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How to Thank Allah for His Blessings?

By Ruqayyah Muhammad September 02, 2024 433

Since the moment of birth, a person navigates through Allah's countless blessings and gifts. Over time, many become accustomed to these blessings, forgetting to perform the duty of thanking Allah for them. Although many people acknowledge that these are Allah's gifts, mere acknowledgment does not ignite the heart with the powerful act of gratitude in words and deeds. This is where the danger lies. When the continuity of blessings becomes routine, it leads to negligence in thanking Allah for them and their continuity. The situation may even deteriorate to ingratitude and denial. Hence, a serious and contemplative pause is necessary to reflect on one’s relationship with these blessings and the required remedy to escape the sin of neglecting their gratitude.


  1. Familiarity with Blessings:

Familiarity with blessings refers to the heart's failure to recognize their true nature and fulfill what is required of them. The Qur'an describes the state of Quraysh who became so familiar with their blessings that they denied them. Allah says, “For the accustomed security of the Quraysh - Their accustomed security in the caravan of winter and summer - Let them worship the Lord of this House. Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.” (Quraysh: 1-4) It is astonishing how familiarity with blessings did not guide and draw them closer to their Provider.

The frightening aspect of the disease of being familiar with blessings is that it can worsen to the point where a person believes they have acquired them through their own merit. Allah recounts the story of Qarun, who denied Allah's blessings by claiming he had acquired them due to his own knowledge. Allah says, “He said, 'I was only given it because of knowledge I have.' Did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in power and greater in accumulation [of wealth]? But the criminals, about their sins, will not be asked.” (Al-Qasas: 78) Then his fate of destruction, “And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home. And there was for him no company to aid him other than Allah, nor was he of those who [could] defend themselves.” (Al-Qasas: 81)

Recognizing the symptoms of this disease is crucial to promptly seek treatment, including:

  • Underestimating blessings: Believing they are natural and failing to reflect on their value or consider life without them.
  • Lack of gratitude: Not feeling grateful, leading to neglecting to thank Allah.
  • Complaining: Focusing on negative aspects and what one lacks rather than existing blessings blinds one to what they have.
  • Discontent: A constant feeling of dissatisfaction despite many blessings drives one to seek more without appreciating what already exists.
  • Neglecting dhikr and du’a: Not remembering Allah in daily life and ignoring regular du’a leads to forgetting to thank Him.
  • Wastefulness and extravagance: Using blessings irresponsibly or wastefully without considering their value or the consequences of losing them.
  • Neglecting seemingly small blessings: Focusing only on significant blessings and ignoring others breeds familiarity with them.

These signs indicate the need for a person to pause and reflect on the value of Allah's blessings, refine their heart to thank Allah for the smallest of blessings, and understand the meaning of gratitude, subsequently focusing on how to perform it.


  1. The Concept of Gratitude:

Gratitude is not merely a word spoken; it is a profound act of worship varying among individuals according to their faith. The essence of gratitude is acknowledging the beneficence of the Benefactor with humility, submission, and love. (1) Thus, it encompasses belief in the heart, utterance by the tongue, and actions by the limbs, like all other aspects of faith. People differ in their gratitude based on their closeness or distance from this humility and submission to Allah. The most perfect among them are those who achieve it on these levels:

  • Gratitude by the heart: The heart magnifies the love for Allah, fears Him, and hopes in Him, praising Him, and recognizing privately that all one has is purely Allah's grace and bounty, until the heart overflows with gratitude and praise for Allah.
  • Gratitude by the tongue: The tongue becomes accustomed to remembering and praising Allah, frequently saying “Alhamdulillah” in all situations and pairing it with “Shukrulillah” in times of blessings. This helps preserve blessings and blesse them.
  • Gratitude by the limbs: Expressing gratitude to Allah through actions and behavior by using blessings in obedience to Allah and avoiding their use in disobedience.

Gratitude is obligatory, explicitly commanded in several places in the Qur'an, including: “So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” (Al-Baqarah: 152)


  1. How to Thank Allah for His Blessings?

When one examines their daily life closely, they will find that blessings surround them on all sides. Starting with those whom Allah has blessed with the gift of Islam, which surpasses all other blessings, and continuing with those blessed with health, safety, security, wealth, and many others that cannot be counted, all of which require the servant's gratitude. Key factors aiding in thanking Allah for His blessings include:

  • Reflection and contemplation: Amid the fast-paced material life, it is necessary to pause and reflect on all the blessings Allah has bestowed. These moments of contemplation help appreciate the blessings and motivate further gratitude to Allah for them.
  • Understanding blessings as tests: Reminding oneself that these blessings are tests from Allah, as stated about Prophet Sulayman: “This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous.” (An-Naml: 40) Dealing with blessings from this perspective aids in being grateful for them.
  • Patience during trials: Thanking Allah for blessings includes being patient during trials; recognizing Allah's favors and recalling them aids in patience and steadfastness. Gratitude in this context manifests through patience and seeking reward.
  • Giving and generosity: Humbling oneself to Allah and acknowledging His favor by returning all blessings to Him is proper etiquette, driving one to give and be generous, as it is giving from what Allah has bestowed.

Thus, gratitude is a significant act of worship that should not be neglected but rather pursued earnestly to be lived through the heart, tongue, and limbs. The motivation for it should always be that Allah loves the grateful and has promised to reward them. Let this principle be a new starting point and a serious reflection with oneself, reviewing how to deal with Allah's blessings and renewing the commitment to join the ranks of the grateful.


Review “Tariq al-Hijratayn” book, by Imam Ibn Qayyim, pg.95.

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