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There is no doubt that secularism is the system that has dominated the world and restricted or eliminated all other systems since the glow of Islamic civilization extinguished... the civilization of divine justice and freedom disciplined by the law of heaven.
Some excuse may be sought for the first European elites who resorted to secularism out of their despair of ignorant, tyrannical ecclesiastical authority, and corrupt feudal hereditary systems allied with it, but this is not a justification for choosing the destruction of their society.
Against Instinct (Fitrah)
European intellectual elites not only justified vice but also adorned and beautified it for their societies. It was better for them to search for the truth when it was proven to them with conclusive scientific evidence that many of their religious beliefs were corrupt, but they chose the easiest solution, which is to choose the antithesis of religion. Therefore, the words of the Lord, Glory be to Him were true in them: "Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah? Then will you not be reminded?" (Al-Jathiya: 23). As if the holy verse was revealed about them in particular. The West has taken its whim as its god, and for that, it has gone astray, while it thinks that this delusion is knowledge.
The secular view of marriage
Secularization has had a great impact on the roles played by traditional marriage, which has become unacceptable to secularism. It is now seen - in the secular context - as a contract of love, friendship and trust between two, which often leads to separation if the two partners fail to continue throughout the marriage.
It is noted here that secularism exploits the prohibition of divorce among the various Christian denominations in order to completely destroy the institution of the family and uproot it entirely from its roots.
It is also noted that the definitions of modern marriage do not talk about the marriage of a man and a woman, but rather call it “a contract of love, friendship and trust between two people”; Therefore, we have begun to hear about marriage contracts recognized even by some churches for a man to man, and a woman to a woman!
These are some of the negative and destructive means used by secularism to destroy the family:
1- Complete equality between men and women:
Secularism has succeeded in convincing some societies of the necessity of complete equality between men and women in everything. In politics, work, social life, and all rights.
This is a clash of both instinct and reality. (The male is not like the female) (Al-Imran: 36), and the capabilities of men are completely different from those of women. So, what happened to women after they swallowed the taste of complete equality? The marriage rate in the United States has fallen by about 60% over the past 50 years, because both men and women no longer see the need to marry. The benefits of marriage are diminishing, says sociologist at Johns Hopkins University, "Andrew Sherlin."
2- A woman’s work is more important than her home:
Western secularism has convinced women that they must work and consider their role in the family to be secondary, even unimportant, given that priority is given to their work outside the home.
We find that married and single women endure hardships and troubles and bear them willingly. She faces cold weather and traffic congestion, to work an eight-hour day job. So she endures work with its advantages and disadvantages, only to return at the end of the day tired to find her children in need of care, effort and food. This means that its responsibilities have doubled. She becomes tense because she feels that she is failing in her home. As for the work outside the home, she is forced to perform it efficiently, because the result is punishment if she falls short in her work.
As for the single woman, she is also obliged to work in order to meet the costs of living, including housing, transportation, food, and clothing.
3- Cheap sex:
In a recent book entitled “Cheap Sex,” Mark Regneros, the American sociologist, proves that marriage in America is declining alarmingly, and mentions an amazing statistic conducted in the United States of America:
In 2000 AD, 55% of adult men were married and 34% were single, while in 2015 AD 42% were married and 52% were single. In other words, marriage has shifted within 15 years from being a majority phenomenon to a minority one.
This also applies to the United Kingdom and Western Europe, and there is no reason, says Regneros, to think that the trend will change if marriage is not institutionalized in the West. What God Almighty brought together, the secularists destroyed.
Cheap sex attracts both men and women, especially after their ties to God Almighty and to what is permissible and forbidden are cut off. What compels a man to take charge of a family when he can unleash his energy more cheaply? And why do women have to make efforts for women at home and outside the home if they can satisfy their needs in inexpensive ways and forms?!
4- The state’s abandonment of its role in preserving the family:
Secularism tries to convince political systems that what happens in the bedroom is a very private matter that should not be interfered with under any circumstances, and this is incorrect and does not stand up to scientific rational discussion.
In 1970, Kate Millett wrote a pioneering book entitled “Sexual Politics,” in which she said: “Marriage and the family are the basis for personal and civil health, and this is one of the foundations of politics.” However, feminist movements fight this by developing a “separation of sex from the institution of marriage.” As its primary goal, and indeed, those policies in the West have led to an increase in divorce rates, a decrease in (traditional) marriage rates, an increase in cohabitation outside marriage, and same-sex marriage.
5- Redefining Marriage:
It is written on the United Nations website: “According to a major change in United Nations policy, in effect since June 26, 2014, the United Nations decided to recognize the marriage of any same-sex couple who marry in a country where same-sex marriage is legal.” This is a dangerous statement and blatant interference in favour of Abnormal relationships, and a demolition pick is added to other demolition picks that target the family.
6- Devaluing children:
In the United States and most Western countries, abortion has been accepted without restrictions as a human right, same-sex marriage has been imposed, and even penalties have been imposed on those who object to this absurdity, and it is not hidden from anyone who understands what this means.
A 2021 study by the Child Welfare Services Association (CCSA) found that 1.3 million infants, toddlers, and preschoolers experience homelessness each year, due to family breakdown. And what can the state do for children, even if it is as powerful and rich as the United States if they are abandoned by their parents?
Compare this with the five necessities of Islamic law, namely: preserving religion, life, offspring, money, and reason.
In conclusion, secularism, imposed on the world today by force, is a system that destroys the family and society. It destroyed religion and the family in the countries of the West, and now it is working to destroy what remains of religion and family cohesion around the world, especially in Muslim countries that still defy them and defy their plans.