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Zionism: The Worst form of Colonialism Featured

By Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi January 09, 2024 1507


The psychological afflictions, moral defects, and behavioral disorders embodied in the Talmudic Jewish personality, especially after the emergence of the Zionist movement and its dangerous orientations, gave rise to Jewish terrorist gangs during the British mandate and before the establishment of “Israel” on May 15, 1948. These afflictions have led to human massacres, aggressive attacks, and diabolical methods employed by “Israel” in its conflicts with the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims, whether in war or peace.

These afflictions have produced one of the worst forms of colonization in history, the Zionist colonization, which some have described as the highest stage of colonization. The bloody Zionist colonization is distinguished by its characteristics from other types of colonization known to the world throughout history, as referenced in the Quran when the Queen of Sheba said, “She said: "Verily! Kings, when they enter a town (country), they despoil it, and make the most honorable amongst its people low. And thus they do.” (An-Naml: 34) This ayah refers to the entry of conquering kings as colonizers who corrupt the lands and humiliate the inhabitants.

In modern times, people have known British, French, Italian, Dutch, and other forms of colonialism, all of which have been harmful to those who were colonized. However, Zionist colonization is considered more severe and bitter. As our brother Dr. Hassan Hathout states, it is a settler-colonial expansionist, racist, terrorist, oppressive form of colonization.


1- Settler Colonialism:

It is settler colonialism, aiming to empty the country of its inhabitants and replace them with its own people whenever possible. It bothers it to see the Arab birth rate higher than that of the Jews, including the demographic Judaization. Unlike the Crusaders, who had another homeland to return to, there is no intention for the Zionist movement to leave because they have nowhere else to go. The goal is not only to displace or force out the Arabs, demolish homes, or alter the geography; it includes bringing more Jews from around the world to replace Palestinian labor, which is the remaining lifeline for Palestinians. This goal has been explicitly stated by Zionist politicians and thinkers such as Professor “Ben-Zion Dinur,” who declared that there is not enough room in the country for two people.

Figures like “Uri Lubrani” (Begin's advisor for Arab affairs) stated that they would reduce the Arab community to a sect of woodcutters and restaurant waiters! Others, like “Shevah Weiss,” have expressed the idea that it’s either “Greater Israel” or “Greater Ishmael” (Greater Ishmael means the Arab state that unites the Arabs under one banner and brings the end of Israel).

2- Expansionist Colonization:

The map from the Nile to the Euphrates is still present in the Knesset, and the two blue lines at the top and bottom of the “Israeli” flag symbolize the Nile and the Euphrates. When “Golda Meir” was asked about the borders of “Israel” as she saw them, she replied, “When we get to the borders, we will let you know.” “Ben-Gurion” also stated that the Jewish state aspires to include borders extending to southern Lebanon, southern Syria, Jordan, and the Sinai Peninsula. (That is why the “Oslo Accords” did not include anything about “borders,” and it will remain a secret among “Israeli” leaders until their dreams come true.)

3- Racist Colonization:

In a previous statement, Rafael Eitan, who was the Chief of Staff of the “Israeli” Defense Forces, said: “Those who accuse white people in South Africa of racism are liars. The black people there are the ones who want to control the white minority, just as the Arabs want to control us.” When African countries voted in favor of the United Nations resolution considering Zionism as racism in 1975 (a resolution later revoked), “Begin's” comment was: “How do people who until recently lived in trees consider themselves leaders of the world?”

Racism even exists among Jews themselves. The “Ashkenazi,” the white European Jews, see themselves as superior to the “Sephardim.”

While the Sephardim make up seventy percent of the Jews, a system of education and tuition fees was drawn up so that they were not allowed more than six percent in universities and three percent upon graduation.

As for the Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel), who were ridiculed to the point that when donating blood, bottles of Ethiopian Jewish blood were deliberately shattered and disposed of so it couldn’t be used, when this scandal was discovered, it created great bitterness among the Ethiopians, a sense of persecution, and racial discrimination, as Allah says: “You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse.” Even Orthodox Jews issued a recent ruling stating that conservatives and Reform Jews are not Jews.

4- Oppressive colonization:

When it comes to oppressive colonization, it is self-evident and does not require further evidence. However, it is valuable to hear testimony from the colonialist itself. Professor Judah Magness, the first president of the Hebrew University, states, “While Jews have every right to demand justice from the world, I am not prepared to achieve justice for Jews through injustice to Arabs.”

Professor “Benjamin Cohen,” a professor at Tel Aviv University, says: “Jews have always been victims of cruelty, so how could they be perpetrators of such cruelty?” Many of them share this opinion. In America, there are two major Jewish movements called “Peace Now” and “Land for Peace.” They reject the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians and advocate giving them a homeland and living with them in good neighborliness. The same sentiment is shared by a significant number of Jews in Palestine.

4- Terrorist colonization:

Terrorism is the essence of “Israel” and what paved the way for its establishment since the era of the infamous gangs such as the Haganah, Irgun, and Stern, which committed atrocities.

Terrorism is what laid the foundation for the state, establishing it with violence and force, killing women, children, and the elderly in unprecedented and brutal ways. History has not witnessed anything like it. They even wagered on the gender of the unborn child in the pregnant women bellies: Is it a boy or a girl? Then they would rip open the pregnant woman's belly, laughing, to see who won the bet. After that, they would slaughter both the mother and the child together!

Terrorism is what expanded the state, more than what the partition resolution granted them. Then they annexed additional territories during the June 1967 war.

And terrorism is what threatens neighboring Arab countries to possess any nuclear or non-nuclear power, as “Israel” believes it must be solely in their hands. That's why they struck the Iraqi nuclear reactor in the past, and they even target talented Arab youths in the nuclear field, as indicated by several incidents. They also pose a threat to all Muslims if they attempt to do the same, as seen in the response to Pakistan's attempt to possess a nuclear bomb, similar to what its neighbor and rival, India, did.

“Israel’s” terrorism is responsible for killing, at the hands of the state and its apparatus, and under the orders of its leaders and commanders, the heroes of the resistance who defend their land, sanctities, and families. This was evident in the assassinations of Al-Shaqaqi, Ayyash, and Al-Sharif, as well as the attempted assassination of Mashal.

Zionist terrorism is responsible for killing worshippers in the Jaffa Mosque, perpetrating the massacre of Deir Yassin, killing children at the “Bahr El-Baqar” primary school in Egypt, murdering worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron during the dawn of Ramadan while praying, killing individuals in the tunnel incident, and committing the massacre in “Qana,” Lebanon. Additionally, it recently killed innocent workers near the “Tarkumiya” checkpoint in the Hebron area. It continues to kill, and its hands remain stained with the blood of the innocent.

It is astonishing that Zionist terrorism commits all these acts while claiming that we are the terrorists!! Meanwhile, it absolves itself of any charges, just like the brothers of Joseph throwing him into the well while pretending to be innocent!

Taken from the book: “Jerusalem: The Cause of Every Muslim.”

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Last modified on Thursday, 14 November 2024 07:22