Biden doesn't treat Muslims and Arabs as humans: Researchers Featured

By Gamal Khattab October 29, 2023 3674


According to two American researchers, President Joe Biden's response to the tragic violence in Gaza shows a lack of regard for the lives of Arabs and Muslims. They argue that his actions indicate a failure to recognize them as human beings.

The Tragedy in Gaza

Sadaf Jaafar, a researcher at Princeton University, and Freshta Tayyab, a member of the American-Afghan Foundation, expressed their concerns in an article on "The Hill" website. They questioned why Biden does not treat Arabs and Muslims equally and why he allows the suffering of innocent children in Palestine to continue.

Indifference and Suffering

The researchers find it difficult to express their sadness and pain when they witness the extent of the tragedies in Gaza and the lack of action from the Biden administration. They highlight the fact that the United States has initiated wars in Muslim-majority countries in the past, causing immense civilian casualties and destruction.

Racist Logic

They also point out that Biden's current policy towards the Palestinians is not the first time he has shown disregard for the lives of Muslims. They mention the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as another example. The researchers argue that these actions reflect a racist logic.

Disappointment and Call for Change

Muslims in the United States had hoped for fair treatment from Biden during his election campaign. However, they were disappointed by his actions. The researchers urge the Biden administration to regain the trust of Muslims, correct their course, and treat Muslims around the world as human beings with equal rights.

Source: The Hill
