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Jews: The Beginning and the End (3) The beginning is here Featured

By Khalid Al-Abdullah August 10, 2024 3022

Everything in this universe has an origin from which it begins—except for Allah, the First, for there was nothing before Him. This beginning represents the foundation and source from which something grows and branches out, often carrying many of the traits and characteristics of its origin. Hence, the common saying goes: "Look at the origin."


The Origin of the Jews

The Jews descend from the lineage of the Children of Israel, who are the sons of Jacob (peace be upon him), including Joseph (peace be upon him) and his other brothers.


Are Jacob's Children the Twelve Tribes?

In the language, the term "tribe" refers to something that spreads out and branches from the origin. It can refer to the descendants and those below them, but not to the children directly. According to al-Baghawi: "A tribe (sibt) of a man is his grandson." Thus, it is said of Hasan and Husayn: "The grandsons of the Messenger of Allah."


Despite the Noble Lineage of the Children of Israel and Their Descent from the Prophets, Their Traits Were Deceit, Envy, and Treachery

The tribes are, therefore, not Jacob's direct children but his descendants from his sons. The tribes in the Children of Israel are like the tribes and families among the Arabs, as mentioned in the Quran: "And We divided them into twelve descendant tribes [as distinct] nations." (Surah Al-A'raf: 160). This means that Allah divided the Children of Israel into twelve nations, and that is why He caused twelve springs to gush from the rock for them, corresponding to their tribes and nations (1).


Were All of Jacob’s Children Prophets?

It is likely that the descendants of Jacob include the prophets Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (peace be upon them), but not all of them were prophets. Only Joseph (peace be upon him) is universally agreed upon as a prophet. There are claims that all of them were prophets, but this assertion lacks evidence, especially since their traits and behavior—such as deceit and lying to their father—do not align with the noble traits of prophets. Dr. Salah Al-Khalidi states: "Even though they are related to Jacob and Abraham, their inheritance of the prophethood and faith does not apply; the Quran differentiates between lineage and the inheritance of religion, faith, and creed." (2)


The Nature of the Children of Israel’s Lives under Their Father’s Presence

Prophet Jacob was born and raised in Palestine, where he married and had all his children. He lived with his family in the area of "Bedouin," which the Quran confirms.

The area of Bedouin is located in southern Palestine, now known as the "Negeb," south and east of Be’ersheba. (3)


The Saga of Hatred and Envy Among the Jews Began with Their Early Ancestors, Who Envyed Each Other

Jacob (peace be upon him) was a noble prophet and a preacher of Islam, and he lived by his own divine law along with his family and people. This was clearly demonstrated in his will to his children when he said: "Indeed, Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 132). He was keen that his children adhere to Islam, and when he was on his deathbed, he wanted to ensure and confirm their beliefs after him. He gathered them and asked: "“What will you worship after me?” They said, “We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac – one God. And we are Muslims [in submission] to Him." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 133).


Jacob’s Children: Noble Origins but Corrupt Descendants

Despite the noble origin of the Children of Israel and their descent from prophets, and despite Jacob’s efforts to ensure they followed Islamic teachings, their traits were characterized by malice, deceit, and treachery. As the proverb says: "If the nature is evil, no amount of education will help."

Although Prophet Jacob tried to reform his children’s behavior, knowing that some of them had wicked traits and sinful inclinations, God's wisdom decreed that both the good and the bad would be part of his lineage, with the bad outweighing the good.

We should understand that guidance, faith, and noble character are not inherited like lineage but are essentially divine selection and blessing from Allah. Allah grants provision to whom He wills and decides. If it were inherited like lineage, Noah would have passed it to his son and beloved offspring.


The Beginning of the Hatred of the Children of Israel

The cycle of hatred and envy among the Jews began with their early ancestors, who envied each other. This is evident in the story of Joseph in the Quran, where jealousy and malice were clearly displayed. They accused their noble father of error and injustice, and then plotted deceitfully against him and their younger brother, Joseph. They schemed to kill him and dispose of him, showing a malicious and deceitful attitude without regard for the feelings of this innocent child.


The Quran, History, and Reality Have Exposed the Hatred and Envy in the Hearts of the Jews Towards Believers

They allowed their wicked selves to throw their brother into a pit along the trade route between Egypt and Sham, hoping for his death or, at the very least, his exile far from Palestine.

Dr. Al-Khalidi says: "The attitude of these ancestors towards their brother represents the beginning of the specific human model of hatred. If the ancestors were so hateful and scheming towards their brother, how might their descendants display enmity and deceit towards others?" (4)

The hatred of the ancestors was inherited by their descendants, as if this black hatred and hidden malice were "genetic traits" passed from parents to the depths of the children's souls.

If we look at how they envied our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for his prophethood, after knowing that the final prophet was not from their lineage, and how they plotted to kill and eliminate him—by poisoning him, throwing a large rock at him while he was safely negotiating with them, and other attempts to fight and combat him—then we would see how they wished for Muslims to abandon their faith and the Sunnah of their Prophet. “Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves” (Al-Baqarah:109).

If we reflect on how they responded to the kindness of Muslims with treachery, such as their betrayal in Andalusia and their conspiracy against the Ottoman Caliphate, we would understand the deep-seated hatred and envy in their hearts. (5)

The Quran, history, and reality have exposed the hatred and envy of the Jews towards the believers. The Quran vehemently denies this envy: "Or have they a share of dominion? Then [if that were so], they would not give the people [even as much as] the speck on a date seed. Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty?" (Surah An-Nisa).

Their hearts are filled with further malice, hatred, and envy unless we return to the Book of our Lord, adhere to the Sunnah of our Prophet, and understand history and reality well.


(1) Islam Online, article titled "The Truth About the Tribes."

(2) The Jewish Personality, Dr. Salah al-Khalidi.

(3) Quranic Stories, Dr. Salah al-Khalidi.

(4) The same reference as above.

(5) The Battle of Existence Between the Quran and the Talmud, Abdul Sattar Fattouh, with modifications.

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Last modified on Sunday, 11 August 2024 18:38