King George II of England sent his niece, Princess Dubant, to the head of a delegation of 18 girls from noble and distinguished families to Seville, accompanied by the chief of staff of the royal palace, who carried a letter from the king to the caliph Hisham III.
The letter stated: "From George III, King of England, France, and Norway, to the caliph, King of Muslims in the kingdom of Andalusia, his greatness Hisham III, esteemed and revered, after the utmost respect and veneration. We have heard of the great advancements enjoyed by the pure bounty of the centers of knowledge and industries in your thriving land. We wish to borrow models of these virtues for the dissemination of knowledge in our country, surrounded by ignorance on all sides. We have placed our niece, Princess Dubant, at the head of a delegation of English noblewomen, to be honored by kissing the fringes of the throne and seeking your kindness, so that she and her companions may receive your great attention, the protection of the esteemed court, and care from those who will educate them. The little princess has brought a humble gift for your esteemed presence; I hope you will graciously accept it.
Your obedient servant, George."
The Quran and the Contemporary Scientific Method
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali narrated this story as quoted by Abdul Halim Al-Jundi in his book "The Quran and the Contemporary Scientific Method," among other writers, as part of the assertion that Islamic civilization made great progress, to the extent that Westerners sought to benefit from its sciences in the dark European world.
Immense Progress
This story reveals the immense progress achieved by Islamic civilization in theoretical and applied sciences, to the point where the entire world viewed it with reverence and esteem, and various nations were eager to draw from the beneficial Islamic civilization.
However, the Islamic nation today is the one that needs to reflect on its glorious history and ancient civilization in order to regain its former glory and occupy the highest and most prestigious positions. What are the ways to achieve this?
A Muslim should never despair and should instead open the doors of hope for reaching favorable and optimal conditions. Allah, the Almighty, says: (O my sons, go and inquire about Joseph and his brother and do not despair of relief from Allah. Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people) (Joseph: 87). Allah also says: (And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord except for those astray) (Al-Hijr: 56). Furthermore, a Muslim should never consider himself or his methodology inferior. The believer is noble and honorable whenever he adheres to his religion, which is why Allah said: (So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are believers) (Al-Imran: 139).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge. In Sunan Ibn Majah, Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim." Additionally, Tirmidhi reported from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer; wherever he finds it, he is more deserving of it."
3- Contracting with Western Scientific Talents for Teaching in Islamic Lands:
The Islamic community is keen to benefit from any proposal that serves this nation and elevates it. This is exemplified by the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he sought the help of Abdullah ibn Uraiqit, a pagan, as a guide on the night of the migration from Mecca to Medina, and when he took the advice of Salman the Persian in digging the trench, as well as accepting the proposal of Tamim al-Dari to build the pulpit.
4- Supporting Exceptional and Distinguished Individuals in Applied Sciences:
The state should adopt exceptional individuals in applied sciences and support them through various forms of patronage and care, either through official institutions, charitable individuals, or through the Zakat fund. This is out of the necessity for them in building sound thought and serious, upright work.
5- Reducing Theoretical Studies and Strengthening and Generalizing Vocational Studies:
Vocational studies contribute to the practical application of theoretical sciences and derive real benefits for people. The need for applied sciences is much greater than merely acquiring theoretical knowledge of some rules and theories. Additionally, vocational studies are a way to open minds for creativity, innovation, and envisioning the future.
6- Convincing the Affluent and Wealthy to Invest in Research Institutions:
Scholars and preachers should approach the affluent and wealthy with persuasion and establish a legitimate argument that the Islamic community's need for laboratories is no less important than its need for mosques. An establishment for intellectual work is preferable to calling for laziness and inactivity, and the worship of a knowledgeable person is better than the worship of an ignorant one. This prepares them and others to work for what benefits the people and advances their upliftment, instead of relying on individual private endeavors.
7- Protecting Exceptional Individuals from the Resentment of the Envious:
The Islamic community must take care to provide all necessary requirements for exceptional individuals and create supportive environments for them, enabling them to uplift the nation. Therefore, they should be appreciated, respected, taken care of, and provided with pathways to advance scientifically within society. Why shouldn't we respect those whom Allah has raised in rank and elevated their status, as He said: "Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees." (Al-Mujadila: 11)
(1) The Bitter Truth: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali (1/8).
(2) The Friday and Eid Sermons Between Tradition and Renewal: Dr. Bakr Zaki Awad, pp. 195-196.
Our noble religion always encourages us to become one united nation, interconnected through solidarity and cooperation in facing life’s challenges and the schemes of the enemies of this religion. Hence, the verses and hadiths that urge these meanings are varied. Part of this solidarity includes, of course, the effort to support Muslim minorities, especially in Western countries, in light of the major challenges they face, which weigh heavily on them over time and put them in a difficult position. Here are some reasons that encourage us to stand by our brothers from Muslim minorities in Western countries:
1- The Bond of Brotherhood in Faith:
This is the strongest tie of faith among the members of the Islamic Ummah. From this perspective, we must change our view of minorities from a marginal, secondary issue to one of the major issues that should be among the priorities of Muslim countries and peoples.
2- Following the Example of the Prophet:
The model of the Muslim state during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) paid great attention to Muslim minorities in both peace and war. Evidence of this includes the Prophet sending ambassadors such as Mus'ab ibn Umayr to Medina, Mu'adh ibn Jabal, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, and Khalid ibn al-Walid to Yemen, among others to various regions.
3- A Necessity for Improving the Image of Islam in the West:
Muslims in Western countries can be a model for advocates of good and reform, and a bright representation of Islam, making them an example of Muslims who take pride in their faith. However, for this to happen, adequate care and support must be provided to them.
4- Building a Bridge for Communication between the Islamic World and the Western World:
Muslim minorities currently live at the center of the conflict between the Islamic and Western sides; thus, they are best positioned and capable of understanding both parties and representing the missing link between them.
5- Preserving the Identity of the Muslim Ummah:
There is no doubt that the communities of Muslim minorities in Europe represent an important part of the identity of this Ummah. Therefore, preserving these communities from Westernization, dissolution, and forced integration is crucial to maintaining the foundational element of Muslim identity. To the extent that these minority communities are granted freedom of belief and freedom of worship, they can preserve their heritage and cultural identity, which is vital for maintaining the identity of an important part of the Islamic world.
Khalil Hayya, a member of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and its leader in the Gaza Strip, confirmed that what happened on the seventh of October represents a miracle and a military and security achievement carried out by the elite forces of "Al-Qassam." He emphasized that this event will remain a source of pride for the Palestinian people and their resistance, passed down through generations.
In a speech following the announcement of a ceasefire agreement concerning the war on the Gaza Strip, Hayya stated: Gaza has proven to the world that our enemy will not defeat our people or our resistance, and they will not witness any moment of weakness or defeat from us.
During his speech, Hayya highlighted the following points:
Hayya clarified that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation struck the occupation entity at its core, adding that the Palestinian people will regain all their rights, and the occupation will soon retreat from our land, our Jerusalem, and our holy sites. He described the war launched by the occupation against Gaza as a stain on the face of humanity, stressing that the Palestinian people will not forget those who were complacent in the face of this brutality.
Hayya pointed out that the occupation aimed to eliminate the Palestinian cause and displace the residents of Gaza, but its plans have failed. He added: The occupation did not achieve any of its objectives; our people remained steadfast on their land, and our resistance remained a solid shield defending them. He referred to the valor of the "Al-Qassam Brigades" in the battle of October seventh, noting that the qualitative operations carried out by the heroes of "Al-Qassam" astonished the world with their bravery and proved the superiority of the resistance over the occupation on the battlefield. He also praised the sacrifices of the men of "Al-Quds Brigades," the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, who fought alongside "Al-Qassam" with a spirit of sacrifice and heroism.
Hayya expressed his deep appreciation for the support received by the resistance from its allies in the region, referring to the role of the Lebanese "Hezbollah," which made significant sacrifices, and Iran's role in supporting the resistance and launching rockets that struck the heart of the occupation. He added that "Ansar Allah" in Yemen changed the dynamics of the war by launching rockets and drones toward the occupied entity, while the Iraqi resistance contributed to supporting the Palestinian cause by breaching barriers to reach the occupied territories.
Hayya thanked the mediating countries, especially Qatar and Egypt, for their tireless efforts since the first day of the war. He also expressed his gratitude to the countries that stood by the Palestinian people, such as Turkey, Algeria, South Africa, Russia, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia, as well as the free people around the world who supported the cause.
Hayya concluded his speech by affirming that Gaza stands today on the threshold of a new phase marked by rebuilding, solidarity, and removing the effects of aggression, calling for the strengthening of solidarity and compassion to reconstruct what the occupation has destroyed.
Source: Al-Mujtama
Talking about globalization is a matter of great importance, as its impacts have exceeded the boundaries for which the idea was originally conceived. Its influence has not been limited to the world of economics and the spread of capitalist thought, especially after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.
Information Revolution
Dr. Ahmed Yasser Abdel Azim states: "Although the phenomenon of globalization is ancient, its growth and development have been closely linked to the evolution of the capitalist model, starting from the dawn of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution in Europe from the late sixteenth century to the eighteenth century, and the attempt of European countries to internationalize their civilizational model, imposing the values of Western civilization in what is known as ‘cultural invasion.’ This progresses to the tremendous technological advancements in information and communication technology, the ‘information revolution’ witnessed by the world, and the spread of giant multinational corporations and major economic organizations over the past four decades. Through this, the United States sought to lead the international economic and trade system."
Major Changes
Globalization has brought about major changes in all aspects of life, as it has exaggeratedly influenced the economic direction of the world in recent eras and has also impacted the collective morals and values to the point that some cultures almost melted away within Western culture, especially American culture, leading to a singular culture that, through its advanced means, has been able to dominate and control all other cultures. This poses significant challenges for nations, especially Islamic ones—not merely to escape the reality of globalization, which has become a fact as its means are strongly present in our societies—but rather to control the minds of youth and guide their historical and ideological compass.
The Most Prominent Ethical Challenges in the Age of Globalization
A set of formidable challenges faces those working in education and those concerned with the future of the nation, some of which are related to ethics and culture. These challenges include:
Is globalization an unavoidable reality?
Most thinkers agree that there is no escape from the control of globalization, considering that the means it employs to spread its ideas cannot be eradicated from the Islamic world. For instance, we cannot take away mobile phones from our children, nor can we impose a complete closure on local and global media to isolate youth from the outside world. Consequently, globalization is an idea that cannot be resisted, and we must find suitable alternatives to mitigate its effects on young people.
The Population Conference as a Product of Globalization
The United Nations Population Conference held in Cairo in the 1990s posed a significant moral challenge, as it amazed Arabs with its provisions regarding individual freedoms and catering to personal desires. The individual is fundamental to the cultural capitalist concept as we know it, and the primary goal of the conference was to fulfill individual desires, regardless of family, society, religion, or ethics. This allowed, and even protected, concepts of deviance and rebranded them with different names to lessen the impact of the terminology on conservative individuals.
"Partners" instead of "Spouses"
The document also protected sexual freedom and abortion, and it adopted the term "partners" instead of "spouses" as a form of recognition of the relationship between men and women within a legal framework, trying to normalize it among people without a derogatory perspective toward those who engage in such relationships. Furthermore, the document permits sexual activity among teenagers and advocates for delaying marriage as an accepted method to reduce childbirth.
The population document is a miniature model of the ethics of globalization, and it raises concerns about what could happen if unleashed in its entirety in Muslim countries. American Western ideals attempt to impose their version globally, especially in the Islamic world, with the youth at its heart.
Facing the Challenges of Moral Globalization in Our Countries
Globalization presents significant challenges to humanity, but it also provides enormous opportunities for progress, prosperity, and the dissemination of ideas, creating the chance for each individual to choose through dialogue and cooperation. We can build a more just and equitable world when there is respectful dialogue, rather than the imposition of dominance by one party.
The phenomenon of "Islamophobia" occasionally resurfaces in Europe, driven by the far-right's attempts to solidify its presence in European streets; believing that Muslims should be placed in a state of permanent enmity rather than seasonal hostility, under flimsy and unrealistic justifications to convince the European citizen of the increasing Islamic threat.
Fabricated Reasons to Attack Muslims
What is particularly strange about this is that the far-right has recently fabricated new contradictory reasons to attack Muslims. These include claims that Muslims have no intention of integrating into European society, then shifting to the opposite view and asserting that Muslims who do integrate into society harbor clear animosity towards non-Muslims.
The increase in hostility from the far-right has become a glaring phenomenon against a minority of 25 million people, and the far-right seeks to tarnish its members for their adherence to Islamic teachings.
European values as an alternative to Islamic values
Striking examples of this are the calls from European governments for the importance of Muslims integrating into their communities, but this integration, according to their interpretation, must include adopting European values that contradict Islam, such as drinking beer and eating pork.
Increasing discrimination against Muslims
According to a report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, there has been a stark increase in discrimination against Muslims across Europe, with almost half of Muslims in Europe facing racial discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, and origin.
Criticizing Israel is Prohibited
Among the main reasons highlighted in the report is the heightened social tensions over the last 14 months that coincided with the outbreak of war in Gaza, due to some European governments insisting on equating any criticism of "Israel" with antisemitism.
Examples of anti-Islam discrimination in the Netherlands include the promotion of the idea that Muslims who have integrated into public life have become a burden, just like those viewed as non-integrated and unadapted to European culture.
The far-right and its cultural standards
A notable development in the Netherlands has been a far-right political party putting forth a parliamentary proposal calling on the current government to preserve the details of the cultural and religious standards of Dutch people of immigrant origins.
A Western journalist has clearly stated that the real problem with Muslims throughout Europe is that antisemitism and hatred of the West have become common traits even among Muslims who are well-integrated into European society.
Muslims in Europe see such statements as aimed at keeping them in a constant state of estrangement from their religion, with the goal of disciplining and punishing them by revoking their citizenship if they do not comply with what European governments want from them, especially those among them who are highly educated and hold important positions.
Awqaf funds project with KD 300,000 to assist needy patients
The General Secretariat of Awqaf has announced the allocation of KD 300,000 (approximately $972,800) to support the “Rahmaa” project, which provides treatment for needy patients. This initiative, implemented by the “Balad Al-Khair” Association in cooperation with Dar Al-Shifa Hospital, will continue for one year. So far, around 250 patients from various nationalities have benefited from the project.
In a statement to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) today, following an inspection visit to Dar Al-Shifa Hospital to monitor the project, the Director of the Awqaf Endowment Funds Department, Maarib Al-Yaqoub, emphasized the importance of such partnerships between governmental, private, and charitable sectors in assisting community members by providing necessary medicines, treatments, and examinations for those unable to afford them. Al-Yaqoub added that the General Secretariat of Awqaf will continue to offer grants and support humanitarian initiatives and volunteer charitable efforts that contribute to helping those in need in Kuwait.
Acting Director of the Humanitarian Projects Department and the Director of the “Balad Al-Khair” Association, Ali Shaddad, also praised the significant support provided by the General Secretariat of Awqaf to serve the community and assist charitable associations in offering public welfare services, particularly in caring for patients.
Shaddad stated that the “Rahmaa” project is one of the pioneering charitable initiatives that reflects the commitment of the secretariat in supporting the poor and needy. It serves as a vital source of aid for patients struggling to bear the cost of medical treatment. He explained that the project provides comprehensive medical services to underprivileged patients and improves their health conditions.
He also praised the strategic partnership with Dar Al-Shifa Hospital in delivering high-quality healthcare services, highlighting the ongoing collaboration with the Ministry of Health through the Kuwait Cancer Treatment Center to provide medical services for cancer patients.
Dr Mohammad Jassim, Head of the Medical Department at Dar Al-Shifa Hospital, also spoke to KUNA, emphasizing the hospital’s strategy in providing community medical services, especially for financially struggling patients, and reaffirmed the continuity of such services while maintaining the confidentiality of treatment. He emphasized that Dar Al-Shifa always strives to offer high-quality initiatives that enhance the Ministry of Health’s role in providing exceptional medical services to patients, driven by a strong sense of social responsibility and a commitment to meeting the medical needs of the community.
The “Balad Al-Khair” project aims to achieve social solidarity and alleviate the financial and health suffering of patients. It includes various services such as dialysis sessions, physical therapy, advanced medical tests, and the assessment of the social and medical conditions of beneficiaries to ensure that support reaches the most deserving groups. — KUNA
Al-Najat Charity helps 380,000 people in Yemen
The Kuwaiti Al-Najat Charity confirmed Tuesday, that more than 380,000 individuals benefited from its humanitarian and development projects in Yemen during 2024. These projects are part of a campaign which is celebrating its tenth consecutive year. In a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Abdullah Al-Shihab, Head of the Charity’s Programs and Projects Sector, said that the organization has placed great emphasis on development projects that contribute to improving the lives of beneficiaries.
He added that some of the major projects included the construction of seven residential villages, drilling 52 wells, building eight bakeries, establishing five new schools, sponsoring 210 students, and organizing 19 Quran memorization classes.
Al-Shihab also noted that the charity had built a medical center, held eye camps, and provided assistance to approximately 5,700 patients. Furthermore, around 120,000 people benefited from food aid and relief projects across various Yemeni governorates.
He explained that these efforts are part of the charity’s broader aim to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people and enhance living standards in the most needy areas.
Al-Shihab concluded by thanking the Kuwaiti Ministries of Social Affairs and Foreign Affairs for their ongoing support of Kuwaiti charitable work, and expressed deep appreciation for the generous donors and supporters in Kuwait for their continued help in aiding those in need in Yemen and elsewhere. — KUNA
"Balad Alkhair": Strategic Partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs to Support Care Homes
A delegation from the Balad Alkhair Association conducted a visit today, Monday, to the Ministry of Social Affairs headquarters to meet with Dr. Amthal Al-Hweila, the Minister of Social Affairs, Family, and Childhood.
" Balad Alkhair" delegation was led by the Chairman of the Association's Board of Directors, Saad Motalq Al-Rajhi, along with several board members.
For her part, the Minister of Social Affairs commended the continuous efforts of the Balad Alkhair Association in the field of humanitarian work and aiding those in need both inside and outside the State of Kuwait.
Al-Hweila affirmed that the Balad Alkhair Association is one of the leading charitable organizations that has achieved significant accomplishments and contributed to supporting the most vulnerable groups, which serves the interests of the development and advancement of Kuwaiti society. She also indicated that the Ministry of Social Affairs is pleased to collaborate with "Balad Alkhair" and other active Kuwaiti charitable organizations in support of their mission.
In turn, Saad Al-Rajhi praised the significant role and multiple achievements of the ministry recently concerning support for Kuwaiti charitable associations and facilitating their tasks in supporting the needy and disaster-stricken individuals. He noted that the past months have witnessed a leap in partnership fields between Balad Alkhair and active parties, contributing to the launch of a number of charitable projects that have had a significant impact on the lives of beneficiaries.
In this context, Al-Rajhi announced the success of the strategic partnership terms between the Balad Alkhair Association and the Social Care Sector in the Ministry of Social Affairs to support care homes, adding that the meeting with the minister included discussions on ways to develop this partnership in future cooperation.
The Chairman of the Balad Alkhair Association's Board emphasized that the partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs aims to provide the necessary support to improve the health and living conditions of beneficiaries and enhance community partnership through cooperation with governmental entities to achieve social development goals, as well as improve the environment of care homes and provide essential needs to ensure the comfort of beneficiaries.
He added that the partnership provides many forms of support for care homes, including: 30 air conditioners, 21 washing machines, 19 refrigerators, 35 first aid kits, 35 blood pressure devices, 35 glucose meters, 35 thermometers, 35 asthma inhalers, 200 boxes of gloves, and 25 wheelchairs.
In conclusion, Al-Rajhi emphasized the importance of this partnership in supporting social care homes and improving the living standards of beneficiaries, pointing out that the Balad Alkhair Association looks forward to more fruitful cooperation in the future, as we believe this initiative will have a positive impact on providing a safe and sustainable healthcare environment./ Al-Mujtama
Kuwaiti "Social Reform" Congratulates the Ceasefire Agreement in Gaza: A Victory for Justice and Endurance for the Nation
In a step reflecting hope and embodying the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, the Social Reform Association announced in an official statement its endorsement of the ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in Gaza between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist occupation.
The "Reform" statement read:
"And on that day, the believers will rejoice {4} in the victory of Allah, He grants victory to whom He wills, and He is the Mighty, the Merciful" (Al-Rum).
The good news came with the announcement of the ceasefire and agreement on halting hostilities between our steadfast brothers in Gaza and the aggressive Zionist entity, along with the provisions of this agreement regarding a withdrawal from the territories and an exchange of prisoners.
We at the Social Reform Association congratulate our brothers in Gaza in particular, and our Islamic and Arab nation in general, on this great victory, which would not have been possible without the success of Allah Almighty, and then the steadfastness, heroism, and sacrifices of the Palestinian people.
What the Zionist entity has done is considered a crime of the century against all of humanity, leaving behind tens of thousands of martyrs – children, women, men, and the elderly – and the destruction of infrastructure and entire cities, with no schools, hospitals, or mosques spared. This criminal entity has committed atrocities beyond human comprehension, including mass killings, besiegement, and starvation, all in front of the entire world and its organizations and states. These actions have become a war crime that necessitates the prosecution of those responsible in international courts.
Anyone who has supported the Zionist entity by providing military, financial aid, and political cover is complicit in this crime and in conspiring against the Palestinian people and violating human rights treaties; as it is stated in the Quran (Surah Al-Anfal: 30): (And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or to kill you or to expel you. And they plan, but Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners).
Today, we rejoice in the lifting of the burden from our brothers and begin a new chapter of solidarity and togetherness to meet the needs of thousands of displaced families, and the countless orphans left behind by the Zionist killing machine, who have found no shelter after the destruction of homes and schools, and the collapse of health, food systems, and infrastructure.
We at the Social Reform Association urge everyone, including governments, communities, and international and regional institutions, to fulfill their humanitarian duty to meet the needs of the Palestinian people in Gaza. As stated in Sahih Muslim by Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The example of the believers in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion is that of a single body; if one part feels pain, the whole body responds with wakefulness and fever."
On this historic day, we do not forget to turn to Allah, asking Him to have mercy on our righteous martyrs, heal our wounded, relieve our afflicted, bring back our missing, and reunite all families.
We extend our gratitude and appreciation to our beloved country Kuwait for its remarkable stance and to its generous people who support the rights of every Palestinian and Arab. We are particularly heartened by the stance of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, may Allah preserve and protect him, in initiating an airbridge to aid Gaza. This is by no means unusual for Kuwait, the land of humanity.
In conclusion, we advise our brothers in Gaza to remain vigilant and cautious of this enemy known for its treachery, and we remind them to thank Allah Almighty and maintain a good relationship with Him, for He is the best protector and helper./ Al-Mujtama
“Hofath” launches the 1000 Degrees project in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Awqaf
The Kuwaiti charity organization for serving the Quran and its sciences (Hofath) has launched the 1000 Degrees project for memorizing parts of “Tawakkul” and “Am”, for individuals, families, and visitors of diwaniyas, in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Awqaf.
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hofath, Eng. Ahmad Al-Murshed, stated: "Hofath continues to launch its specialized qualitative projects to teach the Holy Quran to the audience from all age groups, and one of the latest of these projects is a new initiative to memorize parts of “Tawakkul” and “Am”, under the name “1000 Degrees”. This project is named as such because the total number of verses in parts “Tawakkul” and “Am” is approximately 1000 verses."
He added: "Congratulations to those who memorize 1000 verses in their hearts, for they will earn 1000 degrees with Allah. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘It will be said to the companion of the Quran, "Recite and rise, and keep reciting as you used to recite in the world, for your station is at the last verse you recite"’ (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, Al-Nasa'i, and Ahmad). The 1000 Degrees project allows participants to memorize 1000 verses, which is the total of the verses in parts “Tawakkul” and “Am”, through a distinguished curriculum specially prepared for individuals, families, and visitors of diwaniyas."
He added: The "Thousand Degrees" project is being held in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Awqaf and will be available for the youth category in all "Hofath" Quranic centers. As for the adults, it will be available in seven mosques, which are as follows: in the Capital Governorate, Al-Ghamlas Mosque in Al-Qadisiyyah, and Al-Faruq Umar ibn Al-Khattab Mosque in Al-Dasmah. In Hawalli, there is Suhaib Al-Rumi Mosque in the Al-Rumeithiya area, and in Al-Jahra, there is Hassan ibn Thabit Mosque in the Saad Abdullah area. In Ahmadi, there is Saad Manawer Al-Hudabah Mosque in the Fintas area, and in Farwaniya, Ashbiliya area, Baraq Murshid Al-Awaji Mosque, and in Mubarak Al-Kabeer, there is Al-Jarir Al-Tabari Mosque.
The guide called on the esteemed public from all age groups and parents to quickly register their children to join the project and other "Hafath" Quranic programs through the registration link announced on the "Hafath" Association's social media accounts and on the association's website hofath.org./ Al-Mujtama
240 Syrian trainees graduate from vocational courses supported by the charity authority
As part of its development programs to empower the benefiting groups, the Global Islamic Charity Organization, in collaboration with the Basmat Amal volunteer team, concluded a training program that included 240 Syrian trainees in the fields of mobile phone maintenance, electrical installations, and plumbing, over the course of 12 months.
The project aimed to prepare Syrian refugees in Turkey and equip them with professional skills to help them integrate into the labor market, in order to secure sustainable income for them and their families, as training is part of the economic programs aimed at improving the living conditions of the beneficiaries and reducing their reliance on humanitarian aid.
The training courses, which took place in the Turkish province of Şanlıurfa, covered technical skills required in the local community, such as mobile maintenance, electrical installations, and plumbing, which are professions that are in high demand in areas affected by natural disasters.
The project resulted in training 240 young men and women, who are working to support their families and improve their living conditions, including meeting their basic needs for housing, food, health, and education.
Under the training program, participants acquired new skills that could improve their psychological and social stability by enabling them to work and contribute to local economic development.
With this project, the Global Islamic Charity Organization continues to work on creating a stable economic environment for Syrian refugees, transforming them from aid consumers into active producers in society; contributing to the strengthening of social and economic stability among the affected groups./ Al-Mujtama
Kuwaiti Religious Education Administration holds the first forum for the Reading Challenge Competition in its ninth season
Under the patronage of the Religious Education Supervisor, Mr. Mashal Al-Jatili, the Technical Guidance for Libraries and the Technical Guidance for the Arabic Language presented the first forum for the Reading Challenge Competition, the largest Arab educational project aimed at spreading and reinforcing the culture of reading in Arabic.
In their speeches, the trainers Mr. Abdulfattah Yasin, Arabic Language Supervisor; Ms. Adhari Al-Azmi, Library Supervisor; and Mr. Ghiath Ahmed, a teacher from Al-Salibikhat Religious Institute, addressed the main challenges, ways to overcome them, strengths, and how to benefit from them.
The forum concluded with a speech from the Religious Education Supervisor, Mr. Mashal Al-Jatili, who praised everyone's efforts and highlighted the ambitions that the team will achieve, God willing, in spreading awareness of the role of reading in inspiring thought and creating an aware and cultured generation./ Al-Mujtama
Ceasefire and Continued Bombing
Despite the ceasefire beginning, the occupation forces bomb Gaza and target displaced people returning to their homes.
Civil Defense Statement
Civil Defense spokesperson Mahmoud Basal stated in a statement: "The death toll in the Gaza Strip since the announcement and implementation of the ceasefire until 09:30 local time is 8 martyrs."
Ongoing Shelling
He clarified that "shelling is still ongoing in various areas of the Gaza Strip, specifically in Gaza City and the north."
Injuries from Booby-Trapped House
Ten Palestinians were injured today, Sunday, as a result of an explosion in a house that was booby-trapped by the occupation forces earlier, during the return of displaced people to the northern Gaza Strip before the scheduled start of the ceasefire at 6:30 GMT.
Intensified Air and Artillery Strikes
The occupation army has intensified air and artillery strikes on various areas in the Gaza Strip. Paramedics reported that four Palestinians were wounded due to helicopter bombing on a tent of displaced people west of Rafah city in the southern sector.
Artillery Shelling in Gaza City
Eyewitnesses confirmed that the areas of Al-Saftawi and Al-Karama northwest of Gaza City and the eastern areas of Jabalia camp were subjected to intense artillery shelling.
Fire Towards Homes
The witnesses added that occupation forces opened fire towards homes and lands belonging to citizens in the southern Al-Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
Surge in Bombing
In recent hours, there has been a surge in the bombing of homes and residential blocks north of Al-Nuseirat camp, east of Rafah, and in the northern governorate, with the sounds of massive explosions heard as a result of these attacks.
Targeting of Refrigeration Warehouse
Eyewitnesses reported that an Israeli fighter jet targeted a refrigeration warehouse near Al-Salam Mills in Deir al-Balah in the center of the sector, resulting in fires and material damage, in addition to the Israeli navy opening fire on the shore of the central governorate.
Airstrike on Abasan
In the same context, the town of Abasan east of Khan Younis city in the southern sector was subjected to an airstrike, coinciding with artillery shelling and gunfire from Israeli vehicles on the eastern outskirts of the city, according to eyewitnesses. Additionally, Israeli fighter jets carried out four airstrikes on the north and west of Rafah, coinciding with artillery shelling in the west and center of the city.
Martyrdom and Injuries in Abu Taima
A young man was martyred and several others were injured on Saturday evening by the gunfire of Israeli occupation forces in the Abu Taima area east of the town of al-Fukhari, east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
Israeli Military Movements in Rafah
Eyewitnesses reported that the city of Rafah witnessed Israeli military movements, characterized by the withdrawal of vehicles from the center of the city to the Philadelphia Axis along the border with Egypt, while artillery shelling and airstrikes on the area continued.
Delay in Ceasefire Implementation
Earlier on Sunday, the Israeli army radio reported that the ceasefire in Gaza would not begin until a list of the names of the prisoners to be released today was received. For its part, Hamas explained in a statement that the delay in delivering this list was due to "field technical reasons."
Toll of Israeli Aggression
The toll of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has risen to 46,899 martyrs and 110,725 injured since October 7, 2023.
Announcement of Ceasefire
On Saturday, Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman announced that the ceasefire in Gaza would take effect at 8:30 local time on Sunday morning (6:30 GMT). The agreement consists of three phases, each lasting 42 days.
Genocide in Gaza
With U.S. support, Israel has been committing genocide in Gaza since October 7, 2023, resulting in more than 157,000 Palestinian martyrs and injured, most of whom are children and women, and over 11,000 missing persons, amidst massive destruction and famine that have killed dozens of children and the elderly, in one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world.
International Criminal Court Warrants
On November 21 of last year, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza.
The happiness of the nation lies in the enlightenment of its minds, the elevation of its morals, the satisfaction with the systems governing it, the contentment with their application, and the peace of mind regarding their implementation. The nation should be assured that no foreign hand can extend to its rights.
The Enlightenment of the Nation's Minds
As for the enlightenment of its minds, it is achieved through the establishment of sufficient educational institutes; a nation composed of educated and uneducated people finds it difficult for its leaders - whenever they wish to guide it towards a righteous life - to find it pliant and swift in its steps.
The Importance of Correct Education
The correct education requires the adoption of the highest systems and the most prudent methods. Learning sciences through uncultivated methods is the reason for the stagnation in the scientific renaissance and the lack of organized methods of research and thinking.
The people cannot be envied for their scientific advancement until the youth are raised to seek knowledge for the purpose of uncovering truths and striving for the highest virtues. One of the obstacles preventing them from reaching the level of genius and innovation in sciences is their making the pursuit of knowledge a material goal; once they achieve it, they become complacent.
Education whose outcome is assured and whose fruit flourishes is that in which students are guided to the method of critiquing and scrutinizing opinions, so they do not accept any viewpoint unless its superiority is established by evidence. We have seen firsthand that a group of our youth has deviated from the path of righteousness; if they were among those who refer opinions to reasonable research laws, they would have remained steadfast on the guidance of God and would not have become infatuated.
The Elevation of Morals
As for the elevation of its morals, it is necessary for its actions to be upright and for transactions among them to be organized. Significant deeds depend on qualities such as patience, determination, generosity, and bravery. Profitable transactions can only endure in cohesion and purity when safeguarded by honesty, trustworthiness, forbearance, openness of heart, and gentleness of emotion. This aspect of happiness falls under the responsibility of those entrusted with education, such as mothers, fathers, and educators. It is not enough for mothers, fathers, and teachers to provide adequate care for a child or youth to emerge from their midst with a pure heart and upright behavior unless religious education is fundamentally ingrained in all our schools, whether primary or higher.
The Role of Religious Education
When religious education reaches the souls through the right path, it results only in modesty, chastity, honesty, trustworthiness, a scorn for major wrongs, and diligence for truths and interests, along with any other qualities you desire such as self-respect and high aspirations. These traits cannot take root and flourish unless they are shaded by guidance from both sides.
The Availability of Wealth and Public Works
As for the availability of wealth, it must be embodied in means of public works, making life easy for every individual in the nation. How far is the nation from the happiness of life when many among it depend on others for their sustenance and frequent cafés and clubs in the morning as they do in the evening!
It is the right of the nation that its rulers provide the means for public works and consider the development of industry, agriculture, and trade, expanding their scope. They should pay attention to these matters scientifically by opening schools to receive the specialized knowledge of these economic principles and practically by establishing factories, encouraging farmers, and devising the means for the circulation of national goods as much as they can. Through such efforts, idle hands will find opportunities for work, and the prices of our clothes, household goods, and all our life's needs will remain within the borders of our homeland.
The Role of Rulers and Well-off Citizens in Economic Development
The burden of the economic situation does not rest solely on the shoulders of those in authority; rather, the well-off have a significant share of this responsibility. It is within their means to establish companies that adhere to the principles of the righteous religion, which can yield abundant, blessed profits, allowing many people to make a living through such work.
Comparative Observations from Germany
I spent a considerable amount of time in the capital of Germany and in some of its cities and villages, and I never saw a healthy person begging. During that time, I only encountered a few beggars, consisting of a man who had lost a hand or a leg, or an elderly person who had reached such old age that their strength had waned. I did not see a healthy person begging because there are ample vital job opportunities available for those who wish to work. Education, which is compulsory there, leaves no room for healthy individuals to resort to begging.
Historical Compassion of Islamic Rulers
Many of the rulers of Islam used to look upon the community with compassion and would strive to alleviate the hardships of life as much as they could.
Al-Tahir ibn al-Hussein, in a letter he sent to his son Abdullah when Al-Ma'mun appointed him as the governor of Egypt and Al-Raqqa and the areas between them, stated: "Take care of those in need and their orphans, and provide them with stipends from the public treasury. Establish homes for sick Muslims to shelter them, along with caretakers who care for them, and doctors to treat their ailments, and fulfill their needs as long as it does not lead to wastefulness in the treasury."
Opening Avenues for Employment
Opening avenues for employment for the capable and establishing hospitals and shelters for the sick and disabled, is a means of rescuing the community from the dire straits that may lead some of its members to clubs or hospitals set up by those aiming to corrupt their religious beliefs or extinguish their national spirit.
The Appreciation of Civic Systems
As for the appreciation of civic systems, this is what compels the community to respect them genuinely, observing them in private as well as in public. Most disputes can be resolved by knowing the truth through consultation, while those in authority are responsible for setting and applying civic systems. The authorities—across different classes and ranks—are a segment of the community that oversees its general affairs; thus, the spirit of representation must be evident in them, and this spirit manifests only when they work to safeguard its interests. Consequently, there should be governance by systems deemed more appropriate in design and beneficial for the interests at hand. The Islamic community only bears witness to the wisdom of systems that meet the principles of its legislation, as long as nothing of its sanctity is violated.
The Implementation and Execution of Laws
As for the satisfaction with the state of implementation, the effectiveness of the systems is manifested through those entrusted with their implementation. What benefit does a just law provide if it is enforced by someone who has not been properly educated in its application? The application of laws to incidents depends on the qualities of the ruler, their level of knowledge, and understanding. Therefore, it is the right of the community that only those cultured in the art of implementation be allowed to govern in their disputes, ensuring that both the strong and weak stand equally before justice. This aligns with the virtue of justice mandated in God's words: "And when you judge between people to judge with justice" (Quran 4:58), and "And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the wrongdoers" (Quran 5:45).
As for the satisfaction with execution methods, it pertains to the executive authority, such as the police department. The people's right over these authorities is that they should be governed by compassion, feeling that they are part of a larger body.
I lived in some Eastern countries, where I observed a distance between the armed forces and other nationalists, with sparks flying at the slightest exchange between them. Then I traveled to a European capital and toured some cities and villages, where I saw kindness and harmony between the soldiers, police, and the rest of the populace. The observer could hardly distinguish between them except for the formal appearance or weapons that the former carried. I would see a driver argue with a policeman for a considerable time, their voices rising equally, ultimately leading to one convincing the other, after which they would part ways.
The Spread of Education and Security
We know that the spread of education among the people helps security forces and others to enforce public regulations with a word that alerts those who intend to violate them. However, the uneducated person needs to be looked upon with compassion and treated with some kindness, unless they breach the law defiantly.
Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan's Approach
Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan said: "I do not place my sword where my whip suffices, nor do I place my whip where my tongue suffices."
The Fair Implementation of Regulations
The application of regulations in reality and their fair implementation is a right of the nation over its rulers. If it depends on something requiring testimony from individuals of the nation—like witnessing in its proper form—it becomes a responsibility for those who can testify truthfully and conceal their testimony while knowing.
Security from Foreign Infringement
As for the nation's security from any foreign hand infringing on its rights, it should be reassured about its dignity and honor, feeling that those it bears will live freely like strong nations. It should not fear its adversaries' strength nor look to the future of its children with anything but hope, unless the relationship between them and their guardians is characterized by sincere advice on one side and good obedience on the other. Through sincere advice, educational institutions will elevate, becoming self-sufficient through the knowledge of their children, and will not need to draw defense and protection from a foreign land. With good obedience, the army will be disciplined, and financial strength will achieve its goals.
Sincerity and Obedience in Islam
Islam has placed significant emphasis on these two great qualities: the sincerity of the rulers towards the nation, and the obedience
Sincerity and Obedience in Islam
Islam has placed significant emphasis on these two great qualities: the sincerity of the rulers towards the nation, and the obedience of the nation towards its rulers. It has made it obligatory for rulers to establish their policies on the care of rights and interests. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "There is no servant whom Allah entrusts with a responsibility but does not surround it with sincere counsel, except that he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." Then he turned to the subjects and commanded them to obey well. One of the types of evidence for this is his saying: "Listening and obeying a Muslim is obligatory in what he loves and hates, as long as he is not commanded to disobey. If he is commanded to disobey, there is no listening or obeying."
The Role of Leadership in National Happiness
The truth is that the happiness of the nation is in the hands of its leaders. If they adhere to the right path and govern it with care and concern for its interests and dignity, it will run smoothly alongside them. It will soon succeed in its course and achieve its goals: "Those who have believed and were conscious of Allah, for them are good tidings in worldly life and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great success." (Surah Yunus: 63-64).
Source of the article: Book "Encyclopedia of the Complete Works of Imam Muhammad al-Khidr Hussein."
? The occupation commits three massacres in Gaza.. 23 martyrs and 83 injured in 24 hours.
? The number of martyrs since the onset of aggression on Gaza has reached.
? Qatar's foreign ministry: The ceasefire will commence on Sunday at 8:30 AM local time in Gaza.
? Hamas: The "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle has shattered the arrogance of the enemy.. and has brought us closer to the end of the occupation, liberation, and return.
? The Ministry of Interior in Gaza: Our security forces will start deployment in all governorates of the Gaza Strip immediately after the ceasefire comes into effect.
? A stabbing attack in Tel Aviv.. One settler killed and the attacker martyred.
? Hamas: The Tel Aviv operation is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation.. and a message that resistance continues.
As the 470th day of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation arrives, the occupation forces continue to escalate their aggression against the Gaza Strip, leaving behind massacres against civilians, amid ongoing clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces on multiple fronts.
The occupation commits new massacres in Gaza.. 23 martyrs and 83 injured in 24 hours.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced today, Saturday, that the occupation forces have committed three new massacres against Palestinian families in the past 24 hours, resulting in 23 martyrs and 83 injured being admitted to hospitals.
It pointed out that the toll of aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, has reached 46,899 martyrs and 110,725 injured, with a continuous escalation of the occupation's crimes targeting unarmed civilians.
Ceasefire agreement in Gaza comes into effect on Sunday morning.
The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced this morning, Saturday, the timing of the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, following agreement between the concerned parties and mediators.
The spokesperson for the ministry, Majid Al-Ansari, stated that the ceasefire will start at exactly 8:30 AM local time in Gaza on Sunday, January 19.
He advised the brothers to exercise caution, remain vigilant, and wait for instructions from official sources.
Hamas: "Al-Aqsa Flood" has shattered the arrogance of the occupation.
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle embodies the solidarity of the Palestinian people with their victorious resistance and contributes to undermining the arrogance of the occupation, getting closer to achieving the goals of liberation and return.
The movement clarified in a statement issued today, Saturday, following the approval of the ceasefire agreement by the occupation government's approval, that it forced the occupation to stop its aggression and withdraw, despite attempts by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prolong the war and commit more massacres.
The movement also pointed out that the occupation failed to achieve its aggressive goals and only succeeded in committing horrific war crimes against humanity, affirming that the blood of the Palestinian people will not be wasted, and the leaders of the occupation will be pursued for their crimes, no matter how long it takes.
The statement added that the current priority is to end the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, to aid the affected, to return the displaced to their homes, to heal the wounds, and to rebuild. The movement confirmed that the agreement made with the mediators includes a special protocol to ensure the implementation of these measures.
Security deployment in Gaza after the ceasefire
The Ministry of Interior and National Security in the Gaza Strip announced today, Saturday, that it will begin to deploy across all governorates of the strip as soon as the ceasefire agreement comes into effect.
The ministry emphasized in a statement that this step comes as part of its national duty to serve the Palestinian people, praising the steadfastness of Palestinians in this historic battle, which represents a pivotal moment in the path of national struggle.
Stabbing attack in Tel Aviv... settler killed and the assailant martyred
A stabbing attack occurred in Tel Aviv today, resulting in the death of a settler and injuries to two others of varying severity, according to reports from Hebrew media.
Sources confirmed that the assailant was martyred by fire from one of the settlers at the scene. It was revealed that the assailant is a young man named Salah Yahya (19 years old) from Tulkarem.
Hamas": The Tel Aviv operation is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation
Hamas congratulated the heroic operation carried out by the martyr Salah Yahya in Tel Aviv, asserting that it is a natural response to the massacres committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people and a clear message that resistance strikes will continue until the occupation is defeated and Palestine is liberated.
The movement indicated that "the coincidence of this operation with the victory of our people and their resistance and the signing of a dignified prisoner exchange deal sends a strong message that the pulse of the West Bank will not calm and will remain a blazing flame against the occupier and his settlers."
On the 469th day of the war on Gaza, the Israeli Cabinet approved a prisoner exchange deal and a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Sources told Al Jazeera that the mediators pressured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to finalize the Israeli government's approvals today.
Health Ministry in Gaza: The Occupation Committed 4 Massacres in the Last 24 Hours
The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip stated:
- The Israeli occupation committed 4 massacres in the strip, resulting in 88 martyrs and 189 injuries reaching hospitals in the last 24 hours.
- A number of victims remain under the rubble and in the streets, and emergency and civil defense teams are unable to reach them.
- The total toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 46,876 martyrs and 110,642 injured.
Sister of Hamas Leader Martyr Saleh Al-Arouri Among Those Released
Lists published by the Israeli authorities showed that among the prisoners released in the first exchange deal is the sister of the former deputy head of Hamas's political bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, Dalia Khasib, who was arrested a year ago.
Khalida Jarrar Among Those Released in the First Phase
The Israeli army radio reported that Khalida Jarrar, a leader in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, will be released in the first phase of the exchange deal.
Release of 2,000 Palestinian Prisoners in the First Phase of the Deal
Israeli media reported that the first phase of the deal includes the release of 2,000 Palestinian prisoners, including hundreds sentenced to life imprisonment. The Israeli Ministry of Justice published a list of Palestinian prisoners who will be released in the first batch.
Yedioth Ahronoth: The Cost of the Agreement is Significant and Heavy, Proportional to the Failure of October
The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth stated:
- The cost of the agreement is significant and heavy, comparable to the failure on October 7.
- Although this agreement does not enjoy wide support, we are unable to reject or dispense with it.
- Grave mistakes were made on October 7, and now we are paying the price for those mistakes with this agreement.
- This agreement is not ideal, but rather harmful to the Israelis; it represents collective punishment for the failure on October 7, and this is the price of the disaster and its magnitude.
Likud Prevents Its Members from Giving Media Interviews
Channel 12 reported that the Likud Party, led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has banned its members from giving interviews in the wake of the approval of the exchange deal and ceasefire.
Ben Gvir: I Feel Doubly Concerned After Details of the Deal Are Revealed
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir stated:
- I was shocked yesterday by the details of the deal, and today, with more and more details being revealed, I feel my concern has multiplied.
- This is a dangerous deal as there are prisoners who will be released to Jerusalem and the West Bank, and everyone knows that they will return to attempt to carry out attacks and kill, so my concern has become multiplied.
Yedioth Ahronoth: The price of the agreement is high and heavy, equivalent to the failure on October 7
Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth:
Israeli Army Radio: Hamas refused to clarify the status of the prisoners in the sector
An Israeli military radio correspondent stated that Israel has been unable to compel the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to provide answers about who among the Israeli prisoners is alive and who is dead. The correspondent noted that Israel does not have accurate information on this matter.
Palestinian factions to discuss the post-war situation in Cairo today
Palestinian news sites reported that Palestinian factions will meet in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, next week to discuss the form of the post-war situation in the Gaza Strip and the establishment of a national administration.
Macron: Two French citizens among those to be released in the first phase of the deal
French President Emmanuel Macron stated that French citizens are among the list of the 33 prisoners who will be released in the first phase of the ceasefire agreement between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel.
World Health Organization: We plan to bring ready hospitals to Gaza
Reuters reports from a WHO official:
Hamas: We sought a national exchange deal from all factions and members of our people
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas):
Israeli Channel: Families of prisoners received names of 33 detainees to return in the deal
Channel 12 stated that the families of Israeli prisoners received a list of names of 33 detainees in Gaza, "who will return as part of the first phase of the deal."
For its part, Channel 12 reported that the release of the first Israeli detainees in Gaza will begin at four o'clock next Sunday..