Achieving victory over the enemy requires advancing on two fronts simultaneously. The first front is your internal front, where you should strive to achieve the goals of spiritual, belief, and material strength. As stated in the Quran, “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power.” (Al-Anfal: 60). Following the words of the martyred Imam Hassan al-Banna, “The first level of strength is the strength of belief and faith. After that comes the strength of unity and cohesion. Then, the strength of the arm and weaponry. A group cannot be described as strong unless it possesses all these meanings collectively. If a group utilizes the strength of the arm while being fragmented, disorderly, or weak in belief, it will face destruction and perish.” (Fifth Conference Message).
The second front involves weakening your enemy through any means possible. Both of these fronts should be the focus of the Islamic movement in Palestine.
Jihad in Palestine is an unquestionable obligation. If we understand jihad in its broad sense, which is exerting effort for the sake of Allah, and recognize that armed struggle (jihad) requires prior preparation, then it should follow the following path:
Firstly, instilling the Islamic spirit in the Palestinian people within the occupied territories. The Islamic movement has made significant progress in this regard. However, this effort must continue until the entire Palestinian population is inclined toward Islam. To achieve this, efforts should be made to educate people about their religion through mosques, gathering places, the press, dialogue, discussion, demonstrations, reviving Islamic events and weddings, promoting Islamic dress for women, spreading Islamic customs in schools and communities, combating immorality in all its forms, and adopting any means that can bring people closer to their religion.
Secondly, the proper upbringing and education of the Muslim individual by strengthening them intellectually, morally, and physically within an Islamic communal framework.
Individual development requires training in:
1- Fearing Allah, self-accountability, and controlling desires.
2- Enthusiasm of the heart.
3- Patience and perseverance.
4- Self and money sacrifice.
5- Obedience and organization.
6- Caution and vigilance.
7- Eliminating negative and disabling thoughts.
The collective formation of the mujahid (fighter) personality includes:
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1- Unity.
2- Strengthening the bonds.
3- Sincere loyalty to Allah and His Messenger.
4- Independence and distinction.
5- Upholding jihad values.
6- Organization.
7- Material preparation.
Jihad education is the type of education that transforms individuals, regardless of their specialization or profession, into fighters for the sake of Allah. Whether a scholar, doctor, writer, engineer, teacher, or any other profession, the distinctive feature and common factor among them all is jihad for the sake of Allah.
This kind of education necessitates giving greater attention to two fundamental aspects:
First: focusing on the soul by connecting it to Allah, longing for His meeting, and being willing to die in His path. Consequently, preserving the soul from anything that inclines it toward this life and its desires, even if it is permissible and good, results in a soul dedicated to jihad.
Second: focusing on the body, ensuring it is healthy and strong, and possessing all the capabilities and expertise for defense and attack. This is particularly important in an era with diverse experiences and sciences. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “He who learns the language of a people will be safe from their scheming.”
Third: engaging in armed action.
The importance of engaging in armed action lies in:
- Fulfilling the obligation of Allah the Almighty, as jihad continues till the Day of Judgment, neither annulled by the tyranny of a tyrannical ruler nor the justice of a just one. Currently, all Muslims who don’t participate in jihad in Palestine are considered sinful, except those who actively participate in this path with what they can. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the Cause of Allah or without having thought of doing so will die with one characteristic of hypocrisy in him.” (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawood)
- Keeping the Palestinian cause alive in the hearts of Muslims. The main goal of the Jews now is to impose acceptance of the status quo on Muslims. Many Arab countries and a significant portion of the Muslim population have yielded to this due to ignorance and despair.
- Armed jihad in Palestine sustains hope in the hearts of Muslims for the possibility of liberation. It conveys the message that Muslims will not settle, regardless of the strength of their enemies or the support they receive from the forces of evil and falsehood. The existence of a dedicated group of mujahideen in Palestine, despite all the Zionist oppression, is proof that the Muslim nation will not submit to this long-lasting injustice, for a powerful torrent often begins with just a few drops of rain.
- It is an essential aspect of Islamic education and upbringing. Without engaging in combat, this education remains theoretical. In reality, human affiliation with a group actively involved in armed jihad keeps them motivated and prepared to face death, knowing that their role is imminent and that they are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah. In doing so, they serve to purify the ranks from opportunists, exploiters, and the weak.
- The presence of a distinguished Islamic group practicing jihad sincerely and persistently will have a profound impact on awakening the spirit of Islam in the hearts of the Muslim nation, both in the occupied territories and throughout the Islamic world. In the example of Nur ad-Din Zengi, when he began his jihad activities in the Levant against the Crusaders, the people of Baghdad stood at the caliph's door, demanding the recruitment of armies to support Nur ad-Din, cheering in support, “For the sake of Islam and the religion of Muhammad.”
- The Islamic movement in the occupied territories plays a crucial role in the major liberation process when the Islamic army arrives after the establishment of the Islamic State. This role involves striking the Zionist forces from behind. Unless sufficient combat experience and practical jihad training are available over many years, supporting this army will be challenging. Emphasizing this importance reminds us that Turkey resisted English attempts to occupy the Levant for a long time. Still, when Faisal bin Hussein raised the people in the Levant, leading his army in guerrilla warfare behind the Turkish army, the Turkish army collapsed. Similarly, one of the main reasons for Germany's fall in World War II was the armed uprisings and guerrilla warfare conducted by the inhabitants of the occupied territories.
When reading this, some may find this proposal premature, thinking that the Islamic army cannot yet be seen on the horizon. I say: The Islamic territories are teeming with movement, and the birth of the Islamic army will not be far away, in Allah’s will. “And they say, 'When is that?' Say, 'Perhaps it will be soon.'” (Quran, Al-Israa: 8).
- The weak and depleted countries in the region are willing to enter into any deal with “Israel” to preserve themselves. In pursuing such deals, they do not hesitate to sell out Palestine for regional interests and to preserve its rule, as Sadat did in Camp David and as others intend to do. The presence of an armed Islamic movement in the occupied land will thwart these schemes and expose those who propose them, laying them bare before their own people.
- Since the emerging of the Zionist idea and the establishment of “Israel,” its foundation has mainly been based on the idea of Jewish migration to Palestine. The stronger and more stable the state of “Israel” becomes, the higher the rate of this migration and the more significant the employment of global funds, especially Jewish funds. Therefore, the Islamic movement must not allow Jews to feel stability, as it will lead to a reduction in migration rates, if not even a reverse migration.
- The Islamic movement in the occupied land should focus on destroying the economic infrastructure of the Zionist entity, which supplies the Zionist war machine with the necessary funds and resources. Despite claims of American and Western support for the Jews, the Zionists still have a strong economic foundation. They dream of achieving self-sufficiency, and the high military expenditures make them dependent on the West. Through the effective destruction of industrial institutions and agricultural crops, we can weaken the Jewish state economically. Jews worship money, making the financial loss more critical to them than the loss of life.
- There is a type of jihad known as passive jihad, which takes place within the occupied land and is no less important than armed jihad. Passive jihad involves boycotting Zionist work and goods and refusing to pay taxes to the Jewish state.
- Like any occupied country in the world, the occupying authorities work to recruit collaborators in every sector of the colonized people. The Jews excel in this field and have become kings in intelligence work globally. Zionist intelligence agencies recruit agents at all levels to perform roles that are as dangerous as, if not more than, the roles of the “Israeli” army. For example, statements from Zionist leaders do not hesitate to claim that the best means to eliminate “terrorism,” according to them, is through good intelligence, meaning planting agents among the Palestinian people and infiltrating Palestinian armed resistance.
Source: Taken from the book: “Milestones On The Way To The Liberation Of Palestine.”Top of Form
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