6 Clear Signs of Global Opinion Shift against Zionist Entity

By Dr. Abdullah Al-Mashukhi March 07, 2024 507

Lying is a despicable trait and a destructive, serious illness. Jews have long been characterized as deceitful in their lives, lying about Allah, prophets, enemies, and everyone else. They are liars in all aspects of political, economic, social, and media life, etc. Hence, Allah describes them in the Quran: “(They are) avid listeners to falsehood, devourers of [what is] unlawful.” (Al-Ma'idah: 42). The exaggerated form of expression in this ayah indicates their mastery of falsehood.

They often use lying as a means to achieve their goals, as for them, “the end justifies the means.”

This was evident after the glorious events of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7, where the Jews falsely claimed that members of the resistance in “Hamas” slaughtered 40 children and raped numerous women, attempting to demonize them, calling them “Hamas-ISIS.”

The mastermind behind this falsehood is their leader, Netanyahu, who taught them the art of deception. He instilled this fabrication and slander into the mind of U.S. President Joe Biden, who mindlessly echoed it like a parrot without verification.

The Zionist entity also fabricated images of decapitated children and raped women, sending them to the already biased Western media. Consequently, these images were disseminated without validation or examination.

All of this was to manipulate global public opinion against the Islamic resistance, demonizing it with dark and sinister propaganda to incite hostility and eradicate it.

Moreover, increase global public sympathy for the Jews to stand by them in their so-called plight as victims of violence and terrorism.

This slander conveniently convinced many countries, including some Arab and Islamic nations, leading them to sympathize with the Jews and blame Palestinian resistance, with some even attacking it.

But as the saying goes, “A lie has short legs.” After an investigation by some journalists, including Jewish ones, they confirmed not finding beheaded children or raped women. “Israeli” journalist Mael Benoliel stated that he did not witness the killing or beheading of children, like the “Israeli” army spokesperson said. When asked for evidence from any Zionist official regarding the alleged killings or rapes, they could only respond that they heard about it without presenting any proof.

As the falsehood and lack of evidence of these claims became apparent—exploited by Jews to commit crimes against Gaza's children, launch a comprehensive genocide against civilians, destroy homes with their residents inside, desecrate places of worship, hospitals, and schools in a Nazi-like savagery, all documented with audiovisual evidence—public opinion worldwide began to turn against the Jews. This was manifested in massive protests in numerous Western capitals condemning Jewish crimes. It also led to South Africa filing a lawsuit against the Zionist entity in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, condemning it for committing genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Following these crimes against the children of Gaza and the legal action against the Zionist entity, many countries withdrew their support for the Zionist entity, accusing it of committing war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians. The wrath of the people worldwide increased against the Zionist entity.

Evidence of the changing global public opinion towards the Zionist entity includes:

  1. A report from Amnesty International states that “Israel” practices apartheid.
  2. The adoption of a resolution by the Human Rights Council calling for the establishment of an International Independent Investigation Commission to inquire into “Israel's” violations and breaches of international law in dealing with Palestinians.
  3. Proposal by some members of the U.S. Congress to pass a law blocking sales of precision-guided weapons to “Israel.”
  4. Statement by the French Foreign Minister Le Drian that “Israel” will become a racist state.
  5. Declining popularity of the Zionist entity in Western European countries (Britain, France, and Germany) according to polls conducted in those countries.
  6. Large popular demonstrations in Western and American cities condemning the crimes of the Zionist entity and carrying supportive slogans for the Palestinians.

Thus, the “Al-Aqsa Flood” achieved positive results for the Palestinian cause due to Jewish crimes and the deception of their claims.

Social media platforms have unveiled many truths and exposed the invalidity of Jewish false claims, often echoed by pro-Zionist Western newspapers.

No matter what, truth remains bright, and falsehood remains feeble.



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Last modified on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 08:50