The Hijrah’s Methodology for Imminent Victory

By Dr. Gamal Abdel Sattar August 04, 2024 2535

Victory is a profound Islamic concept encompassing many meanings and implications. It refers to the triumph and empowerment granted by Allah to His faithful servants. The concept of victory is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran in various ayahs and surahs.

The Hijrah (migration) was a conquest and a victory. In our current times, we are in dire need of drawing inspiration from the methodology of victory upon which the blessed Hijrah was based, so we can understand where we stand and which path we are on. The Hijrah was not just stories to be told or history to be narrated, nor tales for entertainment and insight. It was a steadfast methodology of victory, inspiring for all ages and times.

Victory in the Quran is a broad and comprehensive concept. It transcends the apparent material meaning to include internal, spiritual, social, and religious dimensions. Achieving true victory requires believers to adhere to the teachings of Islam, work hard, and strive diligently in the path of Allah.

Steadfastness until death is one of the greatest forms of victory, leading the believer to a safe haven with their trust preserved and their banner raised. This man from the children of Israel came from the farthest part of the city, striving with faith: “He said, 'O my people, follow the messengers.'” (Yasin: 20) They killed him, but the Quran tells us the signs of his victory: “It was said, 'Enter Paradise.' He said, I wish my people could know of how my Lord has forgiven me and placed me among the honored.'” (Yasin: 26-27)

Martyrdom for the sake of Allah is a station of truth, elevating those chosen by Allah to the rank of divine satisfaction, granting them true victory by elevating their rank on the Day of Judgment. Allah says, “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” (Al Imran: 169)

The methodology of Hijrah in achieving victory includes several principles:


  1. No Empowerment Before Sacrifice and Striving:

The noble companions understood that the great Islam deserved the sacrifice of everything precious. Their lives were cheap in the path of Allah, their wealth is a sacrifice they are willing to make for the religion of Allah, and their children were soldiers defending the banner of Islam. They taught nations seeking victory that dying and giving for the sake of Allah is not a tragedy to be mourned or a calamity to be grieved. These sacrifices are honored, deserving of happiness and celebration.

A nation that does not honorably offer its children will surely lose them in disgrace, treachery, and betrayal.


  1. Taking Means is Not Optional but Obligatory:

Allah has granted us capabilities and obligated us to utilize them, using them to cultivate the earth according to Allah’s religion. Neglecting the available means is disobedience to the One who entrusted them to us and favored us with them over many of His creations.

The companions understood that planning and taking the necessary means is not optional for those who seek success, nor a possibility for those who seek prosperity. It is a path that must be followed. Allah punishes the negligent just as He punishes the transgressors. If disbelief and hypocrisy are decreed to exist in this world, then the people of faith are decreed for good, guidance, and empowerment. Allah says, “And if it were not for Allah checking [some] people by means of others, the earth would have been corrupted, but Allah is full of bounty to the worlds.” (Al-Baqara: 251)


  1. Victory is the Effort of a Nation, Not an Individual Act:

The Hijrah was not an individual act or a personal heroism. It was a refined artistic tableau, showcasing how to invest diverse capabilities and various energies and groups. Men and women contributed, with women playing a significant role and youth having their ample share, along with the wisdom of elders and the experience of days, the skill of the leader, and his reliance on the Merciful.

Thus, the Ummah realized that its renaissance and leadership require the cooperation of all forces, the utilization of all energies, and the investment of all potentials. It is not exclusive to anyone nor restricted to a group or sect. Rather, it necessitates the mobilization of all efforts without exclusion or marginalization.


  1. Victory is Not Merely a Hope but a Firm Belief:

Along with taking the available means, victory is tied to the command and favor of Allah, its Bestower, Giver, and Grantor. Therefore, victory is a firm belief in the hearts of believers, even if their means are lost, their efforts diminished, and they are besieged by the vilest of creation and the factions of Satan.

After exerting all available efforts, they forget what they have done and rely on the One who created the means, seeking His support, the arrival of His soldiers, and the steeds of His victory. Their state calls out to every fearful heart, reassures every anxious soul, and stabilizes every distressed one.


  1. Certainty is the Key to Achieving Victory and Empowerment:

Victory cannot be achieved unless the soul settles, the storms of doubts cease, and the hearts are reassured by the promise of their Lord and calmed by His remembrance, confident in His decree, grace, and good planning.

With certainty, the forces of the enemies, no matter how numerous or varied, diminish, because the believer knows that behind every force is the Almighty Powerful Lord. Allah says, “As for 'Aad, they were arrogant upon the earth without right and said, 'Who is greater than us in strength?' Did they not consider that Allah who created them was greater than them in strength? But they were rejecting Our signs.” (Fussilat: 15)


  1. After Exclusion Came Ascension:

The alliance of Satan and his party aimed to imprison the call and its leader behind bars, exile them to deserts and lands, or kill and bury them under the soil to be forgotten. But they forgot that this universe is not inhabited by people alone; there is the Lord of people who counts and writes, decrees, and plans. His command cannot be repelled, nor His decree changed. He intended for His call to endure and ascend, comforting the hearts of His servants with His words: “They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.” (As-Saff: 8)


  1. After Disguise and Caution, We Prevailed:

After caution and anxiety came security and relief. After concealment and precaution came appearance and delight. After lurking and pursuit came elevation and support. After distortion and alarmism came exoneration and honor. When Abu Bakr whispered to the Prophet in the Cave, “If one of them were to look under his feet, he would see us,” it was followed by the warm welcome of the believers in Madinah and the triumph of Muslims.

This is the path, its methodology, and its landmarks. So, rejoice in goodness, hold fast to the light of Allah that has come to you, and trust in the One who has set you on the path of truth.

Know that the Ummah is preparing for victory and empowerment, reclaiming its civilizational role. Prepare yourselves for the grant of usage and employment. According to the effort put into preparation, Allah will open the door of support. Allah says, “And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways.” (Al-Ankabut: 69) The more sincere you are in approaching Allah, the wider the doors opened for you.



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