Al-Aqsa Flood: Paving the Way to Liberation

By Mahmoud Sakr October 03, 2024 2575

Three stages that shape the relationship between an occupying usurper and the occupied peoples:

First stage: Total control by the occupier and complete submission by the occupied peoples

Second Stage: Resistance of the occupied peoples against their usurpers

Third Stage: Liberation from occupation

After the occupier tightens its grip and achieves complete control, it finds no need for the costs associated with the use of force and tries to appear gentle and kind, continuing in this manner as long as the people remain submissive. With the first signs of resistance from the people, the occupier's fangs and claws become apparent, and as the resistance continues, the occupier's ferocity and crimes intensify until the costs of resistance become unbearable, forcing the occupier to withdraw in disgrace.

An illustrative example from history can be drawn from the British occupation. After initiating with bombing, killing, and destruction, the British achieved the control they desired and ceased using force, maintaining this stance for a quarter of a century until the first notable resistance incident, the “Denshawai Incident.” Here, the true face of the occupier was revealed, with its fangs and claws exposed, dragging the resisters and their families to public execution and flogging to make an example of them. The prosecutor, Ibrahim Al Hilbawi, appointed by the occupation government, pointed fingers at the Denshawai resisters in a statement that eloquently expresses our concept. From the court session records, he addressed the seventy-five-year-old principal defendant, saying: “Hassan Mahfouz stirred a dormant strife, disturbing the peace of an entire nation; we have spent 25 years with the occupiers in loyalty, integrity, and honesty. He harmed us and every Egyptian, so consider my voice as the voice of every wise and sensible Egyptian who understands the future of his nation and country.”

This incident, which exposed the ugly face of the occupier and its accomplices, marked the beginning of the resistance phase against the occupation, which lasted for 50 years until its expulsion.

If you replace Egypt's name with Algeria, Vietnam, or any other country that went through similar circumstances, you will find the same three stages in their entirety.

If you replace Hassan Mahfouz's name with any resistance movement, you will find the same rhetoric, as if they are reading from the same book.

The aforementioned stages are almost a fixed historical rule, rising to the level of historical patterns. Any reader of history can trace this historical pattern across the East and the West.

The bloody scene we witness today in our nation is the appropriate scene for the phase we are living in. We have experienced periods of give-and-take, advances and retreats with the usurping occupier planted by the West in the heart of our nation until the states and their regular armies were neutralized from the conflict. The scene seemed calm as if the peoples had accepted the occupation, then we transitioned from the phase of submission to the phase of recognition and normalization. When normalization was about to be realized, and after the occupier thought that the resistance had accepted to be part of the authority, the “Al-Aqsa Flood” occurred on October 7, 2023, which struck and surprised the occupier, tarnished its reputation, turned the tables, and for the first time placed the usurping occupier before an existential crisis.

The usurping enemy completed the features of the phase we are living in by showing its true face and indicating that its limits in criminality would expand to include what it called the Middle East. Its Prime Minister stated this on the United Nations platform, repeating it under the euphoria of success in his series of cowardly assassinations, confirming once again the impossibility of coexistence with this criminal gang, no matter how much support and legitimacy it receives from its partners in crime. There is no life, hope for security, peace, revival, or stability for this nation as long as this cancerous entity exists.

Thus, the issue is not just about Palestine, but about the entire nation, not just a matter of religion, holy sites, pride, and dignity, but of life and death.

History will record that what the resistors achieved on October 7, 2023, was the first existential threat to the usurping entity and the first true nail driven into its coffin, marking the real beginning of the historical rounds leading to complete liberation.



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