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Jews: The Beginning and End (11) The Talmud's View of Christ and His Followers

By Sheikh Khaled Al-Abdullah September 07, 2024 685

Impartiality and Fairness

The observer of contemporary Christianity sees it as confused and unjust, aligning strongly with hateful Judaism and considering it a close friend, while fighting against the tolerant Islamic faith and deeming it a fierce enemy. However, Islamic Sharia has been fair to Jesus and his mother, decreeing their purity and sanctity, and has commanded respect, kindness, and the preservation of rights for Christians.

On the other hand, the teachings of Judaism, as documented in the Talmud, severely and openly insult Jesus and his mother, the churches, their monks and bishops, and Christianity and Christians as a whole. So when will Christians treat us fairly?

A detailed look at what the Talmud records about them, and what Father Pranaitis exposed in his famous book “The Talmud Unmasked,” reveals things that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no Christian heart has imagined about the hateful Talmudic Judaism's condemnation of Christianity and its followers, and anything related to it.


The Jews have gone to extremes in condemning Jesus, calling him a bastard and claiming he was an illegitimate son!

 In this regard, the Talmudic writers say, “Jesus the Nazarene is in the depths of hell between pitch and fire, and his mother Mary brought him through sin from the soldier 'Pandara.' The Christian churches are akin to filth, and their preachers are like barking dogs. Killing a Christian is a commandment, and a covenant with a Christian is not a binding covenant for a Jew. A Jew must curse Christian leaders three times, and all the kings who pretend to be hostile to the Israelites.” (1)

The Talmud, the second book of the Jews after the Torah, contains dangerous teachings that they consider sacred explanations or interpretations of the Torah. The Talmud has been printed in more than 36 volumes in multiple languages, and its initial purpose was to condemn Jesus, son of Mariam, and his mother, and to mock his religion and gospel out of hatred so that Jews would not abandon their religion and convert to the religion of Jesus (peace be upon him). (2)

From here, the Jews have exaggerated in condemning Jesus and anything related to him, calling him “mamzer,” meaning bastard, and claiming he was an illegitimate child born to his mother while she was menstruating. They then described his virgin mother as a prostitute, and the Bible as a document of lies and deceit, and that its teachings are fabrications and heresies that cannot be comprehended. They claimed his miraculous works were acts of magic and witchcraft learned in Egypt, that he was insane, a sorcerer, and a deceiver. They also claimed he was crucified and then buried in hell, and his followers since then have set him up as an idol to worship and a god to glorify. (3)


They view Christianity as a heathen religion, because Christians set the Christ as an idol to worship.

Far be it from the Prophet of Allah, His Word, His servant, and His Messenger to be as these liars claim.


Judaism’s View of Christianity

Through Talmudic eyes, the Jews view Christianity as a pagan religion because they took Jesus as an idol. Therefore, they see all Christian rituals as pagan as well. Their priests are called Baal priests, their churches are houses of lies and paganism, and everything within these churches, including communion cups, statues, and books, exists as food for idols. Both their private and public prayers are considered sinful and hostile to the Lord, and their religious holidays are called the days of the devil. (4)


Judaism’s View of Christians

They view Christians as beasts in human form, not deserving to be called humans. They believe Christians should be referred to as animals (cows, donkeys, pigs, dogs), and even worse than dogs. They reproduce worse than animals, with their origins being demonic and bestial, and their souls are born from the devil and return to the devil in hell after death. They claim there is no difference between the corpse of a dead Christian and that of an animal. (5)


Obligations of Jews Towards Christians

A Jew must not greet a Christian, nor respond to their greeting, nor appear before a Christian judge. A Christian cannot be accepted as a witness (in court), and a Jew must not eat Christian food. They should avoid Christians because they are evil, and should not employ them as wet nurses, teachers, doctors, barbers, or midwives, as they are unclean and pagan. Jews should avoid dealing with Christians and not use anything related to the Christian religion. (6)


Jewish Hostility Towards Christians

Father Pranaitis’s “The Talmud Unmasked,” reveals that Jews say Christians should be exterminated and harmed, and they should be killed without mercy because they are tyrants. A Jew who kills a Christian commits no sin but offers a pleasing sacrifice to Allah. The only necessary sacrifice after the destruction of the temple is the extermination of Christians, and those who kill Christians will occupy a high place in heaven, starting with killing the princes (Vatican rulers), as Jews detest the empire with Rome as its capital.


Christians in the eyes of Jews are beasts in human form who do not deserve to be called human!

Jews are forbidden from giving gifts to Christians, selling land to them, or teaching them commerce. They must harm their businesses, and any lost property belonging to Christians should not be returned to them. Jews can trick them, and pretend to be Christian just to deceive Christians and have the right to lie and swear false oaths to convict a Christian. A Jew should always try to deceive Christians and harm them in essential life matters. They should refrain from helping a sick Christian, assisting a Christian woman in labor, or aiding a Christian facing death. They must avoid benefiting them and never praise them. (7)


When will Christian Wake up!

And yet, after all that has been written in this article and the previous one about the Jews' stance on Christ, Christianity, and Christians, and the intense hatred and hostility Jews have harbored against them since the birth of Christ, his youth, prophethood, mission, and the distortion of his law.

We conclude by reaffirming what we began with: the contemporary Christianity’s confusion and injustice in its allegiance to hateful Judaism, despite everything Jews did to Christ and the enmity they harbored towards Christianity. At the same time, contemporary Christianity continues to oppose the tolerant Islamic Sharia and its followers, despite the justice and honor it has accorded to Jesus and his mother. This fairness caused the Negus, the Christian king of Abyssinia, to weep when he heard the Quran's ayahs about Jesus and his mother, acknowledging them as truthful and honest.


Our Sharia’s fairness to Jesus, his mother, and all Christians in all times and places.

If our Sharia has been just to Jesus and his mother, peace be upon them, we affirm its fairness to all Christians in every era and region. Allah Almighty says, “Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 8) The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever harms a dhimmi has harmed me, and whoever harms me, he has offended Allah.” (8) In Sunan Abu Dawood that God’s Messenger said, “If anyone wrongs a man with whom a covenant has been made, or curtails any right of his, or imposes on him more than he can bear, or takes anything from him without his ready agreement, I shall be his adversary on the day of resurrection.” (9)

 So when will Christians wake up!



(1) The Battle of Existence, Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Fathallah.

(2) “Articles on Christianity and Christians,” Prof. Dr. Omar Abdul Aziz Qureshi.

(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Excerpted and summarized from “The Talmud Unmasked,” by Rev. I. B. Pranaitis

(8) Reported by al-Tabarani in “al-Awsat” with a good chain of narration.

(9) Sahih Sunan Abu Dawood.

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Last modified on Saturday, 07 September 2024 16:32