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Children are often likened to blooming flowers, each one bearing different colors, unique scents, and secrets waiting to be discovered. However, for some, the blooming season passes by without anyone noticing the radiance of their colors or the depth of their fragrances.
Amid the pressures of life, many parents miss a precious opportunity to discover their children's talents and inclinations during their early years. This deprives society of promising energies that could have contributed to its advancement.
Parental recognition of their children's talents from a young age and enabling them to nurture these talents can produce distinguished individuals capable of making a significant impact on society. However, several factors might hinder this, ranging from the busyness of life to traditional views on education.
Gifted children tend to ask a lot of questions as if opening a door to explore everything.
For example, in the life of scientist Thomas Edison, his mother noticed his passion for scientific experiments and encouraged him to develop it, despite the school's inability to understand his different learning style. As a result of this support, Edison became one of the world's most prominent inventors, akin to a lamp his mother lit for his life and humanity.
The story of Albert Einstein also highlights the role of parents. Despite his communication difficulties, his parents supported him and provided a stimulating environment for innovation, resulting in his immense scientific contributions.
Such examples demonstrate the importance of parents in discovering their children's talents and how this early support can make a significant difference in their lives and society.
The characteristics of gifted children manifest at home in various ways, which parents should pay attention to. One of the most notable traits is high curiosity; a gifted child tends to ask numerous questions about the world around them, as if opening door after door to explore everything. They also possess intense focus when engaged in activities they enjoy, such as drawing or solving puzzles, making the world seem like a spotlight on these enjoyable moments.
A gifted child also stands out for their ability to solve problems creatively and their keen attention to details others might overlook. These traits are windows through which parents can identify their children's talents and genuine interests, guiding them toward constructive paths.
Raising and guiding gifted children towards what benefits the Islamic Ummah is a significant responsibility for Muslim families.
Despite the clarity of these traits at times, several factors make parents miss the chance to discover their children's talents. These include work pressures and daily life distractions, which may divert their attention from noticing subtle details in their child's behavior. Additionally, some parents have a traditional view of education, considering school sufficient to determine their child's path, whereas discovering talent requires extra effort and personal follow-up at home.
There is also a lack of awareness about how to identify talent, as not everyone has full knowledge of how to support gifted children or recognize their interests from an early age. Sometimes, parents might wish to impose their personal ambitions on the child, which can conflict with the child's genuine inclinations.
In a Muslim family, raising gifted children and guiding them towards what benefits the Islamic Ummah is a significant responsibility. Islam considers the family the basic unit in building generations. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock,” reflecting the necessity of comprehensive care for children, including discovering their talents and guiding them towards beneficial and fruitful fields. The Muslim family can be the primary supporter of their gifted children by promoting values of diligence and creativity and using talent to serve the community.
It is beneficial to guide children to participate in activities and training courses that may enhance their skills.
To enable the family to play this role fully, there are several helpful factors parents can follow to discover and develop their children's talents. One of the most important is closely observing the child's behavior and noticing the activities they naturally lean towards. Parents can also continuously provide support and encouragement, especially when it comes to activities the child loves, as encouragement breeds confidence and stimulates creativity.
It is also beneficial to guide children to participate in activities and training courses that may enhance their skills and take advantage of programs supporting gifted children in schools or community institutions. Additionally, parents should seek continuous learning about how to discover and develop talent through available books and resources, which provide them with the necessary tools to offer appropriate support to their children.
Moreover, parents can adopt interactive activities at home, such as daily “creativity hour” sessions, where they allocate daily time for children to engage in activities they love, whether it's drawing, crafts, or even simple scientific experiments. Another idea is the curiosity box, where parents prepare a box containing various tools like books, puzzles, drawing tools, and experiments, allowing the child the freedom to explore it. Parents can also take children to museums and scientific exhibitions, exposing them to new fields and potentially discovering hidden interests.
Discovering talents at an early age is a step towards preparing a generation of creative and distinguished individuals.
Finally, they can regularly sit with their children, discuss their interests, listen to their ideas, and encourage them to express them clearly. Open communication can highlight their true talents. Additionally, parents can encourage children to build and assemble models and educational toys that develop their cognitive and motor skills.
In conclusion, discovering talents at an early age is a crucial step toward preparing a generation of creative and distinguished individuals who can effectively contribute to their communities and the Islamic Ummah. Since talent is a divine blessing, parents' role is to nurture and refine it, enabling the child to benefit from it and direct it towards goodness and benefit.