India's Modi Opens a Huge Hindu Temple in the UAE Featured

By Gamal Khattab February 15, 2024 1121

A Historic Moment!

 The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, just did something really shocking! He opened the biggest traditional stone Hindu temple in the Arab Peninsula. And he did it in Abu Dhabi, which is in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This was his third visit to the UAE in less than a year, so you can tell he's pretty excited about it.

A Golden Chapter in History

During the temple's opening ceremony, Modi gave a speech through a video. He said that the UAE has made history by building this temple. He also promised that this temple will make the relationship between India and the UAE even stronger. It's like a new beginning!

A Huge Temple

The temple is located in an area called Abu Marikha, near a highway that connects Abu Dhabi (the capital of the UAE) to Dubai. Last year, Dubai also opened a Hindu temple. This new temple is really big, covering an area of 55,000 square meters. It's the largest Hindu temple made of traditional stone in the whole Middle East!

Controversy and Agreements

Muslims, especially in India, have criticized Modi for increasing religious extremism and marginalizing Indian Muslims since he became Prime Minister in 2014. But despite the controversy, India and the UAE signed some important agreements during Modi's visit. One of them is about developing a trade corridor that goes from India to the UAE, and even extends to Europe through countries like Israel. That's a big deal!

Next Stop: Qatar

After his visit to the UAE, Modi went to Qatar. This is the first time in 8 years that an Indian Prime Minister has visited Qatar. He met with the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar to talk about how the two countries can work together in areas like energy, trade, and investment. It's all about building strong friendships!

India’s Partnership with Israel

It is worth noting that there is military cooperation between India and Israel in the aggression against Gaza.

The Israeli army plans to add Indian-made Hermes 900 drones to its fleet, raising concerns among human rights activists and defense analysts. Drones have been crucial in the Israeli army's aggression against Gaza, used for intelligence gathering and attacks on Palestinian civilians and homes.

India's involvement in supplying drones to Israel highlights its growing complicity in the treatment of Palestinians and underscores the thriving economic and military relations between the two countries.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

Legal and ethical concerns have been raised, as the Hermes 900 drones are used to bomb defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The partnership between India and Israel in the drone industry raises legal and ethical dilemmas for India, as a significant percentage of Palestinian casualties are caused by Israeli drones.

Modi’s Extremist Policy

The Hindus demolished the historic Babri Mosque, whose construction dates back more than 500 years, and in January 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a temple called “Lord Ram Mandir” on the ruins of the historic Muslim Mosque, as part of racist measures against Muslims and their sanctities, and the incident passed. Without appropriate reactions from the Islamic world.

Once again, the Indian government repeated the matter and issued a decision allowing Hindus to worship in the basement of the historic Gyanvapi Mosque and gave those responsible for the mosque a week to make it suitable for Hindu worship!!

Source: Agencies