Globalizing Resistance!

By Mohamed Fathi Elnadi January 10, 2025 302

In this worldly life, causes do not succeed because of their justice but because of the strength of their proponents, both morally and materially. Many just causes fail, even if they garner sympathy from people, as sympathy alone does little or is insufficient.

For example, the nation's sympathy with Imam Hussein, the martyr (may Allah be pleased with him), did not prevent his martyrdom. When Imam Hussein asked the poet Al-Farazdaq ibn Ghalib about the state of the people behind him, Al-Farazdaq replied, “You have asked an informed person. The hearts of the people are with you, but their swords are with the Umayyads, and fate descends from the heavens. Allah does as He wills.” (1)

The strong in this world impose their systems, even if they go against the interests of the majority of humanity, benefiting only a small fraction.

For instance, usury has become the backbone of the global economy, serving the interests of a very small group of wealthy individuals and harming the majority. Similarly, nudity, homosexuality, and atheism have become major themes under what is termed human rights.

With the imposition of a system comes the enforcement of a worldview, and anyone who opposes this vision is accused. The West seeks to impose its perspective through what it calls globalization, which essentially means complete subordination to it in politics, economics, society, and more.

Moreover, it has worked to globalize the concept of terrorism, associating it with Muslims. According to this narrative, a Muslim is either the perpetrator of terrorism or a potential terrorist, while others are considered innocent regardless of their actions.

Terrorism, however, is purely a Western creation. The World Wars were initiated by them, with the rest of the world serving as fuel. They incited conflicts between countries, ignited civil wars, orchestrated coups against leaders who deviated from their agendas, and created tyrants who oppressed their own people while safeguarding Western interests. In this, the West tramples upon its own principles and slogans, disregarding democracy and human rights.

When people manage to overthrow tyrants, the West pretends to support them, praising their actions until it finds an opportunity to exploit them through its agents, who are either created, bought, or blackmailed to serve Western agendas and maintain their interests. As a result, corruption has spread globally due to their actions. As fast as humanity advances technologically, it descends into behavioral and spiritual deviations.

The actions of America and the West align with the words of Allah: “And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals. And Allah does not like corruption” (Al-Baqarah: 205).

This corruption has become evident and does not require investigation. Allah says: “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned” (Ar-Rum: 41). Their dominance on earth is one of corruption and mischief, not one of mercy and equity.

One of their actions includes attempting to globalize the fight against terrorism. They were not content with globalizing terrorism through their media, which branded Muslims as the sole perpetrators, even though they are the victims. Muslims’ lands have been occupied, their wealth plundered, and their honor violated. When they resist and retaliate, they are vilified, with attempts made to sow division among them and discredit the concept of jihad by associating it with dishonor and defaming its proponents.

They fail to realize that the spirit of jihad in this Ummah never extinguishes. Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Three matters pertain to the root of faith: no molestation of one who says there is no god but God, neither declaring him an infidel because of a sin, nor excommunicating him from Islam because of an action; jihad continues from the time God sent me till the last of this people fights with the dajjal, being annulled neither by the tyranny of a tyrannical ruler nor the justice of a just one; and belief in God’s decrees.” (2)

It is considered a remaining obligation, classified as Fard Kifayah (collective duty), because it was not mandated for its own sake—since it inherently involves harm—but rather to uphold the religion of Allah and repel harm from the people. If the objective is fulfilled by some, the obligation is lifted from the rest, similar to the funeral prayer or returning a greeting. If no one fulfills it, the entire community bears the sin of neglecting it, as the obligation applies to all. Engaging everyone in it would hinder the preparation of resources like cavalry and weaponry, so it remains a collective duty—except when there is a general call to arms, in which case it becomes an individual obligation (Fard Ayn). (3)

Jihad poses a persistent challenge to the West. They cannot find comfort as long as it exists. Unlike other regions where they have imposed dominance, such as the Americas, our region has remained resilient despite the abandonment of those resisting and waging jihad.

This abandonment was foretold by the Prophet ﷺ as a sign of prophethood. He said: “A group of people amongst my followers will remain obedient to Allah's orders and they will not be harmed by anyone who will not help them or who will oppose them, till Allah's Order (the Last Day) comes upon them while they are still on the right path.” Mu’adh said, “They are in the Levant.” (4)

Abandonment often comes more from governments than from the people. Western governments largely support the Zionist entity in both spirit and action, providing weapons, political backing, and promoting its narrative through the media while suppressing demonstrations against it within their territories.

This is the challenge of globalizing resistance. While the West has succeeded in globalizing terrorism, we have failed to globalize resistance. Some awakened consciences in the West are disturbed by the violations in Palestine committed under the guise of self-defense by the Zionist entity. These individuals recognize the Palestinians' right to resist the occupier, but their voices remain faint and stifled by the overwhelming pro-Zionist media machine.

The day we succeed in globalizing resistance will mark the day we free ourselves from Western subjugation and choose a path that opposes the West’s.


(1) Tārīkh al-abarī (4/290).

(2) Narrated by Abu Dawood in Jihad, Chapter: Fighting under Unjust Leaders, Hadith (2532). Al-Albani classified it as weak in Da'eef Sunan Abi Dawood.

(3) Nasb al-Rāyah by al-Zaylaʿi, (4/221), summarized.

(4) Narrated by al-Bukhari in Virtues and Merits of the Prophet and His Companions, Hadith (3641), from Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan.

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Last modified on Friday, 10 January 2025 19:26