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A Call to Unite Efforts in the Battle of Destiny

By Essam Al-Attar July 17, 2024 604

Until this hour, Arab countries have not developed a plan to confront the overwhelming enemy, nor have they taken the necessary steps towards cooperation, coordination, and preparation at the required level. We face a certain danger and are engaged in a battle that everyone describes as a battle of destiny.

The enemy is in our land, sky, and waters, bombarding us with death and destruction, waging various forms of war against us globally. Meanwhile, we are distracted from confronting the enemy by our selfish desires, petty interests, and conflicts with one another, whether openly or secretly. How often have we wondered about the Arabs' situation in Andalusia before their fall, as they were oblivious while the enemy was vigilant?

They split into factions, with each city having its own "Commander of the Faithful" and pulpit.

They fought among themselves while the enemy attacked and slaughtered them. They perished along with the weak authority and petty ambitions they fought over, leaving behind nothing but the mockery of history, the disdain of future generations, and the inevitable judgment in the eternal abode for the trust they betrayed, the nation they squandered, and the lands they surrendered. We often wondered at their (or rather their rulers') condition until we witnessed in our present what is even more astonishing and condemnable, what is almost unbelievable.

Our countries differ and do not unite, they fight or make temporary truces, as the saying goes, but they do not come together in sincere unity, nor do they engage in genuine, continuous cooperation. This is despite all the calamities that have befallen them—and continue to befall them—in their sacred places, lands, and dignity, and despite the imminent, comprehensive danger and the great common cause that binds everyone, which should rise above all disputes.

Most of our rulers have made their primary battle against their own people, not against Israel and the forces of Zionism and colonialism. They cling to a weak authority that does not honor them and pursue despicable personal gains at the expense of the people's dignity and existence, amidst their suffering and tragedies. They have exhausted vast amounts of resources, capabilities, and efforts in subjugating, monitoring, and suppressing their people's freedom and will, offering them as easy prey to their fiercest enemy. Instead of focusing their battle on Israel and mobilizing all their resources, capabilities, and talents for this purpose.

Moreover, many of our organizations still lack a deep sense of the extent of the danger they face and are far from effectively responding to the fundamental needs of the nation and the essential requirements of its historical interests under these circumstances. They continue to think and act as if there is no stolen homeland, no usurped rights, and no enemy assaulting us daily, seeking to seize our land, dignity, and lives. They still prioritize personal and partisan gains over the cause and the nation's greater interest, engaging in conflicts among themselves while the very lands they fight over are at risk of being lost.

This has been our situation for about twenty years after our first nakba in 1948, and it remains our situation now after our disastrous nakba in 1967. We have neither learned nor changed our ways for God to change our condition. The danger is escalating, the aggression continues, and the treacherous blows strike us at our frontlines, in our villages, and in our cities. No sincere and rational person can accept the continuation of this situation.

We know that making a true and radical change in our reality, to become more sincere, aware, and deeply committed to our duty with the ability to rise to it, requires a long time, tremendous effort, and immense sacrifice from the faithful who understand the true nature of things. We must rebuild the individual and society on a solid foundation of belief, thought, ethics, and science that provides us with unity, strength, and capability. This involves redesigning our lives in various aspects with new planning that prepares us to face challenges and achieve victory. When we return to Islam, despite the enemies' efforts to distance us from it, we find that it alone is the way.

We are aware of all this, believe in it, and strive towards it. However, we face an immediate responsibility that cannot wait, and an unavoidable confrontation that cannot be delayed. If we wish to survive and seize the opportunity for better preparation and the desired fundamental work in the long term, we must rise to the level of safety and interest dictated by this critical historical stage. We must take these essential steps as a minimum:

1. The issue of Palestine must be made the foremost priority in this phase "in reality, not just in words," with each Arab state mobilizing the maximum possible resources for it. Each country must organize itself specially to ensure that its capacities and resources serve the cause locally and internationally.

2. Arab efforts must be unified in the Palestinian cause politically, militarily, and economically as quickly as possible within a comprehensive, well-studied plan. This plan must arise from the needs of the cause on all fronts, transcend the numerous and varied disagreements, and prevent the exploitation of the cause for other purposes or agendas.

One of the most imperative steps in this path:

-All Arab fronts, especially those facing the enemy, must be considered as one front, with the Arab destiny collectively embraced as a singular fate.

-The battle, defensively and offensively, must be guided by a unified plan and leadership, with every Arab nation playing a role within this comprehensive strategy.

-Precautionary measures must be established for Arab lands, villages, and cities, preparing the people to defend themselves and actively contribute to their destiny's battle in the best possible manner.

-Popular resistance within occupied territories must be nurtured, supported, and provided with the unity and sound growth necessary. It should play a fundamental role in the unified Arab plan, ensuring all actions are integrated and coordinated within this framework.

3. A strong, conscious connection to Islam must be restored among the people. Islam, which Muslims hold as a religion and Christians cherish as heritage and civilization, provides clarity of identity and authentic path. It liberates from fragmentation and deadly loss, and prevents blind submission to any direction. Throughout our history, Islam has been the pillar of our resilience, the source of our resistance, the foundation of our civilization, the driver of our progress, and the endless resource for our days. Only it can free us from despair and surrender, instill confidence in victory, determination in jihad, and drive us to pursue victory's true causes, elevating us to the pinnacle of heroism and sacrifice. It equips us for immediate confrontation and long-term preparation with all necessary qualities, means, and achievements.

Islam is our greatest strength in confronting our enemy. No sincere Arab should deny the people this strength in the battle of destiny being waged now under the toughest Arab conditions, regardless of personal beliefs or previous stances. Islam galvanizes all our energies and extracts our maximum potential where nothing else can, guiding us down the path of righteousness.

4. Utilize the hundreds of millions of Muslims who share our faith and sentiment, connected deeply to the First and Third Sanctuaries, the Prophet's ascension, and the blessed land as mentioned in the Holy Quran. Engage them in our battle, making it a collective struggle for all Arabs and Muslims.

5. Unify Arab efforts internationally at all levels of planning and execution. Strengthen cooperation with every supportive nation, seeking to gain the support of every free state and honorable human being. Assert our rights to the world through appropriate means, making pro-Israel countries aware of the real danger to their interests in our lands, and the losses incurred by aligning with our false enemies. Through our positions, convince everyone that our friendship benefits and our enmity harms.

6. End the isolation of the people from their cause and destiny. Restore their freedom and reclaim their stolen rights, harnessing all their energies and capabilities. Let them play their role in directing the battle and protecting the cause from any deviation, negligence, or betrayal.


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