In the face of the accelerating pace of life and the diminishing sense of security due to the distancing from religion and the rapid social transformations witnessed in today’s world, new trends have begun to spread on social media in the West. The most notable of these is the the “tradwife trend,” which calls on women to return to their original and traditional gender roles within the household, such as raising children, cooking, cleaning, and meeting the husband’s needs. Some influencers have emerged, dressed like women from the 1950s, with full makeup, paying over attention to their aprons! This trend has gained wide popularity on social media, with millions of followers for these women, igniting many heated discussions between supporters and opponents.
The Tradwife Trend
The phenomenon of "tradwives" began to appear on social media and blogs several years ago, but it has only recently gained wider spread and genuine momentum. This movement promotes the idea of returning to the lifestyle that was prevalent in the 1950s, where the man was the primary breadwinner for the family while the woman dedicated herself to household chores and child-rearing. This lifestyle has attracted women who feel disappointed by the challenges associated with modern life and believe that returning to traditional gender roles can provide them with psychological and social stability.
Why Did This Trend Emerge?
Many tradwives express their disappointment with feminism, viewing feminist movements that fought for gender equality as having stripped them of their femininity and forced them to bear the pressures of external work alongside household burdens. Veronica Hubner, a psychology professor at Massey University in New Zealand, and Sophia Sykes, a researcher at the same university, state that much of the content from tradwives they tracked talked about the idea that feminism failed them, and by taking on traditional roles, the division of burdens became fairer and reduced stress for them and their families.
Dixie Andelin Forsyth, who runs a project teaching “femininity” to women around the world, said that the return to femininity movement is on the rise because women are fed up with feminism. “We say to feminists: thanks for the pants, but we see life differently.”
Despite the many rights women have gained from feminist movements, such as the right to vote and equal wages with men, these movements have placed significant pressure on modern Western women who find themselves needing to compete with men under the guise of gender equality, increasing their pressures and responsibilities.
The Countertrend and the Conflict Between the Two Directions
On the other hand, feminist advocates strongly criticize this trend, seeing that “tradwives” ignore the achievements of feminist movements, such as the right to education, work, and legal rights. They consider the return of women to traditional roles a step backward and a threat to the equality and rights women have fought to obtain.
American lawyer Dr. Ann Olivarius, who reminds women that feminism did not just grant them pants, but also fundamental rights such as bank accounts in their names, voting rights, and the criminalization of domestic violence and marital rape, views the return to traditional roles as a threat to these gains.
Feminists also argue that it is not wise for a woman to depend on a man as her sole provider and that she should obtain an education or learn a profession that benefits her if her husband divorces her or even dies. They believe that financial dependence on a man increases domestic violence rates and undermines women's freedom.
This was confirmed by one social media influencer, who was a staunch defender of the “tradwife” trend before her husband betrayed her and left her without a provider for her and her children. She then shifted to the opposite end and became one of the biggest critics of this trend. Jenny said, “Throughout my married life, it never bothered me that my financial security was tied to that man's love for me. I didn't realize that his love for me or lack thereof, that my attractiveness or impressiveness in his eyes determined whether my children would have something to eat, whether I could buy myself a cup of milk or a loaf of bread.”
Reality Contradictions
The West's problem always lies in the lack of moderation. Despite the apparent innocence of this trend, it often paints an unrealistic picture. For example, most of these women film their videos while wearing elegant clothes and full makeup even while doing house chores and cooking.
Some people were also angered by their claim to rely entirely on their husbands for financial support while having social media accounts with thousands or millions of followers that earn them substantial amount of income.
Islam Honoring Women
In the midst of these conflicts and different trends, we Muslims find our solace in our religion. The moderation of Islam has always distinguished this great religion through the different ages. Allah the Almighty says, “And thus we have made you a just community.” (Al-Baqarah: 143) The role and importance of women in Islam is clear to everyone. She is the mother, wife, and nurturer, the pillar and essential building block of the family, and thus Islam has guaranteed her full rights.
In Islam, the mother has a great status and a significant role in raising generations and building communities. In Sahih an-Nasa'i, it is reported that Jahimah came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: “O Messenger of Allah! I want to go out and fight (in Jihad) and I have come to ask your advice.” He said: “Do you have a mother?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “Then stay with her, for Paradise is beneath her feet.”
The wife in Islam is a key partner for the man. Islam has given her rights and obliged the husband to be kind and take care of her. Allah the Almighty says, “And live with them in kindness.” (An-Nisa: 19) She has the right to good treatment and to live in dignity and security under her husband's care. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised: “And I advise you to take care of the women.” (Agreed upon) The husband is responsible for taking care of his wife, providing for her, and meeting her needs, ensuring her a stable and happy life. If she is not married, divorced, or widowed, then it is the responsibility of her guardian to provide for her.
Islam remains beacon that, if followed by all nations, would save them from the darkness of ignorance and fanaticism. Islam has elevated the status of women and honored them, whether as mothers, wives, or sisters, unlike any other religion or nation.