their failure to present a model that embodies the Quran in contemporary life, showcasing the uniqueness of the Quran in reforming societal movements, cultural trends, educational philosophies, and the overall educational framework.
2. Loss of a Comprehensive Methodology: Both individuals and society have lost a methodology where material and spiritual aspects of life are integrated. In the Quranic method, there was no need for individuals to fuel a conflict between these aspects, experience tension or confusion in making choices, or feel torn between them.
3. Loss of Human Integration: The human element, represented by the individual, has lost a methodology where individuality and collectivity are integrated. In the Quranic methodology, there was no need to sacrifice one for the other to succeed. There was no need to separate them, as the Quran ensures enduring harmony between individuals and society through unparalleled integration.
4. Loss of Harmonious Integration: The Muslim individual has lost a methodology where the seen and unseen are integrated within a harmonious Muslim society, without division or conflict. In this methodology, the absolute and the real coexist without contradiction, and the ideal and the lived experience blend without intellectual or emotional discord.
5. Emergence of Corrupt Alternatives: The loss of the Quranic methodology, which was meant to regulate the relationship between individuals and society, has led to the emergence of corrupt alternatives. The absence of the Quranic model in the cultural and social fields has enabled the principle of conflict in individual and social life. This has resulted in the spread of psychological disorders at the individual level and social conflicts at the societal level, such as class struggles, generational conflicts, cultural clashes, and other forms of strife.