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The Demise of "Israel" is a Biblical and Qur'anic Inevitability (1) Featured

By Dr. Helmy El-Faqi January 29, 2025 188


When a European leader or an American president appears and declares to the media that the West is committed to guaranteeing the security of "Israel," the Israeli rubs his hands in joy at this abundant protection, and that pervasive banner that operates with its oppressive power and arrogant haughtiness for their occupied entity. Little does the poor soul know that the demise of "Israel" from existence is a divine promise and a heavenly decree, guaranteed by the Lord of the worlds, and thus it is a truth without doubt and a certainty with no dispute. 

This certainty, and this truth, are deeply rooted and ingrained in the consciousness of both parties; neither the Jews nor the Muslims can argue against it. However, the arrogance of falsehood and the intoxication of power blind the eyes and obscure the vision. The demise of "Israel" is a Qur'anic and Biblical inevitability that the noble Quran and even the Torah of the Jews—despite the alterations—have confirmed, and all the truths and facts on the ground prove the veracity of this prophecy and the inevitability of this issue.

First: The Fragility of the State of "Israel":   

The occupying state carries within its body the symptoms of its demise, the germs of its extinction, and severe diseases that hasten its downfall. Despite this, some persist in promoting false rumors about the genius of the Jews, their advancement, and their civilization, which is completely the opposite of the truth. The question that exposes these rumors and debunks these lies is: Can "Israel" rely on itself, and stand on its own feet, without support from the West? 

The answer is clear and known to all! 

Indeed, even with the immense and unlimited support from Europe and America during the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle, "Israel" failed to eliminate the resistance and could not occupy the besieged Gaza Strip for nearly two decades. How could "Israel" stand alone without external support? 

The weakness and fragility of "Israel" is not a political analysis or scientific opinion, but rather a divine decree that cannot be overturned. The Lord of the worlds has imposed upon the Jews the state of wandering and dispersion, commanding humiliation, subjugation, poverty, and disgrace wherever they are found, and wherever they are captured. Reality proves their weakness, cowardice, and frailty; they are nothing without Western colonialism, and "Israel" is a toy in the hands of the West. It is their hand with which they strike, their tool that wreaks havoc, and it is their quarry that they seek for the continuity of their colonization and the ongoing persecution of the lands of Islam. Allah Almighty says: (Only those believe in Our Ayat, who, when they are reminded of them, fall down prostrate, and glorify the praises of their Lord, and they are not proud. ) (Al-Imran: 112).

 Second: The Demise of "Israel" is a Qur'anic Inevitability:   

Numerous verses of the noble Quran confirm the demise of "Israel," that it is a state doomed to extinction, and that their supremacy is destined for annihilation. It is the fastest state in history to vanish, as it is built upon oppression and usurpation, and oppression does not last nor can it endure. The divine law in the universe decrees the destruction of oppressors, even if they are Muslims; how much more so if they are occupying Jews who are aggressors against the religion of Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him.

Allah Almighty said: “And We decreed to the Children of Israel in the Book: 'You will surely cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become very arrogant. {4} So when the first of the two promises came, We sent against you Our servants, those of great might, and they went through the land and it was a promise fulfilled. {5} Then We gave you back the return against them and supported you with wealth and children and made you more numerous. {6} If you do well, you do well for yourselves; and if you do evil, it is for them. So when the time of the last promise comes, they will sadden your faces and will enter the mosque as they entered it the first time and will destroy what they had taken over with utter destruction. {7} Perhaps your Lord will have mercy upon you, but if you return, We will return, and We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers." (Al-Isra).

Ibn Kathir says in his interpretation: Allah, the Exalted, says that He decreed to the Children of Israel in the Book; meaning He had previously informed them in the Book which He revealed to them that they would cause corruption in the land twice, and that they would be very arrogant; meaning they would tyrannize and oppress people.

Regarding the verse: “So when the first of the two promises comes,” it refers to the first act of corruption. “We sent against you Our servants of great might”; meaning We unleashed upon you a host from among Our creation who are of great might; referring to their strength, number, and authority.

Sheikh Al-Sharawi, in his interpretation of these verses, says: After Allah settled them in the land and had them spread within it, the hearts of their followers from the forces of falsehood were stirred. They inspired them with the idea of a national homeland and adorned for them the first steps of their demise. They chose Palestine as a homeland to gather there from all over the world.

Some may think that the establishment of the state of "Israel" and the gathering of Jews there is a blow to Islam and Muslims, but the truth is otherwise. When Allah, the Exalted, intends for us to strike them with a decisive blow from servants described as “Our servants,” it is worth noting that this blow cannot occur while they are scattered and diffused across the world. We would not fight them everywhere nor send troops to every country where they have neighborhoods. How could we pursue them if they are spread across each country, with only a small number present?

Thus, the idea of a gathering and a national homeland, which was advocated by Balfour and supported by major countries allied with the Jews and opposed to Islam, actually serves the cause of Islam, making it easier for us to track them down and enabling us to eliminate them.

A question may arise in the minds of some regarding the history of the two acts of corruption: Were they before Islam or after it? And does the current corruption of the Children of Israel and their arrogance and oppression that we see today belong to the two acts of corruption or not?

The Quran answers that the Lord of the worlds has taken upon Himself to eradicate the children of Zion, again and again, whenever they return to corruption and oppression. He, the Exalted, said: “And if you return, We will return;” and if you, Children of Zion, commit tyranny, We will return upon you with punishment.


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