4 Reasons to Increase Your Worship in Sha'ban


A Muslim experiences different times in life that require serious reflection to take advantage of their blessings. Among these are the seasons of worship that come upon us, awaiting those who know how to make the best of them by drawing closer to Allah and earning His pleasure. Worship is the means through which the soul is disciplined, refined, and elevated above whims, desires, and doubts.

When speaking of preparation and training, there is no better time than the month of Sha'ban to train properly and prepare to win the rewards of the greatest of months—Ramadan. Whoever neglects Sha'ban may miss out on much during Ramadan due to lacking the spiritual readiness to receive this blessed month.

Every action a person goes through in life requires preparation, especially matters related to their worldly affairs. So how much more important is it to prepare for the matters of the Hereafter, which are far more significant? There are always motivators in life that drive us to perform certain tasks and take the initiative. Among these are the reasons that should urge us to make the most of Sha'ban by increasing our acts of worship and devotion:

  1. The Raising of Deeds to Allah:

Allah has made Sha'ban the month in which all deeds for the entire past year are presented to Him. As mentioned in the hadith, “…It is a month in which the deeds are taken up to the Lord of the worlds, and I like that my deeds be taken up when I am fasting.” Thus, Sha'ban serves as the closing season for your annual record of deeds. Imagine the angels ascending with the harvest of an entire year of your work to present it to the Lord of the Worlds.

  1. Reviving the Neglected Seasons:

The Prophet ﷺ explained the reason for fasting more in Sha'ban than in other months, highlighting the extent of heedlessness that occurs in this month. Usama ibn Zaid reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, “That is a month to which people do not pay much attention, between Rajab and Ramadan.” People revere Ramadan for its rewards and virtues and honor Rajab due to its sacredness, but the Prophet ﷺ wanted to clarify the value of Sha'ban so people would not neglect it.

If we reflect, we will notice that most people use Sha'ban to rush and complete their worldly tasks in preparation for Ramadan, aiming to dedicate themselves fully to worship during it. This often transforms Sha'ban into a worldly-focused month, creating the intended heedlessness.

  1. Purity of the Heart:

During this month, there is a great night where Allah looks upon His servants and blesses them with His forgiveness, and His mercy descends upon them. Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said, “God most high looks down on the middle night of Sha'ban and forgives all His creatures, except a polytheist or one who is hostile.” Is there any sane person who would pass up this immense reward available in Sha'ban?

  1. Preparation for Ramadan:

As is well-known, Sha'ban is a month of spiritual and moral preparation, a divine training period. Believers must be fully prepared and ready to preform worships to the best of their abilities during Ramadan. Therefore, one must make the necessary preparations in Sha'ban, such as reading, learning, and devising plans and arrangements to make the most of Ramadan. This enables one to reap the fruits of the seeds sown in Rajab, watered in Sha'ban, and harvested during Ramadan, achieving the desired reward by the end of the blessed month.



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