Kuwait in a Week


Al-Mujtama Chief Editor Participates in Istanbul AI Conference

 AI Conference and its Role in Investment and Development kicked off in Istanbul, with a remarkable presence of official figures and representatives of civil society organizations and the private sector, in addition to the participation of delegations from more than 30 countries.

The conference focused on the importance of AI in various fields, such as training, education, and strategic analysis, which was confirmed by the conference chairman, Dr. Hamad Al-Marri, in the opening session.

Dr. Younis Khataybeh, Chairman of the Arab Trainers Union, highlighted the importance of the conference in keeping pace with rapid technological developments and their impact on business environments, extending his thanks to those in charge of organizing the conference.

Dr. Nader Ghazal, an expert in AI, reviewed the differences between artificial and human intelligence and the future of this technology.

At the end of the opening session, Major General Fahd bin Mubarak Al-Jabareen, Chairman of the Jowan bin Jassim Academy, was honored as the conference's guest of honor. The first and second sessions of the conference witnessed discussions on future professions and sciences and the role of artificial intelligence in institutional development, amid great interaction from the attendees.

Al-Mujtama Participation

One of the most prominent segments of the conference was a worksheet presented by Dr. Salem Hamad Al-Qahtani, Editor-in-Chief of the Kuwaiti magazine "Al-Mujtama", which discussed the role of artificial intelligence in improving and analyzing data and media content.

Al-Qahtani reviewed the experience of "Al-Mujtama" magazine in using artificial intelligence to improve interaction with content and media archives, pointing out the practical benefits of this technology in producing automated content, editing video and audio, and smart archiving.

Dr. Al-Qahtani explained how artificial intelligence could revolutionize how media archives are managed, from the textual classification of content to developing video and image archiving in the coming stages. This development will contribute to improving search and retrieving information quickly and accurately.

Dr. Al-Qahtani concluded his presentation by emphasizing the benefits of using artificial intelligence in the media, such as developing advanced search tools, providing automatic statistics, and improving the user experience through immediate interaction with the audience. He also pointed out the importance of prediction and scheduling in identifying the topics that most attract the audience and scheduling their publication according to the optimal times to achieve the greatest possible interaction.

KRCS first aid plane departs for Sudan

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) announced on Wednesday the departure of the first aid plane as part of Kuwait’s humanitarian air bridge. The aircraft, equipped by the KRCS, is loaded with 10 tons of aid materials, including protective equipment and tents to support and provide relief to the Sudanese people who were displaced by the ongoing conflicts, heavy rain, and floods. KRCS Deputy Chairman, Anwar Al-Hasawi told KUNA that this flight marks the continuation of Kuwait’s relief efforts aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Sudanese people.

He added that the preparations and dispatch of this aid were part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” campaign, in line with the directives of the Amir His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, which underscores Kuwait’s commitment to humanitarian work. Al-Hasawi emphasized that Sudan is currently experiencing heavy rains that have flooded entire villages and caused the collapse of dozens of houses, stressing the importance of supporting the Sudanese people during these challenging times. — KUNA

Kuwait... Major Changes in the Tax System
Kuwait, which has long been considered economically lagging behind other wealthy Gulf countries, is implementing radical reforms in its tax system to meet global standards and reduce its reliance on oil revenues. These reforms include several key measures:
1- 15% Corporate Profit Tax:
Kuwait plans to implement a new tax on corporate profits at a rate of 15%, which will apply to all companies, in a significant political shift towards a fairer tax system where companies contribute more to national revenues.
2- Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty with the UAE:
In preparation for these changes, Kuwait signed its first Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty with the UAE, aimed at enhancing tax transparency and reducing repeated taxes between the two countries, thus improving the investment climate.
3- New Taxes to Combat Tax Evasion:
The new reforms also include laws regulating the exchange of information between Kuwaiti tax authorities and their international counterparts, aiming to combat tax evasion and enhance tax justice, with fines of up to 20,000 Kuwaiti dinars (about 60,000 dollars) imposed on financial institutions that do not comply with these laws.
4- Cooperation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD):
Kuwait has joined international efforts to combat tax evasion under the "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting" initiative, which includes over 140 countries, and has committed to implementing the global standard for automatic exchange of information, thereby enhancing its position in the international tax compliance ranking.
5- Excise Tax:
Kuwait is expected to impose an excise tax on some goods considered harmful to health or the environment, such as tobacco and soft drinks, as part of a strategy to adopt a simpler and more health- and environmentally-oriented tax system.
6- Postponement of Value Added Tax (VAT) Implementation:
Although Kuwait is one of two Gulf countries that have not yet implemented a value-added tax, experts believe that this tax will not be implemented in the near future due to the need for significant investments in technological infrastructure and human resources.
Impact of these Changes on the Kuwaiti Economy
These reforms are part of a broader strategy aimed at achieving economic diversification away from oil, improving tax system efficiency, and increasing non-oil revenues. Through these steps, Kuwait seeks to improve the business environment and attract more foreign investments, while maintaining its financial balance and achieving sustainable development.

 Kuwaiti students urge international universities to pressure to halt Zionist occupation crimes
Kuwaiti student forces issued a press statement commemorating the 300th day of the "Flood of Al-Aqsa" battle, calling for the continuation of student activism worldwide against the crimes of the Zionist occupation. The statement reads as follows:
Since its establishment in the 1960s and across generations, the student movement, with its different orientations and diverse views, has been a faithful and proactive movement for all national and Arab and Islamic issues. Year after year of its sixty-year history since its official launch on December 24, 1964 in a statement issued in Cairo to establish the National Union of Kuwaiti Students, the movement finds young people carrying the banner in various issues, supporting the oppressed, defending rights, identity, and standing up against oppressors, with history and academic platforms testifying to it.
Therefore, student movements, as they revive the people of Palestine and its heroic and resilient population, especially in the face of their legendary resistance in the battle for liberation and struggle, the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle over 300 days against the Zionist machine of extermination and killing with the support of colonial powers, find themselves only in the field of participation and support, doing everything they can to stand with the truth and confront falsehood. The blood of our pure martyrs, the determination of our brave resistance fighters, the sacrifice of our free prisoners, and the embrace of the Palestinian people for all of this, inspire us - after the help and support of Allah - to continue the march and support the liberation project through our student arenas so that we and they are on a date soon where the sun of freedom and liberation will rise.

Therefore, we call for and demand the following:
First: the continuation of student activism in all universities around the world to stop this brutal extermination, free the prisoners, open crossings, rebuild, hold this criminal entity accountable for its crimes and terrorism. This activism has proven its effective impact on the awareness of youth and exposing the colonial and rapacious project on our occupied land in Palestine.

Second: The student movement's interaction with the daily events and tragedies that we see in Palestine in general and Gaza in particular, pouring down on this besieged and forsaken people. Especially, the brutal "Dawn Massacre" that occurred yesterday in the Al-Tabeen School in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the center of Gaza, where more than 100 martyrs and hundreds of wounded from the prayer prostrating reciters, whose pure blood mixed with Quran verses and prayer rugs far away. This interaction should lead to more initiatives, activities, and expressions of solidarity and support for the Palestinian right to resistance and freedom.

Third: The boycott of Arab, Islamic, and international universities of all forms of cooperation or recognition of the criminal Zionist entity, and that "academic normalization" projects do not pass between the beacons of knowledge and the corridors of our universities, faculties, and institutes.

Fourth: Considering and adopting the commemoration of October 7, 2023 as a global day for the peoples' activism, especially students and faculty members in universities and colleges, to renew the covenant and loyalty to the martyrs' blood and the struggle of the Palestinian people, and to keep the liberation of Palestine and the support for its legitimate resistance at the top of the priorities of public issues.

Long live the Kuwaiti student movement, and may Allah have mercy on our righteous martyrs, and glory to the brave resistance and victory to Palestine and Gaza, as we stand with them on the path of liberation, with the permission of Allah.

Former Kuwaiti PMs condemn Gaza massacres, urge international and Arab action
A number of former deputies in Kuwait expressed their strong condemnation for the massacres committed by the Zionist entity against innocent civilians in Gaza, affirming that these crimes represent a betrayal by the international and Arab community and a suspicious silence from those who claim to defend human rights. They called for taking a firm stance to protect the oppressed and hold the perpetrators of these atrocities accountable, emphasizing the importance of supporting the people of Gaza in the face of the heinous aggression.

Former Deputy Osama Al-Shahin said: "Silence on the daily massacres and contentment with cold condemnation without taking any action is a warning of punishment that includes both conspirators and bystanders alike. We are all called upon, each according to their abilities, to make efforts to protect the victims and the targeted. The more responsibility one has, the more they are held accountable for their actions."
In a related context, former deputy Mohamed Aldalal said: "The Zionists are a gang of cold-blooded murderers, who killed innocent civilians, including children, women, and men from the people of Gaza, with missiles and weapons provided to them by some Western countries. We are facing war criminals and bloodshed supported by accomplices. O Allah, the Zionists and those who support them are tyrants and corrupt, so take them with a strong and powerful grip."

Former deputy Adel Aldamkhi said: "The massacre of dawn is a painful testimony to the Islamic and Arab abandonment, and it bears witness to the genocide taking place in Gaza in silence by those who claim to defend human rights and freedoms. This massacre is a disgrace on the forehead of the hypocritical world, drowning in injustice and killing without restraint or accountability. O Allah, grant the people of Gaza patience, strengthen their feet, and support them against the disbelievers, pointing out that the international and Arab silence towards what is happening in Gaza is a betrayal of human values and justice, and we all must stand with our people in Gaza, supporting their cause and defending their right to live with dignity and security."

Former deputy Mohammed Haif Almutairi said: "I ask Allah for the martyrs to receive martyrdom and for all the people of Gaza to have patience and be comforted. The horrific scenes and continuous massacres against the people of Gaza will, by the permission of Allah, increase their strength and resilience, and raise their status as they continue their ongoing struggle against the Jews. This adds to the responsibility on the leaders of the nation, represented by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Can 57 Muslim countries not support the oppressed on the ground, including Muslims, especially in the case of Palestine, particularly Gaza, which the Zionists are trying to erase from the map with their successive massacres? But O people of Gaza, if Allah helps you, then there is no victor for you, and they plan and Allah plans, and Allah is the best of planners. I ask Allah for you near relief and great victory."

Former deputy Fahad Almasoud said: "Doesn't the international community feel ashamed and move to stop the massacres of the Zionist occupation?! The latest of these atrocities was the horrendous massacre committed by the occupation forces against the Taba'in school in the Daraja neighborhood in Gaza, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians, including women, children, the elderly, and men, amidst an eerie international silence towards these crimes. O Allah, support our brothers in Palestine and Gaza against their enemies and grant them patience and steadfastness. Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs."

Former deputy Khalid Alomaira said: "The schools housing displaced persons in Gaza were bombed, resulting in the deaths of more than 100 people and dozens wounded. These increasing brutal attacks by the Zionist entity deepen the suffering of innocent civilians, amidst a global silence that raises suspicion and a lack of accountability. Allah is the only helper, and we rely on Allah, the best protector. O Allah, protect them with Your protection."

Former deputy Mohammed Alhuwailah said: "With deep sorrow and sadness, we stand before the heinous massacre committed by the Zionists against the innocent people while they were performing the Fajr prayer. This atrocious crime represents a blatant violation of all human values and international laws. We pray to Allah to accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, and grant their families patience and solace."

He continued: "The massacre of dawn is a testimony to the abandonment of the international community and its suspicious silence in the face of this genocide, in a hypocritical world drowning in injustice and corruption. What is happening in Gaza is not just an attack but a blatant challenge to all principles of justice and human rights."
He added: "O Allah, grant the people of Gaza patience, strengthen their resolve, and grant them victory over the disbelievers. What is happening to our people in Gaza requires all of us to stand united in confronting this injustice, calling for justice to be served, and holding accountable the perpetrators of these heinous crimes."

International Islamic Charitable Organization provides school uniforms for 420 orphans in Uganda
The International Islamic Charitable Organization distributed school uniforms to orphaned and impoverished students who are under its care at the Al-Hayb Social Welfare Center in the Republic of Uganda.
In a press statement, the Deputy Director-General for Institutional Communication at the International Islamic Charitable Organization, Ibrahim Khalid Al-Badr, said: "With the grace of the Almighty, school uniforms were distributed to orphans at the Al-Hayb Social Welfare Center affiliated with the charity in Uganda, benefiting 340 orphans and 80 other students from poor families, as well as children of teachers and workers in the community surrounding the center."
He added: "The distribution included complete school uniforms, full sports uniforms, winter jackets, and shoes, as these items contribute to providing a suitable educational environment, at a total cost of $21,000."
He pointed out that the charitable organization always seeks to empower orphans educationally and morally in an exceptional educational environment, enabling them to make a positive impact in their community, within the comprehensive care provided to orphans, including educational, social, cultural, and health care, confirming that this is part of our continued commitment to supporting education and providing essential needs for children, within the framework of our strategic goals to provide educational and rehabilitative opportunities to achieve qualitative outcomes.
Al-Badr highlighted the charitable organization's keenness to implement the project at the Al-Hayb Social Welfare Center, which is one of the key centers affiliated with the organization in Uganda, playing a vital role in providing comprehensive care for orphaned and impoverished children, including education, healthcare, and psychological support.
He reminded that the International Islamic Charitable Organization continues its serious work to meet the needs of the vulnerable and needy groups, including orphans, through various projects aimed at improving their quality of life and providing exceptional educational opportunities, believing that supporting education is one of the key factors for achieving sustainable development and building a better future.
Al-Badr expressed deep gratitude to the generous donors, institutions, and individuals, affirming that their efforts greatly contribute to changing the lives of many beneficiaries, especially orphans, enabling them to continue their education in better conditions.


Last modified on Thursday, 15 August 2024 06:03
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