The Orientalist "Bernard Lewis" says about the Ismaili esoteric movement that emerged in the middle of the second century Hijri: it is one of the most secretive and organized movements in Islamic history, and human history in general, and that Freemasonry has taken its secret organizations from it, having branched out from this movement.
The Orientalist "Bernard Lewis" says about the Ismaili Batiniyya movement that emerged in the mid-2nd century AH: it is one of the most secretive and organized movements in Islamic history specifically, and human history in general. He also states that Freemasonry derived its secret organizations from it. This movement later branched out into the Fatimid state (297 AH), the Qarmatian movement, and the Assassins movement in the 5th century AH, which bewildered the Islamic world and the East with assassinations in the name of religion.
Serious historical studies later demonstrated that the Ismaili esoteric movement has Persian Zoroastrian roots, and that it dedicated itself to undermining Islam through various intellectual and military means! In the name of Islam, and with plans of extreme precision, malice, and intelligence.
The Qarmatian movement is the military wing of the Ismaili esoteric, and it adopted flashy religious slogans to pass through the filthiest of plans aimed at restoring the glory of ancient Persian religions such as Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and Mazdakism. The destruction of the pillar of pilgrimage, which brings Muslims together in one place and at one time, was one of the main goals they sought to destroy; thus, pilgrimage caravans became a central target for them, and desecrating the Kaaba and stripping it of its sanctity were among the most important objectives they pursued.
Deception and fraud were the most prominent characteristics of this movement. The leader of this movement was Hamdan bin al-Ash'ath, nicknamed "Qarmat." He was the chief preacher and head of the movement, pretending to be a farmer, weaving palm leaves, eating from his own earnings, and frequently praying. He and his followers, who received their instructions from "Taleqan" in Persia, managed to attract the poor classes and peasants under the pretext of establishing a state of divine justice, under a black banner on which was written. ( And We wanted to bestow a favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them the inheritors) (5) (Al-Qasas ) Under the banner of restoring rights to their rightful owners and calling for the imams from the family of the Prophet, descended from Ismail ibn Ja'far al-Sadiq (d. 138 AH), the Qaramita wreaked havoc on the earth. They pillaged and killed pilgrims, and seized taxes and fifths from their followers, under the pretense that everyone in this state had no need for the existing wealth, as the entire world would belong to them. Every Fatimid imam they referred to was seen as a model of the awaited Mahdi, who would fill the earth with justice and prosperity after it had been filled with oppression and tyranny. Even children under the age of twelve were exploited in the most heinous acts and were referred to as The Gnostics.
Al-Hallaj (d. 309 AH) was the most famous advocate of the Qarmatians under the guise of pantheistic Sufism, and he was executed due to confirmed charges against him. Strangely, they would reclaim Islamic titles and apply them to themselves, calling themselves "the believers victorious by God," despite all sources confirming their promiscuity and permissiveness regarding women. They had a night every year known as the Night of "Love and Affection," during which men and women would mingle. After extinguishing the lights, each would satiate their desires with whatever they could find, which is something all historical sources discussing them agree upon. Some remnants of this movement still practice these rituals, such as the Nusayris in Syria!
In the year 317 AH, on the Day of Tarwiyah (the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah), they entered the Kaaba, unleashed the sword upon its people, killed everyone in the sacred sanctuary, stole the precious items of the Kaaba, broke the Black Stone and transported it to their capital, Hajr. They filled the Zamzam well with corpses and mocked the Muslims, saying to them: "If this house were safe, its Lord would have protected it." They accused the Muslims of worshipping the Black Stone, claiming that they were polytheists and that they had come to rescue them from idol worship! Their leader, Abu Tahir al-Jannabi, went out reciting: "If this house belonged to our Lord, He would pour fire down upon us."
He mocks the living and says: Where are the flocks of birds? Where are the stones of baked clay?
The Dutch orientalist "De Goeje" says about the invasion of the Kaaba that it is the greatest calamity in the history of Muslims, which they continued to speak of with deep sorrow.
These tricks have deceived the naïve and the foolish, and they were participated in by thieves and murderers, with evil minds behind them managing matters with tremendous intelligence and cunning. Therefore, when Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Hasan al-Yamani entered the Ismaili Batiniyya call in the middle of the fifth century of the Hijra,
In his famous book "The Call for the Family of Muhammad," he wrote after discovering their truth that these people do nothing but destroy religion in the name of religion, and that their distant goal is to restore the ancient Magian glory. Later, Al- Jannabi wanted to appoint a young Persian named Al-Osahani as the "Promised Mahdi," but his attempt failed. There is no doubt regarding the connection of the Qarmatians to the Ismaili Fatimid roots; when they returned the Black Stone after 22 years of its theft, they said: "We took it by command, and we will only return it by command."
In these days that we live in with unfortunate gloom, what is known as the "Islamic State Organization" (ISIS) emerged unexpectedly, engaging in practices that require no elaboration regarding terrorism and crimes, all under the false and deceptive banner of the Messenger of God.
The intelligent observer of events and their developments fully understands that the choice of name gives an unmistakable impression: that the practices of a state that adopts Islam as a thought and methodology, as the Qarmatians claimed, are murder, terrorism, destruction, beheading, and using children in killing, just as the Qarmatians did. The Hollywood-style portrayal of public floggings, beheadings, and burning people in cages is repugnant and unparalleled. Times have changed, scenarios have shifted, and various directing methods have emerged. Those who claim to be Salafists and jihadist Salafists stand on the same threshold as the Ismaili Shiites in terms of destroying religion in the name of religion, despite their claims of being against Shiism and Shia beliefs.
And if history has revealed the hidden plan that was orchestrated from Taleqan in Persia, and those who stood behind the Ismailis and all the esoteric movements, it will one day reveal the dirty schemes that planted this organization in the lands of the Muslims, with fools and idiots chasing after them, and those who believe that the law of God is implemented under a banner that they wave everywhere, on every occasion and without occasion, to deceive people.
They demolished mosques in the name of religion, and everything they did was in the name of Islam, only to present us finally with the return of the "Mahdi," who will cross the Mediterranean Sea to conquer Rome, forgetting that the so-called Mahdi will appear in the Levant according to their belief. They do not tell us how they will cross the Mediterranean Sea to Rome with their Mahdi, nor do they mention the number of planes, ships, and submarines they need for that. The landing in Normandy in 1944 for the liberation of France and the advance to Berlin seems like a child's game compared to their alleged play, making their ideas the subject of ridicule and mockery, and showing that the script prepared for them has begun to take on absurd and worn-out dimensions.
To stop this absurd and repulsive play, and for its directors to reflect on themselves, for Islam will not be destroyed nor weakened in the face of the hidden forces that manipulate "ISIS" and others. Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, has preserved it with the preservation of His Book. (It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.) (9) (Al-Hijr) And sufficient is Allah as a witness and supporter; Islam is preserved in the Qur'an and in the hearts of Muslims through its tolerance and nobility.
The emergence of "ISIS," what is known as "Ansar Allah" in Yemen, the alignment of "Hezbollah" in Lebanon, and the rise of the Persian "Cyrus" complex in Tehran under the guise of an Islamic revolution reminiscent of the revolution of their Qarmatians ancestors, have all coincided with the signs of the "Arab Spring," which appeared in a moderate Islamic form that was uncontroversial. This was rejected by the corrupt Arab regimes in coordination with the world's leading democracy sponsor, leading to these dark days.
The scenarios have changed, but they all only serve the interest of the survival of "Israel." Islam has not and will not change, and the game will begin to unfold.