Day 241 of the Israeli Genocide War on Gaza

The genocidal war waged by Israel against the women, children, and elderly of the Gaza Strip has entered its 241st day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit ethnic cleansing in Gaza, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

21 Martyrs in Gaza Since Dawn Today

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as the Palestinian News Agency reported the death of 21 citizens, since dawn on Monday, in separate raids by the occupation warplanes and artillery, on the center and south of the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 40 martyrs and 150 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 36,479 martyrs and 82,777 injuries since the seventh of last October.

3,500 Children are at Risk of Starvation

The government media office in Gaza warned that more than 3,500 children were exposed to death in the Strip due to the Israeli occupation’s policies of starvation, food shortages, lack of nutritional supplements, and prevention of aid.

The office said: More than 3,500 children under the age of five are at risk of gradual death in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli occupation’s policies of starving children, lack of milk and food, lack of nutritional supplements, depriving them of vaccinations, and preventing the entry of humanitarian aid for the fourth week in a row amid silence. Terrible international.

The government office called on the International Criminal Court, all other international courts, and all free judges in the world, to pursue the “Israeli” and American war criminals who systematically and intentionally target children, and throw them into a historical holocaust that the world has never witnessed before, demanding that these criminals be brought to a fair court as criminals. war and hold them accountable for their crimes.

Prominent Resistance Operations

 The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Monday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the detonation of a minefield in a Zionist force stationed inside the site of the Martyr Muhammad Abu Shamala Brigade, killing and wounding members of the force in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam also targeted a Zionist D9 bulldozer with a Tandom shell in the vicinity of the Collegiate College, south of the Al-Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City.

Al-Qassam also announced that they destroyed masses of enemy forces in Gaza City, with mortar shells.

Thet added that their fighters also detonated a booby-trapped house in a Zionist foot force, leaving them dead and wounded near the “Zalata” junction, east of the Al-Shoka area in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

“Al-Quds Brigades" announced bombing   enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Tal Zoroub, west of the city of Rafah.

The "brigades" added: In conjunction with the "Al-Amoudi Brigade - Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades", we bombed a position of enemy soldiers and vehicles in the "Netzarim" axis, south of Gaza City, with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

14 Casualties among the Occupation Forces

The Zionist occupation army announced that 14 soldiers were injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

The Zionist army said in a statement: 3,703 officers and soldiers were injured since the beginning of the war, including 1,878 during the ground operation.

They added that 254 officers and soldiers are still undergoing medical treatment after being injured in the Gaza battles, 32 of whom have serious injuries, according to what Al Jazeera Net reported.

  British Labor Leader Pledges to Recognize Palestine

The leader of the British opposition Labor Party, Keir Starmer, expressed his conviction of the necessity of recognizing a Palestinian state.

Starmer called on the occupying state to stop its aggression against the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, indicating that stopping the war in Gaza would be among his party's priorities if it came to power.

The leader of the British Labor Party said, according to Al Jazeera Net: “There must be a political process through which we recognize a Palestinian state, and if we come to power, we will discuss this with our allies.”

He also expressed his intention to conduct a legal review if he came to power to find out whether the occupying state was using the weapons it received from Britain in its attack on the city of Rafah.