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Caliphate is The Willfully Defamed Milestone of Islam!

By Dr. Gamal Abdel Sattar March 14, 2024 2993

The Caliphate, that pure Islamic landmark never claimed by any nation in history, wasn't an exclusive imitation of Western or Eastern civilizations. Instead, it was a Quranic guidance, a prophetic direction, and an Islamic way of life that the nation lived through for centuries. It earned leadership and attained the highest positions of empowerment and influence.

It is that encompassing umbrella that contributed to protecting the Ummah's unity, its resources, its sanctities, and rallying around its identity.

The Caliphate, that Islamic tradition, safeguarded the Ummah with strong pillars, dominated by the Sharia, under the guidance of the Quranic teachings.

It is the Islamic system that has tarnished more than any other and lost its features amidst poor implementation, the tyranny of despotism at times, misunderstanding, and the conspiracies of haters across ages. The sincere generations of Islam, at times, failed to defend it or develop it to cope with different eras and times.

 The Caliphate is the comprehensive shelter that contributed to preserving the Ummah's unity and protecting its resources

The Caliphate, that system, fell victim to the forces of disbelief and international tyranny, tarnishing its image, distorting its concept, and crafting models falsely attributed to Islamic law.

Regrettably, they managed to build a thick barrier between Muslims and the idea of the Caliphate through those distorted models manufactured by the global intelligence agencies. This has led writers, scholars, and leaders to think about it thousands of times before writing about it, giving lectures on its significance, or even mentioning its virtues.

The concept of the Caliphate suffered injustice at the hands of its own people when they neglected it, allowed anyone and everyone to be affiliated with it, and failed to strive for its establishment. They did not put forth efforts to reclaim it or shape appropriate visions to develop it, aligned with the time and the principles of Islamic Sharia.

The Ummah was wronged by being deprived of its political umbrella and the unity and justice it provides under the guidance of its Lord's law. It was deprived of a unifying force, protecting its sanctities and preserving its constants.

Today, a hundred years after the downfall of the Caliphate, we look at the state of the Ummah with sorrow and regret after that disastrous fall. It scattered, quarreled, clashed, and plotted against itself, with some parts lured over others. It became vulnerable in the eyes of its enemies, and the lands of the Muslims and their wealth were left exposed to anyone and everyone.

 Since the downfall of the Caliphate until our present day, we see Muslims only in a state of delay and decline in all aspects of life


 Delay and Decline

Since the overthrow of the Caliphate until our present day, Muslims are seen as nothing but lagging and declining in all aspects of life. They find themselves at the tail end of nations, played with by the disbelieving countries as a child plays with a ball, or rather, even worse. Their unity was shattered, their cohesion dispersed, and the nations conspired against them as prey gathered around their food.

The sacred Jerusalem was taken from them by the Jews, and the “Israeli” state was established in the heart of the Islamic Ummah, on the ruins of the Muslim state of Palestine, gaining supremacy and prestige in the Islamic region.

The international Crusader system now dominates our lands and people, controlling our economy, politics, culture, and thoughts. Gaza was besieged, and its neighboring countries were the first to besiege it. Monuments of nations were destroyed, identities distorted, and wealth looted in Iraq, Egypt, the Levant, Sudan, Yemen, etc. The Islamic world is in a deep coma, and every day we hear Muslims calling for help, yet there is no response. Our speech is feeble, our honor is unprotected, and we can only wait for our turn, unsure of what the enemies will do to us.

As for our enemies, they have united their ranks, prepared their strength, collaborated to humiliate us, crush our pride, exploit our resources, besiege our religion, and dilute the bonds of Islam that connect us. They revive nationalism and tribalism to eliminate any hope of our unity.

Evil has become widespread, filling every corner. The voice of truth has become faint, the light of faith in hearts has dimmed, and Islam, the complete divine system of life, is being chased by ignorant ruling systems claiming the name of Islam, while unfortunately, it doesn’t even govern the lands of Muslims!

 The Ummah is in need of the Islamic governance represented by “Islamic unity” to survive these calamities

Then what is the solution? The Ummah has tried various systems, including socialist, capitalist, democratic, and others. It has formed in vain alliances with the powerful, aligning with Russia, the United States, Britain, and even among themselves without adhering to Islam, resulting only in division and discord.

Hence, it is obvious to anyone that the only salvation for the Ummah lies in Islam: in creed, in Sharia, and in method.

Islam involves returning to the Quran to govern both the lands and the people and adhering to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) to follow his path and imitate his example. Islam does not allow rulers to control people's livelihoods based on whims, judgments based on mere suspicion, or punishment based on speculations.


Islamic Governance System

The Ummah is in dire need of an Islamic governance system embodied in “Islamic unity” to survive the calamities surrounding it from all sides. Therefore, we must repel against our enemies, as Allah says, “And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Al-Hajj: 40).

We must write about the Caliphate to remind the generations of its concept, virtues, and significance, as well as the Ummah's need for it.

Let us write about its glorious history and debunk the lies and misconceptions raised by our own people, as well as by those who harbor animosity towards Islam among disbelievers, hypocrites, and those driven by personal interests and desires.

Let us restore the Caliphate in the minds of our generations, spreading its great value among the scholars, preachers, and influential thinkers of our Ummah.

Let us write about it now, especially in this era of defeat, dispersion, and loss. Our efforts in this regard should mark the beginning of a campaign defending against falsehood, its methodologies, disbelief, and philosophies that have only led the Ummah to further fragmentation, loss, and weakness.

In our current circumstances, we need someone to give us hope and insight. So why not dispel despair and frustration from our Ummah and instill in it confidence in our generous Lord, a great future, empowerment, and prosperity?

 Let us restore the Islamic Caliphate in the minds of our generations and spread its value among our Ummah’s scholars and preachers

As Sheikh Muhammed Al-Ghazali criticized, if China, with its ordinary reality, can unite eight hundred million people into a single state (now over a billion and four hundred million), why would the Islamic presence be an unlikely fantasy? Even a union of states or a coalition of neighboring countries!

Certainly, we have reached this deteriorating situation only when we deviated from the path of Allah in all aspects of our lives.

If we want to reclaim our status among nations, there is no path other than that of Islamic unity, which is not impossible in our present time; it is possible, and it must happen, especially in an era where nations are forming alliances and unifying.

We are a nation with a history, and the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger are still among us, and they are sufficient to save us and, indeed, to save the entire world from a dark fate if Allah wills.

Western civilization is on its way to bankruptcy. Let us shake off the dust that had been piling up for centuries from ourselves and purify it from impurities. There is no way forward for us—both in this world and the Hereafter—except through our religion, with an Islamic governance system that guides us and the whole world towards righteousness and enlightenment, and let us be cautious of hindrances.



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Last modified on Thursday, 14 March 2024 10:59