Before Islam, the Arabs did not pay much attention to science, its major tools, or its established values, as ignorance prevailed among them. One of the reasons for a tribe's pride was to have a reader or a writer among them, so they would say: "So and so is the reader," and "So and so is the writer." When Islam came and the revelation began with the noble command: "Read," the status of scholars elevated to the extent that Allah, the Exalted, said: (Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.) (Fatir:28) And He, the Exalted, said: ( Say, ‘How can those who know be equal to those who do not know?’ ) (Az-Zumar:9) Knowledge spread, and generations graduated, leaving the world with an unending legacy, and established firm scientific values that were confirmed from one generation to the next. Among these values:
Reverence for scholars
Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi narrated the saying of Ali ibn Abi Talib: "It is the right of a scholar upon you to greet the people generally, and to specifically greet him among them, to sit in front of him, and not to gesture with your hand while he is present, nor to wink your eyes, nor to say: So-and-so said; in opposition to his statement, nor to backbite anyone in his presence, nor to whisper in his gathering, nor to grab his garment, nor to insist on him when he is weary, nor to turn away from long companionship; for he is like a date palm, waiting for when something will fall from it upon you.
When Umar sent Abdullah ibn Mas'ud to Kufa to teach its people, he wrote to them: "By Allah, there is no deity but Him, I have preferred you over myself, so take from him.
Omar ibn al-Khattab set a practical example in respecting scholars for his companions, as he took the position of Zayd ibn Thabit, elevated him, and said: "This is how you should treat Zayd and his companions.
Abdullah ibn Umar would say when asked about something he found difficult: "Ask Said ibn al-Musayyib, for he has sat with the righteous.
A man asked Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari about a matter, and he answered him. Then he went to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and asked him about it, and he contradicted Abu Musa. The man came back to Abu Musa and informed him of Ibn Mas'ud’s statement. Abu Musa then said: "Do not ask me about anything while this scholar (ibn Mas'ud) is among you.
Abdullah ibn Abbas would seek knowledge from the senior companions, and sometimes he would find one of them during their midday nap, so he would lay his cloak at their door, letting the wind blow over him, until they came out to him, "seeking thereby to soothe his soul.
Ibn Abbas grasped the stirrup of Zaid bin Thabit and said, "This is how we treat the scholars." He also took hold of the stirrup of Ubay bin Ka'b, and he was told, "You are the cousin of the Messenger of Allah; you hold the stirrup of a man from the Ansar?" He replied, "It is appropriate for a scholar to be honored and respected.
They used to emphasize the importance of distinguished individuals, the greatness of their roles, and the preservation of their status. Here is Umar ibn al-Khattab sitting with his companions, saying to them: "Wish for something." Some wished for this house to be filled with gold to spend it in the way of Allah, while others wished that it be filled with emeralds and jewels to spend in the way of Allah. Umar then said: "I wish it were filled with men like Abu Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah, Muadh ibn Jabal, Salim, the freedman of Abu Hudhayfah, and Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman.
The importance of time management and utilizing free time
The companions were raised to be diligent with their time and to be careful that no part of their lives goes to waste. Here, Umar says: "I hate to see any of you idle and empty, neither engaged in work of this world nor the Hereafter." And Ibn Mas'ud said: "I truly dislike seeing a man idle, not engaged in any work of this world or the Hereafter.
Abu Darda used to say: "O son of Adam, you are merely days, and every time a day passes, a part of you goes with it. O son of Adam, you have been in the process of diminishing your lifespan since the day your mother gave birth to you!" Ibn Mas'ud said: "I have never regretted anything as much as I regret the day the sun set on me, for it reduced my lifespan and did not increase my deeds.
This method of education has yielded results, producing groups of scholars who devoted their lives to seeking and teaching knowledge, including Said ibn al-Musayyib, who said: "I would spend days and nights searching for a single hadith.
Verification of sources of knowledge
At that time, the scholars provided clear examples of verifying the accuracy of what was reported to them in terms of knowledge. Ibn Abbas said: "I would ask about a single matter thirty of the companions of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.
The need for verification was at its highest when it came to the narrations of the sayings of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. Abu Bakr hesitated to accept the narration of Al-Mughira bin Shu'bah that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, gave the grandmother one-sixth of the inheritance, until Muhammad ibn Maslamah stood up and said: 'What Al-Mughira bin Shu'bah said is true,' and then Abu Bakr accepted it.
Omar ibn al-Khattab refrained from accepting the narration of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari about the Prophet, peace be upon him: “If one of you seeks permission three times and is not granted it, let him return,” until Abu Sa'īd al-Khūdrī testified to its authenticity. Omar would not accept a narration without two witnesses.
Ali ibn Abi Talib would not accept a hadith (narration) until he had the narrator take an oath. He heard some fabricated hadiths attributed to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) while he was in Siffin, and he said: "May Allah fight them! What a group of white-faced ones they are! And what a corrupting of the hadith of the Messenger of Allah they have done!
This later became a motivation for the adoption of the chain of narration in the reporting of hadith. In this regard, Muhammad ibn Sirin said: "They [the people] did not used to ask about the chain of narration, but when the fitna (trial) occurred, they said: 'Name your men for us.' Then, one would look to the people of Sunnah and take their hadith and look to the people of innovation and not take their hadith.
Blending Knowledge with Action
Ali used to say to his companions: "Seek knowledge; you will be recognized by it, and act upon it; you will be among its people." He also said: "O bearers of knowledge, act upon it, for the true scholar is the one who acts in accordance with what he knows, and his actions align with his knowledge. There will be groups of people who carry knowledge but do not surpass their collarbones. Their inner selves contradict their outward appearances, and their actions are inconsistent with their knowledge. They sit in circles, boasting to one another, to the extent that one of them becomes angry with his companion when he sits with someone else and leaves him. Those people's deeds will not ascend to Allah, the Exalted, in those gatherings.
Abu Darda said: "The thing I fear most when I meet my Lord, Blessed and Exalted, is that He will say to me: 'I knew (your knowledge), so what did you do with what you knew?'" He used to say: "Woe to the one who does not know even once, and woe to the one who knows but does not act; seven times." He would tell his companions: "Whoever acts upon ten percent of what he knows, God will teach him what he does not know." Meanwhile, Muadh ibn Jabal would say to those around him: "Know whatever you wish to know, but Allah will not reward you for knowledge until you act upon it.
This educational and upbringing method has borne fruit, to the extent that Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: "A man would seek knowledge and soon this would be reflected in his humility, behavior, tongue, sight, and hands.
The work required here is not just worship, but also beneficial earnings, through which one supports oneself and their family. Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As said to his servant who wanted to retreat in the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramadan: "Have you left anything for your family to sustain them?" He replied: "No." Abdullah said: "Then return and leave them what sustains them, for I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say: 'It is sufficient sin for a person to neglect those whom they are responsible for feeding.'
The success of the Syrian revolution and the establishment of freedom is a long-awaited ray of hope and a historic opportunity for the peoples of our region.
The restoration of human value and dignity is the first duty of the revolution when it seeks to repair the immense cultural destruction.
The burdens placed on the shoulders of the revolution are great, as it must maintain the sovereignty of the homeland in the face of division.
Syria today needs the solidarity of its people, the lifting of the embargo, and the fulfillment of the responsibilities of international institutions.
The success of the Syrian revolution in overthrowing the sectarian regime of the Al-Assad dynasty and establishing freedom for the Syrian people represents a long-awaited glimmer of hope and a historical opportunity for the peoples of our region to achieve success amid the rubble of failure and a history of oppression and tyranny. Therefore, striving to ensure the success of the Syrian revolution is a duty of the time for all those devoted to their religion and nation.
Human Value: Restoring Ambition and Hope
The greatest crime of the fallen regime in Syria was the attempt to destroy the human being, robbing him of any ambition for change, and trapping him in an overwhelming despair with no hope, in a miserable present with no future, which contradicts God's will for His creation. Accordingly, restoring the value and status of the human being is the first duty of the revolution when it seeks to repair the immense cultural destruction that the Assad regime and its supporters from colonial powers and oppression have caused.
Reviving Religious Awareness and Mosques
First and foremost, it is necessary to regain awareness of the truths of the doctrine and its comprehensiveness, after the sectarian regime launched its assaults against it, whether by rendering vast sectors of the population ignorant of their doctrine, undermining their connection in their hearts, or distorting the splendor of this religion and its vast horizons, along with its noble cultural and humanitarian frameworks. It is time for the beloved mosques of Syria to resonate with the call of truth, to be filled with those who bow and prostrate, to gather for circles of remembrance and recitation, and to be filled with knowledge and its scholars and students. From the mosques, the anticipated awakening shall emerge, frequented by the pure hands that build the nation and remove the harm that has afflicted its cherished face.
Educational Revival: Regaining Scholarly Excellence
For centuries, the Levant has produced towering figures of scholarly excellence, whose divine knowledge has enriched the libraries of the Islamic world. Generations of rightful heirs and those who strive in the path of truth have been nurtured by their teachings. It is high time for this blessed land to regain its pioneering role after decades of darkness, during which sectarianism dominated schools and universities in terms of educational curricula, management, and educational systems and controls.
Political Propaganda and Repression in Education
The Ba'ath Party was the only one capable of political propaganda within universities, and more than half of the teachers, school principals, and university professors were Alawites. Among them, about 95% of the state's scholarship recipients for studying abroad came from this group. Other university professors faced severe repression, being forced to aid the oppressors in their oppression and to spy on their colleagues in an atmosphere of suffocating surveillance. Security reports began to track anyone who had the faintest scent of religiosity and righteousness, leading them to the prisons of the tyrants.
Fair Punishment: Addressing the Atrocities
What the world has witnessed in terms of the tragedies unveiled by Assad's prisons will remain pages of shame, and nothing lessens the impact of this than holding the criminals accountable and seeking retribution against them—a retribution that establishes justice, rather than one driven by vengeance and retaliation, and that does not deviate towards destroying what remains of the possibilities for coexistence and citizenship. This horrific reality, which is almost beyond belief, represents a profound condemnation of the world that has observed and known, yet remained silent about the tragedy of a nation, and even provided support to the tyrants, under the misguided assumption that this would delay the awakening of Islam in the Levant and the region—an awakening they fear. And Allah Almighty has said: (And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them leaders (in Faith) and make them heirs,(5) To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman, and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking precautions.) (Al-Qasas)
Presenting Islam: A Call for Guidance and Righteousness
It is time for us to present to the world Islam; a call for guidance and righteousness, a religion of mercy and justice, which does not accept oppression from anyone and does not tolerate injustice toward anyone. Omar ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, used to say: "I admire a man who, when he is subjected to oppression, says 'no' with all his might. And Allah, the Exalted, said: (So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith.) (Al-Imran:139)
Challenges and Priorities of the Revolution
The burdens placed on the revolution today are great, as it must maintain the sovereignty of the homeland in the face of the danger of division and Bernard Lewis's plan. The Assad family's regime has made every effort to humiliate the people and has fostered hatred and vendettas among them, which requires significant effort to heal the wounded revolutionary society. And the revolution is to complete the liberation of the homeland, according to clear priorities. The country has become insignificant under the rule of Assad, who has widened the space for the enemies of the nation to set up military bases, making it a pasture for sectarian factions and racist militias, while bowing his head before the Zionist enemy, having not fired a single bullet to liberate the Golan, nor to support the cause for the past 50 years. He has not moved a muscle to repel the enemy's aggression that has ravaged his country, violated its skies and land, while unleashed his armies and bombardiers to crush his people’s protests, bombing their cities and villages, both in the urban areas and the desert.
Restoration of Civilization
As for the crushed material civilization in Syria, repairing the damage it has suffered requires the solidarity of its people and wise leaders. The fallen regime, in its frenzy and hatreds, did not value the ancient civilization of its country, which is considered an open museum for successive civilizations throughout the ages. In its wars against its opponents, it did not account for the responsibility of this great cultural heritage, as its bombardment affected cities and destroyed monuments. Emma Cunliffe, the author of the book "On the Impact of War on Archaeological Sites in Syria," confirms that all archaeological sites in the country, without exception, have been damaged, and that what she managed to document about the destruction filled 200 pages!
Impact on Homs and Aleppo
In the city of Homs alone, the castle of "Krak des Chevaliers," which dates back to the era of the Crusades, has been subjected to shelling by artillery and air strikes. The former UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, stated in a published report that mosques, churches, and important ancient markets in Homs have turned into ruins. The destruction has affected the "Khalid ibn al-Walid" mosque, which contains the tomb of the great leader. The "Um al-Zunar" cathedral, which dates back to the dawn of Christianity in 59 AD, has also suffered significant destruction. In 2012, an attack by the Syrian regime destroyed the "Talbiseh" castle north of Homs.
Impact on Aleppo and Palmyra
And if this is some of what happened in Homs, a similar situation occurred in Aleppo, where the "Umayyad Mosque" suffered severe damage and is now filled with rubble. Its minaret, dating back to the 11th century, was destroyed, as was the historic "Aleppo Citadel," which has been built upon by ancient civilizations from the Greeks and Byzantines to the Mamluks and Ayyubids. As for the "Old Aleppo Souk," which represents one of the oldest markets in the world, it has now been completely destroyed, not to mention the destruction of the ruins of the city of Palmyra, which date back over two thousand years.
Looting and Trade of Antiquities
In all of this, the excavation of antiquities and trade in them was ongoing at full pace, carried out by adventurers and high-ranking officials in a country where the system and values had collapsed. Some reports indicate that the trade in antiquities has exceeded two billion dollars, and UNESCO confirms that some archaeological sites have been completely looted, describing these excavation operations as extremely dangerous and destructive.
Conclusion: Solidarity and International Responsibility
Syria today needs the solidarity of its people, the lifting of the siege against it, and the international institutions to fulfill their duties towards a great nation that has been neglected for too long and has even contributed to creating its tragedy.
Overview of the Book
The book "Muslim Minorities in the Americas and the Caribbean" by Said Abdul Majid Bakr is a serious scholarly work that discusses the topic of Muslim minorities. It serves as an important reference for researchers interested in the affairs of Muslim minorities in North and South America, as well as the Caribbean region.
Part of a Distinguished Series
The book is part of a distinguished series addressing the conditions of Muslim minorities around the world. It is the fourth volume in the series written by the author.
Exploring the Situation of Muslims in the Americas
The book explores the situation of Muslims in the Americas across several chapters, organized in a way that facilitates the reader's access to information about the minority in a specific country within the two American continents.
Research Effort and Aim
This book constitutes a research effort by the author aimed at understanding the presence of Muslim minorities in non-Muslim majority countries, their problems, and their causes. It aims to bring these issues to light so that members of the Islamic nation can grasp the extent of the tragedy faced by Muslim communities and provide support.
Book Structure
The book is divided into four sections, containing precise information about Muslim minorities according to the country where each minority resides in the respective American continent.
Section 1: Introduction
The first section discusses the key features of North America and Canada, the entry points of Islam into these regions, the geographical distribution of Muslim minorities within them, and the requirements for Islamic work in each.
Section 2: The Muslim Minority in Central America
The second section addresses the conditions of Muslim minorities and the ways Islam has spread in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the Republic of Panama.
Section 3: The Muslim Minority in the Caribbean Region
The third section discusses the conditions of Muslim minorities and the ways Islam has spread in Trinidad, the Dutch Antilles, Grenada, Barbados, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahamas.
Section 4: The Muslim Minority in South America
The fourth section examines the conditions of Muslim minorities and the ways Islam has spread in Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile.
The book Muslim Minorities in Europe by author Said Abdul Majid Bakr is regarded as one of the serious scholarly works that discuss the topic of Muslim minorities. This book serves as an important reference for any researcher interested in the affairs of Muslim minorities in various countries, especially those located in Europe.
Distinguished Series
The book is part of a distinguished series addressing the conditions of Muslim minorities around the world and is the third volume in the series written by the author. It explores the situation of Muslims in Europe through several chapters, organized in a way that facilitates the reader's access to information about the minority in a specific European country, allowing them to learn about their conditions, situations, culture, and other important details.
Research Effort and Objective
This book represents a research effort by the author aimed at understanding the presence of Muslim minorities in non-Muslim majority countries, their problems, and their causes, bringing these issues to light so that members of the Islamic nation can grasp the extent of the tragedy faced by Muslim communities. It aims to provide support for them from the governments and peoples of Muslim-majority countries.
Book Structure
The book is divided into six sections, each containing precise information about Muslim minorities according to the country where each minority resides in Europe. The content of these sections is as follows:
Born in 1965 in southern Gaza, Mohammed Deif was a refugee from a poor background. He earned a degree from the Islamic University of Gaza.
Joining Hamas
Deif joined Hamas in 1987 during the first Palestinian intifada and was arrested by Israel for 16 months on charges of military involvement. During his imprisonment, he and fellow Hamas prisoner Salah Shehadeh formed a military cell within Hamas that focused on capturing Israeli soldiers.
Undercover and the Qassam Brigades
After Israel assassinated several senior Hamas leaders in the 1990s, Deif went underground and moved to the occupied West Bank, where he established a branch of the Qassam Brigades. He often stayed in the homes of Hamas supporters, and was given the nom de guerre “Deif,” which means guest in Arabic.
The kidnapping of Nahshon Wachsman
In 1994, Deif led the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Nahshon Wachsman, which Hamas hoped would pressure Israel to release its founder, Ahmed Yassin. The failed Israeli rescue attempt resulted in the deaths of Wachsman, three Palestinian fighters, and an Israeli soldier.
Arrest and Escape
In May 2000, Palestinian Authority security forces captured him, but he escaped with the help of guards seven months later. Yasser Arafat ordered Deif to be re-arrested, dead or alive.”
Military Training and Development Academy
After the death of Qassam Brigades leader Salah Shehadeh, Deif took over in July 2002 and remained in charge until his death more than two decades later. As commander, he established a military training and development academy, oversaw the production of rockets and missiles in Gaza, and purchased weapons from abroad.
Assassination Attempts
Israeli forces attempted to assassinate Deif at least seven times between 2001 and 2021, earning him the nickname “the cat with seven lives” among his opponents.
2014 Assassination Attempt
In 2014, they attempted to assassinate Hamas leader Deif during a six-week war on Gaza but failed and the attempt resulted in the deaths of his wife, daughter and son.
2021 Conflict
In May 2021, he warned Israel against deploying ground forces, warning that it would pay a heavy price if it did not withdraw from Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem. A two-week war ensued, in which Israeli forces killed 256 Palestinians and Palestinian groups killed 15 people in Israel.
2023 Attack
On October 7, 2023, Deif announced a surprise attack on southern Israel, killing around 1,100 people and capturing 250 others in Gaza. It is widely believed that he and Sinwar planned the attack.
The International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Deif, Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, the former Hamas leader, for the killing and capture of hundreds of Israeli civilians on October 7!
The ICC prosecutor said the three Hamas leaders bear criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity, including murder and genocide, as well as war crimes such as hostage-taking and cruel treatment of prisoners. Israel killed all three leaders before the arrest warrant was issued.
Martyrdom of the Chief of Staff of the Qassam Brigades
In a statement on January 30, Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), mourned the Chief of Staff of the Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Deif.
Abu Obeida said in a videotaped speech, "We announce to our great people the martyrdom of the Chief of Staff of the Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Deif."
Abu Obeida announced, "the martyrdom of a group of senior mujahideen from the members of the Qassam Military Council."
Abu Obeida explained that the martyrs are Chief of Staff of the Qassam Brigades Muhammad Deif, and a number of leaders, most notably Marwan Issa, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Qassam Brigades, Commander of the Weapons and Combat Services Section Ghazi Abu Tama'a, Commander of the Human Resources Section Raed Thabet, and Commander of the Khan Yunis Brigade Rafeh Salama.
He pointed out that the martyrdom of the Commander of the Northern Brigade, Ahmed al-Ghandour, and the Commander of the Central Governorate Brigade, Ayman Nofal, had previously been announced during the battle.
On January 30, 2025, the spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, announced the martyrdom of a group of brigade leaders during the "Tornado of Al-Aqsa" battle, after they inscribed bright pages in the record of Palestinian resistance with their blood.
In this report, we highlight the biographies of these leaders, who made a difference in the course of the confrontation with the occupation through their heroism and movements.
Mohammed Deif (Abu Khaled)
The overall leader of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri, known as "Mohammed Deif," has been one of the most wanted individuals by the occupation for decades and a symbol of resistance who led a qualitative shift in Palestinian military work.
After studying at the Islamic University in Gaza, Deif joined the Muslim Brotherhood and was one of the prominent activists in the Islamic bloc. He then joined Hamas and was counted among its most significant field operatives.
He was arrested by the occupation in 1989, spending 16 months in its prisons before being released to continue building the "Al-Qassam Brigades."
After the martyrdom of Commander Imad Aqel in 1993, Deif became one of the most prominent military leaders in Hamas, participating in numerous quality operations, such as the abduction of soldier Nachshon Wachsman, and later led retaliatory operations for the assassination of Yahya Ayyash in 1996, which resulted in the deaths of over 50 Israelis.
Deif worked on developing the military capabilities of "Al-Qassam," making him a continuous target for the occupation, which described him as the "head of the snake." He survived repeated assassination attempts, despite his numerous injuries. On October 7, 2023, he announced the launch of the "Tornado of Al-Aqsa" operation, which prompted “Israel” to escalate attempts to eliminate him, reaching a peak on July 13, 2024, when it bombed Khan Yunis with eight massive bombs, resulting in the martyrdom of 92 Palestinians and the injury of over 300 others.
Marwan Issa (Abu Al-Barra)
The deputy commander of the "Al-Qassam Brigades" and the right-hand man of Mohammed Deif, he is considered one of the most significant military minds that have troubled the 'Israeli' occupation over the years. Born in 1965 in the Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, he carries a dream of returning to his village, Beit Tayma, from which its inhabitants were displaced in 1948. He joined the Muslim Brotherhood at a young age, excelling in organizational and sports activities, earning him the title "Commando of Palestine," noted for his ability in military organization and overseeing combat operations.
During the First Intifada, he was arrested by the occupation and later faced further imprisonment in Palestinian Authority prisons. Despite these challenges, he joined the "Al-Qassam Brigades" through the martyr Ibrahim Al-Maqadma, contributing to transforming the brigades from semi-military cells into an organized army characterized by professionalism and discipline. Thanks to Marwan Issa's leadership role, he became one of the most targeted figures by the occupation, which classified him as one of its most dangerous wanted individuals.
In his military career, Issa contributed to many notable operations. He played a pivotal role in planning the "Operation Loyalty of the Free," and showcased his strategic imprint in the battles of 2012, 2014, and 2021. In October 2023, with the onset of "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood," Issa returned to confirm his capacity for deep strategic influence in the Palestinian resistance battle.
Issa ventured into politics when he was elected a member of the Political Bureau of Hamas in 2017 and was re-elected in 2021. He is considered a link between military leadership and political leadership.
Last November, Yuval Cohen, the former head of the Shin Bet, called for the assassination of Hamas leaders, stating: "It is essential to eliminate at least these three senior officials: Marwan Issa, Muhammad Deif, and Yahya Sinwar," according to the Hebrew news channel "Channel Seven."
Ra'afat Salama (Abu Muhammad)
A member of the general military council of the Al-Qassam Brigades and the commander of the Khan Younis Brigade in the Gaza Strip, he was one of the closest associates of Muhammad Deif. He is considered one of the military minds that left its mark in "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood," which began on October 7, 2023.
For over two decades, Salama participated in planning quality military operations against the occupation, most notably the operation to capture soldier Gilad Shalit in eastern Rafah in 2006, and securing his detention until the exchange deal in 2011.
Salama belongs to a family that has provided many martyrs, most notably his mother, who was killed in a Zionist bombing targeting the family home. He has survived several assassination attempts, the most notable during the aggression on Gaza in 2021, when the occupation targeted his home.
The occupation accused him of being behind operations that resulted in dozens of casualties, including the "Omar Tabash" operation in 2005, which targeted the officers' room of the Israeli internal security service (Shin Bet) at the Arouhan military site in central Gaza, and the "Snake Hunt 3" operation in 2007, which targeted an Israeli special force in eastern Rafah.
The occupation set a reward of $200,000 for information leading to him. On July 13, 2024, the occupation's army announced his assassination in a raid targeting the al-Mawasi camp in southern Gaza, alongside Muhammad Deif.
Raed Thabet (Abu Muhammad)
One of the most prominent military leaders in the Al-Qassam Brigades, he was described by the spokesperson of the brigades as the "commander of human resources," referring to his pivotal role in building and enhancing the capabilities of the Palestinian resistance.
Although there is little information available about him, Commander Thabet held the position of head of the supply and workforce department in Hamas's military wing and was responsible for managing research and development systems and maximizing military power, according to the occupation, which described him as a "knowledge center in the field of arming and military technology."
According to available information about the martyr, Thabet led the underwater units and naval forces in the Al-Qassam Brigades.
Ayman Nufal (Abu Ahmad)
Commander of the Al-Qassam Brigade in the Middle Governorate, born in 1965 in the al-Bureij refugee camp. He played a pivotal role in leading major military operations during the first and second uprisings, in addition to his role in the capture of soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006.
Nufal held several important military positions in the Al-Qassam Brigades, where he led the intelligence service for several years before becoming the commander of military operations in the Middle Governorate brigade. He also served as a coordinator for the brigade's operations within the joint operations room of the military wings of Palestinian factions in Gaza. He was arrested three times by the occupation in 1991, and was also arrested by the Palestinian Authority in 1997.
His name appeared on the list of wanted individuals by the occupation, which classified him among the most dangerous military leaders. He was martyred on October 17, 2023, during the "Flood of Al-Aqsa" battle.
Ahmed Al-Ghandour (Abu Anas)
The third man in the Al-Qassam Brigades. He began his jihadist journey in 1984 and participated in leading many operations against the occupation during the first (1987) and second (2000) Palestinian uprisings.
He faced several prominent assassination attempts, notably in 2002 and 2012, and was detained for six years by the occupation and five years by the Palestinian Authority.
He led the northern brigade of the Al-Qassam Brigades and participated in significant battles such as the "Battle of Al-Furqan," leaving a strong mark on the battlefield against the occupation. The occupation accuses him of planning and participating in the "Broken Mirage" operation, which resulted in the capture of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
He played a central role in organizing hundreds of martyrdom operations during the Al-Aqsa Intifada, including the Reem Al-Riyashi operation and the Asdod port incursion, as well as numerous operations that instilled fear in the occupation.
He took command of the northern Gaza area in the Al-Qassam Brigades in 2000 and was responsible for many operations targeting military sites and settlements.
On November 26, 2023, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the martyrdom of Ahmed Al-Ghandour in battles fought against the Zionist army in northern Gaza during the "Flood of Al-Aqsa" battle.
Ghazi Abu Tamah (Abu Musa)
A prominent commander in the Al-Qassam Brigades, described by the brigades' spokesperson Abu Ubaida as the "cornerstone of weapons and combat services" in the statement announcing his martyrdom. He was known for his pivotal role in logistical operations and overseeing all aspects of military support within the brigades, placing him at the top of the occupation's assassination list.
He faced several assassination attempts, as the occupation bombed his house multiple times. On March 26, 2024, the occupation announced his assassination. On January 30, 2025, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced his martyrdom during the "Flood of Al-Aqsa" battle.
Crown Prince stresses need for GCC to strengthen fraternal ties
His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah visited the venue of the first meeting of the 28th session of the Consultative Body of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). His Highness was received by Foreign Minister Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya, GCC Secretary General Jasem Mohammed Al-Budaiwi, Chairman of the Consultative Body for the 28th session Nasser Abdullah Al-Roudhan and Deputy Chairman of the Consultative Body for the 28th session Dr Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Sada. His Highness the Crown Prince conveyed the greetings of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to the members of the delegations participating in the meeting held in Kuwait. His Highness the Crown Prince also stressed the need to strengthen fraternal ties among the GCC countries and enhance joint efforts to achieve the aspirations of the GCC countries and their peoples to reach the desired renaissance at all levels, wishing them success. — KUNA
Al-Najat Charity opens residential village in Taiz governorate
Kuwait’s Al-Najat Charitable Society on Wednesday inaugurated the village of the late Mutlaq Al-Awaid, which consists of 30 housing units with service facilities in the Al-Zahari area in the coastal Al-Mokha district in Taiz Governorate, southwest of Yemen, as part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” campaign in its tenth year in a row. The local “Yanabi’ Al-Khair” Foundation, which is implementing the project, said in a press statement that the village, which also bears the name “Al-Khaireen 5,” includes 30 housing units, each consisting of two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and an equipped hall, with the delivery of small projects to the beneficiary families of the affected and orphans to provide suitable housing and stability factors.
The statement added that the village project included the establishment of a primary school with 6 classrooms and an administrative office with furnishing, distributing school bags, books, and school uniforms for students, building an integrated mosque with its facilities and equipment, and a health unit equipped with the necessary devices and supplies to provide basic services to the villagers. — KUNA
Fatwa Dept., French Council organize training program
The Fatwa and Legislation Department organized its first training program on Tuesday, in collaboration with France’s Council of State, as part of the cooperation protocol signed between the two sides in March 2022. The Head of the Fatwa and Legislation Department, Salah Al-Majed, said that the program aims to exchange specialized information and documents in addition to develop expertise in issues of mutual interest, particularly those related to public law and administrative jurisprudence. The cooperation also includes organizing joint studies, seminars, conferences, and workshops between the two institutions, he added.
Al-Majed stressed the Fatwa and Legislation Department’s commitment to organizing training programs designed to empower its employees, enhance their professional skills, improve their performance, and increase their efficiency in their respective areas of responsibility. He also emphasized the importance of establishing a legal culture and professional principles to achieve the public interest. The program featured a lecture by Jean-Yves Ollier, member of the French Council of State, and was attended by several agents, counselors, and technical members from the department. — KUNA
15th Kuwaiti humanitarian planeload takes off to Syria
The 15th Kuwaiti plane took off on Wednesday to Damascus International Airport with 40 tons of food and necessary relief material on board as part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” campaign. Director General of the Kuwait Zakat House, Dr. Majed Al-Azmi, affirmed to KUNA before takeoff that thanks to the lofty directives of the wise leadership in the country, official bodies continue to combine their efforts to send more diverse relief aid to support and assist our brothers in Syria until the situation there stabilizes.
Al-Azmi said that the aid comes in light of the urgent needs of the families there for basics such as food, medicine, shelter, and winter supplies, noting that flour is one of the most important materials currently needed by the families and on which they depend mainly, as it was chosen in coordination and cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.
For his part, the Acting Deputy Director General of Zakat House for Resources and Media, Adel Al-Jari, said that Zakat House allocated about KD 100,000 as a first phase for relief trips, which came from donations from benefactors from Kuwait to support and assist the Syrian people. This trip is the first for the Kuwaiti Zakat House, bringing the total Kuwaiti relief aid sent to Syria to date to 443 tons of various relief aid. — KUNA
30th Al-Qurain Cultural Festival will be launched on February 3
The National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) announced that the 30th edition of the Qurain Cultural Festival will kick off on Feb 3 and will continue until Feb 12 under the slogan “Thirty Years of Leadership and Giving.” The council explained in a press statement on Monday that the festival embodies a journey of three decades of cultural creativity, as it presents a schedule full of events that combine arts, music, literature and intellectual seminars.
The statement quoted the assistant secretary for the culture sector at the council and vice president of the 30th Qurain Cultural Festival, Aisha Al-Mahmoud, as saying that there is a distinguished collection of events that will be included in the festival, which are in line with what the cultural arena needs in terms of movement that is compatible with the current era and the developments and modern technologies that have accompanied it in all its fields.
Al-Mahmoud stated that the Qurain Festival aims to enhance the cultural movement in the country and the region while shedding light on local and international creativity in the fields of art, music, theater, and literature and also reflects Kuwait’s interest in preserving national heritage and keeping pace with future cultural challenges.
She added that the Jaber Al-Ali Theater at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center will host the opening ceremony of the festival, while the morning and evening events and activities include a photo exhibition from ‘Kuwait’s Past’ that will be held at The Avenues Mall and another exhibition on the National Council’s publications accompanied by the exhibition “Al-Qurain: Thirty Years of Leadership and Giving that will be held at the Faculty of Arts at Kuwait University in Shadadiyah”.
She indicated that a lecture entitled ‘The Geological Archaeological Impact of the Subiya Area’ will be held at the Kuwait National Museum in addition to a cultural forum entitled “Thirty Years of Creative Culture in Facing Future Challenges”. The main symposium of the Al-Qurain Cultural Festival will be entitled “The Dialectic of Criticism and Creative Text” and will continue for three days in two morning and evening sessions at the St. Regis Hotel. Al-Mahmoud said that the festival will include the late writer Abdulaziz Al-Babtain’s lighthouse at the Al-Babtain Central Library for Arabic Poetry in appreciation of one of the pioneers of the cultural renaissance in the country, while the “Panorama of the Qurain Cultural Festival” will be held at the Kuwait National Library.
The festival will include a number of artistic events, including a musical evening entitled ‘Kuwaiti Samariat by Khalaf Al-Adwani’ at the Yarmouk Cultural Center and an evening of the movie (Cinderella) at the Yarmouk Cultural Center as well, while the ‘Qurain Comprehensive Art Exhibition’ will be held at the Museum of Modern Art in Mishref.
A ceremony will also be held to honor the festival’s personality, the Saudi Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghadami, followed by a dialogue session. A lecture entitled “Results of Excavation Seasons at Tell Abu Suwan Site - Jerash (Jordan)” will be presented by Dr Maysoun Abdulghani at the Yarmouk Cultural Center. – KUNA
"Al-Nouri Charity" Executes the Hope Medical Camp for Refugees in Jordan and Provides Aid to Those in Need in Kenya
As part of its ongoing humanitarian efforts to support those in need around the world, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity implemented the Hope Surgical Medical Camp for refugees and the poor in Jordan, achieving significant success with 485 specialized surgeries performed.
The procedures conducted by the medical team at the camp varied, including cosmetic surgeries, general surgeries for children, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric urology, as well as eye surgeries, cardiac catheterization, and ENT surgeries. These operations were carried out by a specialized medical team comprising 35 Kuwaiti consulting physicians, along with complete nursing and administrative teams.
In a statement, Abdul Latif Al-Dawwas, Director of Resources and Media Sector at Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity, stated that the implementation of the Hope Medical Camp reaffirmed the association's commitment to providing necessary healthcare for those in need, especially in areas facing difficult humanitarian conditions. He clarified that the camp had a significant impact on alleviating the suffering of many patients who were unable to access treatment due to economic and social circumstances.
Al-Dawwas added: "We are proud of this camp's accomplishment, which reflects the spirit of collaboration and solidarity among doctors and the medical staff in serving humanity."
In the same context, the charity launched an aid campaign for those in need in Kenya, encompassing several vital projects aimed at improving the lives of the poor and deprived. A cornerstone was laid for a village for widows, orphans, and the poor, as well as for an eye hospital in a low-income area. Additionally, several mosques and educational schools were inaugurated to provide a better educational and health environment for children and families in the region.
Al-Dawwas mentioned that the charity distributed various humanitarian aids to the poor in Kenya, including food supplies, clothing, and medicines, aimed at improving their living conditions and alleviating their suffering. He further stated: "These projects are part of our continuous strategy to support poor and needy communities worldwide, as we always seek to provide urgent and sustainable support to improve the lives of individuals and families."
Furthermore, Al-Dawwas expressed his gratitude and prayers to the generous donors and benefactors for their blessed support of the charity's projects, campaigns, and humanitarian programs, asking God Almighty to accept their contributions and to weigh them in their deeds.
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity continues to implement numerous humanitarian initiatives targeting the most vulnerable groups in various countries, embodying the noble humanitarian values that the charity believes in.
Regarding local projects implemented by the charity to support the Kuwaiti community, Al-Dawwas clarified that Al-Nouri Charity distributed used clothing to modest families within Kuwait in cooperation with the volunteer team "Yameenak Ta'eenak," benefiting a total of 1,542 individuals. He also indicated that the charity provided winter clothing kits for about 16,000 workers in Kuwait, affirming that the charity offers internal projects to achieve social solidarity and cooperation alongside its humanitarian work in many countries.
"Hofath" to Organize Annual Umrah Trip for Outstanding Students on January 16
As part of its efforts to serve the Holy Quran, the Kuwaiti Charity Association for the Service of the Quran and Its Sciences (Hofath) continues its preparations for the sixth annual "Hofath" Umrah trip for distinguished students, scheduled to launch on January 16, God willing.
The Treasurer of the Association and Board Member Adel Al-Draeban stated that "Hofath" is moving forward on its path towards continuous motivation for male and female students of the "Hofath Model" centers, through awards and encouraging activities, most notably the annual Umrah pilgrimage that includes 50 students every year.
Al-Draeban explained that the sixth Umrah journey of "Hifath," which the association is organizing on January 16th, will, God willing, be an extension of previous trips for our distinguished students; students are carefully and sincerely selected, as those who excel in memorization, commitment, and regular attendance in Quran circles are nominated and chosen. This also serves as encouragement for them to continue their efforts in memorizing and studying the Book of Allah, the Almighty.
He added: As is customary with "Hofath," it seeks to always excel and achieve leadership in its works and programs in caring for the students of Quranic centers and their families and motivating them, keeping in mind its goal of being a beacon for the Quran and its people and an attractive environment for those interested in learning the Holy Quran.
Al-Draeban stated that the Kuwait Charity Association for the Service of the Holy Quran and Its Sciences (Hofath) continues to play its role through its charitable and Quranic projects, calling on generous individuals to continue their support for the Association's projects through donations on its website hofath.org.
(Balad Al-Khair) launches the "Water Provision Project" in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Awqaf
The Balad Al-Khair Association has launched the "Water Provision Project," which aims to provide clean water in many areas within the State of Kuwait, in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Awqaf.
The past period has witnessed cooperation between the association and the General Secretariat for Awqaf to implement several charitable projects within the State of Kuwait.
Osman Al-Thuwaineh, the Director of Balad Al-Khair Association, confirmed that the "Water Provision Project" is one form of fruitful cooperation with the General Secretariat for Awqaf, through which 442,500 bottles of water have been provided and distributed in various regions within Kuwait, benefiting the poor workers, mosque-goers, hospitals, and others.
He added that the project has provided 22,125 water boxes at a total cost of 9,956 Kuwaiti Dinars.
Al-Thuwaineh noted that the Balad Al-Khair Association had contracted with Al-Rumaih Trading and Contracting Company (Ain Water), and a delegation from the General Secretariat for Awqaf visited the water production factory, and the plan for water distribution in areas affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Awqaf, the Municipality of Kuwait, and public places, as well as new residential and labor areas under construction, has begun.
The Director of Balad Al-Khair Association pointed out that thousands of beneficiaries have received clean water, especially in areas where water is not readily available nearby.
Al-Thuwaineh continued that water provision projects are among the most important charitable projects that the association seeks to implement due to the great need of people for water and their inability to do without it at any time. Additionally, providing water is one of the best charitable acts, and the best of all charities, which is why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The best charity is to provide water" (narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Al-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah).
Al-Thuwaineh concluded by emphasizing that the upcoming period will witness more efforts in light of everyone's commitment to lend a helping hand to anyone in need and to dedicate more efforts to improve the lives of beneficiaries in Kuwait.
In the midst of the ongoing conflict with the occupation, the Palestinian resistance in Gaza has managed to achieve an unprecedented victory, despite the vast disparities in military power and advanced technology possessed by the enemy. This success was not a mere coincidence; rather, it is the result of careful planning and multiple factors that converged to secure a relative advantage for the resistance in battle. Allah Almighty said: (And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of War by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy) (Al-Anfal: 60).
In this context, we will explore the main factors that contributed to the resistance's victory in Gaza, ranging from military preparedness and war tactics to popular support and media and political influence.
The Palestinian factions meticulously and systematically trained their forces, relying on unconventional warfare tactics that contributed to confusing the enemy and imposing a relative balance on the battlefield. Among these tactics were surprise attacks that included executing quality operations at unexpected times, which reduced the Israeli army's ability to respond quickly. Additionally, locally made rockets were one of the most prominent weapons of the resistance, used to deliver severe strikes against strategic targets within the occupied territories, demonstrating the factions' capacity to challenge the technological superiority of the enemy.
Palestinian resistance factions displayed great capability in developing flexible and complex combat tactics in the face of Israeli military superiority. One of the most notable tactics was the use of tunnels, which provided fighters with the ability to move between locations and conduct offensive operations in unexpected areas, disorienting the occupation forces and weakening their ability to destroy the resistance's infrastructure. Moreover, precise rocket strikes targeting sensitive locations within the occupied territories disrupted the enemy's ability to respond quickly. Tactics diversified to include ambushes, mortar shells, explosive devices planted in the ground, and the use of booby traps in homes and tunnels, making it difficult for the occupation to exploit its complete technological superiority in an asymmetric battle.
One of the fundamental factors that helped strengthen the resistance's steadfastness in Gaza was the widespread popular unity that it received from all segments of the Palestinian people, both inside and in the diaspora.
This support was not limited to public gatherings in the streets or expressing symbolic solidarity, but extended to include active participation from citizens in resisting the occupation by providing shelter and resources to the factions, while maintaining high morale despite the harsh conditions. This solidarity played a pivotal role in boosting the morale of the fighters on the ground, making them more determined to confront the Zionist war machine.
Additionally, this widespread popular support added a political dimension to the resistance and contributed to creating a broad grassroots base that strengthened the political standing of the resistance on both regional and international stages.
4- Media Strategy and Political Messaging:
The resistance factions in Gaza benefited from advanced media strategies to convey their messages to the world, effectively employing modern media to address international public opinion. While the occupation showcased its military might through its media outlets, the resistance factions succeeded in highlighting its crimes against civilians, helping to bring international attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Through precise political messaging, the factions managed to motivate the international community to adopt positions against the occupation, contributing to the creation of international pressure on the occupying government to stop its aggression. The resistance was also keen on utilizing media to spotlight humanitarian issues in Gaza, thus achieving a balance in presenting the Palestinian narrative versus the Zionist narrative.
5- Popular Solidarity and International Pressure:
Despite the occupation's continuous attempts to demonize the Palestinian resistance and depict it as a terrorist threat, the factions in Gaza received broad support from some countries and regional and international organizations. This political solidarity was reflected in the stance of some countries affirming the right of Palestinians to defend themselves, having a direct impact on shaping a more supportive global public opinion for Palestinian rights.
Furthermore, the international efforts against the Zionist attacks in Gaza resulted in pressure being applied to various governments to limit their unconditional support for the occupation. This pressure formed an important point of strength that helped the resistance bolster its position on the global stage, in addition to enhancing the morale of the resistance fighters on the ground.
The ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the occupation in Palestine was not a spontaneous process but rather a fundamental part of the Zionist project that aimed to forcibly displace Palestinians and replace them with Jewish settlers. Since the early days of Zionist settlement, the Zionist movement has relied on various tools and methods to achieve its goals, ranging from direct violence, through racist legislation and laws, to attempts to erase Palestinian identity and distort history.
These tools can be classified into:
First: Massacres and Organized Terrorism:
The Zionist movement has employed armed violence as a primary tool to instill fear in the hearts of Palestinians and force them to leave their lands. Zionist gangs such as "Haganah," "Irgun," and "Lehi" committed horrific massacres aimed at emptying Palestinian areas of their original inhabitants. Among the most notable of these massacres are:
- The Deir Yassin Massacre (1948): Carried out by "Irgun" and "Lehi," resulting in the martyrdom of over 250 Palestinians, including women and children, leading to widespread panic that drove many Palestinians to flee.
- The Tantura Massacre (1948): Conducted by the Zionist "Alexandroni" forces, where about 200 Palestinians were cold-bloodedly murdered.
- The Kafr Qasim Massacre (1956): Targets the unarmed residents of the village, resulting in the martyrdom of 49 Palestinians despite an unexpected curfew being imposed without notice.
These massacres had a strategic impact in emptying Palestinian villages and cities of their inhabitants, enabling the Zionist entity to control them and replace the Palestinians with settlers.
Second: Mass Expulsion and Displacement Campaigns:
The displacement operations were not limited to direct violence alone; the occupation followed systematic policies to uproot Palestinians from their lands, such as:
- The "Dalt" Plan (1948): Developed by "Haganah" to implement forced expulsions of Palestinians from their cities and villages through direct attacks and sabotage.
- Forced displacement during the Nakba of 1948: More than 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes, and the occupation seized 78% of Palestine’s land.
- The displacement of the residents of Lod and Ramla: Zionist forces expelled over 70,000 Palestinians from the two cities under the threat of weapons during the Nakba of 1948.
Third: Racist Laws and Property Seizure:
After the establishment of the occupying state, the Zionist entity resorted to legitimizing ethnic cleansing through oppressive laws targeting Palestinians, the most prominent of which include:
- The "Absentee Property Law" (1950): Allowed for the confiscation of the property of Palestinian refugees who were forced to leave their homes.
- The "Law of Return" (1950): Granted Jews from anywhere in the world the right to obtain Zionist citizenship immediately upon arrival, while displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning.
- "The Citizenship Law" (1952): It was used to prevent Palestinian refugees from reclaiming their rights in historical Palestine.
Fourth: Destruction of Villages and Demographic Change:
The Zionist entity sought to physically erase the Palestinian presence by demolishing Palestinian villages and cities and establishing Jewish settlements in their place. Among the prominent policies are:
- Destruction of over 500 Palestinian villages: After the Nakba of 1948, the occupation completely destroyed hundreds of Palestinian villages, such as the villages of Tantoura and Sheikh Muwannis.
- Judaization of Palestinian cities: After the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, the occupation implemented massive projects to Judaize it, such as building settlement neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and emptying the Old City of Palestinians.
- Demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem: Under flimsy legal pretexts, such as unauthorized construction, hundreds of Palestinian homes are demolished annually.
Fifth: Siege and Economic Hardship:
Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the Zionist entity has imposed a suffocating economic blockade to force Palestinians into forced migration. Among the prominent policies of the blockade:
- Control of water and agricultural land: The occupation prevents Palestinians from accessing water sources and demolishes agricultural land in the West Bank and Gaza.
- Closure of crossings in Gaza: Since 2007, the occupation has enforced a tightened blockade on the Gaza Strip, leading to the collapse of the local economy and increased unemployment.
- The separation wall: Its construction has isolated thousands of Palestinians from their lands, compelling them to leave.
Sixth: Assassinations and Political Arrests:
The Zionist occupation has followed a policy of targeting Palestinian leaders and resistance fighters to break the will of the Palestinian people through:
- Systematic assassinations: Such as the assassinations of Palestinian leaders like Ahmed Yassin, Yahya Ayyash, Abu Ali Mustafa, and Suleiman Abu Ghaith.
- Mass arrests: The number of prisoners in the occupation's jails has exceeded 10,000, including women and children, according to Palestinian human rights organizations.
- Torture inside prisons: Palestinian detainees are subjected to physical and psychological torture to force them into confessions or to break their morale.
Seventh: Distortion of History and Erasure of Identity:
In addition to military and legal tools, the Zionist entity has sought to erase the Palestinian narrative and Judaize history through:
- Changing the names of villages and cities: The names of Palestinian villages have been changed to Hebrew names, such as renaming Jaffa to "Tel Aviv."
- Distorting educational curricula: The occupation imposes distorted curricula in occupied Jerusalem aimed at erasing Palestinian identity.
- Theft of cultural heritage: Palestinian clothing, traditional foods, and folklore have been appropriated and marketed as part of "Israeli" culture.
Unexpected Ascension to Power
The Caliphate of Córdoba, initiated by the distinguished Umayyad prince Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir, offers a series of historical lessons and accounts of civilization, both of which are worthy of study and reflection. He came to power unexpectedly and without a system; his grandfather, Prince Abdullah ibn Muhammad, appointed him after his father's death while he was still young and appointed him over his uncles and the uncles of his father, without facing opposition from any of them. It was as if the dire conditions of Al-Andalus had conspired with the notion of kingship and endorsed it, as they appeared to be in their final throes, not enticing anyone to contest a kingship fraught with danger and signaling its demise!
The Dire Conditions of Al-Andalus (300 AH / 912 AD)
This was in the year 300 AH / 912 AD, at a time when the young caliph, who was just twenty-two springs old, had control over only one-sixth of Al-Andalus, while five-sixths were under the sway of rebels and insurgents who fought amongst themselves for control. Ibn Idhārī described Al-Andalus at that time as "an ember that blazes, and a fire that rages; filled with discord and hypocrisy." Meanwhile, to the north, the Spanish Christians were waiting, poised to pounce on the Islamic state, with nothing preventing them except the persistent internal conflicts of the Muslims that showed no signs of cooling. As for the south, in the Moroccan border, there were the Fatimids, who had established their caliphate and unleashed their ambitions towards Al-Andalus, where the waning Umayyad emirate resided, and towards Baghdad and Cairo, where the faltering Abbasid caliphate was located.
Restoration and Expansion
The young prince seemed to breathe new life into the body of Al-Andalus; it cast off its weary garments, and his armies marched through the east and west of the land, restoring its unity and integrity, reclaiming much of what his forefathers had lost at the hands of the Spanish Christian kingdoms. He also annexed Ceuta and Melilla at the strait of Gibraltar, along with lands from North Africa, thereby pressuring the Fatimids, curbing their encroachments, and instilling despair in them. It was no wonder that they shortly turned their attention to Egypt, seeking to reconcile themselves with it in place of their dreams of Morocco and Al-Andalus. Al-Nasir spent sixteen years in this endeavor, at which point he declared himself caliph, and Al-Andalus a caliphate in the year 316 AH, since the title of "prince" no longer sufficed for his ambitions and aspirations.
A New Caliphate
This was a new innovation in the established Islamic system; the people of Sunni Islam had only recognized a single caliphate until that time. However, the scholars of the era justified the caliph's aspirations, as the Abbasid caliphate had become a faint shadow since the Turks took control over it (232–334 AH), while the legitimacy of the Fatimid caliphate was not recognized from the start by the Sunni Muslims. What caught the attention of historians was that Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir began his jihad against the northern Christian kingdoms before unifying his own kingdom, having only ruled for a single year. Al-Nasir drew the attention of Muslims to the more urgent duty that their swords should face the common threat which posed no trust or mercy to those among them who identified as Muslims.
Commitment to Jihad and Religion
"Al-Nasir was enamored with conquest, was keen on his religion, and paid heed to the advice of scholars. When a certain scholar advised him harshly, the jurist of Al-Andalus, Al-Mundir Ibn Said, reproached him in the Friday sermon for excessive spending on the construction of Al-Zahra and its palaces. When Al-Nasir returned home, he said: 'By God! Al-Mundir specifically addressed me in his sermon, and there was no one else he meant, he reproached me excessively and did not conduct himself properly in advising me; he disturbed my heart and almost struck me with his staff!' A man suggested removing him from that position, but Al-Nasir responded: 'Could someone like Al-Mundir Ibn Said, given his virtue, goodness, and knowledge, be removed? To be removed to please someone misled and misguided? This will not happen, and I would be ashamed before God not to have someone like Al-Mundir, in his piety and honesty, intercede for me in the Friday prayer!'
The Reign of Al-Hakam Al-Mu'tasr (350-366 AH)
The reign of Al-Hakam Al-Mu'tasr (350-366 AH) continued the glories of his father, imposing the authority of the state over the Christian kingdoms of northern Spain. Delegations from Europe came to him in succession, and the stature of Córdoba reached great heights, as did Al-Zahra, the capital he completed building after his father's death. Al-Hakam left his young son Hisham Al-Mu'ayyad Billah in 366 AH, who was twelve years old at the time, so his mother Subh Al-Bashkensiyah took over the regency. Soon, the ambitious prince Al-Mansur Muhammad Ibn Abu Amer (died 392 AH) was appointed as minister with the help of the young caliph's mother. He eliminated his rivals and then decided to place restrictions on the caliph and his mother, seizing power for himself. He then inherited it to his sons Abdul Malik and subsequently Abdul Rahman, in what became known as the Amiri state. The weakened caliph was described as reckless and lacking intelligence, and Al-Mansur was excused for his control over him.
The Military Achievements of Al-Mansur
Al-Mansur was a man of great strength and fortunate lineage. What could one expect from a man who launched 57 campaigns against the Christian kingdoms of the north, never defeated in any of them, obsessively devoted to jihad to the extent that he would shake off the dust of every battle he engaged in? He gathered a portion of that dust and bequeathed it to be buried with him in his grave!
The Amiri State
Abdul Malik Ibn Al-Mansur was wise like his father and shared his demeanor; however, his brother Abdul Rahman (who took over in 399 AH) was very reckless, committing a foolish act that brought chaos upon the entire state. He forced the imprisoned caliph Hisham to appoint him as his successor, which angered the Umayyads, leading them to kill him and appoint one of their own. But he could not enjoy his rule, for others from his own house revolted against him, seeking support from the Christian north, with some even conceding territories to ensure their neutrality or to gain their support, which ultimately led to the downfall of the caliphate in 422 AH.
Contributions to Civilization
The attention given to civilization reached great heights, as the enlightened ruler al-Mu'tamid collected books, with approximately 400,000 volumes in his library. Few books in his library were without notes in his handwriting. The scope of intellectual freedom for non-Muslims widened, and the atmosphere allowed for religious debate, which resulted in pioneering scholarly work in comparative religion by Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi in his book "The Separation of Sects, Desires, and Creeds."
The University of Córdoba
Al-Mu'tamid transformed the mosque of Córdoba into a university, predating al-Azhar University and all universities in Europe. Students from both Muslims and European scholars flocked there, making Córdoba, as the scholar al-Razi described it, "the mother of cities and the heart of al-Andalus." Al-Mu'tamid constructed his new capital, al-Zahra, next to Córdoba to befit the caliph and his entourage, competing with Baghdad and Cairo.
Criticisms and Challenges
Despite this glory, the politics of the era faced criticism: the caliph held the power exclusively. When the chamberlain al-Mansur and his sons took control, they committed acts that harmed the state later on, as they eliminated capable individuals out of fear of being overthrown. This might have been a characteristic of the era, possibly resulting from their struggles to unify the state and suppress revolutions.
The System of Hereditary Succession
The system of hereditary succession was established since the time of Muawiya, but it could bring forth capable individuals; however, the love of a father for his son could ruin the state, as happened when the caliph al-Mu'tamid appointed his young son to rule, leaving the dissenting scholars with no choice but to remain silent.
Ethnic Tensions within the Caliphate
The caliphate could not find a unifying formula for the conflicting elements of the nation, consisting of Arabs and Berbers. It excluded them from the administration and relied on the Slavs in the army since the time of al-Mu'tamid, leading to significant dangers. Some historians estimated their number in the palace to be more than thirteen thousand, while in the city of al-Zahra, there were over three thousand young men and six thousand seven hundred fifty female slaves. Arab resentment grew, and the Berbers waited for an opportunity against the state. Indeed, reconciling these discordant elements and their conflicting interests was a difficult task for a state fighting on all fronts.
Lavish Spending and Its Consequences
It is surprising that the lavish al-Zahra could not withstand the resentments of the civil wars in the later days of the state and fell as if it had never existed. It is also important to note the growing influence of women in the palace; this did not harm the caliphs' strength, but became detrimental when the desires of the slave woman Beshkansiya Subh took control, negatively impacting her son and fueling conflict among the state's elite. This ended with Ibn Amer gaining dominance and taking control over her and her son.
Intellectual and Cultural Flourishing
The attention given to civilization reached great heights, as the enlightened ruler al-Mu'tamid collected books, with approximately 400,000 volumes in his library. Few books in his library were without notes in his handwriting. The scope of intellectual freedom for non-Muslims widened, and the atmosphere allowed for religious debate, which resulted in pioneering scholarly work in comparative religion by Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi in his book "The Separation of Sects, Desires, and Creeds."
The University of Córdoba
Al-Mu'tamid transformed the mosque of Córdoba into a university, predating al-Azhar University and all universities in Europe. Students from both Muslims and European scholars flocked there, making Córdoba, as the scholar al-Razi described it, "the mother of cities and the heart of al-Andalus." Al-Mu'tamid constructed his new capital, al-Zahra, next to Córdoba to befit the caliph and his entourage, competing with Baghdad and Cairo.
Criticisms and Challenges
Despite this glory, the politics of the era faced criticism: the caliph held the power exclusively. When the chamberlain al-Mansur and his sons took control, they committed acts that harmed the state later on, as they eliminated capable individuals out of fear of being overthrown. This might have been a characteristic of the era, possibly resulting from their struggles to unify the state and suppress revolutions.
The System of Hereditary Succession
The system of hereditary succession was established since the time of Muawiya, but it could bring forth capable individuals; however, the love of a father for his son could ruin the state, as happened when the caliph al-Mu'tamid appointed his young son to rule, leaving the dissenting scholars with no choice but to remain silent.
Ethnic Tensions within the Caliphate
The caliphate could not find a unifying formula for the conflicting elements of the nation, consisting of Arabs and Berbers. It excluded them from the administration and relied on the Slavs in the army since the time of al-Mu'tamid, leading to significant dangers. Some historians estimated their number in the palace to be more than thirteen thousand, while in the city of al-Zahra, there were over three thousand young men and six thousand seven hundred fifty female slaves. Arab resentment grew, and the Berbers waited for an opportunity against the state. Indeed, reconciling these discordant elements and their conflicting interests was a difficult task for a state fighting on all fronts.
Al-Mu'tamid and his son excessively spent enormous amounts of money on construction. It is surprising that the lavish al-Zahra could not withstand the resentments of the civil wars in the later days of the state and fell as if it had never existed. It is also important to note the growing influence of women in the palace; this did not harm the caliphs' strength but became detrimental when the desires of the slave woman Beshkansiya Subh took control, negatively impacting her son and fueling conflict among the state's elite. This ended with Ibn Amer gaining dominance and taking control over her and her son.