Has God Despised Our Mobilization and Held Us Back?

By Dr. Abdullah Farajalla August 04, 2024 2778

Allah despised the hypocrites’ mobilization and restrained them because they did not take the necessary steps to join the jihad, nor did they honor the noble participation in its ranks. He narrated their story to us by saying: “And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it [some] preparation. But Allah disliked their being sent, so He kept them back, and they were told, 'Remain [behind] with those who remain.'” (At-Tawbah: 46)

Whoever truly wants to do something prepares for it, gets ready to undertake it, and takes the necessary steps without hesitating. However, when someone does not want to act, they hesitate, procrastinate, and seek excuses and reasons to hide behind, concealing their lack of desire or even aversion and refusal to do it.

One beautiful aspect of the ayah is that the word “’Iddah” (preparation) is indefinite, making it applicable to anything within one's capability. It does not specify a particular preparation that must be achieved. The requirement here is any preparation within one's means and capabilities without burdening the people with more than they can handle or beyond their abilities.

Because of their reluctance to take the necessary steps and their laziness in preparing, Allah disliked their mobilization and participation in the jihad, one of the pillars of Islam and its pinnacle. He disliked their presence among the sincere believers who had prepared, got ready, and exerted their efforts. Consequently, He restrained them, causing them to lose their capability, slacken their resolve, and diminish their enthusiasm and zeal, making it fitting for them to be among those who stay behind—the incapacitated, women, and children.

Their participation and mobilization would pose a significant risk to the integrity, unity, and strength of the fighting ranks. Allah clarified the danger they pose, warning against their presence and alleviating any sorrow over their absence to prevent the sincere believers from feeling pain due to their withdrawal and non-participation: “Had they gone forth with you, they would not have increased you except in confusion, and they would have been active among you, seeking [to cause] you fitnah. And among you are avid listeners to them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.” (At-Tawbah: 47)

What a severe danger and ugly actions carried by sick, corrupted souls living on spreading discord, weakness, despair, and surrender. The most alarming issue is that there are those within the faithful ranks who listen to them, exacerbating their danger and increasing their negative impact on the faithful ranks.

It is concerning that, as we read these noble ayahs in light of the current disgraceful reality the Ummah lives in, despite its large numbers, great potential, and massive armies, it experiences a reality of incapacity and betrayal, a reality of retreat and hesitation, a reality of those who sit back helpless, a reality of insignificance and marginalization, having no control over their affairs, unable to take action to stop the brutal war of extermination faced by Gaza—its people, stones, and trees—for over ten full months, where blood has been shed, sanctities violated, homes demolished on their inhabitants' heads, mosques and churches destroyed on the worshippers, and hospitals, schools, and universities targeted, etc.

For ten months, we have been unable, both officially and popularly, to take any real action that could stop the aggression or alleviate the suffering of children and women by satisfying their hunger and thirst. How dreadful! Has Allah despised our mobilization, restraining us, and placing us among those who sit back?

Has Allah really despised our mobilization, making us a joke, failing to frighten an enemy, deter an aggressor, or stop a crime?

Has Allah truly despised our mobilization, keeping us among those who sit back, lamenting, tearing our clothes, and weeping our incapacity and betrayal?

Has Allah despised our mobilization, leaving us among the spectators, even unable to cancel and abolish dance and music festivals in our countries in solidarity with the streams of blood that are being spilled?

Has Allah truly despised our mobilization, leaving us among those who sit back, witnessing genocidal crimes, killings, destruction, and siege against our children, women, elderly, and youth, hearing their cries without being moved by their pleas?

Has Allah truly despised our mobilization, so we sat back shackled!



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