Hollywood Zionist Roots and Propaganda


Many overlook the pivotal role art plays in shaping the consciousness of nations, perceiving it merely as a form of entertainment and not paying attention to the inputs and influences it carries. This superficial view entirely ignores the fact that art, and cinema in particular, has become one of the most dangerous soft power weapons used by our enemies with cunning and skill to impose their cultural and political agendas and distort our image in front of ourselves and the entire world.

For decades, our enemies have understood that the camera can be stronger than the cannon and that a seemingly fleeting cinematic scene can plant ideas in minds that last for generations. Therefore, they did not hesitate to direct the tools of art to serve their colonial and Zionist interests. The result was that our societies were portrayed to the world in the ugliest forms, while our children lived as captives to false narratives instilled in them through cinema screens.

What we see today of confusion in identity and loss of self-confidence among many of our youth is nothing but the fruit of this cultural and artistic targeting that was used cleverly to make them renounce their identities and chase after an identity planted in them by those Western colonial systems.


Hollywood and Zionist Agendas

Hollywood is considered the largest film industry in the world, not only in terms of profits that reach hundreds of millions of dollars but also in terms of influence that has reached every corner of the entire world. However, this influence did not come out of nowhere. Hollywood was founded by European Jewish immigrants who exploited cinema as a means to serve their Zionist project by promoting Israeli propaganda since the early 20th century, claiming that their efforts were only to help them integrate into the societies they migrated to.

In one of the boldest stages of cinematic history, Jewish capital used its influence to make American cinema a propaganda machine. One of Hollywood's biggest producers, Barney Balaban, did not only provide artistic and financial support to Israel but used cinema as a political pressure platform to influence White House decisions, turning every movie star into an implicit or explicit supporter of the Zionist project.

A film like “Exodus” released in 1960 represented a dangerous turning point in the Zionist narrative, showing Israel as an ideal state that emerged from the womb of suffering while entirely omitting the Palestinian Nakba. It was as if the forced displacement and village destruction were not real practices constantly perpetuated by Israel against Palestinians. Paul Newman's portrayal of “Ari Ben Canaan” as a symbol of romantic heroic Zionism became an effective tool in shifting American and Western public opinion in favor of Israel.

At the same time, there were dozens of films that portrayed Palestinians and Arabs as terrorists or savages characterized by brutality and irrationality. For instance, the film “World War Z” depicted Palestinians as a global threat to civilization, where a virus threatens the world's life, and of course, Israel, the cradle of civilization and development, rushes to save the world from the virus and zombies! They build their separation wall, and the zombies try to climb and destroy Jerusalem, reflecting Israel's real-world apartheid wall isolating Palestinians from their lands!


Utilizing Stars and Artistic Influence

The Zionist influence did not stop at movies but also exploited major cinema stars to serve these agendas. Ingrid Bergman portrayed Golda Meir in the film “A Woman Called Golda,” depicting her as a symbol of wisdom and leadership, whereas historical reality attests to her atrocious crimes against Palestinians.

Jewish conductor Toby led orchestras accompanying numerous stars who worked to enhance Israel's image in international forums. The support extended to granting artists private planes and luxurious villas to hold promotional parties, as happened in the 1960s when Zionist organizations were provided with promotional supplies depicting Jews as saviors of ignorant Arabs.

The leaked documents from Sony in 2013, after attempts to hack it, revealed the close ties between Hollywood and Zionist institutions. These documents showed how executives worked to present Israel as a peaceful victim facing terrorism, while completely obscuring its crimes against Palestinians. These efforts aimed to improve Israel's global image, especially amid widespread criticism during its aggression on Gaza in 2014.


Silencing Opposing Voices

Hollywood is not a place that tolerates opposition to Israel, which it sponsors and provides with strong financial support. Any voice criticizing the occupation or supporting the Palestinian cause is quickly silenced and suppressed. Marlon Brando, for example, faced severe attacks and threats due to his bold statements against Zionist influence in Hollywood, later being forced to make a public apology. Similarly, actress Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem, who criticized Israeli aggression on Gaza, were naturally accused of anti-Semitism.

On the other hand, Israel exploited films to reinforce its narratives, producing numerous films that depicted the Holocaust and Jewish suffering from a deeply human perspective, evoking tears, such as “Schindler’s List,” which cemented the image of Jews as eternal victims in need of a “safe homeland.” Meanwhile, the Palestinian tragedy was entirely obliterated, leaving the Western viewer with a single biased narrative that Israel is the only hero and victim in the region.


Time for a Stand!

It is unfortunate that the Arab world still suffers from significant shortcomings in its media apparatus, which only spreads superficial and trivial content, attempting to emulate Hollywood and its ilk, with its shining light. We have become surrounded by works that undermine our identities, threaten our existence, and promote beliefs and ideas that have nothing to do with our identity and religion, both internally and externally. Despite some scattered attempts to confront these massive media machines, they were not enough to bring about real change. Therefore, the Arab and Islamic world must unite its efforts and stand together in utilizing media to serve its Ummah just as our enemies do.



  1. The Emergence of Zionist Cinema and Its Functions, Palestinian Information Center.
  2. Hollywood and Zionist Circles, Al Jazeera Observatory.
  3. Hollywood’s Jewish roots: From celluloid dreams to studio streams, efe.
  4. How does Hollywood help whitewash Israel’s ‘image problem’?, TRT.
  5. Hollywood and Israel, a love story: How the Jewish state met the silver screen, The Times of Israel.
  6. Has Hollywood Fallen Out of Love With Israel?, Foreign Policy.
  7. Hollywood and the Shift in Favor of Palestine, RT Arabic.