Legal Experts: Israel Lost Immunity to International Law Featured

By Gamal Khattab January 29, 2024 444

Israel's Actions under Scrutiny by ICJ

Wow, big news! The International Court of Justice recently made a decision about the war in the Gaza Strip, and legal experts and political analysts have a lot to say about it. They believe that this decision has put Israel in the spotlight and that it's important for the international community to take action to pressure Israel to stop the war.

The Court's Decision

Last Friday, the International Court of Justice accepted a lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel. The lawsuit accused Israel of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. The court ordered Israel to take steps to prevent incitement to genocide and emphasized that its ruling means Israel has international legal obligations.

Expert Opinion

Dr. Saad Jabbar, a lawyer and international law expert, called this decision a "real and historic gain." He explained that it's the first time Israel has been held accountable in court. He also noted that the decision was almost unanimous among the judges, which is a big deal.

Dr. Jabbar also mentioned that the court didn't declare a ceasefire in Gaza because that's the responsibility of the UN Security Council or major powers. He compared it to what happened in Kosovo, where NATO intervened and pressured the Serbs to stop the war.

Israel under Scrutiny

Dr. Jabbar believes that Israel won't comply with the court's demands, but the decision has put Israel under close observation. He thinks it's crucial for the international community to unite politically and diplomatically to pressure the United States to put pressure on Israel or stop supplying it with weapons. This would force Israel to stop the war in Gaza.

Israel Loses Immunity

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, emphasized the significance of the court's decision. He said that for the first time in 75 years, Israel has lost its immunity before international law. This immunity was granted to Israel by the United States and other Western countries.

The court also exposed Israeli crimes and explicitly acknowledged that Israel committed them against the Palestinians. It demanded that Israel refrain from actions that could lead to genocide, prevent incitement to genocide, and provide aid to the people of Gaza. Dr. Barghouti believes that this decision will lead to even more positive outcomes in the future.

Going to the Security Council

Dr. Barghouti highlighted the importance of the Algerian decision to go to the UN Security Council. He explained that the court's decisions won't be implemented unless the Security Council issues a decision that obligates Israel to immediately cease fire.

Israeli Narrative Undermined

Dr. Muhannad Mustafa, an expert on Israeli affairs, believes that the court's decision has undermined Israel's narrative about the war in Gaza. Israel claims that it is exercising its right to self-defense, but the court stated that Israel has gone beyond the idea of self-defense.

Israel also tried to connect its war on Gaza with the Jewish catastrophe, but the court rejected this narrative. This has caused a lot of anger in Israel.

Source: Agencies