Jews: Beginning and End (12) Jews in the Arabian Peninsula

By Nada Gamal February 02, 2025 186



The scholars of news mentioned several narratives regarding the Jewish presence in the Arabian Peninsula, most of which are not without their issues; however, some are closer to reality than others. Many historians agree that there were three waves of Jewish migrations to the Arabian Peninsula:

The first: The migration of the tribes of Shimon in the late 11th century B.C.

The second: the migration in the face of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem, in the early sixth century B.C.

The third: the migration in the face of the Roman year 70 AD, when the Roman commander Titus ordered the drowning of the Jews in the Lake of Lot, after he destroyed the holy city and burned the Jewish temple built by Herod. As a result, groups of Jews migrated to the Arabian Peninsula, the outskirts of Yathrib, and the highlands of Hijaz. (1)

The Jews migrated to the Arabian Peninsula early on due to facing numerous persecutions.

Yaqut al-Hamawi says: "Then the Romans appeared in Syria and killed many from the Children of Israel. The tribes of Qurayza and Nadir, along with Hidal, fled from Syria wanting to go to Hijaz, where the Children of Israel were, to reside with them. (2) In any case, the Jews migrated to the Arabian Peninsula early due to the numerous persecutions they faced over time.

Locations of Jewish Settlement in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Jews spread as individuals and groups in places of water and springs, hoping for a life of stability. They focused in the area of Yathrib - where there were neither Aws nor Khazraj - and among the most important tribes of theirs there were the Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir, Banu Zaid, Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Thalabah, Banu Akkawah, and Banu Zaur.

Khaybar is also considered a vital area for Jewish settlement, as its Jews were known among all the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula for their boldness and economic superiority, due to their engagement in the cultivation of palm trees and grains. They also established several forts there, such as the fort of Naim, the fort of al-Ghamus for Abu al-Haqiq, the fort of Hassan al-Sallam, the fort of al-Katiba, and the fort of al-Salb ibn Muadh, which was the richest in food and supplies.

The Jews also settled in Tayma, Fadak, and Wadi al-Qura, and they were keen on establishing themselves in areas of irrigation, along caravan routes and trade routes, as well as in coastal regions with ports like the Aden region in Yemen.

... and they spread out in the places of water and springs, hoping to live and settle in Yathrib and Khaybar.

In Mecca, they did not have a large community or a noticeable presence, as the Quran did not mention any interaction between them and the people of Mecca, whether Muslims or polytheists. (3)

The economic life of the Jews in the island.

The Jews distinguished themselves there with a flourishing economic advancement, as they managed to control the essential resources in Yathrib and its most important farms, trade, and benefits, as well as its most significant industries that generated high profits. The Jews in Yathrib had been well known since ancient times for their weapon manufacturing, including swords, arrows, shields, and spearheads, and thus they led the arms trade in Hijaz before Islam. They also excelled in jewelry making, producing some necklaces from precious gemstones. The Banu Qaynuqa had a market in the center of Yathrib at the Batahān bridge, where they manufactured jewelry and sold their creations.

They excelled in the profession of banking and lending at exorbitant interest rates, so most of the people in the city turned to them to meet their financial needs, borrow from them, and repay the interest owed to them. (5)

And how similar the present night is to the past: The Jews in our contemporary era, despite their small number globally, dominate the financial and business markets and control the global economy in various fields. They almost completely manage the 'knowledge economy in the world'; the Jews control most aspects of investment in the world of information technology, including technologies and infrastructure. They almost entirely manage the internet and its content, similar to 'Google', and they control most global social media platforms like 'YouTube', 'Facebook', 'Instagram', and 'WhatsApp', among others.

... They distinguished themselves with economic advancement and were able to control the essential resources in Yathrib.

All this economic influence that Jews have around the world allows their power to extend openly and covertly into the joints of the global economy. The domination of Jews and Zionists has become evident in the realms of finance and speculation, the energy market, jewelry, clothing and electronics brands, as well as in fashion, perfumes, and sweets, extending to modern technologies, with a focus on military and security industries.

It is worth noting that the major companies operating in these sectors are managed by Jews, and they have branches in most countries around the world. It is not surprising that there is indirect control over global market decisions by Jews. Just look at the position of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the institution that controls financial market movements worldwide, which is headed, in succession, by Zionists. (6)

The social life of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Aws and Khazraj migrated from Ma'rib to Yathrib following the incident of "the flood of Al-Aram"; they found that the Jews had settled in Yathrib before them for some time. The Arabs lived under the influence of the Jews in Yathrib in a state of hardship, distress, and lack of safety and stability. When they asked the Jews to create a safe alliance and mutual protection, the Jews denied this request, forcing the Aws and Khazraj to stay in their homes out of fear of betrayal by the Jews, who might drive them out. The Arabs remained in this state of conflict and insecurity with the Jews until their power grew, and the Arabs established a political entity in Yathrib that qualified them to compete for its leadership and economic resources.

The relationships among the Jewish tribes were characterized during certain periods by fragmentation and enmity prevailed among them.

On another note, the relationships between the Jewish tribes were marked by disintegration and weakness during certain periods, characterized by enmities and conflicts that may have resulted from competition for leadership among their elite or due to their tribal fragmentation. Consequently, the Banu Qaynuqa allied with the Khazraj, while the Banu Qurayza and Banu al-Nadir allied with the Aus. Among the terms of these alliances was that each group would fight alongside its ally against the other team. History has witnessed—during the War of "Buath"—the severity with which the Banu al-Nadir and Banu Qurayza attacked the Banu Qaynuqa, tearing them apart, capturing them, and plundering them despite their prohibition against such actions in their law. However, they violated it as was their custom, breaking God's covenant and casting His words behind their backs in pursuit of their personal interests.

The Holy Quran has referenced this, as in His saying: (And ˹remember˺ when We took your covenant that you would neither shed each other’s blood nor expel each other from their homes, you gave your pledge and bore witness.(84) But here you are, killing each other and expelling some of your people from their homes, aiding one another in sin and aggression; and when those ˹expelled˺ come to you as captives, you still ransom them—though expelling them was unlawful for you.)( Al-Baqarah)

And here is an important point: The Jews never uphold a covenant, neither with God nor with His prophets and messengers, nor with themselves or others. Betrayal and treachery and breaking covenants run in the blood of the Jews. Allah, the Exalted, said: (Why is it that every time they make a covenant, a group of them casts it aside? In fact, most of them do not believe.) (Al-Baqarah:100) And He, the Exalted, said: (They are those with whom thou didst make a covenant, but they break their covenant every time, and they have not the fear (of Allah).) (Al-Anfal 56) If only our people knew that the Jews have never adhered to any treaty or pact, and that they will inevitably break it one day. Those who killed messengers and prophets and broke their covenant with the Lord of Heaven will certainly break their covenant with kings, leaders, and chiefs.



  1. Yathrib before Islam, Mohammed Al-Sayed, Al wakeel
  2. Dictionary of Countries, Yaqut al_Hamawi
  3. The conditions of Jewish communities in the peninsula Rashid Qahafah (with modifications).
  4. The ancient history of the Arabs, Tawfiq Bro (with modifications).
  5. Yathrib before Islam (in brief).
  6. Arabian Gulf Center for Studies and Research.

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